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  • 人才培养:义务教育是培养各类人才的基石,通过提供基础知识、基本技能和基本素养的教育,为后续的学习和发展奠定坚实的基础。
  • 社会公平:义务教育的普及可以消除贫困与地区之间的教育差距,为每个孩子提供平等的机会与平等的起跑线。
  • 社会稳定:义务教育有助于提高民众的教育水平,促进社会的稳定与进步,减少社会不公与不平等的现象。



  • 教育法规划定:《中华人民共和国教育法》明确规定了义务教育的责任和义务,保障了每个孩子接受九年义务教育的权利。
  • 学校建设与拓展:政府加大了对教育设施的投入和学校建设的力度,增加学校数量,改善教育条件,确保每个孩子都能就近上学。
  • 师资培养与提高:政府积极推动师资培养和职业发展,提高教师队伍的专业素质,保证教育质量的稳定提升。
  • 教育经费保障:政府加大了对义务教育的经费投入,提高教育资源的配置,保障了教育的可持续发展。



  • 少数民族地区的教育差距:一些少数民族地区仍存在教育资源不足、师资力量不足等问题,需要加大对这些地区的支持与帮助。
  • 教育质量与公平问题:尽管义务教育普及率较高,但教育质量和公平性仍然存在差距,需要改进教育教学模式,推动教育公平的实现。
  • 家庭经济困难学生的教育问题:一些家庭经济困难的学生无法获得适当的教育支持和资源,需要提供更多的帮助和补贴。
  • 教育改革与创新:随着社会的发展和变化,义务教育需要不断改革和创新,以适应新时代的教育需求。




Compulsory education is the basic education that points to a country to be offerred to citizen of all of the right age, aim to ensure every child can accept educational right. Be in China, compulsory education is regarded as an important fundamental system of education, covered the education of elementary school and phase of junior high school. The target of this system is the educational system that adopts fair, Pu Hui, offer equal educational opportunity for every child, the fairness of stimulative society and progress.

The importance of compulsory education

Compulsory education regards a foundation as educational start, have far-reaching effect to the long-term development of full-scale development of the individual and country.

  • The talent fosters: Compulsory education is the cornerstone that develops of all kinds person with ability, through providing the education of ABC, basic technical ability and main accomplishment, lay solid foundation for follow-up study and development.
  • Social fairness: Of compulsory education gain ground can eliminate the educational difference between poverty and area, provide equal opportunity and equal scratch line for every child.
  • The society is stable: Compulsory education conduces to the educational level that raises the people, the stability of stimulative society and progress, reduce a society unjust the phenomenon with imparity.

The executive circumstance of compulsory education

Chinese government height values compulsory education gain ground and improve educational quality, took a series of policy and step for this, every child can be accepted and finish compulsory education in order to ensure.

  • Educational law plans to decide: " People's Republic of China teachs a law " the responsibility that provided compulsory education clearly and obligation, guaranteed the right that every child accepts 9 years of compulsory education.
  • School construction and extend: The government increased the investment to teaching establishment and the strength that the school builds, increase school amount, improvement teachs a condition, ensure every child can nearby goes to school.
  • Education of persons qualified to teach and rise: The government promotes education of persons qualified to teach and professional development actively, improve the professional quality of pedagogic team, make sure the stability that teachs quality promotes.
  • Teach funds safeguard: The government increased the funds investment that teachs to obligation, raise the configuration that teachs resource, can last what guaranteed education development.

Obligation teachs the challenge that face

Although compulsory education of China gained remarkable success, but still face a few challenges, need tries to solve further.

  • The educational difference of minority area: Area of a few minority still is put in the problem such as inadequacy of force of educational resource scarcity, persons qualified to teach, need increases the support of these pair of areas and help.
  • Teach quality and fair problem: Although compulsory education popularity rate is higher, but educational quality and fair sex still are put in difference, need improves educational education mode, urge the implementation that teachs fairness.
  • The educational issue of student of domestic economy difficulty: The student of difficulty of economy of a few families is unavailable appropriate educational support and resource, need provides more helps and subsidy.
  • Teach reform and innovation: As social development and change, compulsory education needs ceaseless reform and innovation, in order to get used to the educational demand of new era.

Below the joint efforts of government and social all circles, the compulsory education that believes China will continue to obtain progress, provide better educational chance and development space for every child.

Thank you to read the article, we hope to pass this article to be able to let more person understand the importance of compulsory education and current situation. Compulsory education is implementation education fairness and the cornerstone that the society progresses, our joint efforts, let every child can gain equal educational opportunity.

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