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类似暗黑的单机游戏? 类似于暗黑血统的单机游戏?英文双语对照


类似暗黑的单机游戏? 类似于暗黑血统的单机游戏?英文双语对照


泰坦之旅 神圣纪事 上古卷轴系列












1. 《剑网3》:这是一款以古代仙侠为题材的单机游戏,玩家可以探索中国古代的仙侠世界,进行各种武功修炼和战斗。

2. 《天涯明月刀》:这是一款以明朝为背景的单机游戏,玩家可以扮演江湖侠客,在游戏中进行武功修炼、探索任务和战斗。

3. 《大话西游》:这是一款以中国古代神话故事为背景的单机游戏,玩家可以扮演不同职业的角色,在游戏中与各种神话生物战斗。

4. 《仙剑奇侠传》:这是一款以古代仙侠为主题的单机游戏,玩家可以扮演不同的角色,在游戏中进行武功修炼、探索任务和解谜。

5. 《神雕侠侣》:这是一款以金庸武侠小说《神雕侠侣》为背景的单机游戏,玩家可以扮演小龙女、杨过等角色,在游戏中进行武功修炼和冒险。










我是暗黑的铁杆,前段时间我在市面上看到有暗月世界卖就买了张回来,回到家安上一看 又是一张暗黑的改编版,试玩了下确实感觉很不错,多了很多装备和合成的地方,还多了些隐藏技能和隐藏地图,最高级数可以升到126级,说实话,第一次玩时带给我的惊喜感觉有点像才玩暗黑的那种,建议老玩家去玩下,我们国家的娃娃自己改的,难为他还改得这么出色,新手就算了,先把暗黑弄好了再去玩暗月,不然暗月对你来说太过复杂了.呵呵.

九、ios 暗黑类单机游戏?



怪物猎人,原名モンスターハンター ,英文名Monster Hunter,是由CAPCOM研发的一系列动作角色扮演游戏,于2004年03月11日首发行。玩家要在游戏中扮演猎人,不断狩猎怪物,获得装备和金钱,并让自己的猎人等级上升。。


火炬之光:《火炬之光》是一款以冒险为主题的动作类 MMORPG。

在游戏中,冒险者将从 火炬之光这个城镇出发,进入附近山区寻找能给他们的武器提供能量,但同时却也危及他们性命的魔法矿石。游戏利用简单直接的操作界面,力求呈现出一个充满迅速火爆的动作体验,以及绚烂动人的游戏世界。游戏中有三种职业可以供玩家选择。一种是擅长近战的毁灭者(Destroyer),他残酷的手法可以轻松重击许多敌人;链金术士(Alchemist)可以召唤部下帮助他,并且远距离的杀死敌人;征服者(Vanquisher)是一名优秀的射手,她可以采用陷阱混淆敌人的视听。由前《暗黑破坏神》创始团队成员所创立的Runic Games 研发,并由完美时空取得全球发行权的《火炬之光(Torchlight)》,于10 月27 日推出单人战役付费下载版本,游戏中包含战斗节奏、各种机制设定都具备了一定的水准,也看得见《暗黑破坏神》精髓的延续。


One, game of similar shadowy stand-alone?

Tai Tan's brigade is divine age issue is antediluvian reel series

" divine spirit is allegorical " perfectly game, freedom is spent very tall

Went out newly recently nevertheless " torchlight " pretty good, dark black the old cast does

A few days ago, perfect and spatio-temporal announce formally to obtain " torchlight " the whole world issues right, by its commentate the game film that give and picture check scheme, we see some are made not hard " dark black destroy a god " flavour.

2, the stand-alone game that is similar to dark black blood relationship?

Of dark black blood relationship climb a wall, persia is only princely 5 most picture, persia prince is adventurous game purely, the movement is without an advantage. Respect of action of dark black blood follows ghost sob likeness, riddle, was indifferent to, the game riddle atmosphere that because I see,passes did not compare dark black blood relationship thicker. Fighting at close quarters, the blade movement of the person that bear resembles ghost sob, also take a side with dark black blood relationship of course, the blade of days also has dark black blood relationship the much skill of 2, much equipment, riddle also has a lot of. Prototype of cause sb's death by maltreating him is far battle, city actually loaf about the sort of, pull with fistfight not above, be similar to a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of green giant, spider the sort of, my individual does not like this kind of sport.

3, similar " dark black destroy a god 2 " is stand-alone game recommended?

Holy region 2, copy is dark black 2 styles, than dark black 2 pictures had pledged, the map is old, the task is much, game makes an appointment with 13 G, newest the region that it is emperor 3, this series is developed by German company.

Torchlight, newest for torchlight 2, advocate achieving staff share is former dark black the development staff of 2, can regard Q edition dark black. Similar the stay away from home that still has Tai Tan.

I had played dark black 2, dark black 3, torchlight 1 and 2, playing holy region now 2.

4, similar the stand-alone play that asks?

About this problem, it is below a few similar the stand-alone play that asks:

1." sword net 3 " : This is a stand-alone game that is subject matter with a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of archaic celestial being, the player can explore the world of celestial being a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of Chinese ancient time,

2." knife of skyline bright moon " : This is a stand-alone game that is setting with Ming Dynasty, the player can act a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of all corners of the country, undertake in game military accomplishment builds task of refine, exploration and battle.

3." boast swims on the west " : This is a stand-alone game that is setting with fairy tale of Chinese ancient time, the player can act different occupational part, fight with all sorts of mythological biology in game.

4." strange a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of celestial being sword passes " : This is a stand-alone game that gives priority to a problem with a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of archaic celestial being, the player can act different role,

5." associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " : This is one needs with gold knight-errant novel " associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " the stand-alone game that is setting, the player can act small Long Nv, Yang Guo conformal color,

Above is a few similar the stand-alone play that asks, the part that they are having rich gut, exciting battle and diversity chooses, can bring a player to be enmeshed the game experience of type.

5, the stand-alone game of similar civilization?

Similar stand-alone game is recommended " war and civilization " . This is a game of very good mobile phone of martial war simulation that is worth to recommend everybody, game has very diversiform martial strategy war to play law mode, here player can found his country, you can develop different army to your country, come through raising battle with battle powerful your force, game has rich military affairs to be opposite battle content.

6, the stand-alone game that similar nucleus explodes?

Hero and general, full-scale war, mission call

7, the stand-alone game that similar the Qin Dynasty dies young?

Similar stand-alone game is recommended " dark black destroy a god " . , " the Qin Dynasty dies young " the smooth title with homebred feel no regret. The core of this game plays a way similar " dark black destroy a god " , but added a lot of Chinese culture elements, for instance mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements of the five elements. " dark black destroy a god " (Diablo) was 1996 the classical game of RPG of a movement that blizzard entertainment company rolls out.

8, similar dark black destroy magical stand-alone play?

Repeated the 1000 questions that all over, dark black it is classical, everybody loves, have now " dark black destroy edition of divine dark month " < dark month world > , , , , homebred " Dao Jian seals demon to record " , country edition is dark black, " renascent "

I am shadowy iron lever, before paragraph time I see on market dark month world sells bought Zhang Hui, returning an Anshangyi to look is a piece shadowy adapt edition, try played to fall to feel very pretty good really, a lot of more equipment and complex place, some more conceal skill and conceal a map, ritzy number can raise 126 level, tell the truth, the surprise sense that I bring when playing for the first time plays like ability a bit shadowy the sort of, proposal old player goes playing below, him baby of our country changes, be a hard job to him to still change so outstandingly, the novice calculated, first dismal black finish go playing dark month again, dark month is otherwise right for you too too complex. Ah.

9, is Ios dark black kind of stand-alone game?

Recommend a game to you.

" hunter of an eccentric person "

Hunter of an eccentric person, タ ー of ン of ハ of ー of タ of ス of ン of original name モ , english name Monster Hunter, it is by a series of movements of CAPCOM research and development the part acts game, on March 11, 2004 head issue. The player should act a hunter in game, chase ceaselessly an eccentric person, obtain equipment and money, the hunter order and degree that allows oneself rises. .

10, similar [dark black destroy a god] part kind stand-alone game what good?

Torchlight: " torchlight " it is a movement that inscribes with taking a risk to give priority to kind MMORPG.

In game, adventurer will from torchlight this town sets out, enter around a mountainous area search the weapon that can give them to provide energy, but the blackart ore that also endangers their life however at the same time. Game uses simple and direct operation interface, do one's best appears give to be full of rapid and hot movement to experience, and gorgeous and moving game world. There are 3 kinds of professions to be able to offer player alternative in game. One kind is the destroy person that is good at fighting at close quarters (Destroyer) , his brutal gimmick is OK and relaxed bang a lot of enemies; Catenary gold magician (Alchemist) can call following helps him, and kill the enemy remotely; Conqueror (Vanquisher) it is an outstanding archer, she can use trap the seeing and hearing of promiscuous enemy. By before " dark black destroy a god " the Runic Games research and development that institute of virgin group member founds, and by perfect and spatio-temporal obtain the whole world to issue right " torchlight (Torchlight) " , download version at will rolling out single person battle to pay fee on October 27, all sorts of battle rhythm, mechanism set were included to have certain level in game, also look so that see " dark black destroy a god " quintessential continuance.

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