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1. 学生心理健康档案表照片应该用胶带粘贴,以免照片掉落。

2. 将照片正面朝上,将胶带粘贴在照片的背面,然后将照片粘贴到心理健康档案表上。

3. 如果照片太大,可以将照片裁剪到合适的大小,然后再粘贴。

















1. 填写个人基本信息


2. 填写心理评估报告


3. 填写关键事件记录


4. 填写心理咨询记录


5. 填写学校评估报告




One, " how is archives of student mental health filled?

Archives of student mental health is a record that the school establishs for health of care student body and mind, the serious content such as condition of health of situation of the basic message that recording a student, family, body and mind. Fill in archives of student mental health needs to follow the following principle:

1. information is true, accurate. Fill in when archives of student mental health, the information that should assure as far as possible to fill is true, accurate and complete, do not get carry secretly false information.

2. protects privacy. Archives of student mental health contains a few sensitive information, wait like domestic member, individual history, the privacy that when filling in, should notice to protect a student counterpoises, must not divulge information.

3. classifies management. The school should have classified government to mental health archives according to the circumstance such as the student's grade, class, ensure the security of archives.

Specific fill in move is as follows:

1. fills in the individual is basic information, include student full name, sexual distinction, give phone of unripe date, home address, connection to wait.

2. fills in domestic situation, include the information such as rate of parental full name, profession, literacy, and whether is the family put in the circumstance such as bad behavior.

3. fills in healthy state, include a student to whether had had disease medical history, whether had had allergy history to wait.

4. fills in mental health state, include the content such as expression of condition of character trait of the student, mood, behavior.

5. fills in study circumstance, condition of the study result that includes a student, study.

6. other information, if the parent contacts the interest interest of means, student,wait.

2, how is archives of student mental health filled?

Of archives of student mental health fill in means is as follows:

Basic message: Include the basic information such as phone of full name, sexual distinction, birth date, connection, mailbox, ensure fill in accurate without by accident.

Domestic situation: Fill in the fundamental condition of domestic member, wait like number, job.

Educational setting: Include to learn experience, read the school to wait.

Healthy state: Fill in healthy state, whether disease, allergy history waits.

Psychological evaluation: Include interest of characteristic of mood condition, disposition, interest to wait, can undertake assessment through questionnaire investigation or psychological test.

Psychology consults a record: If have,had accepted psychology to seek advice, can record full name of advisory time, advisory division, advisory content to wait.

Growing environment: Include domestic atmosphere, parents to teach means to wait.

The society supports a system: Include the human concern such as friend, classmate, and gregarious media uses a case.

Ego evaluation: Undertake brief characterization to oneself, include disposition characteristic, advantage, defect to wait.

Proposal and opinion: Teach respect to table a proposal and opinion to mental health.

Fill in the purpose of mental health archives is to know his mental health state better, provide better help and guidance for the study henceforth and life.

3, how is disposition of archives of student mental health filled?

Discipline of this unripe abide by is abide by the law, attend social practice and recreational and sports activities actively. Collective sense is strong, labor agrees actively to work. Respect a division commander, unitive classmate, severe at be self restrained. Study purpose is clear, study tries hard assiduously, can complete each family work independently, study result is outstanding. Come one year, insist to give full attendence, pay attention to heart, wisdom, body develops in the round, have better integrated quality.

4, how does watch of archives of student mental health fill in?

 Most the basic message that upper part is a student, for example: Name, nation, this part content of sexual distinction fills in by actual condition can, domestic member condition is main the information of dictate parents grandparents, working unit or the unit name that learn unit correspondence can, stepfather mother or foster parent circumstance, fill in by actual condition

5, how does watch of archives of student mental health fill in?

Short of medical establishment issued psychological problem medical certificate, had not had the pathology record of psychological sickness treatment, you ought to fill in on watch of mental health archives healthy two words go, conversely, solid fill in.

6, how is watch of archives of student mental health filled?

Watch of archives of student mental health fills in according to actual condition of the student.

7, how does successful experience write record of student mental health?

1, the student is elementary circumstance. Basically provide data of a few setting, analyse student psychology in order to help assistant division development, diagnose the cause that student problem arises correctly. Include a few following fields: Individual brief introduction. Basically include appearance of full name, sexual distinction, birth date, native place, nation, politics, read specialty of the school, grade, home address, hobby to wait.

Body state basically includes medical history of blemish of blood type, general healthy situation, body development state of affairs, physiology, individual to wait.

Domesticity environment. The educational means of atmosphere of the economic atmosphere of the organizes structure, family living environment of rate of the working property that basically includes domestic member and post, literacy, family, family, family, parent and manner, parentage, whether singleton the seniority in female, home.

The school studies life situation. Level of habit of habit of manner of the study result that basically includes a student, study, study, thought moral character, behavior, athletic sports, intercourse (contain teacher-student relationship, companion to concern) , hold the position of class cadre circumstance of circumstance, bear the palm.

Incident of influential to student individual life great society life. The heavy blooper that if the death of domestic member, parents leaves as different, nervous as pedagogic classmate relation, living conditions,change, influence lives.

2, ability state and its education proposal. Basically be the intellectual level that points to a student, intellective characteristic how, the intelligence that how has having specific aim trains; Verbal intelligence of the student and mathematical intelligence level how, the inference of wraparound, maths, ability that solves a problem divides verbal and wraparound, verbal inference, maths to not be in which grade; Ability tendency appraisal and creativity are measured etc.

3, character trait analysis and education proposal. Basically be the disposition type that points to a student and feature, temperamental type and feature, feature of individual character psychology, how to have education, the characteristic of the student's interest, manner, human relation and moral character.

4, mental health state and coach politic. Basically be the appraisal of mental health level that points to a student, have inadvertently grain issue or psychogenic disorder, degree how, how to undertake education or Jiao Zhi.

8, how is picture of watch of archives of student mental health stickup?

1.Picture of watch of archives of student mental health should use adhesive plaster stickup, lest the photograph drops.

2.Attend photograph front day, adhesive plaster stickup the reverse side in the photograph, next the photograph stickup go up to watch of mental health archives.

3.If the picture is too big, can cut out the photograph proper size, next again stickup.

9, how is experience of failure of archives of student mental health written?

There is experience of a failure to fill in in watch of archives of student mental health method: The experience that draws up oneself fail can.

Student psychology archives includes two big fields commonly:

It is the basic material that affects student psychology development.

The 2 data that are state of reflective student psychology and psychological characteristic.

Content of unripe psychology archives is as follows:

1, the student is elementary circumstance. Basically provide data of a few setting, analyse student psychology in order to help assistant division development, diagnose the cause that student problem arises correctly. Include a few following fields: Individual brief introduction. Basically include appearance of full name, sexual distinction, birth date, native place, nation, politics, read specialty of the school, grade, home address, hobby to wait.

Body state basically includes medical history of blemish of blood type, general healthy situation, body development state of affairs, physiology, individual to wait.

Domesticity environment. The educational means of atmosphere of the economic atmosphere of the organizes structure, family living environment of rate of the working property that basically includes domestic member and post, literacy, family, family, family, parent and manner, parentage, whether singleton the seniority in female, home.

The school studies life situation. Level of habit of habit of manner of the study result that basically includes a student, study, study, thought moral character, behavior, athletic sports, intercourse (contain teacher-student relationship, companion to concern) , hold the position of class cadre circumstance of circumstance, bear the palm.

Incident of influential to student individual life great society life. The heavy blooper that if the death of domestic member, parents leaves as different, nervous as pedagogic classmate relation, living conditions,change, influence lives.

2, ability state and its education proposal. Basically be the intellectual level that points to a student, intellective characteristic how, the intelligence that how has having specific aim trains; Verbal intelligence of the student and mathematical intelligence level how, the inference of wraparound, maths, ability that solves a problem divides verbal and wraparound, verbal inference, maths to not be in which grade; Ability tendency appraisal and creativity are measured etc.

3, character trait analysis and education proposal. Basically be the disposition type that points to a student and feature, temperamental type and feature, feature of individual character psychology, how to have education, the characteristic of the student's interest, manner, human relation and moral character.

4, mental health state and coach politic. Basically be the appraisal of mental health level that points to a student, have inadvertently grain issue or psychogenic disorder, degree how, how to undertake education or Jiao Zhi.

10, how does archives of mental health of high school student fill in?

Archives of mental health of high school student is the tool that has record and dogging to state of student mental health. To fill in a record of complete mental health of high school student, we need to consider the following aspects:

1.Fill in the individual is basic information

Be in first of mental health archives, we need to fill in basic message of the student, include full name, sexual distinction, age, give unripe date, grade, family to contact a phone to wait a moment. These basic message are the foundation of archives management and inquiry, must assure to fill in accurate without by accident.

2.Fill in psychology evaluates a report

Psychology evaluates a report is archives of mental health of high school student most the core, most important part. Filling in when psychology evaluates a report, the psychology that needs to be based on major checks or psychology seeks advice from a result, undertake describe and be assessmented in detail to the student's mentation. Expression of type of problem of the mental health level that this includes a student, psychology, symptom, cure suggests to wait a moment.

3.Fill in crucial event record

The high school student is in study life, may encounter a lot of crucial event, if pressure of domestic misfortune, study, human conflict is waited a moment. The mental health that these incident meet pair of students produces an effect, need undertakes record and analysis in archives. Each record needs to fill in the information such as degree of type of time, incident, influence, and need undertakes to incident be evaluated and of the solution make.

4.Fill in psychology consults a record

School psychology advisory division is very important to the student's mental health. Fill in it is right that psychology consults a record student mental health dogs important step of management. Filling in when psychology consults a record, need records the content that the student seeks advice from, advisory time and the proposal of advisory division to wait for information. In the meantime, need undertakes assessment to the effect that seeks advice every time, adjust advisory plan in time.

5.Fill in the school evaluates a report

The school teachs a branch to need the mental health state to the student to undertake be assessmented integratedly. These evaluate a report to need to fill in integrated quality evaluation, course and achievement evaluate the student, teacher-student relationship evaluates the content that waits for many respects. Only those who adopt comprehensive system is evaluate, ability makes the educational plan that gives science in the light of the student's circumstance.

Summary rises, of archives of mental health of high school student it is very important to fill in, it can help the school and various education department make be analysed all-aroundly and dogging manage to student mental health. Filling in when archives, need pays close attention to the student's demand highly, respect the student's privacy, also need to assure the accuracy of information and integrality at the same time. Through science normative mental health archives manages, issue of help student's better solution determination grain, raise a student grow with development.

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