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衣恋集团品牌简介  Eland:  美国东部哈佛、耶鲁等大学风格的品牌,包含四个系列:大学校园、运动、美国田园风格、野营郊游。于1980年创立  Scofield女装:  英国的传统精神,具有悠久的历史。贵族式的生活方式,高档的感觉。体现自然的休闲生活如高尔夫等。有SCOTT家族象征的标志如鹿、马等。  Scofield男装:  洋溢着苏格兰风情,有着大不列颠贵族家庭的高贵外表,保守、高雅的生活风尚,让您体验英国贵族式的经典、奢华与尊贵,向您展现不凡品位。  Teenie Weenie:  品牌以独特的熊家族故事作为背景,以可爱的熊宝宝作为Character,推出颜色亮丽,款式富含时尚和浪漫气息的男女休闲服饰,适合追求时尚而又有气质的年轻人穿着。  Roem:  "ROEM"是荷兰语中水仙花的意思,作为2005年进入中国市场的淑女装品牌,其轻松的浪漫风格和年轻随意的设计,向您展现了紫色的少女梦境。  Eblin:  时尚法式风格的高档内衣品牌,柔软、奢华、精致;新款的女士内衣,饱含现代气息,光彩夺目,手感轻柔。  Eland Kids:  1999年在美国注册,以五岁的小主人公PHILIP一家为原形,通过模拟美国中产阶级家庭儿童的日常生活场景,以及美国东部常青藤名校的校园生活,设计出多个系列的高档品牌服饰。  Scat  60年代是多样化的电影文化盛行的时期,"SCAT"以这个时期活泼可爱的少女文化为主要的创意,是一个牛仔休闲女装品牌。"SCAT"表现的是可爱少女轻松活泼的自吟自唱的心情,是性感(Sexy)可爱(Cute)猫(cAT)的集合。  Prich:  PRICH是正统美国经典风格的精华,重新诠释其特有的简洁而现代的美国经典风格,通过美国东部的哈佛和耶鲁大学的独家商标使用权,表现自豪感,通过简洁的美国经典服饰,表现富足感。  Paw in Paw:  PawPaw是一只可爱的小熊,对所有的事物都充满了好奇心,天真的他总是和好朋友一起探寻着新奇而美丽的世界。色彩鲜艳明亮,充满童趣和欢乐,可爱的小熊造型再一次轻易俘获了孩子们的心;这一次有一点不同,这不仅仅是一只可爱温和的小熊,更是一只懂得时尚的小熊,通过简单的搭配和组合,无论是上学还是和伙伴在一起都是那么漂亮和自在!  Body Pops:  与EBLIN走成熟风格完全不同的路线--色彩夸张反差大,款式简约,面料更倾向于舒适柔软,能够精心呵护女孩子的娇嫩肌肤;可爱而俏皮是永远的主题,谁说可爱了就不能性感?让内衣穿出精彩,把年轻的感觉带到生活没有找到你你提问的系列


The garment loves Eland of   of group brand brief introduction: American the eastpart part breaths out the brand of the university style such as Buddha, Yale, include 4 series: Outing of rural style of university campus, motion, United States, bivouac. Founded 1980   Scofield female outfit: Conventional drive of England, have long history. The lifestyle of lordliness, high-grade feeling. Reflect natural recreational life to wait like golf. The mark with familial and indicative SCOTT waits like deer, horse. Scofield men's clothing: Be permeated with Scotland amorous feelings, the nobility that having Britannic noble family is outside, conservative, decorous life fashion, those who let you experience British lordliness is classical, costly with exalted, show uncommon grade to you. Teenie Weenie: The brand serves as setting with distinctive ursine familial story, serve as Character with lovely Xiong Baobao, roll out color to shine beautiful, design contains a lot ofthe sportswear of male and female of vogue and romantic breath to act the role of, suit to pursue style and the youth dress that has temperament. Roem: "ROEM" is the meaning of the daffodil in Dutch, hold a brand as the lady that entered Chinese market 2005, its light romantic color and young and optional design, showed purple girl dream to you. Eblin: The high-grade underwear brand of fashionable French style, soft, costly, delicate; The lady underwear of new fund, full of and contemporary breath, glow, feel gentleness. Eland Kids: Registered in the United States 1999, with young hero PHILIP of 5 years old one is original shape, pass the daily life setting of children of family of middle class of imitate United States, and American the eastpart part is evergreen the campus of cany name school lives, the design gives the high-grade brand dress of many series. 60 time of Scat     are the period of the film culture be current of diversification, "SCAT" is main originality with the girl culture with this lively and lovely period, it is a bull-puncher lies fallow female outfit brand. "What SCAT" behaves is the lovely girl's relaxed and lively tune that sings oneself from chant, it is sex appeal (Sexy) is lovely (Cute) cat (the gather of CAT) . Prich: PRICH is the elite of classical style of lineal United States, explain its peculiar concise and contemporary United States classical style afresh, the exclusive brand access of the Hafo that carries American the eastpart part and Yale, expressional sense of pride, carry concise American classical dress, behave rich sense. Paw In Paw: PawPaw is a lovely Little Bear, was full of curiosity to all things, he innocent always is seeking fancy and beautiful world together with the good friend. Colourful bright, be full of Tong Qu and joy, lovely Little Bear modelling again easily capture the heart of children; This a bit differ, this is a lovely and gentle Little Bear not just, know fashionable Little Bear only more, pass simple collocation and combination, no matter be,go to school or be together with associate is so beautiful and comfortable! Body Pops: Take the course that mature style differs completely with EBLIN- - colour hyperbole contrast is big, design is contracted, fabrics more apt is comfortable and soft, can caress the delicate skin of the girl meticulously; Lovely and it is forever theme wittily, who says lovely cannot sex appeal? Let underwear wear piece wonderful, bring young sense to the life to did not find the set of your your query
