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1. 常见花卉词汇

1.1 Flower (花)

  • Rose (玫瑰)

  • Tulip (郁金香)

  • Lily (百合)

  • Orchid (兰花)

  • Daisy (雏菊)

  • Sunflower (向日葵)

  • Carnation (康乃馨)

  • Peony (牡丹)

  • Chrysanthemum (菊花)

  • Hydrangea (绣球花)

1.2 Flower Parts (花的部分)

  • Petal (花瓣)

  • Stigma (柱头)

  • Style (花柱)

  • Anther (花药)

  • Pollen (花粉)

  • Sepal (萼片)

  • Receptacle (花托)

1.3 Flower Arrangements (花卉布置)

  • Bouquet (花束)

  • Wreath (花环)

  • Centerpiece (桌花)

  • Corsage (胸花)

  • Boutonniere (插花胸针)

  • Flower Basket (花篮)

  • Flower Pot (花盆)

1.4 Flower Care (花卉护理)

  • Watering (浇水)

  • Pruning (修剪)

  • Fertilizing (施肥)

  • Sunlight (阳光)

  • Soil (土壤)

  • Pest Control (害虫控制)

2. 花卉种类及特点

2.1 Rose (玫瑰)

  • 例句:

    • "Roses are a classic symbol of love and romance."

    • "玫瑰是爱情和浪漫的经典象征。"

2.2 Tulip (郁金香)

  • 例句:

    • "Tulips come in a variety of colors and are perfect for brightening up a room."

    • "郁金香有多种颜色,非常适合为房间增添色彩。"

2.3 Lily (百合)

  • 例句:

    • "Lilies are known for their sweet fragrance and elegant appearance."

    • "百合以其甜美的香气和优雅的外观而闻名。"

2.4 Orchid (兰花)

  • 例句:

    • "Orchids are often used to add a touch of exotic elegance to any room."

    • "兰花常用于为任何房间增添异国情调的优雅。"

2.5 Daisy (雏菊)

  • 例句:

    • "Daisies are often used in casual floral arrangements and bouquets."

    • "雏菊常用于休闲的花卉布置和花束中。"

2.6 Sunflower (向日葵)

  • 例句:

    • "Sunflowers bring a sense of cheerfulness and brightness to any space."

    • "向日葵为任何空间带来愉快和明亮的感觉。"

2.7 Carnation (康乃馨)

  • 例句:

    • "Carnations are often used in corsages and boutonnieres for formal events."

    • "康乃馨常用于正式活动的胸花和插花胸针。"

2.8 Peony (牡丹)

  • 例句:

    • "Peonies are often used in weddings for their lush and romantic appearance."

    • "牡丹因其丰盈浪漫的外观而常用于婚礼中。"

2.9 Chrysanthemum (菊花)

  • 例句:

    • "Chrysanthemums are popular in autumn and are used in many seasonal decorations."

    • "菊花在秋季很受欢迎,常用于季节性装饰。"

2.10 Hydrangea (绣球花)

  • 例句:

    • "Hydrangeas add a touch of elegance to both gardens and floral arrangements."

    • "绣球花为花园和花卉布置增添了一丝优雅。"

3. 花卉布置与用途

3.1 Bouquets (花束)

  • 例句:

    • "She received a beautiful bouquet of roses for her birthday."

    • "她生日时收到了一个美丽的玫瑰花束。"

3.2 Wreaths (花环)

  • 例句:

    • "The door was decorated with a festive Christmas wreath."

    • "门上装饰着一个节日气氛的圣诞花环。"

3.3 Centerpieces (桌花)

  • 例句:

    • "The dinner table was adorned with a stunning floral centerpiece."

    • "餐桌上装饰着一个惊艳的花卉桌花。"

3.4 Corsages (胸花)

  • 例句:

    • "She wore a corsage on her wrist to the prom."

    • "她在舞会上佩戴了一朵胸花。"

3.5 Boutonnieres (插花胸针)

  • 例句:

    • "The groom wore a white boutonniere on his tuxedo."

    • "新郎在他的晚礼服上佩戴了一朵白色的插花胸针。"

3.6 Flower Baskets (花篮)

  • 例句:

    • "The flower basket was a lovely gift for the new baby."

    • "花篮是送给新生儿的美丽礼物。"

3.7 Flower Pots (花盆)

  • 例句:

    • "She planted her favorite flowers in decorative flower pots."

    • "她把她最喜欢的花种植在装饰性的花盆里。"

4. 花卉护理

4.1 Watering (浇水)

  • 例句:

    • "Make sure to water the flowers regularly to keep them healthy."

    • "确保定期浇水,以保持花卉健康。"

4.2 Pruning (修剪)

  • 例句:

    • "Pruning helps to remove dead blooms and promote new growth."

    • "修剪有助于去除枯萎的花朵并促进新生长。"

4.3 Fertilizing (施肥)

  • 例句:

    • "Use a balanced fertilizer to ensure your flowers get the nutrients they need."

    • "使用平衡肥料,以确保花卉获得所需的营养。"

4.4 Sunlight (阳光)

  • 例句:

    • "Place the flowers where they can get adequate sunlight for optimal growth."

    • "将花卉放在能获得足够阳光的地方,以促进最佳生长。"

4.5 Soil (土壤)

  • 例句:

    • "Ensure the soil is well-drained to prevent root rot."

    • "确保土壤排水良好,以防止根部腐烂。"

4.6 Pest Control (害虫控制)

  • 例句:

    • "Regularly check for pests and treat them promptly to protect your flowers."

    • "定期检查害虫,并及时处理,以保护您的花卉。"
