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  • 可以关注相关的税收优惠政策,如养老保险、教育救助等补贴,可以减轻税负。
  • 可以选择合适的税务筹划方法,如合理规避税收,合理规划收入和支出,降低应缴税款。
  • 可以咨询专业税务顾问,根据个人实际情况进行个性化的税务规划和咨询。





What is city building duty and educational expenses add?

City building duty and educational expenses add is taxation of a kind of place, exist generally in chinese mainland city. City building duty is the capital that shows according to the city construction needs and a kind of expropriation revenue, use at urban infrastructure construction, wait like road, bridge. Teaching cost to add is to support the tax payment that the foundation teachs a career and collects, use at school construction and the investment that teach funds.

City building duty and educational cost are additional collect an object

City building duty and educational expenses are add and main have duty to pay taxes by legal person and individual. To legal person, it is commonly enterprise or business individual and unit, industrial and commercial door; The individual includes natural person, individual solely invested enterprise. Of different area specific collect object and standard to may exist difference, need receives code to have specific provision according to photograph custom duty of place.

City building duty and educational cost are additional impose kind

City building duty and educational cost are additional impose kind general component is rule of three and quota method. Rule of three is the index such as the sale of basis taxpayer, turnover or profit, collect tax payment by certain proportion. And norm law is the element such as the production according to taxpayer, operation and a sector of an area, determined fixed taxation number.

City building duty and educational cost are additional meaning and action

It is important to arriving since urban development that city building duty and educational expenses add action. The expropriation of city building duty can offer a city to build needs capital, improve infrastructure, promote the life quality; Educational cost is additional collected the development that is educational enterprise to provide capital safeguard, promoted education quality and standard.

How should reach educational expenses to add to city building duty financial to the individual impact?

To the individual, city building duty and educational cost are additional collect the influence with may arise certain to the individual's finance affairs. On one hand, these imposition can increase the individual's burden, need is reasonable adjust the life and consumptive plan; On the other hand, also can involve taxation policy through understanding photograph, add up to compasses ground to undertake duty Wu plans legally, reduce duty to lose.

  • Can pay close attention to relevant taxation privilege policy, wait for allowance like minister of endowment insurance, education, can reduce duty to lose.
  • Can choose appropriate duty Wu to plan method, be like reasonable avoid taxation, sound program income and defray, reduce should pay tax paragraph.
  • Can consult adviser of professional duty Wu, according to the individual actual condition undertakes personalized duty Wu plans and seek advice.


Add through knowing city building duty and educational cost, can plan better the individual is financial, reasonable answer individual taxation. Reasonable adjust the life and consumptive plan, can reduce individual duty to lose already, can be urban construction and educational enterprise to make contribution again.

Thank you to read this article, the hope can be brought for you expend about city building duty and education additional relevant knowledge and duty Wu program are referenced. If still other question or need understand further, seek advice from adviser of professional duty Wu or orgnaization of relevant duty Wu at any time please.
