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这时白胡子男主女主出了个谜题,装了个13并嘲笑女主,女主满脸的崇拜之情,深夜搅扰,告辞!女主正打算开门要走的时候,白胡子男主却挽留女主了(可能是男主感觉长夜漫漫,有些寂寞了),并说“如果你愿意的话”我可以告诉你明天填字游戏的答案。女主听后喜出望外,表示答应了,男主白胡子把提示稿子给了妹子,并让妹子先看看填字图,自己去泡茶了。女主看着白胡子出的奇怪的字谜,女主说了几句好听的话,男主白胡子就飘了说道我这“斯芬克斯”的外号不是白来的,它是希腊神话中的神秘生物、女人的头和狮子的身体、负责看守希腊古城 的城门,所有要进程的旅客,都要先解开它的谜题,如果答错就会被杀死,先让他们窒息死然后在吃掉尸体,它既狡猾又致命、所以这名字对我来说在合适不过堪称完美!(装的好一个13啊)





The beginning of the story is in a night that playing rain, a heroine that wearing a raincoat ran into 9 rooms. Should open flashlight to feel when seeking a thing foolishly, abrupt lamp was opened, the white beard that wearing night clothes male advocate appeared, dry what is holding a handgun to ask her you, come here to work! The heroine that can be us but not be shy with strangers, resembling is to be like him home. Still asked white mustache male main dry towel brushs a hair, white mustache leading role is put issued a handgun, inquiry daughter advocate come here to work, will seek what thing. Female advocate the student that states her boy friend is an institute, she just seeks the solution of answers of next first phase cross-word puzzle presumably, good Xiang Nan's friend is shown off, and white mustache male advocate the riddle person that is the cross-word puzzle with this famous institute, monicker " Si Fen is overcome this " .

At this moment white mustache male advocate female advocate gave an enigma, installed 13 derisive female advocate, female advocate all over the face adored affection, late night annoy, say good-bye! Female advocate planning to open the door when wanting, white mustache male advocate persuade to stay however female advocate (the likelihood is male advocate sensory long night is boundless, some are doleful) , say " if you are willing " I can tell you tomorrow the answer of cross-word puzzle. Female advocate the be overjoyed after listening, expressed to agree, male advocate white mustache gave a girl clew idea, let a girl see the picture that write a word first, oneself go make tea. Female advocate the strange a riddle about a character or word that looks at white mustache to go out, female advocate said a few Orphean words, male advocate white mustache waved say me this " Si Fen is overcome this " monicker does not come in vain, the head that it is the secret live thing in Greek mythology, woman and leonine body, responsible guard is Greek Gu Cheng's city gate, all fares that want a process, want first unlock its enigma, if answer,the fault can be killed, make them asphyxial be in next to death first eat off a body, it already tricky this name is so deadly, proper to be in for me nevertheless can says perfect! (of outfit good 13 ah)

Can be us is female advocate state these problems are without pressure, write the letter of broken solution was in on answering question board, they think is old acquaintance like communicative rise, look at dichotomy bell to be defeated saw two a riddle about a character or word, white mustache states before long you can attend the match to win a prize, two people chat happier more.

At this moment male advocate white mustache exposed female advocate crammer, you the student that then so called boy friend is not this institute, calculated me to also do not care to continue to discuss a riddle about a character or word with the girl, but more than why a little frail sitting is on the chair, female advocate riddle rate is rapidder and rapidder, when her unlock Asphyxiation " choke " when. The cup of white mustache leading role was dropped, the girl is faster and faster, faster and faster, represent these thematic nursery school can unlock, white mustache leading role looks at heroine surprisingly. Female before advocate the student that is department of academic ocean biology, her both hands has besmeared early full the venom of balloonfish liver, poison fell stealthily in the teacup. This is toxic can bring about every organ gradually break down finally " asphyxial " and dead.

And the elder brother that he expresses to the man in that photograph is her, contest of a riddle about a character or word entered 6 years ago and still won you, and you pick bone in the egg however, the identity that using his is a professor is incendiary committee just writes the elder brother U said V, bring about his elder brother to be discharged qualification, returned the hang oneself in the home to commit suicide. Be countervail of blood of moment a debt of blood. At this moment white mustache leading role is abrupt frisky rise.
