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Of tuitional and average college graduate student collect fees cent is two parts, one part is tuitional, another part is accommodation cost. Still have the living cost that is a graduate student, the cost that this part is him everybody, because of the person different, do not calculate inside so.

Tuition of graduate student of average school learning Master is everybody 8000 yuan / year, major Master graduate student only large 30 thousand differ, see school demand specificly.

Accommodation cost is in commonly 800 arrive between 1200 Qian Zhi. It is the individual's living cost next.

This is the money number that the graduate student needs one year to spend.

Award aided a system to cancel at public expense to read as the country grind this one policy, corresponding country also increased award to help policy. Main award stipend has level of graduate student education: National award stipend, " 3 aid " post allowance, country is aided learn a variety of means such as acting countervail of loan, tuitional compensation loan to develop simultaneously. One, all full-time graduate student that stipend of national stipend country uses at aiding financially countrywide common colleges and universities to bring into recruit students of countrywide graduate student to plan (the except that has fixed wage income) basic living expenses.

Master graduate student aids financially a standard to not be born under every annual 6000 yuan, doctoral graduate student aids financially a standard to not be born under every annual 10000 yuan.

The award stipend of average school 6000 or 8000, cent extends for 10 months, namely every month is sent 600 or 800, also cent extends for 12 months.

The country gives money of this one part, anybody cannot be held back. Attention: On-the-job graduate student does not enjoy stipend of graduate student country.

2, cent plants fellowship fellowship:

It is national fellowship, another kind is the school work fellowship of the school.

National fellowship extends by national finance, the school extends school work fellowship.

Their selection regulation also is different, national fellowship covers a range less, amount is 20 thousand yuan.

Basically be the scientific research ability that sees a graduate student, this country fellowship, to major classmate do not have a predestined relationship, so here does not do give uncecessary details.

School work fellowship has different regulation in different university officer, usually, the school is covered 100 percent, their cent is first-class and second-class third class these 3 class, what the selection of school work fellowship needs to consider all sorts of factors is integrated.

Integrated evaluation is more complex, the person controls an element to hold more, attend activity of a few students to be able to add cent for example. So the selection of school work fellowship is brutaller.

The amount of fellowship of different school school work also is different, some school first prize learn gold 8000, second-class fellowship 6000, third class fellowship 4000. Also fellowship of some school school work, not be to be enclothed 100 percent. 3, cent of allowance of graduate student allowance is two kinds, one kind is school hair, another kind is adviser hair. What the first kind of school sends is accessorial.

This accessorial amount consolidates a regulation by the school, extend to the student by scientific research funds of the adviser, general 150 differ to 300 yuan.

The adviser extended accessorial, this is decided by teacher freedom namely, amount is not certain. Of course, also having a teacher also won't extend to the student. 4, " 3 aid " post allowance colleges and universities uses education to allocate funds, scientific research funds, tuitional income, society is contributory wait for capital, setting graduate student " 3 aid " (aid grind, assistant, aid a canal) post, offer " 3 aid " subsidiary.

In principle, aid grind allowance basically passes the service fee in funds of scientific research project and scientific research overhead cost to list, assistant allowance and place of the allowance that aid a canal need capital to be assumed by colleges and universities. Graduate student " 3 aid " subsidiary standard concerns a provision by college basis country, the factor such as combinative place price level is reasonable and certain. 5, the country is aided learn loan graduate student to apply for a country to aid etc of the condition that learns loan, program to concern a provision, with the college this specialized subject gives birth to a country to aid learn loan basic and identical. In principle, the graduate student is aided learn loan to be aided with campus ground country learn loan to give priority to, amount of loan of every school year does not exceed 12000 yuan. 6, graduate student of this year's graduate goes to acting countervail of loan of compensation of tuition of basic level obtain employment the requirement that basic level obtain employment files tuition to compensate loan acting countervail, program and relevant provision, basic and as identical as this specialized subject graduate. Every lay specified number of acting indemnity of graduate student compensation annual not prep above 12000 yuan. 7, the condition that be recruited enrollment takes tuition of voluntary military service to compensate enrollment of be recruited of loan acting countervail and graduate student of tuitional derate = to take voluntary military service to apply for tuition to compensate loan acting countervail and tuitional derate, program and relevant provision, be born with this specialized subject basic and identical. The graduate student compensates acting countervail or every lay tuitional derate amount annual not prep above 12000 yuan. 8, retire soldier education is aided financially to retiring one year the above, own obtain employment that take an examination of common colleges and universities and brings into plan of recruit students of countrywide full-time graduate student retires soldier, give education to aid financially. Aid financially content is born with this specialized subject basic and identical.

Tuition aids financially a standard every school year is top do not exceed 12000 yuan.
