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: 法宝封印跟你封印宠物的等级,成长,亲密,点化,幻化,羽化,都有关,越高越好,变异或神兽更好。









《问道》法宝封印有套路 技术贴带你进阶













1. 准备封印材料:根据法宝的属性和特性,准备相应的封印材料,如符咒、香火、法器等。

2. 祈求保护:在封印前,先祈求神灵或法力的保护,保障自己的安全。

3. 准备法阵:根据法宝的属性和特性,准备相应的法阵,用来封印法宝。

4. 培养灵力:在进行封印前,需要通过冥想、打坐等方式培养自身的灵力,以便更好地控制法宝。

5. 封印法宝:在准备好封印材料、法阵和灵力后,开始对法宝进行封印。具体的封印方法因法宝而异,可以通过念咒、手印、符咒等方式进行封印。

6. 确认封印成功:封印完成后,需要确认法宝已经被成功封印,并且不能再被解除封印。










宝宝是否是神兽 变异 元灵 点化 武学 资质成长 是否飞升 宝宝亲密 可以说宝宝的所有都有关系.


One, can the pet that asks pet seal a magic weapon seal still attend a war?

The talk is friendly hello, it is OK remove pet seal, let pet attend a war next.

1, a magic weapon in uncanny workmanship in have relevant operation, the need when solution is sealed spends 3 seal rock;

2, remove a magic weapon after seal is all seal attribute will be kept clear of;

3, remove meeting superlative puts in the pet after seal 's charge to lap to the player in (won't drop close density, the except) that a magic weapon has done business during. Wish game is happy!

2, how to ask to give pet seal a magic weapon?

In game " ask " in, be like next measure to pet seal a magic weapon: 1. You want pitch on the pet of seal a magic weapon, in opening part interface " pet " column, enter the detailed information page of this pet.

2. is found in the detailed information page of pet " a magic weapon " column, click on the right side of " seal equips " pushbutton.

3. is being played those who go out " seal a magic weapon " in the window, the choice needs a magic weapon of seal, click " seal " pushbutton can finish seal.

In game " ask " in, giving pet seal a magic weapon can be operated.

The operation that pet seal gives a magic weapon in game is very simple, need only according to how-to undertake can.

In game, a magic weapon can bring addition of a lot of attribute and skill result for pet, give pet seal a magic weapon the OK and effective fighting capacity that promotes pet.

3, how does a magic weapon that asks pet the seal on the body remove?

Remove the need of seal a magic weapon on pet body decides according to particular case. You can consider the following kinds of methods:

Seek professional help: If you are sealed to solution of a magic weapon doubtful perhaps without experience how to operate surely, the rabbi that suggests you search to have experience, Taoism priest or the professional personage such as charm division will help you. They have solution to seal the skill of a magic weapon and knowledge normally, can provide effective help for you.

Study property of a magic weapon: The property that knows a magic weapon and characteristic are to remove of seal important one pace. You can consult the expert that relevant book, data perhaps consults relevant domain, the effect that knows a magic weapon, use method and possible seal way. Conduce to you finding the clew that solution seals and method so.

Use specific magic arts or abracadabra: The seal of some a magic weapons can pass specific magic arts or abracadabra removes. You can seek advice from the personage that is good at magic arts or abracadabra, seek their help. Remember, using magic arts or want when abracadabra scrupulous, ensure oneself possess adequate knowledge and skill.

Search solution to seal clew: Occasionally solution seals a magic weapon to need finds specific clue or strike hair requirement. You can pass investigation, exploration or the person communication that with its he has experience, seek the clue that solution seals. This may need a few time and patience, but once find clue, solution is sealed can become more easy.

4, ask a magic weapon seal?

Below same condition, that seal with close million goes in, harm will be taller, because seal of a magic weapon is according to pet name suffixal, fierce learns, close, the element such as grade comes absolutely, 155 class disgrace receives my seal, 1700W fierce learns, 950 thousand close, can give bottle child add the harm of 4800, but if change cruel cruel dragon,come seal, harm even if 3000, closing because of disgrace is divine animal, cruel cruel dragon is mutation

5, ask a magic weapon how seal? Skill of flow of seal of a magic weapon?

Ask a magic weapon seal has the following 6 measure:

1, open above all " ask " game, click top left corner " uncanny workmanship " , if plan institute is shown.

2, click next " a magic weapon " , if plan institute is shown.

3, click next " seal of a magic weapon " , if plan institute is shown.

4, put next " a magic weapon " , if plan institute is shown.

5, choose what to need seal next " pet " , if plan institute is shown.

6, click seal finally can, "Seal is numeric " learn with the grade of pet, fierce, close, suffixal about, if plan institute is shown.

But will magical animal, mutation, yuan spirit join seal recipe. The pet after seal will have special number in clew of in suspension of a magic weapon, show have " guardianship animal " . If the photograph sex of pet of seal of a magic weapon in the battle is overcome with photograph of sex of photograph of the pet in seal of a magic weapon of the other side, photograph sex exercises restraint each other for the pet that not have. Can automatic when skill call guards animal assist in fighting, to this bout attack harm increases. If be restrained, harm decrease.

6, ask a magic weapon seal and pet are concerned intimately?

: Seal of a magic weapon follows the social estate of your seal pet, grow, close, the dot is changed, unreal is changed, emergence, concern, had jumped over higher, mutation or divine animal are better.

7, ask seal of a magic weapon formula?

Systematic overview

But will magical animal, mutation, yuan spirit join seal recipe, the growth of pet is taller, the property that seal gives is better. The pet after seal will have special number in clew of in suspension of a magic weapon, show have " guardianship animal " . Abound the sort of dark attribute, optimize the condition of dark attribute become effective, make its more simple easy play effect, join the relation map of mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements of the five elements, the result is produced in the battle.

Seal flow

1, open uncanny workmanship interface, choose function of seal of a magic weapon

2, will not a magic weapon that seal crosses, stone of a pet, seal is placed in corresponding column, click refine to change pushbutton can.

3, can be in to bind calm state by the pet of seal, need abides by game acquiesce to bind calm infection regulation to undertake corresponding infection.

A, in participating in seal process, should have random only each body is in in binding phasing to close position, all can affect final result.

" ask " seal of a magic weapon has the technology that cover a region to stick take you to enter rank

Seal effect

1, a kind of any pet will produce seal at least 4 attribute, at most 7, differ according to pet type undertake distinguishing.

2, one is added before name of a magic weapon after seal is successful " " icon, express already by seal;

3, a magic weapon after seal, there is odds call to give the empty vague impression of an eccentric person in the battle.

Solution seals flow

1, open uncanny workmanship interface, the choice removes seal function

2, the column that buy is in a magic weapon that will possess seal property and two seal Shi Fang to answer relatively, click refine to change remove seal effect, pet returns player body to go up

Have in A, referred article and a magic weapon be in add a lock or admit advocate condition, cannot remove seal;

The B, pet that will be sealed to come out by solution carries what grade does not accord with this player to carry social estate, cannot remove seal;

C, be like prop to be valuable and be acceded because of pet valuable attribute, remove this prop is not successive after seal the valuable attribute of pet, pet still has valuable attribute restriction.

8, ask a magic weapon how seal?

Hello, the method of seal a magic weapon because of different a magic weapon different, but the method of general seal a magic weapon includes the following measure:

1.Prepare seal data: According to the attribute of a magic weapon and character, prepare relevant seal data, wait like charm, burning incense, musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass.

2.Invocatory protection: Before seal, petition first the protection of deities or supernatural power, ensure oneself safety.

3.Prepare a way blast: According to the attribute of a magic weapon and character, the law with relevant preparation blast, use seal a magic weapon.

4.Develop effective power: Before having seal, need develops the effective power of oneself through the means such as contemplative, sit in meditation, so that control a magic weapon better.

5.Seal a magic weapon: In prepare seal material, way blast with effective power hind, begin to have seal to a magic weapon. Specific seal means because of a magic weapon different, can have seal through the means such as execration, fingerprint, charm.

6.Affirm seal is successful: After seal is finished, need affirms a magic weapon has been succeeded seal, and cannot be removed again seal.

9, ask a magic weapon how seal?

Hello, want seal path a magic weapon, need the following measure:

1. understands the property of a magic weapon and ability: Before seal path a magic weapon, must understand its ability and nature first, in order to determine the most effective seal method.

2. chooses appropriate seal method: The method of seal path a magic weapon has a lot of kinds, use charm, musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass, spirit for instance blast etc. According to the ability of the character of path a magic weapon and individual, choose the most appropriate seal method.

3. prepares necessary data and prop: Seal path a magic weapon needs a few necessary data and stage property, for instance charm paper, musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass, clever medicine is waited a moment. Ensure the quality of these material and prop and measure are adequate.

Magic arts of seal of 4. put to good use: Magic arts of seal of put to good use needs excellent skill and experience, must accurate without by accident operation. Should undertake in safe place, lest produce an accident.

5. confirms seal result: After seal is finished, should affirm path a magic weapon has been succeeded seal. Can decide the effect of seal through the method such as induction, observation.

Those who need an attention is, seal path a magic weapon is a breakneck task, if the operation is undeserved,perhaps do not have enough actual strength and experience, may cause serious consequence. Accordingly, should treat carefully, can seek a master worker when necessary the help of professional perhaps personage.

10, what concerns the skill seal that asks a magic weapon and pet?

Whether is darling divine animal mutation yuan sharp drop changes fierce to learn aptitude to grow to whether fly those who rise darling to be able to say darling intimately is all relative.
