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Traffic safety knows knowledge folk song 1, " each travel its path " rely on right travel, keep to the side to go, traffic law wants to abide by. The bicycle, the car, each its path order is good, smooth smooth An An is the most important.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 2, " cross a street " cross a street, right-and-left look, everybody should walk along pedestrian crosswalk. If highway does not have zebra crossing, executive passageway fights noisely by accident. Be far from a car to run not suddenly, rapid current security is good.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 3, " policeman uncle is the cheesiest " correct Xian Jingli of violate the rules and regulations, direct car extends an arm, blow rain he is not afraid of, policeman uncle is the cheesiest.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 4, " cross a street " cross a street, the left and right sides looks, the keep to the side when the car comes stands, the pedestrian should walk along footpath, driver uncle car leaves slow.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 5, " protect guide banner " protect guide banner, protect restful, rank pass by is lifted in front, come if the car passes forcibly, constabulary uncle will censure.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 6, " traffic light " traffic light, resemble an eye, green come to red, you let red-eyed glare you stop, green soon you let you go, if your otherwise is obedient, constabulary uncle will criticize.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 7, " Xiaohuang cap " Xiaohuang cap, huang Youhuang, classes are over on Dai Tou coming home, driver uncle wants to notice, pass by safety is counted the first.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 8, " classes are over come home " classes are over come home not confused, amuse oneself is not in the center of the road, it is the most dangerous that angle fights noisely, contact car is much more insecure.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 9, " traffic safety is really important " traffic safety is really important, person the people's livelihood does not leave alive. Safeguard safety has measure, highway code should be written down prison. The Che Chao on big driveway emerges, constabulary commander should be subject to. Red green Huang Deng is a command, mark graticule should look clear.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 10, " notice transportation is safe " traffic safety is very important, traffic regulation wants rarely to write down; as a child nurturance good convention, do not play game on the road. Walk should walk along footpath, go to without trade right lean. Crossover tunnel runs amuck, cross driveway does not leave. One slow 2 look 3 through, not be grabbed with car. Cycle to should defend regulation more, cannot impatient enter red light; to turn speed is decelerated surely, grab a fierce abduct to brew traffic accident. The safety that take a car wants to notice, abide by order to want hand of; queueing up, head cannot window of dispatch a vehicle, help tight grip up to not forget.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 11, " I am a small policeman " I am a small policeman, follow an uncle to provide communication, red light shines lift Huang Qi, green light shines with respect to discharged.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 12, " I persuade father not to drink " father is a motor hand, I persuade father not to drink, drive wear safety helmet, family happiness is the most reliable.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 13, " safe travel " although the highroad is wide go at the same time, highway code writes down a heart. Traffic accident endangers fierce Yu Hu, day of life safety overweight.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 14, " safe travel " day of the highroad day goes at the same time, highway code writes down a heart. Traffic accident endangers fierce Yu Hu, day of life safety overweight.

Ballad of traffic safety knowledge 15, " traffic safety poetry " abide by hand in compasses, deposit safety, the heart is not had hand in compasses, the road has twist. Come into unavoidable confrontation, let word facing one, comity comity, person car ins good health. Overspeed of violate the rules and regulations, the crisis 4 bend over, violate the rules and regulations is overweighted, the loss outweights the gain. Wine hind drives, take life gamble, traffic accident, lifetime anguish. Punish violate the rules and regulations, ruthless, abide by hand in compasses, care life. Be prepared for danger in times of safety, precautions averts perils, life, restful lifetime.
