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Hong Kong teachs academic official net: Arouse student potential, lead education innovation

Net of official of Hong Kong pedagogic courtyard is one of Hong Kong's most important education orgnaizations, devote oneself to to promote the evolution that teachs a domain and reform. This official net holds water at XXXX year, provided substantial educational natural resources and information for student, teacher and parent.

Hong Kong pedagogic courtyard develops educational " to be core concept in the round with " , hold to the student that fosters full-scale development to be a target, foster skill of professional knowledge of the student, practice and integrated accomplishment. It devotes oneself to to foster independence to think, creativity and problem solve ability, make the student has competition ability in different domain.

Net of pedagogic courtyard official provided substantial curricular information, include the undergraduate course of each course and graduate student course. The student can browse outline of detailed curricular introduction, education and teaching material information, help them make choose a course correctly decision-making.

In addition, net of pedagogic courtyard official still provides rich education resource, include education video, paper and education plan to wait. The student can widen through these resource intellectual face, thorough knowledge teachs the forward position theory of the domain and practice.

Net of pedagogic courtyard official still sets the interactive platform with the parent and society, make they can in time know newest trends of the institute and educational policy. The parent can get the educational natural resources of concerned child and educational activity information through government-owned net, choose appropriate learning environment for the child.

Anyhow, net of official of Hong Kong pedagogic courtyard is the important channel that student, teacher and parent get educational information and resource, it devotes oneself to to drive full-scale development to teach the practice of the concept and innovation.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can provide the pertinent information that teachs academic official net about Hong Kong for you, the mission that helps you understand pedagogic courtyard better and wish scene.

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