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  1. 休息眼睛:长时间盯着电脑屏幕容易导致眼睛疲劳和干涩。在工作间隙,可以闭上眼睛做一些眼保健操或者远离屏幕,眺望远处,让眼睛得到放松。
  2. 走动一下:长时间坐在座位上容易导致身体僵硬和肌肉疲劳。利用工作间隙可以站起来走动一下,活动筋骨,促进血液循环,放松身心。
  3. 听一段音乐:音乐是一种很好的心灵慰藉,可以帮助放松情绪和提升工作效率。在工作间隙可以戴上耳机,欣赏一段喜欢的音乐,调整自己的情绪。
  4. 玩一局小游戏:适当的游戏可以帮助放松大脑和解压,从而提高工作效率。在工作间隙可以玩一局简单的小游戏,让自己的大脑得到放松。
  5. 交流社交 :和同事进行简短的闲聊或者交流是一种很好的放松方式。适当的社交可以缓解工作压力,增强团队凝聚力和合作效率。



  • 控制时间:娱乐活动不应该占用太多的工作时间,要合理控制自己的上班时间娱乐。
  • 尊重他人:在上班时间娱乐时,要注意不要干扰到他人的工作,尊重他人的工作环境。
  • 适度选择:选择上班时间娱乐活动时要适度,避免选择过于刺激或者需要投入较多精力的活动,以免影响工作质量。




One, why to need entertainment of time going to work

The job to the condition that a kind of insecurity is for most person, long actuating pressure can bring about exhaustion of body and mind, affect work efficiency even. Recreation of proper time going to work can be helped alleviate actuating pressure, increase working motive force and ingenuity.

2, if where time going to work is reasonable recreation

Recreational activities should not make the main task of time going to work, but participating in recreational activities appropriately in working space can be accepted. Some recreational activities can promote work efficiency even. It is proposal of recreational of a few time going to work below:

  1. Rest eye: Staring at computer screen for long to be brought about easily eyestrain and dry. In working space, can close an eye to be done a few times health care is held or be far from screen, look at far, let an eye get relaxation.
  2. Ambulate: Sit for long on the seat to bring about the body easily to be mixed stiff muscle is fatigue. Use working space to be able to stand up ambulate, mobile bones and muscles, stimulative blood circulates, loosen body and mind.
  3. Hear a paragraph of music: Music is a kind of very good heart solace, can help loosen mood and promotion work efficiency. In the job clearance can wear headphone, enjoy one Duan Xihuan's music, adjust oneself mood.
  4. Play one bureau little game: Proper game can be helped loosen cerebrum to reconcile pressure, improve work efficiency thereby. In the job clearance can play the little game with one simple bureau, the cerebra that lets oneself gets relaxation.
  5. Communication is gregarious : Undertaking with the colleague brief prattle perhaps communicates is a kind of very good relaxation means. Proper socialization can alleviate actuating pressure, enhance group cohesive affinity and cooperative efficiency.

3, note of recreational of time going to work

Although go to work,time recreation has positive effect to work efficiency, but still need to notice the following item:

  • Dominate time: Recreational activities should not take up too much working hours, the recreation of time going to work that wants reasonable him control.
  • Esteem other: When recreation of time going to work, want to notice not to disturb the job of other, respect the working environment of other.
  • Moderate alternative: When choosing recreational activities of time going to work, want measurable, avoid to choose to be stimulated too or need to invest the activity of more energy, lest affect working quality.

As a whole, recreation of proper time going to work can be helped alleviate actuating pressure, improve work efficiency. Undertake in suitable time space be accepted and relaxed recreational activities is encouraged, but should notice to be mixed moderately dominate good time.

Thank you read! Carry the article, hope you can understand importance of recreational of time going to work and note better, spend in order to improve work efficiency and working satisfaction.

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