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  1. 制定和实施教育发展规划和政策,以推动全市教育事业的发展。
  2. 监督和评估学校的教育质量,促进学校内部管理的改善。
  3. 组织实施各级各类教育的招生工作,并进行统筹管理。
  4. 开展教育管理信息化建设,提高管理效能。
  5. 组织培训教师和教育干部,以提升教育教学质量。
  6. 加强与国内外教育机构的合作与交流,推动教育国际化进程。



  1. 加强学校管理和教育质量监控,提升学校整体教育水平。
  2. 优化教育资源配置,确保每个学生都能享受到公平的教育机会。
  3. 推动教师专业发展,提高教师教学水平和专业素养。
  4. 加强教育培训和科研工作,不断推进教育教学改革。
  5. 加强与家长的沟通与合作,共同关注学生的综合素质发展。
  6. 加强校园安全和心理健康教育,为学生提供安全、健康的学习环境。






Dali city teachs the duty of the bureau and mission

Bureau of Dali city education regards Dali municipal government as the branch of directly under, it is the organization that is in charge of supervise and managing this city to teach the job. Its are main duty includes:

  1. Make and carry out education to develop program and policy, in order to promote the development of enterprise of whole town education.
  2. Supervise and assess the educational quality of the school, the improvement that stimulative school interior manages.
  3. The organization carries out the recruit students job of various and of all kinds education, undertake planning as a whole administrative.
  4. Begin construction of educational management informatization, improve administrative efficiency.
  5. The organization grooms teacher and educational cadre, in order to promote education education quality.
  6. Strengthen the collaboration with orgnaization of domestic and international education and communication, promote educational internationalization process.

Dali city teachs the working focal point of the bureau

Bureau of Dali city education devotes oneself to to offer Wu of high grade kimono of educational natural resources, ensure every child can accept the education of fair, equal, high quality. To achieve this one goal, dali city teachs the working key of the bureau to include:

  1. Strengthen school administration and educational quality monitoring, promotion school whole teachs a level.
  2. Optimize configuration of educational natural resources, ensure every student can enjoy fair educational chance.
  3. Drive pedagogic major to develop, raise pedagogic education level and professional accomplishment.
  4. Strengthen education to groom work with scientific research, push educational education reform ceaselessly.
  5. Strengthen the communication with the parent and cooperation, the integrated quality that pays close attention to a student jointly develops.
  6. Strengthen campus security and mental health education, provide safe, healthy learning environment for the student.

Dali city teachs the achievement of the bureau and development way

In recent years, bureau of Dali city education is driven in what teach a career and developed a respect to gain remarkable success. Build through strengthening pedagogic team, optimize education resource configuration, push the measure such as educational reform, the educational level of Dali city and educational quality promote ceaselessly.

Future, bureau of Dali city education will continue to devote oneself to to make more high grade education environment and educational natural resources, improve educational level and quality hard, provide better educational service for children. In the meantime, bureau of Dali city education still will strengthen the communication that teachs an orgnaization with other area and cooperation, drive educational development and progress jointly.

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs the working duty of the bureau and development way through knowing Dali town, can realise the effort that educational bureau is offerring place of field of high grade education to make for children and contribution better.
