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1. 外贸企业:许多企业需要专业的国际贸易人才来处理进出口业务、贸易合同、国际采购等工作。毕业生可以在外贸公司从事业务员、外贸跟单员、国际拓展等岗位,并逐步晋升为业务经理或国际部门负责人。

2. 国际贸易机构:例如海关、商检、物流公司、自贸区等。毕业生可以从事贸易监管、口岸管理、报关报检、物流运营等方面的工作,参与国际贸易的监督和管理。

3. 跨国公司:许多跨国公司需要专业的国际贸易人才,毕业生可以在这些公司从事供应链管理、国际采购、贸易策划等工作,负责开拓新市场和推动国际贸易业务的发展。

4. 政府机构和研究机构:例如商务部、外交部、政府智库等。毕业生可以从事对外经贸政策的研究、贸易谈判、国际经济合作等工作,参与国际贸易政策的制定和实施。




国际本科是指一种教育体系,旨在为学生提供具有国际化特色的本科教育。国际本科项目通常由大学或学院提供,旨在吸引全球范围内的学生,提供跨国界的学习经验和机会。国际本科的特点是:1. 学生多样性:国际本科项目通常吸引来自世界各地的学生,因此学生们将与来自不同文化背景的人一起学习和交流,拓宽了他们的全球视野和跨文化交流能力。2. 语言要求:国际本科项目通常提供英语授课的课程,因此学生需要具备一定的英语水平才能成功学习和参与课堂活动。3. 跨国界学习经验:国际本科项目通常提供学生参与交换项目、实习机会或参观其他国家大学的机会,以帮助学生获得跨国界的学习经验和深化他们对不同文化和社会的了解。4. 国际认可度:大部分国际本科项目具有较高的国际认可度,学生毕业后可获得国际认可的学位,并有机会在全球范围内继续深造。总的来说,国际本科是一种提供具有国际化特色的本科教育机会的项目,旨在培养具有跨文化交流和全球视野的学生。


1. 较高。2. 因为随着全球化的发展,英语已成为国际交流的主要语言,许多大学都要求学生具备一定的英语能力,以便更好地适应国际化的学术环境和就业市场。3. 包括英语水平测试、英语课程学习、英语考试成绩等方面,学生需要在这些方面进行充分准备,提高自己的英语能力水平。同时,可以通过参加英语角、阅读英文原版书籍等方式进行,提高英语交流和阅读能力。






















第七步: 入学











1. 低分高走。在本科线附近甚至还不到本科线的同学,很多是不可能进大学的,但通过国际本科就可以顺利拿到本科学历。

2. 好的环境带来优质的人脉时由的。好的项目有一个特点--国际本科的学生与普通学生共享校园环境和师资,你能接触的同学大概率都是很优秀的。

3. 是留学一个很好的方式器。很多同学有本科或者硕士留学的计划,但是出于各种原因(没有语言成绩、高中成绩太差等)没法申请学校,选择国际本科可以很好地解决这个问题。

4. 起到了很好的过渡作用。2+2国际本科也实现了出国留学前语言及心理的良好过渡,通过国内的培养和学习实现和国外大学语言及课程的无缝衔接;其次,2+2国际本科在国内阶段学习2年,大大节约了留学成本。

















第七步: 入学




One, the distinction of international undergraduate course and undergraduate course?

District limits: What one word points to undergraduate course normally is the bachelor's degree that obtains inside a country, for instance Chinese undergraduate course. And international undergraduate course is more extensive, those who point to is the bachelor's degree that obtains in different country or the orgnaization that the collaboration that cross a state runs a school.

Curricular setting: International undergraduate course has the curricular setting that provides internationalization more normally. It may include international communication course of project, international, cross culture to consider to wait for content, aim to foster have global eye shot and the graduate that cross culture to communicate ability.

Schoolteaching language: Undergraduate course is schoolteaching language with the official language of this country normally, wait like Chinese, English. And international undergraduate course is main schoolteaching language with English normally, aim to attract the student that comes from different country and area.

Student diversity: Normally more appearance turns the student group of international undergraduate course, have the student that comes from setting of different country, culture and educational system. This kind of diversity can promote cultural exchange and understanding.

Learning approbates with transfer credit: Undergraduate course degree is in a country to be able to get corresponding learning is approbated normally in its, and the international that international undergraduate course needs to consider degree approbates a gender. Additional, international undergraduate may face different nation or the area teachs the challenge that credit transfers between the system.

2, foreground of obtain employment of international trade of university of central finance and economics?

   The obtain employment foreground of major of international trade of university of central finance and economics is opposite better. International trade serves as a main field, below the setting of globalization, having vast development space and demand. It is a few possible obtain employment way and foreground below:

1.Foreign trade enterprise: The international trade qualified personnel with a lot of industry professional need will handle contract of business of imports and exports, commerce, international to purchase wait for the job. The member that company of graduate OK and outer trade follows sheet from thing clerk, foreign trade, international is extended wait for post, promote to a high office stage by stage for business manager or international branch chief.

2.International trade orgnaization: For example company of custom, trade supervision, content shedding, wait from trade division. Graduate can be engaged in commerce superintending, port management, declare at customs the job that signs up for check, content to shed the respect such as operation, share international trade supervise and manage.

3.Transnational corporation: A lot of transnational corporation need professional international trade talented person, graduate can be engaged in supplying chain management, international to purchase in these companies, the job such as trade plan, be in charge of developing new market and the development that drive international trade business.

4.Governmental orgnaization and research organization: For example library of Department of Commerce, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, government wisdom. Graduate can be engaged in cooperating via economy of negotiation of the research of trade policy, commerce, international external wait for the job, share international trade policy make and carry out.

In addition, as the development of Internet and electronic business affairs, platform of electronic business affairs, cross company of condition cable business to waited to also offer new obtain employment opportunity for international trade professional.

Those who need an attention is, obtain employment foreground is affected besides what get professional setting and ability level outside, return the influence that is grown by the wave motion of market economy and industry. So, in promotion oneself integrated quality, widen intellectual field of vision while, also want to pay close attention to an industry closely to develop trends, promote oneself competition ability ceaselessly.

3, what is international undergraduate course?

International undergraduate course is to point to system of a kind of education, aim to offer the undergraduate course that has internationalization distinguishing feature to teach for the student. Project of international undergraduate course is offerred by university or institute normally, aim to attract the student inside global limits, offer the study experience that crosses national boundaries and opportunity. The characteristic of international undergraduate course is: 1. Student diversity: Project of international undergraduate course attracts the student that comes from world each district normally, will learn together with the person that comes from different culture setting because of this students and communicate, widened their global eye shot and cultural exchange ability. 2. Language requirement: Project of international undergraduate course offers the course that English gives lessons normally, because this student need has certain English level ability,participate in classroom activity. 3. Cross experience of national boundaries study: Project of international undergraduate course offers a student to share opportunity of commutative project, exercitation or the opportunity that see other country university normally, the study experience that crosses national boundaries with helping a student obtain and deepen their understanding to different culture and society. 4. International approbates degree: Project of major international undergraduate course has taller international to approbate degree, the degree that international approbates can be obtained after the student graduates, organic meeting continues to take advanced courses inside global limits. As a whole, international undergraduate course is the project that a kind of undergraduate course that carries sacrificial vessel to have internationalization distinguishing feature teachs an opportunity, aim to train the student that has cultural exchange and global view.

4, requirement of English of international undergraduate course?

1.Taller. 2. Because of the development as globalization, english already became the main language of international communication, a lot of universities ask the student has certain English capacity, so that get used to the academia of internationalization and obtain employment market better. 3. Include the field such as achievement of exam of study of course of English level test, English, English, the student needs to undertake preparative adequately in these respects, raise oneself English ability level. In the meantime, can pass play English role, read the means such as English original book to undertake, rise to English communicates and read capability.

5, does international undergraduate course file a requirement?

Academic requirement: Applicant needs to have corresponding academic result, normally need has high school or the same educational level, and achieve corresponding academic requirement. The requirement of different school and country is endless also and identical.

Language requirement: Applicant needs to have corresponding language level, normally need offers corresponding language achievement proof. For example, the university of English country asks normally TOEFL or IELTS achievement; The university of French country asks to offer DALF or DELF achievement is waited a moment.

Other requirement: Different country and different school may have other demands, if applicant need provides the data such as fee of allegation of recommendation, individual, application, passport, visa.

Those who need an attention is, the requirement that international undergraduate course files is likely because of different country, school and major differ somewhat. Before application, proposal applicant understands the application requirement of target country and school in detail, prepare relevant data according to the requirement. In the meantime, become power to raise application, applicant can raise his academic level and language level as far as possible, begin to prepare application material as early as possible.

6, how is international undergraduate course taken an examination of?

The first pace: Sign up

① net reports a name: Click website of college collaboration project " sign up on the net " link, fill in information signing up

② spot signs up: Fill in to spot of recruit students office complete application form

The 2nd pace: Submit data signing up

Material signing up: Report of standard textual criticism of card of graduation of Id, high school, the university entrance exam, the university entrance exam (cut of educational exam courtyard pursues) Xerox each one (if have elegant think of, the auxiliary language achievement such as TOEFL, much neighbour also can be referred) , certificate of blue ground without hat is illuminated (electronic edition) .

Refer way:

① spot is referred

Scanning of ② general material is late to teacher of recruit students of recruit students office

The 3rd pace: Phase of examine and verify of achievement, data

Achievement passes admit a standard: Material qualification and accord with the person that relieve written examination condition to work 2 times in a few days to get the phone informs interview.

Achievement did not pass admit a standard: Attend school line to go up or enter a school of the English below the line checks, difficult easy degree and English of the university entrance exam are basic and identical, the person that pass gets the phone informs interview inside 2 weekday.

The 4th pace: Interview (line go up or below the line)

Contain 3 parts content: 1, spoken English communication. 2, plan about the respect individual such as professional, school work, choose major to project and place clear. 3, student psychology checks (test subject is chosen from school psychology referral center " Chinese undergraduate mental health evaluates a system " )

The 5th pace: The pay after receiving test of enter a school, interview to pass requisition the first year of tuition the 6th pace: Admit level

The inquiry on the website admits a result (or the phone informs) ; Extend, await admission notice.

The 7th pace: Enter a school

According to reporting for duty time holds admission notice to arrive school report for duty register.

Project of international 3+1 undergraduate course, differ because of teaching director branch to put on record, examinee may apply for an university to differ, can apply for American university for instance, or British university, or Canadian university is waited a moment.

7, how is international undergraduate course chosen?

International undergraduate course so anthology

Attestation of record of formal schooling is to go abroad study abroad the issue that must want to pay close attention to. If be in China,study abroad only the school that network official net can check, take after graduation abroad the undergraduate course diploma of the university, ministry of Education can be obtained to study abroad after going back to the motherland the degree of the service center and attestation of record of formal schooling, can use the Master that continues to apply for abroad university,

Conversely, be absent in list is us often say " grouse university " , if chose such school, do not have method to take record of formal schooling finally, waste time already, waste money again, the loss outweights the gain.

Because business division major is opposite for there is more optional school in abroad, better attestation credit, so great majority added up to the project of international undergraduate course of compasses to offer business division major. Also a few schools offerred science department, liberal art, artistic major, the fellow student that has had target major can understand technically.

8, is international undergraduate course much more expensive?

The tuition of project of international undergraduate course that domestic college offers is average in 9~11 10 thousand RMBs are controlled, and immediate application goes abroad the student that study abroad for example England is annual in 20~25 10 thousand RMBs are controlled. The student studying abroad's living cost also occupies those who leave tuition to use very big one part. During domestic university learns, the student's living cost is a year of 20 thousand RMB commonly, the consumption level of the country such as Dan Yingmei is opposite taller, the student's living cost is controlled one year in 100 thousand RMB. Accordingly, the 2-3 that is in domestic school year in time, international undergraduate students goes abroad it is OK to study abroad for family the province issues a large sum of leaving to learn charge, become student of estate of firewood of a lot of labour to go abroad the good choice that study abroad.

9, the advantage of international undergraduate course?

1.Small fraction goes high. Still be less than the classmate of undergraduate course line even around undergraduate course line, be impossible matriculate more very, but can take undergraduate course record of formal schooling smoothly through international undergraduate course.

2.When good environment brings high grade person arteries and veins by. Good project has a characteristic- - the student of international undergraduate course and average student share campus environment and persons qualified to teach, the classmate big probability that you can contact is very outstanding.

3.It is to study abroad a very good means implement. A lot of classmates have undergraduate course or the plan that the Master studies abroad, but stem from all sorts of reasons (too poor without language achievement, high school achievement etc) school of the application that do not have a law, choice international undergraduate course can solve this problem well.

4.Very good transition arrived since action. 2+2 international undergraduate course also came true to go abroad the fine feel well of the language before studying abroad and psychology is crossed, of the education that carries home and study implementation and course of advert of foreign university language without seam join; Next, 2+2 international undergraduate course learns 2 years in domestic level, big political integrity was made an appointment with study abroad cost.

10, how does international undergraduate course sign up?

The first pace: Sign up

① net reports a name: Click website of college collaboration project " sign up on the net " link, fill in information signing up

② spot signs up: Fill in to spot of recruit students office complete application form

The 2nd pace: Submit data signing up

Material signing up: Report of standard textual criticism of card of graduation of Id, high school, the university entrance exam, the university entrance exam (cut of educational exam courtyard pursues) Xerox each one (if have elegant think of, the auxiliary language achievement such as TOEFL, much neighbour also can be referred) , certificate of blue ground without hat is illuminated (electronic edition) .

Refer way:

① spot is referred

Scanning of ② general material is late to teacher of recruit students of recruit students office

The 3rd pace: Phase of examine and verify of achievement, data

Achievement passes admit a standard: Material qualification and accord with the person that relieve written examination condition to work 2 times in a few days to get the phone informs interview.

Achievement did not pass admit a standard: Attend school line to go up or enter a school of the English below the line checks, difficult easy degree and English of the university entrance exam are basic and identical, the person that pass gets the phone informs interview inside 2 weekday.

The 4th pace: Interview (line go up or below the line)

Contain 3 parts content: 1, spoken English communication. 2, plan about the respect individual such as professional, school work, choose major to project and place clear. 3, student psychology checks (test subject is chosen from school psychology referral center " Chinese undergraduate mental health evaluates a system " )

The 5th pace: The pay after receiving test of enter a school, interview to pass requisition the first year of tuition the 6th pace: Admit level

The inquiry on the website admits a result (or the phone informs) ; Extend, await admission notice.

The 7th pace: Enter a school

According to reporting for duty time holds admission notice to arrive school report for duty register.

Project of international 3+1 undergraduate course, differ because of teaching director branch to put on record, examinee may apply for an university to differ, can apply for American university for instance, or British university, or Canadian university is waited a moment.

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