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北美洲赤潮时间? 北美洲旅游业发展情况?英文双语对照


北美洲赤潮时间? 北美洲旅游业发展情况?英文双语对照



2017 年 10 月美国佛罗里达近海暴发了近十年来持续最久、灾情最严重的短凯伦藻(Karenia brevis)赤潮, 持续时间达15个月之久。





1. 留意当地的气候,备足适合的衣服。现在入秋了,北美早晚温差比较大,需要带足御寒的衣服。

2. 遵守当地的交通法规。北美交通规则比国内严,比如不能随意变道、不能长时间占用超车道、不能超速、需礼让行人、不能随意路边停车等。北美的警察很较真,而且一旦被开罚单则需上法庭审理,这一点与国内不同。如果自驾则要仔细研究和熟记。

3. 提前做好攻略,制定旅行计划和订好酒店。当然,如果是跟团的话,跟着导游的脚步走就可以啦。

4. 很多人到了北美都有很多购物计划。除了在机场免税店购买化妆品之外,还可以在各洲的outlet购买各品牌的服装、箱包和鞋子等,价格都很美丽。不同洲的税率不一样,比如纽约洲的税率很高,比起免税洲,在纽约购买同样的商品要付出更高的价格了。

5. 在住宿方面,北美不是每个酒店都有自助早餐。即便有自助早餐也是比较简单的。大概有煎鸡蛋、自己DIY的华夫饼、培根和咖啡等。比起国内酒店的豪华早餐是相形见绌的,要做好准备哦。

6. 饮食方面,北美的主食是汉堡或者牛扒、pizza等,与国内差别很大,尤其是没有热水。在餐厅大都默认提供冰水,最多提供滚水,如果想喝温水就比较麻烦。酒店也没有烧水壶,如果习惯喝热水,建议自带煮水器和保温杯。



















长达202公里、连结渥太华和金斯顿的里多运河,是渥太华的著名景点。1812年英军与美军激战之后,英国认为有必要在渥太华河与安大略湖间,建造一条补给线,于是开凿了里多运河。 在运河开工前,渥太华还是个不毛之地,

建造运河的工人在此定居下来,他们以当时英国军队拜上校命名该地,叫它拜城。 里多运河从1826年开始动工,到1 832年才完成,工程超出想象中的艰辛,是有史以来英国在加拿大耗资最大的工程。完工之后拜上校回到英国,


成为至今北美唯一一条还在运作的最古老运河。 爱尔兰人和法裔加拿大人是开凿里多运河的主要人群,这也是今日渥太华为什么会有那么多爱尔兰裔居民的原因。

每年2月中旬渥太华都会在冰冻後的丽都运河(Rideau Canal)举办热闹非凡的冬季狂欢节,冬庆节的所有活动都围绕冰雪题材展开,它的特色除了有冰雕展、雪橇活动、破冰船之旅外,还有冰上曲棍球赛、



北亚美利加洲(英文:North America),简称北美洲,位于西半球北部。东临大西洋,西临太平洋,北濒北冰洋,南以巴拿马运河为界与南美洲相分。北美洲还包括加勒比海中众多岛屿。北美洲面积2422.8万平方公里(包括附近岛屿),约占世界陆地总面积的16.2%,是世界第3大洲。人口52872万(2008年七月),居世界第4位。



Wet time of bare of the North American?

2015 North America the coast erupted on the west large-scale draft lozenge alga (Pseudo-nitzschia) bare is wet, north removes American Alaska, mexico comes south coastal, those who cover an area is big unprecedented.

American Florida coastal waters broke out in October 2017 will nearly 10 years last the longest, the situation of a disaster is the most serious short triumphant Lun Zao (Karenia Brevis) bare is wet, what duration amounts to 15 months is long.

Does tourism of the North American develop a case?

Tourism of area of North America travel starts earlier, after World War II, tourism development is rapid. At present the tourism of this area develops dimensions to be next to Europe, for the world the 2nd big travel develops area.

Go what should travel of the North American notice?

To North America travel needs to notice the following

1.The climate of advertent place, equipment is sufficient suitable dress. Enter now autumn, difference in temperature of North America morning and evening is bigger, need takes the clothes with full cold keep out.

2.Abide by local highway code. Regulation of North America traffic is stricter than home, cannot change at will for instance, cannot take up overtake for long, cannot person of overspeed, to give way wanting a gift, cannot optional roadside jockeys etc. The police of North America very truer, and once be left to punish sheet to need to go up,the court is tried, this and home are different. If be driven oneself,should study carefully and memorize.

3.Make good strategy ahead of schedule, make the journey plans and order fine public house. Of course, if be the word that follows a group, the step that follows a tourist guide goes OK.

4.A lot of people arrived North America has a lot of shopping plans. Besides in the airport duty-free inn buys cosmetic besides, still can be in each continent bag of the clothing that Outlet buys each brand, box and shoe, the value is very fair. Different continent tax rate is different, the tax rate of new York continent is very for instance high, compared with duty-free continent, same goods is bought to want to pay higher price in new York.

5.In accommodation respect, north America is not every hotel has self-help breakfast. Even if has self-help breakfast also is simpler. The China husband cake that has decoct egg, him DIY probably, earth up root and coffee to wait. The luxurious breakfast compared with domestic public house is inferior by comparison, want ready-made.

6.Dietary respect, the staple food of North America is hamburger arrogant perhaps gather up, Pizza, very as big as domestic difference, do not have hot water especially. Acquiesce mostly in dining-room provide glacial water, offer at most roll water, if want,drink Wen Shui to compare a trouble. The hotel also does not have teakettle, if the habit drinks hot water, the proposal carries the water that boil oneself implement with vacuum cup.

If still have other issue,the welcome seeks advice from me to breath out.

Does Russia discover time of the North American?

The time that Russia discovers North America is in 17 centuries, czar Russia is in the process of eastward dilate, ceaseless along Asian mainland dilate, arrived north inferior area of easternmost Chu Keji, span finally in 17 centuries the Bering Strait arrived at North America archipelago of today's Alaska and A Liushen, the northwest area that is in North America mainland established colony.

Does each country of the North American found a state time?

North America shares 23 countries, among them with the United States, canada, mexico is main country. Of these countries found a state time is respectively: The United States founds a state time is to founded a state 1776, canada founds a state time is to founded a state 1867, mexico founds a state time is to founded a state 1810, guatemala founds a state time is to founded a state 1821. Haitian found a state time is to founded a state 1822.

European inbreak time of the North American?

After 1492 Columbus discovers America mainland, portuguese, holand, france, england early or late and come. Each country established a few aggressive fortified point in North America in succession.

Be in in England 16 centuries Atlantic is coastal before establishing the first batch of colony, go up in 16 centuries half period, spain is in Atlantic of the North American is coastal Mexican bay today Florida, zun Zhiya, churchyard built Dekesasi colony foothold.

On seventeen century half period, holand colonist built new Amsterdam in North America (namely new York) , 16 centuries France built Nuofasike in North America fine inferior colony, include show region of wide earth of Canadian the eastpart part and American Mississippi.

Does the North American time differ with Beijing time how many?

The North American time follows Beijing time equation of time is 14 hours. North America now is a winter when making.

North America is located in on the west area of 6 zone time, beijing is located in east area of 8 zone time, time of the North American and Beijing time equation of time are 14 hours, north America is late 14 hours.

During daylight saving time, time of the North American and Beijing time equation of time are 13 hours, chinese time is fast 13 hours.

Is desert travel optimal travel time?

10-11 month.

It is the season with first-class travel, it is season of desert travel gold. At this moment the temperature inside desert suits tourist activity amuse oneself very much. Annual full-bodied place distinguishing feature brings acting dance competition also is this season undertakes. This season can catch photography lover the results beautiful scenery of aureate October.

Canal of the North American?

Many lis the canal -- up to now North America still is in exclusively run the oldest canal

Be as long as many lis of canal of 202 kilometers, concatenate Ottawwa and Jinsidu, it is the famous tourist attraction of Ottawwa. 1812 after Ying Jun and U.S. Army hassle, england thinks to be necessary to be in Ottawwa river and how between rude lake, make a supply line, then cut many lis of canal. Before canal start working, ottawwa still is a barren land,

The worker that builds the canal settles here come down, they with British army does obeisance to captain to name this the ground at that time, call it to do obeisance to a city. Much canal begins to begin construction from 1826 in, to 1 832 year just finish, the project exceeds the hardships in the imagination, it is throughout history England costs the biggest project in Canada. Finishing later do obeisance to captain to return England,

Sneer at and criticize by, did not do obeisance to captain a few years to be in but with die in anguish. However, it is many lis of canal of purpose cut with the military affairs, did not use as first and last martial utility, became however Ottawwa and how important carriage is aortic between rude lake, all sorts of ships are current on the canal without block,

Become up to now North America still is in exclusively run the oldest canal. Irish and law Yi Jiana Your Excellency is the main crowd of the many canal in cut, this also is now why can Ottawwa have so much Ireland the reason of descendants dweller.

Annual Ottawwa of the middle ten days of a month can be in in Feburary of freezing after beautiful the canal (Rideau Canal) hold lively and extraordinary winter carnival, the winter celebrates all activities of the section to spread out around subject matter of ice and snow, its characteristic is exhibited besides carve having ice, outside the brigade of sledge activity, icebreaker, still have ice hockey game,

Snowshoe walk and ice the wonderful activity such as the match that draw a horse. The winter celebrates a section to had become Ottawwa an important sign, also be one of winter travel activities with the most absorbing area of whole North America at the same time. And the rink with alive the seniorest group - many lis skating on the canal is a winter distinctive project is had most in celebrating a red-letter day, hiemal Ottawwa already became Canada to skate the ground of the first selection of lover.

Does ` of the North American introduce?

North Yameilijia continent (English: North America) , abbreviation North America, be located in north of the Western Hemisphere. Atlantic is faced east, pacific Ocean is faced on the west, north is close to the Arctic Ocean, bound and cent of South America photograph are with the the Big Ditch south. North America still includes Caribbean in numerous islands. Area of the North American kilometer of twenty-four million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand square (include around islands) , occupy the 16.2 % of world terrestrial gross area about, it is the 3rd continent of world. Population five hundred and twenty-eight million seven hundred and twenty thousand (in July 2008) , rank No. 4 in the world.

The United States and Canada are the developed country with industrial solid base, science and technology is advanced, agriculture also very develop, rate of agricultural production mechanization is very high. Other country divides North America outside Mexico, it is country of single product economy more. Mid Campagna is one of world-renowned agricultural areas, crop is given priority to with corn, wheaten, cotton, soja, tobacco. All countries basically produce central america and Caribbean the intertropical crop such as sugar cane, banana, coffee, cocoa.

上一篇:北美洲南部国家? 北美洲12国家?英文双语对照