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旅行青蛙游戏分解? 怎么养青蛙游戏?英文双语对照


旅行青蛙游戏分解? 怎么养青蛙游戏?英文双语对照















































通关小青蛙游戏需要掌握以下技巧:1. 观察地图:在游戏开始前,先观察地图,了解每个关卡的地形和障碍物,以便更好地规划行动路线。2. 利用跳跃:小青蛙可以通过跳跃来避开障碍物和敌人,需要掌握跳跃的力度和方向,以便跳过更远的距离。3. 收集道具:游戏中会出现各种道具,如金币、生命值等,需要及时收集,以便在后面的关卡中更好地应对挑战。4. 规划行动路线:在面对复杂的地形和障碍物时,需要提前规划好行动路线,避免走弯路或者被敌人攻击。总之,通关小青蛙游戏需要玩家具备观察力、反应力和规划能力,只有不断练习和尝试,才能取得更好的成绩。








1. 跳跃:玩家需要控制青蛙跳跃,避开各种障碍物,如石头、树枝等,同时收集金币和道具。

2. 游泳:在一些场景中,玩家需要控制青蛙游泳,避开水下的障碍物,同时收集金币和道具。

3. 战斗:在一些场景中,玩家需要控制青蛙与其他青蛙或动物进行战斗,击败它们获得奖励。

4. 解谜:在一些场景中,玩家需要通过解决各种谜题来完成任务,如打开门、激活开关等。

5. 探索:玩家可以控制青蛙探索不同的场景,收集各种道具和金币,发现隐藏的宝藏和秘密。



01 这款养青蛙的游戏叫《旅行青蛙》,它是由游戏公司HIT-POINT研发的休闲小游戏,是一款放置类型手游。这款游戏抓住了很多年轻人“佛系”的心理,因此在网络上爆红。








One, is viatic frog game decomposed?

Game of the first introduction plays a way: The part is acted. Cheeper acts small frog, the teacher acts frog mom. Introduce game regulation. Introductory game notices matters concerned!

2, how to raise frog sport?

Viatic frog is little game of a when compare popularity at present recreational nurturance, basically use at lying fallow to loosen. Game content is simple, need to reap food everyday only, feed frog, let frog travel can, need available idle to be able to have played this game only everyday, below small make up will introduce viatic frog how to be raised, help you cure your small frog.

Method / measure


1, the applied shop that takes oneself in the mobile phone above all downloads viatic frog, install next go up in the mobile phone, click after installation is successful enter game.


2, the frog that you give after entering game has a name, finish a tutorial to be able to begin game next.


3, mailbox is clicked first before beginning game, there are 500 clovers that the system gives and grass of a 4 leaves inside, these can be to cure the thing with essential frog.


4, we can enter game to reap clover when leisure everyday, in game clover is main money, can buy food feed frog, also can buy all sorts of stage property.


5, if frog is in the home, so the baggage that we can click it, put the food that buys in the shop and stage property, food is necessary, it is better that prop can let what frog darling travels, also can increase go the probability of uncharted area. Additional, add lucky Fu Ke to obtain the probability of all sorts of article in order to add frog, lucky accord with can be 4 leaves grass, also can be bought lucky bell.


Method / measure 2


6, good in the equipment on the table food notices after frog travels, the journey won't go out again after otherwise frog comes home, the preparation of other stage property can read his state of mind.


7, if young associate will visit small frog, so the advertisement that clicks mailbox to watch young associate first, small companionate conference gives lottery ticket. We can use gotten special local product to entertain young associate later, the meeting after young associate goes has send a present in return, the likelihood is many clover, also may be one lucky 4 leaves grass perhaps takes lottery ticket a few pieces.


8, the lottery that gets we can click shop right upper part after enough lottery ticket, ticket of 5 pieces of lottery is smoked, lottery can obtain rare stage property, the frog that helps you obtains more article to perhaps reach farther place.


9, later we can circulate according to this kind the frog that the method raises you, give your frog better food, more advanced equipment, your frog also is met redound gives you more beautiful photograph and rarer special local product.

If this experience is right you are useful, help please nod an assist to support.

3, what does frog game call?

Frog game name calls a journey frog.

Game plays law introduction

Leading role is a lovely small frog, you can name a word to it.

Through collecting clover to go the store shops, have food, lucky accord with, stage property. Frog is taking these things to be able to go out journey, can mail in viatic road next photograph, come back to still can take local local speciality to you.

Clover has two kinds to win way, one is as time elapse, meet inside the flower bed of the doorway slowly grow a clover? . Still certain odds grows 4 leaves grass.

The 2nd kind obtains a method to be bought namely.

First game, chairman is full inside flower bed clover, there are 500 after was being reaped. Can go the store shops.

The thing plans on the burden that can select frog and table. The package is the thing that frog can take away, on the table is store, such in case when it comes back, you prepare to it without there's still time, it takes in set out in the package with respect to what its can get on the table.

4, how to catch frog game to play?

This is 2 people to war game, listen to countersign to begin 2 people to start switch respectively, who is caught first to get the better of

5, does crocodile catch frog game to play a way?

Crocodile catchs frog

1, the teacher explains game to enjoy law and regulation: The attendant circle all round is the home of frog, when crocodile comes,

Frog wants tantivy or dodge the home that runs back to oneself, crocodile is chased no longer. When crocodile goes, frog

Can come out to play again. Safety should notice when running, do not collide, want to had protected oneself.

2, the teacher is become crocodilian, cheeper does frog collective game 2.

3, ask cheeper to do crocodilian game 3-4 to all over.

Hope my answer is helpful to everybody? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

6, how is small frog game connected close?

Connect game of Guan Xiaoqing frog to need to master the following skill: 1. Observation map: Before game begins, observe a map first, understand the landform of every toll-gate and fraise, so that plan better,act course. 2. Use leap: Small frog can keep away from through leap fraise and enemy, need masters bouncing strength and direction, so that jump over farther distance. 3. Collect prop: All sorts of prop can appear in game, wait like value of gold coin, life, need to be collected in time, so that retrospective toll-gate is medium,answer a challenge better. 4. Program operation course: When facing complex landform and roadblock, need plans ahead of schedule good move course, avoid crooked road to perhaps be atttacked by the enemy. Anyhow, connect game of Guan Xiaoqing frog to need a player to have force of observation, reaction and program capacity, have ceaseless exercise and attempt only, ability obtains better result.

7, a few to catch frog game?

Speak the amount of frog according to a person, another person speaks the leg number of frog. Missay can be punished accordingly. Exemple: A frog 4 legs, two frog 8 legs.

A frog 4 legs, two frog 8 legs, 3 frog 12 legs, 4 frog 16 legs, 5 frog 20 legs, 6 frog 24 legs, 7 frog 28 legs, 8 frog 32 legs, 9 frog 36 legs, 10 frog 40 legs, n frog N leg, sing together quack Gu, jump down water pit-a-pat pit-a-pat

8, game of frog of happy base camp?

It is a kind of penalty of happy base camp and interactive means.

9, how does small frog game interact to play?

Small frog game interacts is a kind of game that has through mobile phone or other equipment, the player needs to finish all sorts of tasks and challenge through operating frog. It is below a few play a way commonly:

1.  Bouncing: The player needs to control frog to hop, escape all sorts of fraise, wait like stone, branch, collect gold coin and prop at the same time.

2.  Swim: In a few setting, the player needs to control frog to swim, the fraise of escape underwater, collect gold coin and prop at the same time.

3.  Battle: In a few setting, the player needs to control frog and other frog or animal to have a fight, beat them to win award.

4.  Riddle: In a few setting, the player needs to finish the job through solving all sorts of enigma, if open switch of the door, activation,wait.

5.  Exploration: The player can control frog to explore different setting, collect all sorts of prop and gold coin, discover hidden treasure and secret.

In game, the player needs to enhance technical ability through practicing mixing ceaselessly, ability wins high component and award in all sorts of challenges. In the meantime, the player still can undertake compare and competitive with other player, raise oneself rank.

10, what to raise frog game to call the name?

This 01 sport that raise frog cry " viatic frog " , it is by the recreational little game of research and development of game company HIT-POINT, it is one places type hand to swim. This game captured a lot of youths " Buddha is " psychology, because this is on the network,explode red.


The leading role of game is a small frog that having big eye, small frog lives in house of a stone alone, everyday or reads a book in the home curtilage, have a meal, or goes out to travel, can bring back to you occasionally a few local speciality. And the mom that what you act is small frog, prepare the thing that it needs to him, look at him to go on a long journey.


This game has been given out got of a lot of players reputably. This game not to before game was full of force and passion in that way, contrary, this game is very delicate, can say, of this game explode red because people is gone against one kind of the aesthetic exhaustion to athletics game,be instead, be obsessed with Yu Xiaoqing frog also is to be obsessed with the aesthetic feeling at a kind of loneliness.


And this game still has an outstanding feature is its reflected the concern between you and parents, be in China, parental administer your basic necessities of life, the regular meeting when you are likely feels allergy; But the small frog in game is not such, you need to prepare the thing that he needs for him only, he can complete the issue that he considers to do. A lot of players feel this game mirrorred them now with the relation between parents, they also are reviewing this kind of relation, probably this is Buddha department youth is helpless.
