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One, does appropriate of the game that be the same as a city promote mahjong to be decided to be in a room by the lock?

Because do not allow to be exited by oneself in game, if because you are other reason, quited the game that having compulsively, so before that card bureau that exits in you ends, you cannot in the another card bureau that reentrance is the same as type game, hint namely " you already were decided to be in another room by the lock " .

2, how is download the same as city game?

Online download, play game of city of one similarly hereinafter, itself can appear to download with city game.

3, in the game that be the same as a city, the clew that often the network disconnects 1, the game that be the same as a city?

If be Hei Bing plays a dialog box to tell a wire, because the network is not stable,be, large area network is not stable in recent years already less, the proposal stabilizes his network. This bureau disappeared directly do not have an influence to you, if only you do not go up repeatedly, concern with your network supplier.

4, 3 gorge are the same as 10 thousand cities city game, do 10 thousand cities download with city game?

10 thousand cities download with city game: Http://tongchengbuyu.blog.163.com/blog/static/195032089201181304053373/ is the same as, 10 thousand cities are the same as game of city card games brand-new roll out 10 thousand cities to be the same as city game platform! 10 thousand cities are the same as city game brand-new make local distinguishing feature, video game, the gout function such as athletics match

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This wants those who have mobile phone version to be able to download only, can download inside applied treasure. Applying treasure is the platform of a download that for An Zhuo systematic mobile phone provides one, the software inside is the original green software that passes attestation, can be at ease download is used. The software that can install on the mobile phone is basic it is OK find. Still support the function that governs a mobile phone, for example rubbish clears, install bag government, application is uninstalled, the mobile phone is optimized. Support tool of one key Root, still a lot of brush machine tool, still can back up data, detect mountain fastness application is waited a moment.

6, how do the 58 game that be the same as a city login?

Open 58 click with the city can login

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Be the same as a city is not game, be the same as a city is the meaning around.

8, how to apply for Meizhou to be the same as city game?

Is full name: ? ? of branch of cochlea of cowardly of  of Yi of the graph that divide Song is inputted in address column accessibility.

9, " the game that be the same as a city " how to exchange head?

Name of the user in the game that be the same as a city cannot be revised, can revise a nickname only, if you need to change really user name, register afresh please.

10, how do 5 pieces of cards play with city game? The game that be the same as a city are 5 pieces of cards amused not?

amused of course ah, I often play, do not have a thing to follow what the staff plays together usually! Pretty good still.
