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古尔沟泡温泉。 秋天除了可以欣赏到这最美丽的秋景之外,这里还有一个很出名的地方就是这里的天然温泉--古尔沟,真正的天然温泉,本人曾专门爬上去寻找温泉的源头。很粗的大水管从那里接过来的,再分到家家户户。在距离古尔沟镇大约2-3公里远的半山上,有几家当地村民自主经营的野生温泉,虽然设施比较简陋,但是温泉水是流动的,是真正的天然温泉,很是不错的体验,如果去玩的话,可以去找当地人询问一下。不过有些酒店也会自带温泉,如果住宿当地的话可以免费享受温泉。想一下,一天爬山的疲惫,泡个温泉,洗去一身疲惫,甚是惬意。





























1. 南京:作为江苏省的省会,南京是一个充满历史魅力的城市。你可以参观夫子庙、中山陵、明故宫和总统府等历史遗址,还可以漫步于秦淮河畔,体验古城的魅力。

2. 苏州:苏州以其古典园林和水乡风光而闻名。你可以参观拙政园、留园、虎丘等著名的园林景点,欣赏苏州古典文化的独特魅力。

3. 扬州:扬州是一座历史文化名城,有着悠久的历史和丰富的人文景观。你可以游览瘦西湖、个园、何园等景点,品尝扬州特色的美食,如扬州炒饭和扬州狮子头。

4. 镇江:镇江是一座位于长江边的城市,有着壮丽的自然风光和丰富的历史遗迹。你可以登临宝塔山,俯瞰长江美景,参观南山寺和句容文昌阁等景点。

5. 常州:常州是一座现代化的城市,有着独特的园林和自然景观。你可以参观中国古代园林艺术博物馆、天宁寺和青枫公园等景点,欣赏常州的自然美景。



Does Beijing set out to go on the weekend which travel?

The brigade course of development that small town of Sa of Wu Qingfo Luo Lun shops: When about 92 kilometers use: Arrange 1 hour of lines: Beijing, Beijing ferry high speed, Beijing Shanghai high speed, Yang Cun head pushs a tourist attraction: Small town of Sa of Buddha Luo Lun recommends reason: The friend that does not recall far door can go " on the town " ramble. The name of large high end that small town of Sa of Buddha Luo Lun is style of first pure Italy of Chinese tastes discount center and recreational center.

Do two days go on the weekend which travel is good?

These two days go on the weekend the city around goes travelling had better, only sufficient go the city of 500 kilometers less than can play two days, can go up in Zhou Wu's evening, of weekday return afternoon.

Where does Beijing suit two days to travel on the weekend?

The place that Beijing can go to is too much, altar of ground of the Temple of Heaven of Great Wall of the Imperial Palace is the good place of travel amuse oneself, if say you are Peking Man wants to go,periphery travels on the weekend, it then you want where to go to is OK that then you want where to go to the place that convenient plane can go to traffic two hours now is too much, a lot of people are in the Beijing that I know the coastal city such as Qingdao buys a house is to pass on the weekend

Do two days of travel go on the weekend which are good?

This is seasonal, if on the weekend go on a journey, that is to admire autumnal scenery of course, each places are admired autumn place also each are not identical. If for Chengdu, I can do a dot to recommend. The land of abundance can not be to be blown, autumnal scenery also is top-ranking. National Day will come these days, tease newborn animal people had pressed was unable to bear.

According to our experience, recommend a course: Chengdu, Miyaluo. Mi Yaluo is the northwest square place in Sichuan, a small town, more out-of-the-way, distance Chengdu has 221 kilometers, but the enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person with the really beautiful autumnal scenery over there, the ground of this treasure, the meeting is a lot of more than what expect, mi Yaluo is in the interpret in Tibetan language " amused dam child " , churchyard group hill is continuous, gorge is deep and serene, immense forest vast, air is fresh, rich history accumulates the gorge amorous feelings with mystery. Scene of snow of mountain of hot spring of channel of the Mi Yaluo red autumnal leaves that string of river of head of churchyard miscellaneous cereal comes to, ancient Er, partridge, finish chute of canopy channel, rough gentian channel can let a person too many things to see.

What should share mainly with everybody today is Miyaluo finish canopy channel, arrive the autumn, here has dense colorific world namely, it is Wan Re really in the world that lives in a fairy tale, here suits the four seasons to swim actually, the azalea with full various sort can leave here, and summer is be away for the summer holidays well good place, can come here in the winter ski, the autumn can see what free Shan Gong alls over be cultivated fall. Finish join of canopy channel the eastpart part lies dragon nature groove guard, join south beauty spot of 4 girls hill, still have land of bequest of world of giant panda corridor, the natural tourist attraction here is particularly much, if be to will give the word of travel in October, can go seeing Miyaluo finishs canopy channel the red autumnal leaves on this paragraph of road, 3300 channel, 3300 bridge, channel channel has red autumnal leaves, slushy, spring to emerge, looking is grand very, bunch of posse round tuft looks the blaze that resembling is beauty, and the Huang Xie of these autumns is not be by casing inside area of a scene, go up in the road however, all over the mountains and plains, whole it is, so the autumn goes is really very was worth.

Hot spring of bubble of ancient Er channel. The autumn besides can admire this the most beautiful autumnal scenery besides, here still has the natural hot spring that a very famous place is here- - ancient Er channel, real natural hot spring, oneself ever mounted the source that seeks hot spring technically. Very thick old hose therefrom is received those who come over, divide every family again. In the distance ancient Er channel is pressed down about on the half hill with 2-3 far kilometer, have the feral hot spring that villager of ground of a few family belongs runs independently, although establishment is palletter, but hot spring water is flow, it is real natural hot spring, it is good experience very, if go playing, can go looking for local to enquire. Nevertheless some hotels also can take hot spring oneself, if lodge,local word can enjoy hot spring freely. Think, a day of climbed exhaustion, bubble hot spring, scour off a suit is tired out, it is satisfied very.

Does Beijing go on the weekend which are amused?

Beijing can go to Ao Sen park on the weekend, climb the Great Wall, jade deep pool, connect city the Grant Canal, on the west lake park, museum of the Imperial Palace, capital museum, beijing natural museum, gu Beishui is pressed down, round-the-world shadow city, round bright garden

Does Beijing go on the weekend which go for a walk in the country in spring?

As the periphery of Beijing, go for a walk in the country in spring is first-rate weekend, also be to suit to be driven oneself swim or taking a car to head for is possible, like the word of landscape for example, fang Shan area also is better, conciliatory also be better pretty good. Simple of course go for a walk in the country in spring, the big park that Beijing has a lot of, for instance the park of garden rich garden and very much Nanhai the go for a walk in the country in spring of what is first-rate.

Go on the weekend which play Beijing?


Lake park is located in south go in for sth in a large scale Yi Zhuang and go in for sth in a large scale between new city, it is Beijing's biggest wet park. Tent can be built inside, can picnic. It is the good place of close nature. Elk still can see inside.


Park attending forum is located in go in for sth in a large scale near area justice and village subway station, it is a wet park, the area of lake water is very large. And it is free, there is free parking space outside the park. Inside can ran, walk or choose to hire one each drive a vehicle to ride row. Still have personally mobile field.


Garden of dam wild hand over to the collective or the state is located in sunny area east east 5 annulus, it is the park of sex of a commonweal, open freely, but outside jockeying is not especially other and convenient. Park area is very large, advocate if suit,take a walk or ran.


Palace park is located in town of assist of abundant stage king south, be one muti_function large and integrated park. Inside personally mobile room is very much, OK still bubble hot spring, eat self-help, it is to loosen a on the weekend well place to go.


Park of forest of boreal palace country is located in ministry of northwest of abundant stage area, in the morning seven before it is free, seven postern tickets are 10 money, the park is located in on hill, stop fare one day 10. The climb fun that can enjoy not only inside and still can view and admire puppy, can take some of carrot to take hello feed puppy.

Does Beijing go on the weekend which play?

1, close cloud area

A lot of people know Gu Beishui is pressed down, dan Miyun's amused place but more than this one, wall child road Great Wall is a free and amused place.

Now near this Great Wall, had been the beautiful scenery with one clique abundant the awaken of spring, with the Great Wall that fills vicissitudes of life together, made the scenery line with this the most beautiful spring.

2, on the west the city zone

The film " Party A Party B " one of ground of find a view, the park of gardens of type of full garden Europe, although be a free park, but never mention it on the west the city zone, whole capital is famous, this place, it is the person decides lake park, begin to return the park that is a carry out ticket, became free street heart park now, also be the good place with around masses curved stroll.

3, sunny area

Sunny division should say free amused place, it is the free scene area of this 5A class for certain, olympic forest park.

Ao Sen covers an area of an area capacious, vegetation is rich, have all the year round see insufficient beautiful scenery!

Do two days go on the weekend which had played?

On the weekend two days, because time comes up,say, briefer, proposal, circumjacent in him home still amuse oneself loosens next good comparison, the overworked of the province, can go turning in the park near him home, go bazaar is bought shop, or, go loosening next mood inside the rural wretched situation around, it is possible.

Where does Jiangsu suit two days to travel on the weekend?

Jiangsu is a province of Chinese the eastpart part, have rich history and culture bequest, and beautiful natural scene. It is below Jiangsu provincial a few destination that suit to travel two days on the weekend:

1.Nanjing: Regard Jiangsu as the provincial capital of the province, nanjing is a town that fills historical glamour. You can visit the historical relics such as hill of master shrine, Zhongshan, bright the Imperial Palace and presidential government office, still can stroll Yu Qinhuai riverside, experience Gu Cheng's glamour.

2.Suzhou: Suzhou with its classic park is famous with scene of a region of rivers and lakes. You can visit clumsy politics garden, remain the famous gardens tourist attraction such as garden, Hu Qiu, appreciation Suzhou is classic the distinctive glamour of culture.

3.Yangzhou: Yangzhou is famous city of culture of a history, having long history and rich humanitarian landscape. You can visit thin west lake, the tourist attraction such as garden, He Yuan, sample the cate of Yangzhou characteristic, if Yangzhou fries meal and Yangzhou large meatball.

4.Zhenjiang: Zhenjiang is a city that is located in edge of the Yangtse River, having magnificent natural sight and rich history vestigial. You are OK hill of pagoda of climb a hill, look down at beautiful scenery of the Yangtse River, look around south hill temple is mixed the tourist attraction such as a Rong Wenchang cabinet.

5.Changzhou: Changzhou is a modern city, having distinctive gardens and natural landscape. You can see art of gardens of Chinese ancient time the tourist attraction such as park of He Qingfeng of temple of museum, Tian Ning, admire the natural beautiful scenery of Changzhou.

These destination can be in undertake inside two days on the weekend brief but rich excursion. According to the individual's be fond of and timeline, the choice suits his destination, and the cate that put apart time will come enjoy place and culture.
