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一起教育科技前身? 一起科技教育的使命是?英文双语对照


一起教育科技前身? 一起科技教育的使命是?英文双语对照


一起教育前身是一起作业,一起教育科技从成立之日起,就是资本追逐的宠儿。在成立九年的时间里,已拿下多轮融资,背后集结了老虎基金、H Capital、顺为资本、真格基金等知名投资机构。众多专业投资机构的眼光都聚焦于一起教育科技,他们看中的是一起教育科技背后的人、差异化的运营模式,以及未来。




























One, teach predecessor of science and technology together?

An education predecessor is exercise, teach science and technology to rise from the day that hold water together, it is the cosset of capital angle. In the time that holds water 9 years, already took financing below many rounds, built up rear tiger fund, H Capital, suitable wait for famous investment orgnaization for capital, real fund. The eye of orgnaization of numerous and professional investment focusing teachs science and technology at, the operation mode of the person that what they take a fancy to is backside of educational science and technology, poor dissimilation, and future.

2, is the mission that a science and technology teachs?

Teach science and technology together " hold to true education to carry out a concept all the time, aid force to reduce student learning burden through the technology such as big data, artificial intelligence, improve study efficiency, build good school, family, society to teach atmosphere hard, become the good assistant that the school teachs.

3, is teaching science and technology together normal educational orgnaization?

Yes, teach science and technology together (Nasdaq: YQ) held water 2011, devote oneself to to make advanced K12 intelligence teach platform, cherish " let study make good experience " mission, with advanced educational science and technology, high grade education content is mixed persistent education is enthusiastic, the product that offers more efficient, happiness for setting of education of the school of K12 phase, family, society and experience, open intelligence teachs new era.

4, teach science and technology to work overtime together serious?

Work overtime not serious, now and then work overtime attribute normal phenomenon, educational child must reasonable.

5, teach science and technology to wish together scene catchword?

The educational service that teachs science and technology to pledge support, high by right of advanced technology together and flourish of good user public praise are listed among them!

6, teach science and technology what to trade attribute together?

Beijing teachs science and technology together finite liability company held water on July 26, 2019. Free of legal representative Liu, company scope of operations includes: Technical development, technology seeks advice, the technology is made over, technical promotion, technology serves; Public concern serves; Software development; Application software serves (do not contain medical software) ; All of computer science department serves; Economic commerce seeks advice; Business management seeks advice; Education seeks advice; Fundamental software serves; Company plan.

7, teach science and technology what to product there is together?

An exercise student

The parent is connected

An exercise student is carried

Work together

An exercise teacher

In rising, learn - student

Bullfight English

The student learns in rising

The teacher learns in rising

8, teach pay of science and technology together how?

Treatment is good still. Will teach average wage ¥ together 2019 27361, taller than 2018 19% . Data statistic relies on his in those days the data that position of online invite applications for a job publishs, can not represent enterprise interior completely true condition.

9, teach science and technology to groom together fall into disuse rate how appearance?

An education science and technology grooms fall into disuse leading also is very tall, you are done groom, above all oneself get technical pass a test, education pass a barrier, can wait for hillock to groom too if others is the word that he is no good, cannot groom for certain others, the comparison of his teacher management is strict, groom reach the designated position quite, if once be no good,be oneself, fall into disuse leading is very strict.

10, the working property that teachs science and technology together?

An education science and technology is one faces fundamental education, offer " Internet + " the intelligence of the solution teachs a company, pass product, technology, content, the outside school inside implementation school is united in wedlock, the line on the line issues get through, offer integrated intelligence to learn a space for student, parent, teacher.

