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著名翻译家及其作品不完全名单:      英语       林纾 《巴黎茶花女遗事》《鲁宾孙漂流记》《伊索寓言》等    严复 《天演论》    周瘦娟等 《福尔摩斯探案全集》1916年    郭沫若 《浮士德》,《少年维特之烦恼》,《战争与和平》,《雪莱诗选》,马克思著作若干。    张谷若 哈代《德伯家的苔丝》,《还乡》,《无名的裘德》,哈代翻译专家    朱生豪 莎士比亚作品    张友松 马克吐温翻译专家,比如《竞选州长》    查良铮 俄国普希金作品,英国浪漫派诗歌:《济慈诗选》《拜伦抒情诗选》《雪莱抒情诗选》《唐璜》等    赵萝 蕤(女) 《草叶集》,艾略特《荒原》    朱维之 主要翻译弥尔顿。弥尔顿《失乐园》,《复乐园》,《力士参孙》    萧乾 《莎士比亚戏剧故事集》,夫妻合译《尤利西斯》(译文版),辛克莱《屠宰场》(合译),《弃儿汤姆琼斯的历史》(合译),《光荣与梦想》,《麦克米伦回忆录》,《拿破仑传》,《战争风云》(皆为合译)易卜生《培尔金特》    金堤《尤利西斯》(人民文学版1994)      《尤利西斯》译者还有:李虹,李进,纪江红,章影光,刘象愚等       李文俊 福克纳《喧哗与骚动》(首译),卡夫卡《审判 及其它小说》,麦卡勒斯《伤心咖啡馆之歌》    王佐良 《英国诗文选译集》,《彭斯诗选》,《苏格兰诗选》。主编《英国文学名篇选注》等    袁可嘉 《英国宪章派诗选》,《叶芝抒情诗精选》,《布莱克诗选》。主编《外国现代派作品选》    汤永宽 卡夫卡《城堡》,泰戈尔《游思集》,《采果集》,海明威《永别了武器》    杨德豫 《朗费罗诗选》,《柯尔律治代表作三首》,《湖畔诗魂——华兹华斯诗选》,《拜伦抒情诗七十首》    江枫 《雪莱诗选》    冯亦代 《美国短篇小说集》(合译),斯坦贝克《人鼠之间》,    黄雨时 狄更斯《奥列弗退斯特》,康拉德《黑暗深处》,乔伊斯《青年艺术家画像》等    陈良廷 《乱世佳人》,《教父》,刘易斯《纳尼亚》系列,《曼斯菲尔德短篇小说选》,劳伦斯《儿子与情人》等    卞之琳 《西窗集》,《英国诗选》,《莎士比亚悲剧四种》,《莎士比亚抒情诗选》    方平 《莎士比亚喜剧五种》,莎士比亚悲剧多种,《呼啸山庄》,主编《新莎士比亚全集》    屠岸 《莎士比亚十四行诗集》 ,《济慈诗选》    目前中国《莎士比亚全集》有朱生豪,梁实秋,方平三种。       林疑今 《永别了武器》       杨必 《名利场》      法语         苏曼殊 雨果《惨世界》即《悲惨世界》   赵少侯 莫里哀《悭吝人》《伪君子》等,莫泊桑主要名篇,都德《最后一课》《柏林之围》,《法朗士短篇小说集》   许渊冲 《包法利夫人》,《红与黑》,《埃及艳后》,《追忆似水年华》第三部等   罗新璋 《红与黑》等      《红与黑》共有20多个译本    罗玉君(女),黎烈文,郭宏安,许渊冲,罗新璋,郝运(据信80s末最好译本),闻家驷等      傅雷 巴尔扎克作品《葛朗台》《高老头》等,《约翰克里斯托弗》,《贝多芬传》等   方重 乔叟翻译大家   萧三 《国际歌》   李建吾 戏剧翻译莫里哀作品为主,《包法利夫人》      王道乾 杜拉斯作品《情人》《琴声如诉》《广场》《物质生活》《杜拉斯访谈录》《洛瓦斯泰因的迷狂》,普鲁斯特《驳圣伯夫》司汤达《拉辛与莎士比亚》等   罗大冈 罗曼罗兰《母与子》,孟德斯鸠《波斯人信札》   鲍文慰 拉伯雷《巨人传》   李青崖 首个白话翻译莫泊桑作品,福楼拜《包法利夫人》,大仲马《三个火枪手》      《三个火枪手》译者还有周克希(译名作《三剑客》),伍光建(译名作《侠隐记》)等    莫泊桑《俊友》译者有:李青崖,何敬(译名作《漂亮的朋友》),王振孙(译名作《漂亮朋友》)         德语      张威廉 德国文学翻译名家,包括小说,童话,文论,诗歌等   钱春绮 德国诗歌翻译名家,包括歌德诗歌,席勒诗歌,尼采诗歌,《尼伯龙根指环》,《恶之花》,黑塞诗歌等,《浮士德》流传最广   杨武能 《浮士德》,《少年维特之烦恼》,《格林童话全集》,托马斯曼《魔山》,《里克尔抒情诗》   绿原 《浮士德》,《里尔克诗选》,米沃什《拆散的笔记簿》等   《浮士德》的翻译者有:郭沫若,周学普,顾寿昌,梁宗岱,绿原,杨武能,董问樵,钱春绮等,十余个译本   傅唯慈 托马斯曼《布登波洛克一家》,毛姆《月亮和六便士》,《1984,动物庄园》,《基督最后的诱惑》(合译),卢森堡《狱中书简》   高中甫 《莱辛寓言》,《茨威格小说选》,《少年维特之烦恼》等   冯至 海涅作品《德国,一个冬天的童话》,里尔克作品      德语翻译家还有:叶廷芳,张玉书,韩世钟等      俄语       瞿秋白 高尔基《海燕》,其它俄国作家作品    冯春 十卷本《普希金文集》,屠格涅夫《猎人笔记》,99年获得俄国政府普希金奖章。    草婴 列夫托尔斯泰全部小说,包括《战争与和平》,《安娜卡列尼娜》,《复活》,出版有《托尔斯泰小说全集》(上海文艺),肖洛霍夫全集等    顾蕴璞 《叶赛宁诗选》等    陆蠡 《罗亭》    飞白 俄国诗歌翻译,包括《马雅可夫斯基诗选》等    徐磊然 法捷耶夫《毁灭》,普希金《上尉的女儿》,屠格涅夫《父与子》《罗亭》,《贵族之家》,多为人民文学出版    力冈 《安娜卡列尼娜》,《复活》,《静静的顿河》       梅益 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,《西行漫记》(后来有董乐山)       巴金 赫尔岑《往事与随想》,屠格涅夫《父与子》《木木》    汝龙 建国后契诃夫作品主要翻译者。其他包括《复活》《罪与罚》等    满涛 果戈理《果戈理小说戏剧选》、别林斯基作品主要译者,契诃夫《樱桃园》    韦从芜 陀思妥耶夫斯基全部作品(但多从英文直译)    余振 普希金、莱蒙托夫、马雅可夫斯基作品    焦菊隐 契诃夫戏剧作品多种    戈宝权 普希金、马雅可夫斯基诗歌,是普希金诗歌翻译的集大成者    孙用 普希金《上尉的女儿》    黄裳 《猎人笔记》    朱雯 《苦难的历程》    金人 《静静的顿河》            意大利西班牙希腊语等          但丁《神曲》翻译者:钱稻孙(片段),王维克(第一部完整汉译),朱维基(英文转译),田德望(最全面)等   吕同六:邓南遮:现当代意大利文学的主要翻译者   王央乐:西班牙语翻译家,主要有《博尔赫斯短篇小说集》,聂鲁达《诗歌总集》   赵德明 《百年孤独》,《马尔克斯中短篇小说选》等拉美西班牙作品   李俍民 乔万尼奥尼《斯巴达克斯》   陈中梅 埃斯库罗斯悲剧,荷马史诗   罗念生 古希腊戏剧多部,亚里士多德《诗学》,《荷马史诗》,《伊索寓言》等   荷马史诗的译者包括:杨宪益,罗念生和王焕生,陈中梅,傅东华等   叶君健 安徒生童话      安徒生童话译者:叶君健,林桦      杨绛:《堂吉诃德》(直译)    杨译之前,《堂》皆为英法转译,杨后,《堂吉诃德》1990s出现更多译本,其中董燕生,孙家孟等为佳      杨周翰 贺拉斯《诗艺》   杨宪益 《奥德修纪》,维吉尔《牧歌》            日语         周作人 《伊索寓言》,《枕草子》,《平家物语》,《希腊神话故事》等   丰子恺 《源氏物语》   叶渭渠:小林多喜二主要作品,川端康成《雪国》等主要作品,日本文学在中国主要推介者   唐月梅:川端《古都》,三岛由纪夫《春雪》等主要作品,   林少华 村上春树作品   林林 日本俳句翻译   娄适夷 芥川龙之介小说,最早翻译井上靖小说   申非 继周作人后翻译《日本狂言选》,与周合作《平家物语》等         印度文学         季羡林 金克木            其它      纳训 《一千零一夜》    其它译本还有:李唯中,王瑞琴,葛铁鹰、周烈等   韩少功 《生命中不能承受之轻


Famous interpreter home and its work are not complete list: Lin Shu of English     " Parisian camellia female incidents of past ages " " Lu Bin grandson is written down adrift " " Aesop's Fables " Yan Fu waiting for   " the weather plays talk "   Zhou Shoujuan " blessing Er rub this explore case complete works " 1916   Guo, " the annoyance with teenager particular dimension " , " war and peace " , " snow Lai anthology " , marx composing a certain number of. If Zhang Gu breaths out era " liver mosses silk of De Baijia " , " return to native place " , " anonymous Jude " , mark twain of Zhang Yousong of   of work of Shakespeare of Zhu Shenghao of   of expert of the interpreter that breath out era translates an expert, for instance " enter into an election contest bey " work of Pu Xijin of Russia of   Cha Liangzheng, british romance sends poetry: " aid kind anthology " " Bai Lunshu affection anthology " " Xuelai is lyric anthology " " Tang Huang " Zhao Luorui waiting for   (female) " grass-blade collect " , ai Lue is special " wasteland " the Er of main interpreter cover of   Zhu Wei pauses. Cover Er pauses " break Eden " , " answer Eden " , " force person is joined grandson "   Xiao Qian " Shakespeare is Thespian story collect " , husband and wife adds up to interpret " Youlixisi " (translation edition) , xin Kelai " shambles " (add up to interpret) , " foundling soup Mu Jones' history " (add up to interpret) , " glory and dream " , " wheat overcomes Mi Lun memoir " , " Napoleon is passed " , " warlike wind and cloud-a stormy or unstable situation " (all be add up to interpret) Yi Bosheng " the gold that earth up Er is special "   Jin Di " Youlixisi " (people literature edition 1994)       " Youlixisi: Li Hong, li Jin, ji Jianggong, zhang Yingguang, the Faulkner of     Li Wenjun such as Liu Xiangyu " roaring with disturbance " (head interpret) , kafuka " adjudgement and other novel " , maikalesi " the song of sad cafe "   Wang Zunliang " collect of interpret of British poem anthology " , " Peng Sishi is chosen " , " Scotland anthology " . Chief editor " British literature name piece anthology note " Yuan Kejia waiting for   " British charter sends anthology " , " foliaceous Zhi lyric is handpick " , " cloth Lai overcomes anthology " . Chief editor " work of foreign modernist school is chosen "   Shang Yongkuan blocks a husband " the castle " , taigeer " You Sai collect " , " pick fruit part " , hemingway " parted forever weapon "   Yang Deyu " bright cost Luo Shixuan " , " law of Er stalking or branch treats masterpiece 3 " , " lakefront poem fetch -- Hua Sishi of China at present is chosen " , " poem of Bai Lunshu love 70 "   Jiang Feng " Shelley anthology "   Feng Yi is acting " collect of American short story " (add up to interpret) , sitanbeike " between person rat " , the Di Gengsi when Huang Yu " Aoliefu is retreated this special " , kang Lade " in darkness " , joyce " young artist picture " Chen Liangting waiting for   " troubled times beautifuls woman " , " patristic " , liu Yi Si " Naniya " series, " the short story chooses Mansfield " , lawrence " son and lover " Bian Zhilin waiting for   " on the west window collect " , " British anthology " , " Shakespeare is tragic 4 kinds " , " Shakespeare lyric is chosen "   Fang Ping " Shakespeare is comedic 5 kinds " , shakespeare is tragic a variety of, " howl mountain villa " , chief editor " new Shakespeare complete works "   Tu An " Shakespeare sestet collect " , " aid kind anthology "   is current China " Shakespeare complete works " have Zhu Shenghao, liang Shiqiu, just make the same score 3 kinds. Lin Yi today " parted forever weapon "     Yang Bi " field of fame and gain " pluvial fruit of different of Su Man of   of   of   of     French " miserable world " namely " miserable world " Mo Li of   Zhao Shaohou sad " miserly person, mo Bo mulberry is main renown piece, heart " last class " " of Berlin surround " , " Falangshi short story collect "   Xu Yuan is strong " madam of the benefit that include a method " , " red with black " , " after Egypt is colourful " , " recall seems water time " the 3rd Luo Xinzhang waiting for   " red with black "   of   waiting for   " red with black " share Luo Yujun of   of 20 many translation (female) , li Liewen, guo Hong is installed, xu Yuan is strong, luo Xinzhang, hao carries (best translation of end of the 80s that occupy a letter) , the Ba Er of thunder of     teach such as Wen Jiasi plunges into gram work " Ge Lang stage " " tall old man " etc, " Yaohankelisituofu " , " Beethoven is passed " wait for   to just weigh Chaucer to translate everybody   Xiao San " the Internationale " sad work gives priority to Mo Li of   Li Jianwu's Thespian interpreter, " madam of the benefit that include a method "     kingcraft male Dulasi work " lover " " if tweedle appeals to " " square " " material lives " " the interview records Dulasi " " of Luowasitaiyin fan mad " , pu Lusi is special " refute emperor Bai Fu " Sishangda " pull laborious and Shakespeare " Luo Dagang waiting for   collect Manluolan " , meng Desi turtledove " Persia person letters "   Bao Wenwei pulls Bai Lei " giant is passed " first colloquialism translates cliff of   Li Qing work of Mo Bo mulberry, blessing building is done obeisance to " madam of the benefit that include a method " , big Zhong Ma " 3 firelock hand "       " 3 firelock hand " translator still has Zhou Kexi (interpret master " 3 swordsman " ) , wu Guangjian (interpret master " concealed of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct writes down " ) mulberry of Mo Bo waiting for   " handsome friend " translator has: Li Qing cliff, he Jing (translated term is made " beautiful friend " ) , wang Zhensun (interpret master " beautiful friend " ) Lian Deguo literature of Zhang Wei of   of   of German of       translates a person of academic or artistic distinction, include a novel, fairy tale, article talking, the poetry of Germany of   Qian Chunqi such as poetry translates a person of academic or artistic distinction, include song heart poetry, banquet straps poetry, the Buddhist nun collects poetry, " ring of Ni Bailong root " , " evil flower " , poetry of black a place of strategic importance, " Faust " circulate Yang Wu of the widest   can " Faust " , " the annoyance with teenager particular dimension " , " complete works of case forest fairy tale " , tuomasiman " demon hill " , " Li Keer lyric "   is green former " Faust " , " Li Erke anthology " , miwoshen " the tablet that break "   waiting for   " Faust " translator has: Guo Mei if, zhou Xuepu, gu Shouchang, liang Zongdai, green former, yang Wu can, dong Wenqiao, qian Chunqi, fu Weici of   of more than 10 translation holds Masiman in the palm " Budengboluoke " , wool Mu " moon and sixpenny " , " 1984, the animal is manorial " , " the temptation with last Christ " (add up to interpret) , luxembourg " the letters in jail "   high school justs " Lai Xin Yuyan " , " novel of Ci power case is chosen " , " the annoyance with teenager particular dimension " Nie work of Feng Zhihai waiting for   " Germany, the fairy tale winter " ,   of Li Erke work Home   Germanization still has: Xie Tingfang, zhang Yushu, the Qu Qiu of   of   of     Russian such as Han Shizhong is white Gorky " salangane " , feng Chun of   of writing of other Russia author 10 this " Pu Xijin collected works " , husband of Tu Ge Nie " the hunter takes notes " , win medal of Russian government Pu Xijin 99 years. Husband of careless baby row holds Er in the palm novel of Si Taiquan ministry, include " war and peace " , " An Na blocks Lienina " , " renascent " , publish have " complete works of novel of the Si Tai that hold Er in the palm " (Shanghai is literary) , the   Gu Yunpu such as complete works of the Huo Fu that be like the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces " Xie Saining anthology " Liu Li waiting for   " Luo Ting " interpreter of poetry of Russia of   a style of calligraphy characterized by hollow strokes, include " Mayakefusiji anthology " Xu Lei waiting for   like that Fajieyefu " destruction " , pu Xijin " the daughter of Captain " , husband of Tu Ge Nie " father and child " " Luo Ting " , " aristocratic home " , publish   Li Gang for people literature more " An Na blocks Lienina " , " renascent " , " silent the Don "     Mei Yi " iron and steel is how refine becomes " , " westing is overflowed write down " (there is Dong Leshan later)     Bajinheer highs hill " the past and random thought " , husband of Tu Ge Nie " father and child " " Mu Mu " the Qihefu after   Rulong founds a state work main translator. Other include " renascent " " blame and punish " Ge Li of fruit of Man Tao waiting for   " manage novel chooses Guo Ge dramatically " , Bielinsiji work is main translator, agree scold husband " cherry garden " Tuo thinks of   Wei Congwu work of Si Jiquan department of appropriate Ye husband (but more from English metaphrase)   Yu Zhenpu hopes gold, Laimengtuofu, Ma Ya, the be a comprehensive expression of that is interpreter of Pu Xijin poetry person   grandson uses Pu Xijin " the daughter of Captain "   Huang Chang " the hunter takes notes "   Zhu Wen " the course of affliction "   gold person " silent the Don: Qian Daosun (extract) , wang Wei is overcome (the first complete Chinese interpret) , zhu Wei radical (English turns interpret) , tian Dewang (the most comprehensive) Lv Tongliu waiting for   : The block austral Deng: The main translator that shows contemporary trecento   Wang Yang is happy: Spanish translates the home, basically have " collect of short story of rich Er Hess " , nie Lu is amounted to " poetry total volume "   Zhao Deming " hundred years loneliness " , " the short story in Maerkesi is chosen " wait for   of work of Latin America Spain plum civilian Qiaomoniaoni " Sibadakesi "   Chen Zhongmei Aisikuluosi, epic   Luonian gives birth to horse of carry on one's shoulder Gu Xila is Thespian much ministry, yalishiduode " poetics " , " horse of carry on one's shoulder is epic " , " Aesop's Fables " the translator with epic horse of carry on one's shoulder waiting for   includes: Yang Xian beneficial, luo Niansheng and Wanghuan are unripe, chen Zhongmei, the   leaf Jun Jianan such as Fu Donghua gives birth to translator of fairy tale of Andersen of   of fairy tale   in vain: Foliaceous Jun Jian, yang Jiang of   of Lin Hua   : " Tangjihede " (metaphrase) before   Yang Yi, " hall " all turn for flower law interpret, yang Hou, " Tangjihede " translation of 1990s occurrence more, among them Dong Yan is unripe, the He Lasi of Yang Zhouhan of   of the   that it is beautiful such as Home Sun the first month " Shi Yi " beneficial of   Yang Xian " Ao Dexiu discipline " , wei Jier " idyllic " Zhou Zunren of   of   of   of Japanese of   of       " Aesop's Fables " , " pillow grass seed " , " language of smooth home content " , " Greek mythology story " Feng Zikai waiting for   " language of content of source family name "   Xie Weiqu: Xiaolin is fond of 2 main work more, plain Duan Kangcheng " snow country " wait for main work, tang Yuemei of   of the person that Japanese literature basically recommends in China: Plain end " ancient capital " , 3 islands You Jifu " Chun Xue " wait for main work, pai of Japan of Lin Lin of   of work of the Chun Shu on Lin Shaohua village sentence interpreter   Loukuo smooths the interpose novel of mustard plain dragon, the interpreter after week of afterwards of Shen Fei of   of novel of the pacify on well of the earliest interpreter makes a person " Japanese Munchausen is chosen " , make with Zhou Ge " language of the content that make the same score the home " Ji Xianlin of   of   of   of literature of India of   of   waiting for   example of accept of   of   of other of   of   of   of Jin Kemu   " 1001 night "   other translation returns: In Li Wei, wang Ruiqin, the   Han Shaogong such as Ge Tieying, Zhou Lie " what cannot bear in life is light

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