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国道317线起于成都,止于那曲,是西藏公路主骨架网“ 三纵两横六通道”中北横线的组成部分。据相关负责人介绍,昌都至那曲段,全程764公里,是川藏公路的备用路。





















The country that 317 nations line is thing trend.

317 countries (or " the country 317 lines " , " G317 line " ) the line of a nation that is China, also call line of north of plain Tibet highway, branch line of 318 nations line, start is Sichuan Chengdu, to Tibet that, course of development is 2030 kilometre, in 935 period, lengthen terminus to be county of Er of Ga of the area in Tibetan A.

The country Chengdu of 317 lines result, stop at that, it is Tibetan highway advocate framework net " 3 vertical two horizontal strokes 6 passageways " in the component of boreal horizontal line. Introduce according to relevant controller, prosperous reachs that paragraph, whole journey 764 kilometers, be plain Tibet highway reserve road.

In May 1951, 18 army the army such as 157 groups begins 53 division the requirement according to superior, in Damala hill (amount to Ma to hike mountain namely) on build highway, this road is a paragraph of world-famous plain Tibet highway.

There is not modern construction machinery in those days, can armrest digs pickaback; The tool is very simple also, only drill rod, pick, basket, carrying pole, get etc.

The development that plain Tibet highway promoted Tibetan economy greatly and people are born vivid improvement, changed the condition that Tibet closes for a long time, to Tibetan economy construction and national defence construction have all in all effect.

Tuo Chang (appropriate dam - - prosperous) highway is full-length 118 kilometers (it is 121 kilometers at first) , it is the country 317 lines namely a paragraph of of line of north of plain Tibet highway main a section of a highway, it is a principal liaison man carries main artery and national defence highway.

Suffer 20 centuries ask to highway be open to traffic at the beginning of 50 time pressing with execution condition a lot of element such as difference is restricted, vertical slope of this a section of a highway is big, slope is apart from long, send a sector of an area more for the accident, normal travel needs time one day, pluvial snow is seasonal, produce cave in or accumulated snow constantly, bring serious effect to safety of drive a vehicle.

Prosperous countryside of prefectural appropriate dam arrives prosperous area place where troops are stationed, have those who cross the 121 kilometers that amount to Ma Lashan dish of hill highway, need time one day and journey risk is big, used all the time 50 old, it is Sichuan all the time to prosperous line of a mainstay, also be the villager people of hill of pass in and out surely the road of classics.

However, as the progress of social development, times, this route that takes hard high again nearly again again, more and more do not follow to go up the need of development.

Highway rebuilds the project approves construction by national the Ministry of Communication, the course is full-length 110.94 kilometers, the project invests 550 million yuan, build total time limit for a project to be 3 years. After the project is finishing, come from prosperous via line of 317 lines nation the Da Ma danger of escape hill high road hauls the car of Chengdu hill.

The highway of pass through the territory of a country that the appropriate prosperous highway after rebuilding presses down 2 kilometers except prosperous rebuilds by secondary standard outside, the others a section of a highway weighs grave area by mountain ridge standard of 3 class highway rebuilds, roadbed width is 7.5 meters, road surface width is 6 meters, road surface structure is bitumen Tong road surface.

The appropriate prosperous highway after rebuilding is 110.94 kilometers, time of drive a vehicle can decrease 2/3. 2002, full-length the appropriate of 111 kilometers (dam) prosperous () asphalt highway begins to build, complete is devoted 2006 use.

3 rebuild greatly: ? Sui of basketry   forces brag there is 3 keys a section of a highway to need to undertake rebuilding in circuitry of?17 of clear   , basically include bead horn to pull hill channel and jumper to build paragraph, inclined hike mountain to Ba Qing paragraph, kind black Qi Zhiding is green paragraph. Should rebuild the project plans the go into operation inside year, future will transform black change road surface in the round.

Prosperous comes kind of Wu Qi paragraph, whole journey 105 kilometers, this paragraph of distance begins to have blacktop; Kind black Qi Zhiding is green in all 148 kilometers, from kind Wu Qi sets out first delay hind is urgent, inclined hike mountain to Ba Qing paragraph, course place draws near according to hill via major area water, high and precipitous of horizontal slope of individual a section of a highway, calamity of geology of along the line is more, especially fourth green around, geological calamity is centered particularly.

Relevant controller introduces municipal traffic carriage hall, prosperous area bead horn pulls hill channel and jumper to build a project, full-length 8.842102 kilometers, always invest 886.4 million yuan. The highway after transforming allows to build according to sign of 3 class road, road surface is bitumen Concrete Pavement, roadbed width 7.5 meters, design rate 30 kilometers / hour.

The country 317 lines are inclined hike mountain to Ba Qing paragraph highway rebuilds the project is full-length 103.252 kilometers, by 3 class highway the standard is designed, design driving speed 30 kilometers / hour, roadbed width 7.5 meters, use bitumen Concrete Pavement.

The country 317 lines kind black Qi Zhiding is green paragraph highway rebuilds the project is full-length 151.75 kilometers, among them masterstroke grows 143.65 kilometers, by 3 class highway the standard is designed, design driving speed 30 kilometers / hour, all fronts uses bitumen Concrete Pavement.

"The country these 3 paragraphs of keys in 317 lines transform construction a section of a highway, plan construction of the start working inside year.

"925 " during, the country 317 lines plan to transform construction a section of a highway to grow 386 kilometers in all. After these a section of a highway undertake transforming building, future changes comprehensive implementation black road surface.

The country 317 lines and country 318 circuitry photograph is compared, distance will shorten a lot of, but road condition attributes level of 3 class highway, differ not quite.

On September 26, 2019, the country that is located in city of prosperous of the Xizang Autonomous Region bead horn draws 317 lines hill channel be open to traffic, shorten distance of drive a vehicle 19.6 kilometers, time shortens nearly 1 hour. Bead horn pulls hill channel and wiring project, be " 935 " the key highway traffic with period affirmatory the Xizang Autonomous Region builds one of projects. Channel is 4605 meters long, still 1 grows 108 meters big bridge, bridge Sui presses highway 2 course design.

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