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1. 西湖:西湖是杭州最著名的景点之一,也是中国十大名胜之一。它以其美丽的自然风光和悠久的历史文化而闻名于世。

2. 灵隐寺:灵隐寺是中国著名的佛教寺庙之一,位于杭州市西湖区灵隐路。它是杭州市的标志性建筑之一,也是中国佛教文化的重要代表。

3. 千岛湖:千岛湖是杭州市淳安县的一个人工湖,也是中国最大的人工湖之一。它以其美丽的自然风光和丰富的水上活动而闻名于世。

4. 西溪湿地:西溪湿地是杭州市西湖区的一个自然保护区,也是中国著名的湿地之一。它以其美丽的自然风光和丰富的生态资源而闻名于世。

5. 宋城景区:宋城景区是杭州市西湖区的一个主题公园,也是中国最大的宋代文化主题公园之一。它以其精美的建筑和丰富的文化活动而闻名于世。




1. 南湖公园:长春市最大的公园,以其美丽的湖泊和花园而闻名。

2. 长春世界雕塑公园:世界上最大的雕塑公园之一,展示了全球各地的艺术家的作品。

3. 长影世纪城:一个大型的主题公园,包括电影博物馆、电影院和各种娱乐设施!

4. 长春动物园:拥有丰富的动物种类,包括大熊猫、北极熊、非洲狮、老虎等。

5. 伪满皇宫博物馆:展示了伪满洲国时期的历史和文化,包括皇宫、博物馆和园林。



北京雨燕隶属于夜鹰目雨燕科,比常见的燕子体形稍大,羽毛黑褐色,胸腹部有白色细纵纹。它们外观呈流线型,飞行速度极快,而且是著名的食虫益鸟。每年4月到8月,遍布城区的雨燕还是一景。 1870年,英国人温斯侯在北京第一次采到其标本,并命名为“北京雨燕”。















1. 老北京早餐店:这些传统早餐店通常提供有北京特色的早餐食品,如豆浆、油条、煎饼果子等。

2. 食堂:许多北京本地人在自己的单位或学校食堂就餐,这些食堂通常提供各种早餐选择,价格相对实惠。

3. 早市:北京的早市是本地居民购买食材和早餐的好地方,可以找到各种当地的特色小吃和糕点。

4. 邻里餐馆:许多北京本地人喜欢在自家附近的小餐馆或小摊位就餐,这些地方提供有各种传统和现代早餐选择。

5. 快餐店:北京有许多国内外知名的快餐连锁店,这些店提供快捷方便的早餐选择,适合忙碌的上班族。






The travel tourist attraction with the famousest Hangzhou?

Hangzhou is one of China's famous travel cities, have a lot of famous travel tourist attractions. It is a few the famousest travel tourist attractions below:


1.  West lake: The west lake is one of tourist attractions with the famousest Hangzhou, also be China 10 names are gotten the better of one of. Its natural view with its beauty is well-known with long historical culture at the world.

2.  Clever concealed temple: Clever concealed temple is one of China's famous Buddhist temple, be located in road of clever concealed of area of Hangzhou city west lake. It is one of mark sex buildings of Hangzhou city, also be the important delegate of Chinese Buddhist culture.

3.  1000 islands lake: An artificial lake that 1000 islands lake is Hangzhou city Chun An county, also be one of China's biggest artificial lakes. Its natural view with its beauty is well-known with the activity on rich water at the world.

4.  Xi Xi wet ground: A natural groove guard that brook wet ground is area of Hangzhou city west lake on the west, also be one of China's famous wet ground. Its natural view with its beauty is well-known with substantial zoology natural resources at the world.

5.  Area of situation of city of the Song Dynasty: Area of situation of city of the Song Dynasty is the park of a theme of area of Hangzhou city west lake, also be China's biggest Song Daiwen transforms one of thematic parks. It is famed with its elegant structure and rich culture activity at the world.


Above is the travel tourist attraction with a few the famousest Hangzhou, you can undertake choosing according to your interest and time.

The travel tourist attraction with the famousest Changchun?

1.South lake park: ? ? of  of grave of Shan of ご He fierce the She nationality with its beauty laky famed with the garden.

2.: of park of Changchun world sculpture? Billows white displayed? of  of pa of  of Wan of Ge of male of Shan of the She nationality to show the work of the artist of global each district.

3.Grow: of shadow century city? Post Ju Ze is troubled by? of Xiao  holding sb in respectful awe to include the motion picture secretly museum, cinema and all sorts of recreation establishment!

4.Changchun zoo: Have rich animal sort, include lion of giant panda, polar bear, Africa, tiger to wait.

5.Museum of bogus full palace: Revealed bogus full continent country the history of period and culture, include palace, museum and park.

Beijing's famousest animal?

The famousest animal is Beijing swift:

Beijing swift be subordinate to belongs to division of goatsucker eye swift, more largish than common swallow bodily form, feather is black Brown, pectoral abdomen has white fine Zong Wen. Their exterior is shown clipper-built, flight speed is splitting, and it is the famous beneficial bird that feed bug. Arrived every year in April in August, the swift that spreads all over the city zone still is one scene. 1870, english Wen Sihou collects its sample in Beijing first time, name for " Beijing swift " .

Beijing's famousest fan?

"Beijing fan " found 2012, it is carrier with fan, the innovation that uses refined, vogue, Oriental skill is designed, inheritance and develop Chinese fan culture.

Fan, result from China, since Shun, already had 4000 culture history, broad and profound, of long standing and well established.

In the infuse in fan product modern technology and times style, collect " the new, fashionable beauty of the essence of craft, design " at a suit, admire the fashionable high-quality goods that makes agglomeration east culture, the fan product that promotes new era and fan culture make the world mark that represents China.

Beijing's famousest lake?

The lake that I think Beijing is the famousest should be " lake of Summer Palace Kunming " , no matter be name or scene were full of poetics picture meaning, visit between the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, let a person think the body is in Changjiang Delta by accident on the west child lakefront. Can of # of # Kunming lake says Beijing is the most beautiful laky, also be the Guan Jinghu with Beijing the biggest city, not be Changjiang Delta of Changjiang Delta be better than.

Is Beijing the famousest enlighten hall?

Beijing of 90 time metaphase is arisen skip enlighten, the famousest at that time in impression should saying was on December 7, 1994 the JJ that does business formally enlighten hall, be located in in road of street of Beijing University of new market opening in an unit courtyard east, entrance ticket is not cheap still, be being written down is not 50 yuan are 80 yuan, be like everyday is in the late evening when 12 o'clock, DJ can put Cui Jian " on road of new long march rock and roll " , atmosphere reachs a climax.

Is the travel tourist attraction of Zhan Jiang where the famousest?

Scenery of lake smooth cliff is national level scenery scenic spot area of scene of travel of stage of AAAA of park of geology of area, country, country and countrywide adolescent popular science teach base, be located in chinese mainland most 18 kilometers locate southwest of urban district of Na Duanzhan river, be called to study the earth and geological science by U.N. geology expert " natural almanac " . Lake smooth cliff is formed about at 200 thousand years before, it is one of 3 our country's existent volcanic lakes, also be the lake of puts only except German Manderscheid Ma earring made of jade or pearl on the world. The geological feature here holds a variety of geology such as coastal landforms, tectonic geological landforms concurrently vestigial, natural scene is wonderful. Did Comrade Dong Biwu ever make wraparound: to it with 10 words? Do evil spirit of 8  of  of  of  of Na Jiaofen delay orange red idle?

Is the traditional Chinese medical science of Beijing where the famousest?

Academy of Chinese traditional Chinese medical science is wide the hospital that install the gate, east straight door hospital, the hospital encloseds ground for growing trees on the west, still have courtyard of Beijing traditional Chinese medical science

The place with Beijing the famousest breakfast?

It is a few common places below:

1.Inn of old Beijing breakfast: These traditional breakfast inn provide the breakfast food that has Beijing distinguishing feature normally, wait like fruit of soya-bean milk, deep-fried twisted dough sticks, thin pancake made of millet flour.

2.Dining room: A lot of Beijing native are in oneself unit or repast of school dining room, these dining rooms offer all sorts of breakfast alternatives normally, the price is relatively substantial.

3.Early city: The early city of Beijing is this locality dweller buys the good place that eats material and breakfast, the trait that can find all sorts of place is fastfood with cake.

4.Neighborhood cafeteria: A lot of Beijing native like the chophouse around oneself or small stall repast, these places are offerred have all sorts of traditions and contemporary breakfast choice.

5.Snack inn: Beijing has make the snack with multilateral famous inside and outside interlink inn, these inn offer quick and convenient breakfast alternative, suit busy office worker.

Besides the place that afore-mentioned mentioning, beijing still has a lot of dining-room, cafe and bake lane place that provides breakfast, the choice is very much still, can decide according to individual be fond of and demand.

Beijing's most well-known panda name?

Beijing zoo giant panda has a name to call the earth.

The earth is born in on September 22, 1992, it is only male giant panda, pedigree date 394, it resides Beijing zoo now. Arrived at Beijing zoo as exchange on October 22, 2004, with giant panda earth, of Gu Gu and Beijing zoo greet, garden garden exchanges 15 years, with giant panda Ying China and sweet exchange 25 years.

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