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中国的面具品类繁多,功用广泛。目前,流传于全国各地的跳神面具、傩戏面具、社火面具、悬挂面具与戏曲舞蹈面具大多承传有自,蕴含着相当丰富的以至未被人们完全认识的多种文化因素。作为历史、宗教、艺术及民俗等多种意义的复合体,虽经发展变化,仍可从中窥视到中国务民族不同历史阶段的文化与精神风貌。      在中国的诸多面具品类中,贵州傩戏面具因其保存得最多,流传得最广,种类最丰富,而占有特殊的位置。据不完全统计,在贵州的汉、苗、布依、侗、土家、彝、瑶、仡佬等八个民族中都有傩戏流传,覆盖全省大部分州县。 





三种主要文化是:阿兹特克(Azteca)文明、玛雅(Maya)文明、 印加文明




傩神面具-它调动神灵驱邪纳吉、除灾呈祥,以求人 寿年丰、国泰民安。三千年前商周时代的傩仪中就出现了傩面具,如青铜面具、方相氏熊图 腾“黄金四目面具”等, 是中国最古老、 最具原生态的驱鬼逐疫面具, 展示出原始美、 狰狞美、 野性美和特殊的神秘感,有很高的历史文化价值。






面具作词语解释是起遮挡作用的外罩,是节日欢乐或戏剧上用来伪装的。面具是人们内心世界的一个象征,它是一种横遍全球纵观古今的重要文化现象,它以丰富的文化内涵和特殊的外在形式,为学术界所重视。面具特点:面目狰狞、可怕、神秘,有保护威 慑作用,也有装饰性。


11月18日至20日,在广州召开的“构建新发展格局,激发新发展活力”2020中国文化管理协会企业文化管理年会上,中铁隧道局集团获评“献礼中国共产党百年华诞· 企业宣传思想文化创新典范单位”,中铁隧道局集团微信公众号获评“ 第七届最美企业之声· 最美传播之声金奖”,于保林、曹彬、罗琼等五人分别荣获 年度党建文化先进模范。




接下来,将在现有 微信、 微博的基础上,逐步探索 抖音、 视频号等短视频生态,并与行业内的顶流帐号合作,致力于 打造5G时代下的新媒体矩阵。






2019年10月, 中铁隧道局第五次党代会首次提出“文化领先”的总要求,将文化软实力转化为品牌竞争力,承载这一使命的 传媒分公司应势而生。



未来,传媒分公司将始终以 有深度的文创产品、 有温度的影视作品、 有情怀的宣传画册、 有品位的文化建设,担当起中铁隧道局“ 文化领先”的宏伟蓝图,诠释新时代的隧品牌。




GB/T 10789-2015 中定义饮料,即饮品,经过加工供予饮用的液体,它是经过定量包装的,供直接饮用或按一定比例用水冲调或冲泡饮用的,乙醇含量(质量分量)不超过0.5%的制品,饮料也可分为饮料浓浆或固体形态,它的作用是解渴、提供营养或提神。

2017年10月27日,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构公布的致癌物清单初步整理参考,高于65 °C的很热的饮料(饮用)在2A类致癌物清单中。


One, what does culture of Chinese traditional mask have?

Mask category of China is various, use is extensive. Current, circulate the mask of sorcerer's dance in a trance at countrywide each district, exorcise makes fun of mask, company fire mask, pensile mask and opera dancing mask mostly bear pass have from, accumulate a variety of culture elements that containing quite rich down to to was not known completely by people. The complex system that waits for a variety of meanings as the history, religion, art and folk-custom, although change via developing, still but from which peek differs to Chinese Wu nation the culture of historical phase and mental scene.  In category of a lot of mask, mask of Guizhou exorcise play is saved at most because of its, circulate the most widely, sort is the richest, and have special place. According to not complete count, in Guizhou Chinese, seedling, cloth is depended on, home of Dong, earth, Yi, precious jade, there is exorcise play to circulate in 8 nations such as Ge fellow, enclothe complete province major city county.  

2, Chinese which nation has had mask culture?

The mask of minority divides a lot of kinds according to the area commonly, basically have northeast Sa full culture, reach periphery to suffer the culture of the Chaoxian nationality of the influence, the exorcise culture of the Dong nationality of southwest Miao Zu, and of Tibet teach culture originally.

They have a common characteristic: It is consist in namely the belief to primitive religion, it is to be in a series of religious appearance course, to represent all sorts of ghosts and gods, and make.

3, American mask culture?

3 kinds of main culture are: Aciteke (Azteca) Ma is civilization, elegant (Maya) civilization, imprint add civilization

4, China's famous mask?

Mask, be one kind cosmopolitan, old culture phenomenon, be one kind those who have special and token quality is indicative, china is all through the ages of the mask on the world the longest, involuntary discharge of urine is put the richest, stream pay one of the most extensive states, be in our country, great theater of the country visits Guizhou the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities to hold, exorcise fetch verve, chinese exorcise makes fun of, art of exorcise mask awn is exhibited, experience adequately? The artistic glamour of exorcise mask and its verve, obtain people of J world each country love become reconciled to judge

5, China's earliest mask?

Mask of a god which drivers awake pestilence - it brings auspicious of deities exorcise accept into play, show except calamity auspicious, the land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health of in an attempt to, Guo Taimin is installed. Exorcise mask appeared in the acting exorcise appearance when week of the trader before 3000, like bronze mask, Fang Xiangshi Xiong Tu is vacated " gold 4 eye mask " etc, it is China the oldest, drive ghost that provides former modes of life and relation to their environment most chases epidemic disease mask, show an original beauty, ferocious beauty, wild beauty and special uncanny sense, have very high historical culture value.

6, the festival of Chinese mask?

The speech says Yang Xiaoman of minister of ministry of propaganda of members of standing committee of municipal Party committee of An Shun of the Communist Party of China, municipal Party committee: China (An Shun) of section of collect fort mask hold, meaning the platform that making communication of collect fort culture and culture of domestic and international exorcise, mask culture, promote inheritance of the culture in Guizhou and development,

International is famous Beiertelangdesana of mask drama home thinks, the mask is the collective history element that each each each village, country, culture contains. He says, an Shun's history is of long standing and well established, letting common people place know is duty place, oneself hope to be in very much in bridge of a culture is made between Europe culture, make bilateral culture more modern.

This second mask part comes continuously from July in August, share 13 activities, mobile time is main body to came 7 days on August 5, include a mask performance of show of lane of job of battalion of job of fort of fine time, collect, mask, mask, mask is labyrinthian photography is exhibited, the mask is exhibited, art of carve of exorcise of the first village reveals masquerade and Chinese exorcise carve greatly wait for an activity.

7, characteristic of mask of Chinese ancient time?

Explanation of language of mask write words is the outer garment that has keep out effect, it is a festival happy or go up dramatically those who use camouflage. One the mask is people heart world symbolizes, it is the important culture phenomenon that a kind of horizontal stroke alls over the whole world to review Gu Jin, it is mixed with rich culture connotation special explicit form, take seriously for academia place. Mask characteristic: ? ? of vent in the sides of a garment of ⑸ of grand of board of ⒖ of  of Wu empty  has protection to deter action, also have adornment sex.

8, Chinese channel culture?

Will come 20 days on November 18, hold in Guangzhou " compose builds new development structure, arouse new development vitality " on annual meeting of management of culture of company of institute of government of 2020 China culture, group of iron channel bureau is obtained in judge " tribute Chinese Communist absurd · enterprise publicizes hundred time unit of example of thought culture innovation " , in date of public of small letter of group of iron channel bureau is obtained judge " the acoustical · of the 7th the most beautiful enterprise is the most beautiful the acoustical gold prize of transmission " , the 5 people such as Yu Baolin, Cao Bin, Luo Qiong have the honor to win year party to build culture advanced model respectively.

Commend file

Medal and certificate

The acoustical gold prize of the most beautiful transmission

Next, will go up in the base that has small letter, small gain, progressively exploration shakes the nearsightedness frequency zoology such as date of sound, video, shed account cooperation with the top inside the industry, devote oneself to to make the new media matrix below 5G times.

Advanced type

Come from in the center of the expert learned man that party of company of Party school, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People's Daily, China Communist News Ministry builds the unit such as medium of net, bright city around " 19 5 in plenary meeting spirit is unscrambled " " 945 programs direct change with economic policy bureau analysis " " the party is built build in all with company culture " wait for a theme. Congress released 2020 year party to build with company culture theory and achievement of practice innovation series.

Congress cent is " compose builds new development pattern, arouse new development vitality -- high-end forum " " tribute Chinese Communist hundred time absurd -- the sound of the 7th the most beautiful enterprise is exhibited act " " drive of Dang Jianzhu fetch, culture, theory of development of high quality of the company that help strength and practice innovation achievement are released " 3 canto.

Honorary backside

It is medium the culture pursuit with iron channel assiduous bureau

In October 2019, in the 5th times party generation meets iron channel bureau put forward first " culture is banner " total demand, competition ability of brand of translate into of culture soft actual strength, bear the weight of the medium branch of this one mission should situation and unripe.

Medium branch establishs enough to travel " Sui culture " for oneself, in order to carry on " Sui brand " for the target, drive " channel " with " medium " originality is shirt-sleeve, do not forget the travel before mission, encourage, through nearly one year refine of ground temper by dipping in water is mixed try operation, at formal in July 2020 hypostatic operation.

In recent years, medium branch patted produce a film to make video of 22 conduct propaganda, almost each are become explode paragraph, bright eye is held on the brand arena that the iron in driving Sui culture to be in China lets a hundred flowers blossom one banquet.

Future, medium branch will achieve the work of product, movie and TV that has temperature, conduct propaganda an album of paintings that has feelings, culture that has grade to build with having the article of deepness from beginning to end, take on bureau of channel of the iron in rising " culture is banner " grandiose blue print, explain the Sui brand of new era.

9, culture of Chinese Spring Festival?

Stick spring festival scrolls, hang a lantern, stick paper-cut for window decoration, pay a New Year call, money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

10, Chinese beverage culture?

Beverage is defined in GB/T 10789-2015, namely drink, offer through treatment grant drinkable liquid, it is packed through ration, for direct and drinkable or develop tone with water by certain proportion or strong bubble is drinkable, alcohol content (quality heft) the product that does not exceed 0.5% , beverage also can be divided for beverage thick oar or solid configuration, its action is satisfy one's thirst, provide nourishment or life-giving.

On October 27, 2017, the carcinogenic substance detailed list that research organization of cancer of international of World Health Organization publishs is initial arrange reference, the very hot beverage of C of ° of prep above 65 (drinkable) in 2A kind in carcinogenic substance detailed list.

上一篇:单反和数码相机区别? 数码相机和单反的区别?英文双语对照