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如何订阅杂志? 怎么订阅杂志?英文双语对照


如何订阅杂志? 怎么订阅杂志?英文双语对照



















要订阅财经杂志,可以选择如下几种方式:1. 在实体书店购买:去当地的书店,找到财经杂志的专区,选择自己喜欢的杂志,直接购买即可。2. 网上购买:进入财经杂志的官方网站或其他在线书店,搜索并选择自己喜欢的杂志,填写相关信息并支付费用,通常可以选择纸质杂志或电子版。3. 电话订阅:找到财经杂志的订阅电话,拨打电话并提供相关信息,支付费用后即可完成订阅。4. 订阅代理:有些地方或个人提供订阅代理服务,可以通过他们来代为订阅财经杂志,具体方式和费用可与代理商协商。无论哪种方式,通常需要填写个人信息,选择杂志种类、订阅周期和付款方式等。费用的支付方式包括在线支付、邮局汇款等,根据个人的实际情况选择适合自己的方式。
















One, how to subscribe to magazine?

Can order in magazine net through the browser. Move of magazine of the subscription on the net is as follows:

1/4 above all, visit magazine net first, enter home page.

After 2/4 logins or be being registered, it is above the website on the right side of can see a lot of kinds of formulas, choose a formula that oneself need and the time that have publication.

After the condition that 3/4 requires him has chosen, the accretion that clicks lower part arrives shopping car, can play next give a dialog box to add a success, go paying.

4/4 finds the sheet that just fell in shopping car next, pay to order a success.

2, how to subscribe to magazine?

1, it is OK to know magazine publication name buy on postal official net directly.

2, buy a process:

(1) land net of Chinese postal official above all.

(2) mouse shift subscribes to to the press, OK and direct choice needs the kind of the press of subscription, magazine, choose further next.

(3) after home page clicks the press to subscribe to, jump turn to network of subscription of Chinese postal the press, undertake oneself want decided records kind searching directly. The course fumbles (it is with subscription Yangtse Evening Post exemple) .

(4) search a success.

(5) the newspapers and periodicals that clicks oneself to need, after deserving to send ground him choice seat area next, click " buy " .

(6) the date of page choice subscription that appearing next (case stop date) count with the portion, click next go settle accounts.

3, how to subscribe to magazine periodical?

Find oneself to want the code name of subscription magazine, post office perhaps can subscribe to on the mobile phone.

4, how does magazine of finance and economics subscribe to?

Want magazine of subscription finance and economics, can choose a few kinds of following way: 1. Buy in hypostatic bookshop: The bookshop that goes to place, find the special administrative area of magazine of finance and economics, choose the magazine that oneself like, buy directly can. 2. Buy on the net: Enter the official website of magazine of finance and economics or other and online bookshop, search and choose the magazine that oneself like, fill in pertinent information pays fee, can choose paper magazine or electronic edition normally. 3. The phone subscribes to: Find the subscription telephone call of magazine of finance and economics, dial a telephone and provide pertinent information, subscription can be finished after paying fee. 4. Subscription acts as agent: Some places or individual offer subscription representative to serve, can subscribe to for you through them magazine of finance and economics, particular kind and charge can talk things over with the agent. No matter which are planted means, normally need fills in individual information, cycle of option notes sort, subscription and payment. The terms of payment of charge includes online pay, post-office remittance, according to actual condition of the individual the choice fits his pattern.

5, what magazine is worth subscription?

" October " , " novel offprint " , " literary magazine "

6, what magazine is worth subscription?

See him demand, if pursue fashionable media trade of and so on of that fashionable magazine worth while, if be a student kind, popular science of that nature science kind the magazine is worth while

7, how to subscribe to martial magazine?

Martial magazine always issues publicly, can go up to subscribe to with post office through the net.

8, how to subscribe to luck beautiful magazine?

Go up directly post office has subscribed to.

Postal clerk can help you search publication date and address,

Amount is fixed, 15 yuan of copy.

9, how does nature science magazine subscribe to?

Magazine of subscription nature science, can pass post office, also can connect postal network platform, OK still and direct to the magazine.

10, how to subscribe to " fortune " magazine?

You can be landed " subscription network " undertake the network subscribes to, this magazine is sent directly by print company
