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健完身有氧做多久? 健身后做有氧运动会掉肌肉吗?英文双语对照


健完身有氧做多久? 健身后做有氧运动会掉肌肉吗?英文双语对照






1. 不会掉肌肉。2. 健身后做有氧运动可以消耗脂肪,但不会直接导致肌肉减少。肌肉的减少通常是因为长时间不进行力量训练,导致肌肉萎缩。3. 健身后可以适当进行有氧运动,有助于提高心肺功能和减少脂肪,但也需要注意保持适量的力量训练,以保持肌肉的健康和强度。







健身后两三个小时以后可以做拉伸运动,因为中间有一个间隔的话,也是对自己的身体健康有一个缓冲。 免得突然的拉伸让身体受伤。
















Be good at how long be over to personally oxygen is done?

Gymnastical oxygen is supplied is based on a lot of elements, for example your gymnastical level, target and training type. Suggest the moderate strength that has at least 150 minutes every week has oxygen to move, or high strenth of 75 minutes has oxygen campaign.

To abecedarian, can from every time 20-30 minute begin, weekly 3-4 second, increase time and frequency gradually next.

If you had had certain gymnastical level, can increase gradually every time 30-60 minute, weekly 5-6 second or have a few campaign everyday. The most important is, must make sound gymnastical plan according to his body state and actual condition, prevent excessive exercise or just began excessive loosen.

Is games there is oxygen done to drop muscle after fitness?

1.Won't drop muscle. 2. Motion having oxygen is done to be able to be used up after fitness adipose, but won't bring about muscle to decrease directly. Because do not undertake force trains for long,sarcous decreases is normally, bring about sweeny. 3. Gymnastical hind can undertake oxygen moves having appropriately, conduce to raise heart lungs function and decrease adipose, but the power that also needs to notice to keep right amount trains, in order to retain sarcous health and strength.

How long is motion there is oxygen done best?

Motion having oxygen takes exercise rise time is longer, but intensity is not very strong, resemble ran, skip, cycle, pedal hill, dozen too extremely attribute movement having oxygen. Kick, press a leg, place canters, pedal runs after, crouch partly, crouch greatly, press a shoulder, press a leg, a hour is restricted when these applying, motion having oxygen is done how long appropriate, make a hour very appropriate.

How long can be motion there is oxygen done?

When having what oxygen moves, grow should mix according to individual body state, healthy target athletic intensity will decide. According to the proposal of World Health Organization, the moderate strength that adult should have at least 150 minutes every week has oxygen to move, or high strenth of 75 minutes has oxygen campaign. This can arrive dispersedly everyday motion of 30 minutes, like double, ran, swim or wait by bicycle. What if want,reach higher level is healthy, can increase athletic time and athletic strength gradually.

However, anybody should consult a doctor before beginning motion to plan, when raising sport gradually, grow and intensity, follow the desire of the body and reaction, avoid the harm that excessive motion causes.

How long does gymnastical hind do drawing to move?

3 two hours after fitness can do drawing to move later, because of the intermediate word that has an interval, also be healthy to oneself have a buffer. The drawing with abrupt lest lets the body get hurt.

How long does athletic hind do exercise there is oxygen without oxygen?

Finish the motion that do not have oxygen had better do exercise having oxygen after half hours, let muscle get rest, next it is good that redo has oxygen motion effect, otherwise muscle plays the effect in quantity of high load capacity all the time bad.

How long does motion there is oxygen do ability to there is the effect?

The significant time of motion having oxygen because of the person different, general proposal lasts 30 minutes every time above, the ability of motion having oxygen that has 150 minutes at least every week sees apparent effect. Move through having oxygen, the body can improve heart lungs function, enhance cardiovascular health, raise metabolization rate, promote adipose combustion, reduce put oneself in another's position inside adipose accumulation, increase the endurance of the body and flexibility. However, want to see apparent effect, besides persistent motion having oxygen, still need to notice food is mixed rest, the athletic ability that retains good habits and customs and regularity achieves optimal result.

How long can motion having oxygen reduce weight, how long can motion there is oxygen reduce weight?

Theory comes up tell motion having oxygen to had better last half hours above ability has better effect burning fat, if if was done,you are in before motion having oxygen,do not pass should not talk additionally without oxygen.

Normally the circumstance falls, the combustion after games having oxygen is undertaking 30 minutes is adipose offer can. Accordingly, want to pass way of movement having oxygen to achieve goal reducing weight, the time of campaign having oxygen in undertaking every time cannot under 30 minutes. And undertake force practices every time, basically consider the strength of its bear. With the peak load of 60%~70% , 8~12 second a group, make 2~3 group can.

How long does meal hind do motion there is oxygen to use up adipose?

Generally speaking, the proposal arrives one hour or so to undertake oxygen moves having in hour of meal second half, right now the body has begun metabolization activity, have right amount campaign having oxygen, if canter, skip, swim etc, won't create greater burden to intestines and stomach, can prevent adipose formation effectively at the same time, accelerate the combustion with the adipose accumulation inside body, have very great help to reducing weight.

Those who need an attention is, just ate a meal to move instantly may cause harm to alvine path, because this suggests,campaign has after hour of meal second half. Additional, dinner hind relies on to the wall stands or undertake light movement is like don't go yet, gem gal to wait, also conduce to alimental digesting absorb and use up adiposely.

Those who need an attention is, although oxygen motion can be helped,use up adipose, but dietary control and reasonable arrangement also are the very main factor in process reducing weight. In the meantime, the body state of everybody and athletic adaptability are different, before because this suggests to beginning any new campaign,planning, refer the proposal of doctor or professional fitness coach first.

How long can eat hind do exercise there is oxygen?

Eat a meal 40 minutes to be able to move to 60 minutes or so, specific time still needs to digest ability to decide according to individual alimental.

Food digests faster circumstance to fall, can do exercise in 40 minutes or so commonly, but individual person food is digested and absorptance is slower, the likelihood needs 60 minutes to control ability to be able to do exercise. The metabolism that can quicken human body when doing exercise and blood circulate, if be to eat a meal to do exercise immediately, may digest to alimental and absorb a function to cause an effect, and still can accompany the show of convulsion of gastric ministry muscle.

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