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再就是,对于年纪较大的老人和身体不太好的人来说,也要减少运动量,每周进行2到3次运动就足够了。 运动过于频繁对身体健康也无益处。









空腹有氧训练的持续时间以20~30 分钟为宜,每周进行3~5 次训练,训练强度中–低等,心率为最大心率的60%~70%。在该强度和频率下进行空腹有氧训练,可以防止肌肉过量流失。









第一种方法:(力量练习+ 有氧运动)减肥















It a few times fitness decreases fat a week to oxygen moves is better that a few times fitness decreases fat a week to have oxygen moves?

Although say the advantage of motion having oxygen has a lot of, but motion having oxygen is not a frequency more, also not be time longer, athletic effect is better, when undertaking oxygen moves having, everybody should according to the individual actual condition makes reasonable arrangement, generally speaking, undertake every week 3 arrive 4 times, hold to every time 20 it is OK to arrive 40 minutes, departmental potential energy achieves such bodies the condition of the largest amount suction oxygen. Needing what everybody notices is, the person campaign that just began to undertake having oxygen athletic is measured cannot too big, a week undertakes 3 times, undertake every time 15 it is OK to arrive 30 minutes, carry momentum is increased again as manual growth again later.

It is again, for the person with older to age old person and not quite nice body, also want to reduce carry momentum, undertake every week 2 move to 3 enough. Motion is opposite too often healthy profitless also office.

Decrease fat to a few times have oxygen movement a week?

Decrease great majority of fat period a week to need to be done 2 times or 5 motion having oxygen, can help round type of build or figure get ameliorative, concrete analysis is as follows:

The body is excessive and fat the figure that can cause whole person is affected, during reduce weight and reducing fat, every chapel should insist to do exercise having oxygen, if the adipose accumulation of the body is more, the exercise having oxygen that a chapel can do 5 times, time of campaign having oxygen is done morer, time is longer, can better to reducing the effect of fat.

During through having oxygen motion reduces fat, need cooperates reasonable improvement of food, want to choose to eat fresh fruit and vegetable.

A few times is a week done it is good to have oxygen reduces fat?

A week is done 2 times it is good to have oxygen reduces fat. Decrease great majority of fat period a week to need to be done 2 times or 5 motion having oxygen, can help round type of build or figure get ameliorative, concrete analysis is as follows: The body is excessive and fat the figure that can cause whole person is affected, during reduce weight and reducing fat, every chapel should insist to do exercise having oxygen

Decrease fat period hollow a week there is oxygen a few?


The duration of hollow training having oxygen with 20~30 minute advisable, undertake 3~5 second training every week, the – in training intensity is low, the heartbeat is the 60%~70% of the biggest heartbeat. Hollow training having oxygen undertakes below this intensity and frequency, can avoid muscle excessive prediction of a person's luck in a given year.

A few times can a week there is oxygen achieve the result that reduce fat?

Reach above at least 3 times to be able to be achieved reduce fat

1, want above 30 minutes at least every time, because reduce weight,be a lengthy process, need holds to ability for a long time to see the effect.

2, the effect that can canter or goes quickly OK to rise to reduce weight, also can riding bicycle to reduce weight is better, but also should cooperate to be controlled on food, such meetings reducing weight are better.

3, notice food even at the same time. Do not eat too fully, do not eat be about too of to nibble slow pharynx eat, it is better to just be met to reducing weight so.

Does natural fitness decrease fat to want to there is oxygen?

Need has oxygen, it is OK to have oxygen better subtractive and adipose, want to have oxygen and the couple that do not have oxygen commonly, talent is enough better fitness reduces fat, if do not have oxygen only, adipose go be not being dropped, can increase adipose density only

Does gym have oxygen to decrease fat method?

The first kind of method: (force practices + motion having oxygen) reduce weight

 Alleged force practices even if all sorts of fixed fitness appliance, free power instrument is used to wait in gym undertake force practices, namely the experienced muscle that we say. And experienced sarcous purpose is to improve quality of human body sarcous, and add muscle appropriately, will raise human body quantity of heat to use up, reduce adipose accumulation thereby. Have oxygen moves even if ran machine, mountain-climbing machine, elliptical machine, stair machine, bicycle is used in gym, row machine undertake every time the motion of at least 20 minutes of above. This kind uses what there is oxygen campaign after force practices first to exercise a method to reduce weight  has endurance, rebound not easily.

 The 2nd kind of method: Skillful campaign having oxygen reduces weight

 Skillful campaign having oxygen reduces weight even if use ran machine, mountain-climbing machine, elliptical machine, stair machine, bicycle only in gym, row machine undertake every time the motion of at least 30 minutes of above. This kind of only net profit uses the method that campaign having oxygen will come to reduce weight, reducing weight begin phase more apparent, arrive more from the back the effect that reduce weight is jumped over not apparent. Because only net profit uses motion having oxygen to reduce weight,those who decrease is adipose not just, still have the muscle of human body, the quantity of heat that this brings about human body of later period reducing weight to use up is less and less, the effect worse and worse that reduce weight. At the same time this kind of pure profit reduces weight to rebound more easily also with skillful campaign having oxygen.

 The 3rd kind of method: Circular training reduces weight

 Circular training reduces weight is appliance of fitness having oxygen and force fitness appliance are used to have a practice alternately each other in gym. The person that practice for instance has the 3 run that arrive 5 minutes on ran machine hind, the sitting position instrument that has 1 minute again pushs a bosom to practice (use medium and the following weight to have a practice) , then farewell has the 3 run that arrive 5 minutes to ran machine, the situp that undertakes 1 minute again practices... , take this step, undertake continuously 8 it is end of training reducing weight namely circularly to 10. This kind of method that uses circular training to reduce weight reduces weight the effect is first-rate, same this kind of method reducing weight rebounds not easily also.

 Above basically reduces weight 3 kinds to go to what the people that gym exercises basically uses now method, no matter go,the person that gym reduces weight uses the method that what uses, should suiting his only is good method. Because go,gym reduces weight is to reduce weight not just, the key should be on healthy foundation.

A few times does novice fitness a week have oxygen?

Motion having oxygen and the motion that do not have oxygen can move together, a few times does novice fitness a week have oxygen campaign?

Can do exercise having oxygen everyday, be for instance before force training is OK ran 1000 meters, OK also ran is controlled 3000 meters, run force training can be done after the pace.

A few times to reduce fat ran a week?

The frequency of the ran that reduce fat should decide according to body state of the individual and timeline. The proposal is normally weekly ran 3-4 second, last every time 30-60 minute. Before ran, answer to undertake proper warm-up first, if canter to go quickly perhaps, avoid to cause the body because of abrupt motion unwell. In the meantime, the intensity of ran and time also should increase by degrees gradually, create exceeding burden in order to avoid to the body. The most important is, ran just reduces a kind of kind of fat, still need to notice to food is controlled and hold to other sport having oxygen, in order to achieve the better result that reduce fat.

Decrease fat to go is gym general a week a few?

If do not have specific gymnastical target, do not know sarcous increases or decrease adiposely, a week the 3 body building that reach 5 times are enough. This kind of frequent spirit takes exercise can help us strengthen muscle.
