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A(不得 B(直接 C(必须


A(持续 B(无需 C(必须


(逐步落实 B(安全技术措施不落实不开工 A



A(继续使用 B(更换新绳 C(自己维修


A(墙面 B(通道 C(屋面


A(10 B(6 C(8


A(警告 B(技术 C(警示


A(帽衬 B(帽箍 C(下颏带


A(动力 B(无动力 C(唯一


A(助燃物 B(氧化剂 C(催化剂


A(遥控器 B(室内机 C(室外机


A(3 B(1 C(2


A(也 B(不 C(可能


A(保险 B(劳动合同 C(规章制度


A(10 B(8 C(5


A(6 B(3 C(2


A(显示 B(图形 C(指示


A(预防 B(人员 C(安全


A(醉酒 B(饭后 C(吸烟


A(三 B(四 C(五



A(镇定 B(冷静 C(自行救人


A(清点 B(整理 C(检查



A(消防 B(管理 C(安全


A(下端 B(上端 C(左侧



A(安全专项方案 B(施工技术交底 C(施工组织设计 26.安全网包括安全平网和()。(C)1.0分

A(安全带 B(安全帽 C(安全立网


A(通路 B(通道 C(主干线


A(先左侧后右侧 B(先右侧后左侧 C(低侧后高侧 29.查漏是为了()。(C)1.0分

A(安装工序要求 B(减少经济上的浪费




A(安全意识 B(应急处理能力 C(法律意识 31.含有大量尘埃但无爆炸和火灾危险的场所,选用()型照明器。(B)1.0分

A(防爆 B(防尘 C(防震


A(匀速 B(迅速 C(快速


A(公司领导安排 B(安全技术操作规程 C(利益 34.高处作业时要()材料,器具设备必须安全可靠。(C)1.0分

A(清点 B(整理 C(检查


A(无需 B(必须 C(随时


A(相应 B(临时 C(全部


A(不允许 B(允许 C(可酌情


A(3 B(2 C(1


A(350 B(450 C(250


A(愈大 B(愈小 C(愈安全



A(职业卫生 B(文化 C(科学


A(3 B(2 C(1.5


A(助燃物 B(氧化剂 C(催化剂


(应从左至右 B(应从下至上 C(应从上至下 A


A(34至40 B(40至50 C(50至55


A(平衡 B(保护 C(看护


A(二 B(三 C(一


A(保持 B(回到 C(不会


A(吊索 B(铁丝 C(安全绳


(墙面 B(水面 C(地面 A


A(-1 B(-10 C(12


A(基本 B(悬挂 C(承重


A(1.2 B(1 C(3


A(塑胶软线 B(绝缘导线 C(橡胶软线


A(家庭 B(社会 C(公司


A(L B( C(吸塑字 D(霓虹灯字 E(铜字 57.悬挂机构是架设于建筑物或构筑物上,通过()悬挂悬吊平台的机构。(C)1.0分

A(安全绳 B(吊带 C(钢丝绳


A(水平 B(垂直 C(横向


A(楼梯 B(墙壁 C(屋顶


A(50 B(100 C(1000


A(二 B(一 C(三



A(500 B(600 C(700


A(继续使用 B(更换新绳 C(自己维修


A(身份证明 B(操作证 C(照片


A(四 B(三 C(二


A(随意 B(安全 C(固定


A(相应 B(临时 C(全部


A(衬垫 B(锁扣 C(接头


A(3 B(4 C(5


A(现场调查 B(启动验收 C(竣工验收


)1.0分 后,()。(A





A(不允许 B(允许 C(可酌情


A(物体 B(固体 C(水平面


A(离开平台 B(扶好站稳 C(蹲或坐下


A(三 B(一 C(二


A(4 B(3 C(1


A(坠落 B(触电 C(坠物


A(0.5 B(1 C(2


A(保持 B(回到 C(不会


A(稍微 B(可以 C(不得



A(人身 B(物品 C(安全


A(分体壁挂式空调 B(分体柜式空调



(随意 B(酌情 C(正确 A


A(6 B(5 C(4


A(施工设计 B(施工方案 C(基础施工


A(安全网 B(安全带 C(座板


A(安全生产 B(企业效益 C(后勤


A(警告 B(技术 C(警示


A(100 B(200 C(300


(低 B(矮 C(高 A


A(阻燃安全网 B(安全平网 C(密目式安全网 92.关于安全生产事故的调查处理,主要是指事故发生后,及时,准确的查清楚事故的()。(A)1.0分

A(原因 B(结果 C(经过


A(预防 B(人员 C(安全


A(培训 B(交流 C(探讨


(监护 B(监督 C(检查A


A(允许 B(不允许 C(酌情


A(检查 B(空载 C(半载


A(允许 B(适当 C(不得


A(用电 B(消防 C(项目



A(黄色标记 B(红色色标 C(安全色标


A(安全生产 B(企业效益 C(后勤


A(不会 B(可能会 C(无关


A(电力系统 B(配电系统 C(电力网


A(3 B(1 C(2


A(平衡 B(独立 C(简洁


A(-1 B(-10 C(12


A(平衡 B(阻力 C(安全保护


A(警告 B(技术 C(警示


(使用控制装置 B(断电 C(利用外力停止 A


A(不得 B(可以 C(允许


A(安全带 B(防护网 C(安全绳


A(3 B(4 C(6


A(发包单位 B(建设单位 C(施工单位


A(3 B(4 C(5


A(50 B(60 C(70


A(劳动保护用品 B(作业工具 C(通讯工具 117.高处作业区各作业位置至相应坠落高度基准面的垂直距离中间的最()值。(B)1.0分

A(小 B(大 C(初


A(衬垫 B(锁扣 C(接头


A(3 B(4 C(5


A(应告诫员工注意安全继续施工 B(应及时排除隐患后再施工




A(1000 B(2000 C(3000


A(24 B(36 C(220


A(10 B(15 C(16


A(200 B(300 C(500


A(警告 B(技术 C(警示


A(二 B(三 C(一


A(墙面 B(通道 C(屋面


A(坠落 B(触电 C(坠物


(必须 B(无需 C(接近 A


A(显示 B(指令 C(颜色


A(55 B(50 C(60


A(高处 B(目的地 C(平台


A(无需 B(可能 C(必须


A(屋顶 B(墙体 C(洞口


A(必须 B(无需 C(定期


A(?5% B(?10% C(?8%


A(2‰至5‰ B(2‰至4‰ C(4‰至5‰


A(物体 B(固体 C(水平面


A(规范 B(任何 C(任意


A(信号 B(信息 C(信号和楼层



A(5 B(7 C(10


A(平衡 B(阻力 C(安全保护


A(建议权 B(知情权 C(合理拒绝权


A(塑料 B(纤维 C(安全


A(帽衬 B(帽箍 C(下颏带


A(左 B(右 C(远


A(相应 B(临时 C(全部


A(-1 B(-10 C(12


A(生产 B(工作 C(操作


)1.0分 制度。(C

A(用电 B(消防 C(项目


1.使用起重机吊物时,必须捆紧。严禁大小物夹杂、不规范起重操作。(对)1.0分 2.高处作业的人数较多,基数大,即使发生伤亡的几率较小,其发生伤亡事故的人次数也较多。(对)1.0分

3.基础是位于建筑物的构件,支撑整个建筑物,并把荷载传给地基。(错)1.0分 4.高处作业的工作绳是固定在挂点装置上,沿作业面敷设、下降器安装其上,工作室承担人体及携带物重量的长绳子。(对)1.0分

5.从业人员有权对本单位安全生产工作中存在的问题提出批评、检举、控告。(对)1.0分 6.年满16周岁,且不超过国家法定退休年龄的人员可以从事特种作业。(错)1.0分 7.安全生产是要坚持以人为本的行为。(错)1.0分







14.特种作业人员不需要专门的安全技术培训就可以上岗。(错)1.0分 15.拆除工程项目负责人依法承担拆除工程安全生产、文明施工、环境防护等责任。(对)



16.凡参加外墙清洗的作业人员必须达到初中以上文化程度。(对)1.0分 17.高处安装、维护、拆除作业最常见的事故是高处坠落、物体打击、雷电等事故。(对)1.0分



高血压发病率会随着工龄的增长而增加。(对)1.0分 20.长期从事高处作业的人群中,

21.座板式单人吊具、吊带、衬带、拦腰带局部有破损时,不影响使用。(错)1.0分 22.使用安全带时,应检查安全带的部件是否完整,有无损伤;安全绳是否存在断股、烫伤的现象。(对)1.0分


24.高处作业时,自锁器在发生坠落锁止后,可借助人工明确动作才能打开。(对)1.0分 25.电路由电源、负荷及连接导体三个基本部分组成。(对)1.0分




29.消防人员和急救人员未到达时,事故现场可以组织自救。(对)1.0分 30.绝缘靴是由特种橡胶制成的,用于人体与地面绝缘的靴子。(对)1.0分 31.单层工业厂房按配件组成两部分,即墙和门窗。(错)1.0分






37.高处作业现场安全隐患分为高处坠落、触电事故和物体打击三大类。(对)1.0分 38.空调机安装完毕后,查漏工序有没有做都行。(错)1.0分

39.房屋建筑内部电气线路走向和电气设备的施工图纸是电气设备施工图。(对)1.0分 40.上下垂直作业时,采取可靠的隔离措施,不用按照指定的路线上下。(错)1.0分 41.高处作业区域内不方便设置施工电源的情况下可以从吊篮上接临时电源。(错)1.0分 42.安全帽能擅自改装。(错)1.0分




46.梯子是一种常用的辅助登高或直接作为登高作业的工具。(对)1.0分 47.吊带整体穿过座板底面,将座板悬吊在下降器上,可以防止座板断裂时作业人员坠落。(对)




49.从业人员有要求用人单位保证职工的劳动安全、防止职业危害的权利。(对)1.0分 50.安全带是指高处作业人员预防坠落的防护用品,由带子、绳子和金属配件组成。(对)1.0分



53.“预防为主”要求在工作中应时刻注意预防安全事故的发生。(对)1.0分 54.约束反作用力是作用于物体的其他力和物体的运动情况来决定的力。(对)1.0分 55.遇有雷雨、暴雨、四级及以上大风时,不得进行高处作业及放紧线工作。(错)1.0分 56.沿着力的作用线进行移动,不会改变力的作用方向。(对)1.0分


58.安全自锁器,是高处作业人员上下攀登使用的个体防坠落用品。(对)1.0分 59.高处作业中施工人员对小件工具、物料应放在不易滑落的位置。(错)1.0分 60.拆除工程清运渣土的车辆应封闭或覆盖,出入现场时应有专人指挥。(对)1.0分 61.建筑物顶层广告施工中为防止人员和物料坠落,应设置防护网。(对)1.0分 62.机械设备可造成碰撞、夹击、剪切、卷入等多种危害。(对)1.0分 63.广告施工高处作业现场,施工期间经常会产生废弃包装物、线头余料、各种垃圾,正确的处理方法是及时清理。(对)1.0分



66.安全带按使用方式,分为围杆安全带、悬挂安全带和攀登安全带三种。(对)1.0分 67.高处作业现场噪声大或者视线不清时,需配备必要的联络工具,并有专人负责联系。(对)1.0分







74.利用电动吊篮进行电焊作业时,严禁用吊篮做电焊接线回路。(对)1.0分 75.固定安全防护装置用任何工具都可以拆卸。(错)1.0分







81.生产经营单位必须依法参加工伤保险,为从业人员缴纳保险费。(对)1.0分 82.屋顶由屋面层和结构层两个部分构成。(对)1.0分





87.拆除工程施工区域应设置硬质封闭围挡及醒目警示标志,当临街的被拆除建筑与交通道路的安全距离不能满足要求时,必须采取相应的安全隔离措施。(对)1.0分 88.一般情况下只要接触表面粗糙且研究对象在其表面上滑动(或滚动)就能容易判断出滑动摩擦力和滚动摩擦力。(对)1.0分




92.自锁器可以随意安装,使用时发现异常情况可以自行修理后再使用。(错)1.0分 93.施工单位对安全防护用品要定期进行检查,发现不合格产品应及时进行更换。(对)1.0分



96.“安全第一”要求在工作中应该始终把安全放在首位。(对)1.0分 97.当高处作业发生坠落时,将作业人员悬挂在空中的安全带,称为坠落悬挂安全带。(对)1.0分




101.长期从事高处作业的人群中,高血压发病率会随着工龄的增长而增加。(对)1.0分 102.特种作业人员不需要专门的安全技术培训就可以上岗。(错)1.0分 103.物体在受力分析时,必须分清谁对谁的作用,切忌张冠李戴。(对)1.0分 104.防触电安全防护用品主要有电容型验电器、绝缘杆、绝缘胶垫、绝缘靴、绝缘手套、防静电服等。(对)1.0分




108.安全带上各种部件不得任意拆掉。更换新绳时要注意加绳套。(对)1.0分 109.只有施工作业人员禁止在施工现场吸烟、追逐打闹。(错)1.0分 110.高处作业现场安全隐患分为高处坠落、触电事故和物体打击三大类。(对)1.0分 111.塔式起重机在拆除作业中,应按照施工组织设计选定的机械设备及吊装方案进行施工。(对)1.0分



113.年满16周岁,且不超过国家法定退休年龄的人员可以从事特种作业。(错)1.0分 114.力是物体之间的相互作用,所以有作用力,一定同时有反作用力。(对)1.0分 115.从业人员发现事故隐患或者其他不安全因素,先完成任务,再向有关负责人报告。(错)1.0分



118.梯子是一种常用的辅助登高或直接作为登高作业的工具。(对)1.0分 119.棒式下降器的工作原理是利用缠绕在棒式下降器轴上的工作绳所产生的摩擦力来控制作业人员的下降速度。(对)1.0分

120.在周围环境不会危及生命的情况下,可以随便搬动伤员。(错)1.0分 121.重力是由于地球的吸引而使物体产生的力。(错)1.0分



124.六级以上强风、大雾天气不得露天进行攀登与悬空高处作业。(对)1.0分 125.只要接触物体粗糙表面,就会产生静摩擦力。(错)1.0分

126.座板装置的材料不限制,但一般为木质,表面无限制。(错)1.0分 127.企业要发挥好安全培训教育的作用。(对)1.0分



130.起吊时,设备上严禁站人,但可以放零散未装容器的构件。(错)1.0分 131.对地下的各类管线、施工单位应在地面上设置明显标识。(对)1.0分 132.广告施工高处作业中进行电焊作业时电焊钳可以搭在吊篮框架或脚手架上。(错)1.0分

133.使用起重机吊物时,必须捆紧。严禁大小物夹杂、不规范起重操作。(对)1.0分 134.用人单位应当为劳动者创造符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求的工作环境和条件,并采取措施保障劳动者或者职业卫生保护。(对)1.0分


136.外保温墙上安装空调室外机,固定三角架的膨胀螺栓必须是加长型的。(对)1.0分 137.冬季天气寒冷,喝酒可以驱散寒冷,此时登高作业不会影响安全。(错)1.0分 138.不同行业的高处作业,有可能受到的危害是相同的。(对)1.0分

139.绝缘靴是由特种橡胶制成的,用于人体与地面绝缘的靴子。(对)1.0分 140.地下室、人防设备安装必须派有经验的施工人员进行施工,地下潮湿或有水应采取防潮、防水措施。(对)1.0分


142.基础是位于建筑物的构件,支撑整个建筑物,并把荷载传给地基。(错)1.0分 143.在攀登或者拆除作业时,扳手、钢丝钳等工具一定要管理好,勿坠落伤人。(对)1.0分 144.卸扣式下降器是目前高空清洗业使用最广泛的下降器,由一个锁扣和一个带螺纹的销轴组成。(错)1.0分


146.具有小学及以上文化程度的人员可以申报特种作业培训考证。(错)1.0分 147.安全防护鞋鞋底一般采用聚氨酯材料一次注模成型。(对)1.0分 148.大型储罐可采用人工拆除的方法进行拆除。(错)1.0分


149.座板式单人吊具、吊带、衬带、拦腰带局部有破损时,不影响使用。(错)1.0分 150.电动吊篮上的操作人员的安全带应拴在独立安全保险绳上。(对)1.0分 151.拆除与易燃、易爆或有毒、有害介质有关的大型静置设备、设施时,应严格按现场环境设立专门的安全防护设施。(错)1.0分


153.登石棉瓦、瓦棱板等轻型材料作业,要采取措施防坠落。(对)1.0分 154.使用3m以上的长绳可以不加缓冲器。(错)1.0分

155.安全绳是连接自锁器与坠落悬挂安全的绳,不具有吸收冲击能量的作用。(错)1.0分 156.只要物体在地球附近,无论物体与地球接触与否,都受到重力的作用。(对)1.0分 157.电能从生产到消费一般要经过发电、输电、配电和用电四个环节。(对)1.0分 158.“预防为主”要求在工作中应时刻注意预防安全事故的发生。(对)1.0分 159.进入现场作业区必须戴安全帽。(对)1.0分

160.机械拆除时,应先拆除非承重结构,再拆除承重结构。(对)1.0分 161.高处作业人员酒后可以进行作业。(错)1.0分



164.座板装置是承载作业人员的装置,由吊带,安全绳、拦腰带和座板组成。(错)1.0分 165.高处作业工作中,设备管理部门应派出专人进行监护。(对)1.0分 166.连锁装置的基本原理是只有安全装置关合时,机器才能转动。(对)1.0分 167.从业人员有对本单位安全生产工作提出建议的权利。(对)1.0分 168.通常把直接生产和分配电能的设备称为一次设备。(对)1.0分

169.自锁器可以随意安装,使用时发现异常情况可以自行修理后再使用。(错)1.0分 170.通过坠落事故分析,可以知道事故多发的平台口、井架口等处,追究其原因均与精神极度紧张所致的行为失误有很大关系。(对)1.0分

171.触电包括各种设备、设施的触电,电工作业时触电、雷击等。(对)1.0分 172.生产经营单位的从业人员有依法获得安全生产保障利益的权利。(错)1.0分 173.固定安全防护装置用任何工具都可以拆卸。(错)1.0分






179.绝缘胶垫是由特种橡胶制成的,用于加强工作人员对地绝缘的橡胶板。(对)1.0分 180.广告施工高处作业中如有人意外触电又无法立即切断电源,合理的施救方法是:用绝缘物将电源挑开。(对)1.0分


182.消防人员和急救人员未到达时,事故现场可以组织自救。(对)1.0分 183.遇有电力线在电信线杆顶上交叉横跨的特殊情况时,工作人员的头部可以超过电线杆顶。(错)1.0分

184.结构是指在工业建筑中,支承各种荷载作用的构件所组成的骨架。(对)1.0分 185.物体之间接触一定会有弹力。(错)1.0分



187.施工单位应做好高处作业人员的安全教育及相关的安全预防工作。(对)1.0分 188.安全帽是一种用来保护工作人员头部,使头部免受外力冲击伤害的帽子。(对)1.0分 189.生产经营单位应当安排用于配备劳动防护用品、进行安全生产培训的经费。(对)1.0分




192.从业人员发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,无权停止作业。(错)1.0分 193.拆除贮存易燃、易爆或有毒、有害介质的大型贮罐应采用机械加降温措施的切割方法拆除。(对)1.0分

194.长期从事高处作业的人群中,高血压发病率会随着工龄的增长而增加。(对)1.0分 195.发现事故隐患要立即处理,自己不能处理的要及时上报。(对)1.0分 196.物体运动状态主要与力的大小,力的方向有关。(对)1.0分

197.停电、送电工作必须指定专人负责。可以采用口头或约时停电、送电。(错)1.0分 198.防坠落安全防护用品主要有:安全带、安全帽、安全网、安全自锁器、速差自控器、水平安全绳、防滑鞋等。(对)1.0分


200.安全帽遇水潮湿后,可以放在暖气片,炉火上烘烤至干。(错)1.0分 201.高处作业时,打闹、睡觉、攀登杆件上下、跳跃凌空状态不用安全带等都是违规操作。(对)1.0分





206.从业人员可享受工伤保险和因生产安全事故受到损害时要求赔偿的权利。(对)1.0分 207.模板工程在绑扎钢筋、粉刷模板、支撑模板时应保证作业人员有可靠立足点,作业面应固定设置安全防护措施。(对)1.0分


209.安全带缝纫线应采用与织带有化学反应的物质,颜色与织带不应有区别。(错)1.0分 210.脚扣是由木或者塑料材料制作的攀登电杆的工具。(错)1.0分


212.安全带上各种部件不得任意拆掉。更换新绳时要注意加绳套。(对)1.0分 213.8字环式下降器一般采用铝合金铸造,轻巧耐用,操作方便。(对)1.0分 214.高处作业时,打闹、睡觉、攀登杆件上下、跳跃凌空状态不用安全带等都是违规操作。(对)1.0分












225.特种作业人员不需要专门的安全技术培训就可以上岗。(错)1.0分 226.施工图是房屋建筑施工时的重要依据,同样也是企业管理的重要技术文件。(对)1.0分



229.电能从生产到消费一般要经过发电、输电、配电和用电四个环节。(对)1.0分 230.带电高处作业必须穿绝缘服、均压服。(对)1.0分

231.安全带缝纫线应采用与织带有化学反应的物质,颜色与织带不应有区别。(错)1.0分 232.安全带和绳必须用锦纶、维纶、蚕丝料;包裹绳子的套要用皮革、轻革、维纶或者橡胶。(对)1.0分

233.吊篮的电源线应有保护措施,固定在设备上,防止短路、断路。(对)1.0分 234.自锁器可以随意安装,使用时发现异常情况可以自行修理后再使用。(错)1.0分 235.安全带是指高处作业人员预防坠落的防护用品,由带子、绳子和金属配件组成。(对)1.0分

236.从业人员发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,无权停止作业。(错)1.0分 237.安全网是用来防止人、物坠落,或用来避免、减轻坠落及物体打击伤害的网具,包括安全平网和安全立网。(对)1.0分





242.实现安全发展的最重要途径就是坚持“预防为主”的根本方针。(对)1.0分 243.座板装置是通过吊带与下降器连接。(错)1.0分



246.安全绳是连接自锁器与坠落悬挂安全的绳,不具有吸收冲击能量的作用。(错)1.0分 247.物体旋转与力臂长短无关。(错)1.0分




251.“安全第一”要求在工作中应该始终把安全放在首位。(对)1.0分 252.力学中常见的这些力都有其自身不确定的变化规律。(错)1.0分


254.年满16周岁,且不超过国家法定退休年龄的人员可以从事特种作业。(错)1.0分 255.广告物料使用吊车吊运时应设专人看护作业范围严防物料坠落伤人。(对)1.0分 256.楼梯是多层建筑的非重要垂直交通设施。(错)1.0分






262.基础是位于建筑物的构件,支撑整个建筑物,并把荷载传给地基。(错)1.0分 263.门窗不属于围护结构的组成部分。(错)1.0分






269.登石棉瓦、瓦棱板等轻型材料作业,要采取措施防坠落。(对)1.0分 270.从业人员可以了解工作场所产生或者可能产生的职业病危害因素。(错)1.0分 271.特种作业是指容易发生人员伤亡事故,对操作者本人、他人,以及周围设施的安全可能造成重大危害的作业。(对)1.0分




275.安全带按使用方式,分为围杆安全带、悬挂安全带和攀登安全带三种。(对)1.0分 276.说明房屋建筑各层平面布置、立面和剖面形式、建筑各部构造及构造详图的图纸被称为结构施工图。(对)1.0分




280.做好安全技术交底工作及架线试点工作,并按交底要求,进行作业。(错)1.0分 281.消防人员和急救人员未到达时,事故现场可以组织自救。(对)1.0分 282.安全带可挂在管件的自由端上。(错)1.0分



284.只要物体在地球附近,无论物体与地球接触与否,都受到重力的作用。(对)1.0分 285.拆接线时可不设监护人。(错)1.0分

286.固定安全防护装置是防止操作人员接触危险部件的固定安全装置。(对)1.0分 287.不同行业的高处作业,有可能受到的危害是相同的。(对)1.0分

288.从业人员可享受工伤保险和因生产安全事故受到损害时要求赔偿的权利。(对)1.0分 289.通过坠落事故分析,可以知道事故多发的平台口、井架口等处,追究其原因均与精神极度紧张所致的行为失误有很大关系。(对)1.0分



292.没有高处作业证,未受过高处作业培训的人员,也可以参加高处作业。(错)1.0分 293.人工拆除与机械拆除的区别是人工拆除应从上至下,机械拆除应从下至上,逐层分段进行。(错)1.0分







299.安全帽是一种用来保护工作人员头部,使头部免受外力冲击伤害的帽子。(对)1.0分 300.具有小学及以上文化程度的人员可以申报特种作业培训考证。(错)1.0分 301.在设备运输过程中设备的前方及两边严禁有人,应平稳拉动。(对)1.0分 302.高处作业分为2~5m、5~15m、15~30m及35m以上四个区段。(错)1.0分 303.主要说明拟建建筑物所在的地理位置和周围环境的平面布置图叫建筑总平面图。(对)1.0分

304.“安全第一”要求在工作中应该始终把安全放在首位。(对)1.0分 305.屋顶由屋面层和结构层两个部分构成。(对)1.0分




309.高处作业中的多板式下降器是由一个金属框架和几个穿在框架上的短圆柱组成。(对) 310.年满16周岁,且不超过国家法定退休年龄的人员可以从事特种作业。(错)1.0分 311.力产生加速度时,引起受力物体运动状态的改变。(对)1.0分

312.力学中常见的这些力都有其自身不确定的变化规律。(错)1.0分 313.窗有着采光和通风的作用。(对)1.0分


315.广告施工吊装作业中桁架和广告结构固定后如需改变位置可以用撬动的方法。(错) 316.实现安全发展的最重要途径就是坚持“预防为主”的根本方针。(对)1.0分 317.特种作业是指容易发生人员伤亡事故,对操作者本人、他人,以及周围设施的安全可能造成重大危害的作业。(对)1.0分



319.项目经理必须对拆除工程的安全生产负全面领导责任。(对)1.0分 320.座板式单人吊具可以不适用吊具屋面固定装置。(错)1.0分


322.自锁器可以随意安装,使用时发现异常情况可以自行修理后再使用。(错)1.0分 323.在周围环境不会危及生命的情况下,可以随便搬动伤员。(错)1.0分 324.棒式下降器的工作原理是利用缠绕在棒式下降器轴上的工作绳所产生的摩擦力来控制作业人员的下降速度。(对)1.0分

325.起吊时,设备上严禁站人,但可以放零散未装容器的构件。(错)1.0分 326.按性质和规律分,力学中常见的力有引力(重力)、弹性力、摩擦力、介质的阻力、电场力、洛伦兹力等。(对)1.0分

327.高处作业现场噪声大或者视线不清时,需配备必要的联络工具,并有专人负责联系。(对) 328.高处安装、维护、拆除作业最常见的事故是高处坠落、物体打击、雷电等事故。(对) 329.在拆除施工现场危险区域,并设置警戒线和相关的安全标志,应派专人监管。(对) 330.卸扣式下降器是目前高空清洗业使用最广泛的下降器,由一个锁扣和一个带螺纹的销轴组成。(错)1.0分

331.织带折头连接使用线缝,可使用铆钉、胶粘、热合等工艺。(错)1.0分 332.水平安全绳即水平固定安全绳。(对)1.0分

333.梯子缺档或者人字梯中没有用绳子拉牢时,可以酌情作业。(错)1.0分 334.座板式单人吊具板面允许有穿透的裂纹或者横断裂纹。(错)1.0分

总重量不得超过5kg。(错)1.0分 335.上、下杆时轻便物件应装工具袋内,



338.发现事故隐患要立即处理,自己不能处理的要及时上报。(对)1.0分 339.重力是由于地球的吸引而使物体受到的力。(对)1.0分




343.梯子是由木料、竹料、绝缘材料、铝合金等材料制作的登高作业的工具。(对)1.0分 344.绝缘靴是由特种橡胶制成的,用于人体与地面绝缘的靴子。(对)1.0分 345.使用超过3m的长绳时,可以酌情加上缓冲器、自锁器或防坠器等。(错)1.0分 346.电动吊篮的安全保险绳应牢固地拴在悬挂机构上。(错)1.0分


348.机械设备可造成碰撞、夹击、剪切、卷入等多种危害。(对)1.0分 349.建筑施工图可以自行修改设计。(错)1.0分



, only selection of subject

When 1. uses safety belt, () hitch safety belt on the object that is hanged in the activity, notice to prevent to swing collision. (A)1.0 cent

A(does not get B(direct C(must

The base of 2. machinery and dynamical machine () firm. (C)1.0 cent

A(lasts B(need not C(must

The safe technology measure that the altitude in 3. advertisement construction works should be accomplished () . (B)1.0 cent

(Do not fulfil measure of B(safe technology stage by stage not start working A

C(time limit for a project is close can fulfil after start working first

4. uses frequent rope, want to often make visual examination, when discovery is unusual, should instantly () . (B)1.0 cent

A(continues to use B(to change new rope him C(is maintained

The nacelle hitch with commonly used 5. has put aside wear and annulus frame. Put aside wearing is as to () or the hang oneself from a beam of similar structure content is worn. (C)1.0 cent

Roofing of C(of passageway of A(metope B(

Staff of work of 6. altitude special type should play every year not less than () of H groom. (C)1.0 cent

A(10 B(6 C(8

When 7. overhauls box of of all kinds distribution, switch box, must dump, demolish electric join and pensile () sign. (C)1.0 cent

A(warns caution of B(technology C(

8. is in the head dummy that adorns him basis answers before safety helmet will () move to proper place, had avoided to loosen or be tightened too. (B)1.0 cent

C(of band of cap of B(of A(cap line plays mental tape

Spreader of single person of 9. seat type is can establish from above to below to move along the building () appliance of exercise holding a person. (B)1.0 cent

A(motivation B(does not have dynamical C(exclusive

10. every can be helped and supportive flaming material cries () . (A)1.0 cent

Activator of oxidizer C(of A(oxidizer B(

11. air conditioning implement cannot open, it is more () bad cause. (A)1.0 cent

The machine of C(of indoor machine of A(remote controller B(outdoor

12. uprise () M is the following, still do not belong to category of exercise of our country uprise. (C)1.0 cent

A(3 B(1 C(2

13. altitude falls () include to get an electric shock fall accident. (B)1.0 cent

A(also B(not C(is likely

14. production management unit and must want to conclude from personnel of course of study () . (B)1.0 cent

System of regulations of C(of contract of labor of A(insurance B(

15. average air temperature or under () ? work environment is forbidden undertake altitude operation. (C)1.0 cent

A(10 B(8 C(5

16. secures the armrest that hang ladder to be apart from ladder to not be less than 200mm, height is less than () of M need not set armrest. (B)1.0 cent

A(6 B(3 C(2

The meaning that 17. prohibits indicating is to prohibit people is insecure of behavior () mark. (B)1.0 cent

A(shows B(graph C(is indicated

Because its are special,18. altitude works harm sex, relevant unit besides implementing safe technology measure, still should strengthen its () government works. (C)1.0 cent

A(prevents safety of B(personnel C(

19. is forbidden () hind headroom works. (A)1.0 cent

The C(after meal of B(of A(drunk wine smokes

20. is encountered have thunderstorm, torrential rain, () when class above gale, must not undertake altitude exercise is reached put the work that tighten a string. (C)1.0 cent

3 B(of A(4 C(5

When 21. encounters harm, not panic-stricken, should maintain () , try to uphold good spot order. (B)1.0 cent

1/18 page

Proper motion of sober C(of A(calm B(helps a person

When 22. altitude works, want () material, implemental equipment must on the safe side. (C)1.0 cent

B(of A(check the amount arranges C(examination

23.() branch is in charge of supervising examination work daily, undertake fire control is checked while safety is perambulatory, those who promote system of fire control security carry out

Fulfil. (C)1.0 cent

B(of A(fire control supervises C(security

24. is prevented tilt lock installation is in promotion plane mounting frame () . (B)1.0 cent

C(of the end on B(of A(lower end is left

25. is large before quiet place facility, establishment removes engineering go into operation, answer to wait for a work out according to amount of circumstance of project characteristic, equipment, establishment, project

() , should sign via technical chief or inspect manage engineer carry out after approval. (A)1.0 cent

Organization of construction of C(of tell sb one's real intentions of technology of construction of special program B(designs A(security 26. Safety net includes security plain net and () . (C)1.0 cent

Safe set net of safety helmet C(of A(safety belt B(

27. telegraphic circuitry is the main component of national communication network, also be to assure what information delivers () . (A)1.0 cent

Line of mainstay of C(of passageway of A(access B(

28. tower piece perch Shi Yingxian () . (C)1.0 cent

A(first left hind on the right side of B(first on the right side of hind after left C(low side high side 29. Checking leakage is for () . (C)1.0 cent

A(installs working procedure to ask B(reduces economically waste

C(air conditioning moves effectively for long

30. ought to be accepted from personnel of course of study safe production is taught and groom, master the safe production knowledge that own job requires, increase safe production

Skill, enhance an accident precaution and () . (B)1.0 cent

Consciousness of law of C(of capability of processing of lash-up of B(of A(safe consciousness 31. Contain a large number of dust but the place that does not have explosion and fire hazard, choose () model illume implement. (B)1.0 cent

Dustproof C(of B(of A(explosion proof is shock-proof

Mobile moment personnel should help 32. ladder up firm, drag the period of the day from 11 pm to 1 am that use ladder to had not exerted oneself to do sth. fierce, want () mobile. (A)1.0 cent

A(divide evenly fast B(rapid C(is fast

33. is producing each segment, should observe safe production management strictly system and () . (B)1.0 cent

Interest of C(of operating rules of safe technology of B(of arrangement of A(company leader 34. When altitude works, want () material, implemental equipment must on the safe side. (C)1.0 cent

B(of A(check the amount arranges C(examination

Staff of 35. altitude work () obtain altitude exercise evidence, square but mount guard. (B)1.0 cent

A(need not B(must C(at any time

36. is built when setting scaffold, must have done by the regulation () prop up and help a tie. (B)1.0 cent

A(corresponding B(temporarily C(is all

37.() is electrified undertake altitude works. (A)1.0 cent

A(does not allow B(to allow C(but take into consideration the circumstances

38. safety is locked up oneself implement every other () yearly check check. (B)1.0 cent

A(3 B(2 C(1

39. common safety helmet does not exceed () G. (B)1.0 cent

A(350 B(450 C(250

When 40. altitude works, common law is, those who ascend more tall, fall the danger that cast the net () . (A)1.0 cent

A(heals big B(heals small C(heals safe

41. worker should learn and master () relevant knowledge. (A)1.0 cent

2/18 page

C(of culture of B(of A(profession sanitation is scientific

42. accuses oneself implement horizontal activity should be in what be central radius with perpendicular () inside M limits. (C)1.0 cent

A(3 B(2 C(1.5

43. every can be helped and supportive flaming material cries () . (A)1.0 cent

Activator of oxidizer C(of A(oxidizer B(

44. demolishs construction order to be artificially () , chase a layer to demolish section to undertake, do not get perpendicular across work. (C)1.0 cent

(Should from left should answer from next consummate C(to right B(from on to next A

45. spreader chatelaine must want to make a root, length is 1300 to 1600mm, width is () Mm. (B)1.0 cent

A(34 comes to 50 C(50 to 40 B(40 55

When 46. altitude exercise changes exercise position, must not lose () . (B)1.0 cent

A(balances B(to protect C(nurse

47. is versed in in construction site wood operation area, carpentry raw material, finished product piles up the area undertakes construction work is belonged to () area of class get angry. (C)1.0 cent

2 B(of A(3 C(one

48. is normally in system of a control, control equipment is when machine movement, () the lock is in surely closed condition. (C)1.0 cent

A(maintains B(to return C(won't

Before 49. can not press what different provision hangs in orgnaization of double pensile machine with nacelle platform of the form paragraph lop odd root perhaps counts a root () on. (A)1.0 cent

Safe rope of C(of iron wire of A(sling B(

50. is built when setting scaffold, () must do processing. (C)1.0 cent

(A of ground of C(of metope B(surface

51. contacts cold water temperature to be equal to or under () ? exercise is incidental altitude falls. (C)1.0 cent

A(-1 B(-10 C(12

52. suspensory platform all around have protect column, be undertake altitude works () type device. (B)1.0 cent

Pensile C(of A(basic B(bearings

When 53. uses spreader of seat type single person to work, area of work of work staff left and right sides is the largest distance, should not exceed () M. (C)1.0 cent

A(1.2 B(1 C(3

54. must press normative erect with electric distribution circuitry temporarily orderly, trolly wire road must be used () . (B)1.0 cent

Flexible cord of balata of C(of lead of insulation of B(of A(plastic flexible cord

55. installs the person that cause to harm an accident because of air conditioning, to () brought monstrous disaster. (A)1.0 cent

Company of C(of society of A(family B(

In word of 56. monomer advertisement, the following () do not have normally inside illuminant. (C)1.0 cent

A(L B(C(sucks word of copper of E(of neon lamp word of model word D(57. Hitch is wear locate building or build content to go up, pass () the orgnaization of pensile and suspensory platform. (C)1.0 cent

Condole of B(of A(safe rope carries C(wire rope

Tower of lever of adjacent of the photograph when 58. accessory is installed must not be in at the same time with phasic installation accessory, exercise is nodded () lower part does not get someone. (B)1.0 cent

Perpendicular C(of A(level B(is transverse

59. roofing layer and structural layer are formed twice partly () . (C)1.0 cent

Housetop of C(of wall of A(stair B(

The voltage grade of 60. our country has: () KV. (C)1.0 cent

A(50 B(100 C(1000

61. is being produced or keep in storage is combustible explode easily undertake construction work is belonged to inside article field area () area of class get angry. (B)1.0 cent

2 B(of A(one C(3

Setting of 62. edge ground defends when baluster, distance establishing lever should not is less than by the side of hole chamfer () Mm. (A)1.0 cent

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A(500 B(600 C(700

63. uses frequent rope, want to often make visual examination, when discovery is unusual, should instantly () . (B)1.0 cent

A(continues to use B(to change new rope him C(is maintained

Exercise of 64. special type operates card to need reexamine, should refer the following condition: 1, safety grooms exam qualification is recorded 2, the case that pursues special type operation 3, () . (C)1.0 cent

A(identification B(operates card C(photograph

65. solders in uprise or metallic cut operation area undertakes construction work is belonged to () area of class get angry. (C)1.0 cent

4 B(of A(3 C(2

66. safety belt should be hanged high low with. Link up with should be buckled in not under the person that work located of horizontal position () firm department. (C)1.0 cent

Safe C(of A(optional B(is fixed

67. is built when setting scaffold, must have done by the regulation () prop up and help a tie. (B)1.0 cent

A(corresponding B(temporarily C(is all

68. job cord need not have () . (C)1.0 cent

Connect of C(of lock of A(gasket B(

69. is used () the long string of M above can add bumper. (A)1.0 cent

A(3 B(4 C(5

Installation of the work of preparation of construction work cent of 70. transmission network, construction, () 3 phase. (B)1.0 cent

A(field survey B(is started check and accept C(complete

When exercise of altitude of 71. advertisement construction uses nacelle, because the reason nacelle such as power cut cannot move, should inform concerned personnel is in put out power source

) after 1 minutes, () . (A

A(moves crank to drop nacelle with the hand the ground or rise a building to support, personnel just can leave

Nacelle leaves with other way in B(halfway

C(uses insurance rope downhill race to the ground

72.() is electrified undertake altitude works. (A)1.0 cent

A(does not allow B(to allow C(but take into consideration the circumstances

73. falls high datum plane is to pass a likelihood to fall of the lowest inside limits () . (C)1.0 cent

Horizontal of C(of solid of A(object B(

74. advertisement uses floating platform in construction work, personnel of the operation when platform is floating is not OK () . (C)1.0 cent

A(leaves platform B(to help good stand firm up to C(crouchs or sit down

75. is in timberwork or bricky timberwork temporarily the cooking range place of worker dining room undertakes construction work is belonged to () area of class get angry. (C)1.0 cent

3 B(of A(one C(2

76. overspeed locks up general outfit to be on nacelle platform or hoisting device, every end is set each () stage, pass one independent suspension to go up at the safe wire rope of roofing. (C)1.0 cent

A(4 B(3 C(1

77.() is the commonnest accident in altitude exercise. (B)1.0 cent

A(falls B(C(getting an electric shock drops content

Site of construction of 78. advertisement altitude often field is narrow, apply work staff to answer tool equipment, material is piled up respectively put orderly, the passageway with reasonable put apart, passageway width should not is less than () M. (B)1.0 cent

A(0.5 B(1 C(2

79. is normally in system of a control, control equipment is when machine movement, () the lock is in surely closed condition. (C)1.0 cent

A(maintains B(to return C(won't

The cap carapace of 80. safety helmet () have damaged and flaw. (C)1.0 cent

A(a little B(is OK C(is not gotten

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81. defends scaffold is to use as only () defended scaffold. (C)1.0 cent

C(of article of A(person B(is safe

The fission air conditioning that 82. installs indoor machine with boom is () . (C)1.0 cent

A(divides air conditioning of form of cabinet of fission of B(of the parietal air conditioning that register form

C(fission sucks air conditioning carrying type on the head

83. is prevented fall things and uprise appliance, equipment wants () use. (C)1.0 cent

(Correct A of C(of optional B(take into consideration the circumstances

84. wind-force is more than () when class, forbidden and suspensory exercise. (C)1.0 cent

A(6 B(5 C(4

3 segment with the most important technological process of construction of 85. transmission network are () , lever tower group stands, guide ground wire erect. (C)1.0 cent

A(construction designs construction of foundation of C(of B(the programme of construction

86. is suspensory drop the system is by working rope, drop implement, link implement and () composition. (C)1.0 cent

Seat of safety belt C(of A(safety net B(

87. produces management unit to ought to establish perfect system of safety production, this is to do well () crucial. (A)1.0 cent

Logistics of C(of benefit of enterprise of A(safe production B(

When 88. overhauls box of of all kinds distribution, switch box, must dump, demolish electric join and pensile () sign. (C)1.0 cent

A(warns caution of B(technology C(

89. hangs ladder armrest height to should not be exorbitant too low, () Mm height choice is unreasonable. (A)1.0 cent

A(100 B(200 C(300

When 90. altitude works, the person leaves the ground to heal () , meet more scared. (C)1.0 cent

(Tall A of low B(short C(

91. scaffold should press the programme of construction of relevant provision staff, the crural hand of exercise layer scaffold board should laid is close, bottom application () reveal all the details. (B)1.0 cent

A(is flame retardant safety net of pattern of close eye of C(of safe plain net of safety net B(92. Investigate manage about the attune of safe production accident, basically be self-explanatory characters after reason happening, seasonable, investigate clear accident well and truly () . (A)1.0 cent

C(of result of A(reason B(is passed

Because its are special,93. altitude works harm sex, relevant unit besides implementing safe technology measure, still should strengthen its () government works. (C)1.0 cent

A(prevents safety of B(personnel C(

94. laborer is enjoyed obtain professional sanitation education, () the profession protects the right. (A)1.0 cent

A(grooms B(communication C(is discussed

95. exercise Shi Yingpei wears safety helmet, use safety belt, work staff is due person () do not allow alone one person has operation. (A)1.0 cent

(Tutelar B(supervises C(to check A

When condition of 96. outer bound is not had, be () altitude works. (B)1.0 cent

A(allows B(not to allow C(use one's discretion

The examination before 97. dynamoelectric nacelle works ends, the Fang Kejin when without reason barrier goes () try machine. (B)1.0 cent

A(checks B(sky to hold C(half a year

98. fast difference implement wire rope () have serious squash. (C)1.0 cent

A(allows B(proper C(to be not gotten

99. construction site ought to hold water with () the fire control safety that responsible and factitious group leader, departmental door attends heads a group, build system of perfect fire protection. (C)1.0 cent

A(uses project of C(of electric B(fire control


Exterior of box of 100. of all kinds distribution, switch box should complete, firm, prevent rain, dustproof, outside answering, casing besmears () . (C)1.0 cent

Color patch of safety of C(of color patch of red of B(of A(yellow mark

101. produces management unit to ought to establish perfect system of safety production, this is to do well () crucial. (A)1.0 cent

Logistics of C(of benefit of enterprise of A(safe production B(

The working environment with undesirable 102. () to altitude work staff brings a harm. (B)1.0 cent

A(won't B(may C(has nothing to do

103. normally power plant, transformer substation () , power line and user join rise the whole that form, call () . (A)1.0 cent

Network of power of C(of system of distribution of B(of A(power system

104. uprise () M is the following, still do not belong to category of exercise of our country uprise. (C)1.0 cent

A(3 B(1 C(2

Platform of operation of 105. movable type is had () structural frame, can move move. (B)1.0 cent

Independent C(of A(balance B(is concise

106. contacts cold water temperature to be equal to or under () ? exercise is incidental altitude falls. (C)1.0 cent

A(-1 B(-10 C(12

107. overspeed lock is dynamoelectric altitude in exercise nacelle important () device. (C)1.0 cent

A(balances safety of B(obstruction C(to protect

When 108. overhauls box of of all kinds distribution, switch box, must dump, demolish electric join and pensile () sign. (C)1.0 cent

A(warns caution of B(technology C(

109. to make a machine can rapid suspend campaign, can () . (A)1.0 cent

(B(of use control equipment cuts off the power C(uses outside force to stop A

Of 110. chatelaine sutural () have rupture. (A)1.0 cent

It is OK that A(does not get B(C(allows

111. is in altitude exercise condition, be like scaffold, when large facility is demolished, must use () . (A)1.0 cent

A(safety belt B(defends net C(safe rope

112. is engaged in this type of work 10 years continuously above, abide by laws and regulations of law of concerned safe production strictly, the time that handles card review a case can be lengthened to every () year reexamine one. (C)1.0 cent

A(3 B(4 C(6

Unit of 113. total package must be fulfilled according to the regulation right () the supervisory management of the establishment that use phone and daily construction. (C)1.0 cent

A(sends packet of unit B(to build unit of unit C(construction

The flatus that 114. causes falling objective and critical factor directly is wind- driven () class above. (C)1.0 cent

A(3 B(4 C(5

The staff loading capacity that 115. registers bit of unit is () Kg. (C)1.0 cent

A(50 B(60 C(70

116. demolishs work staff to must be deployed corresponding () , use correctly. (A)1.0 cent

Tool of communication of C(of tool of exercise of B(of A(labor protecting material 117. Each work place reachs altitude operation area to fall accordingly among the vertical distance of high datum plane most () value. (B)1.0 cent

At the beginning of big C(of A(small B(

118. job cord need not have () . (C)1.0 cent

Connect of C(of lock of A(gasket B(

Inside 119. kit bag, gross weight must not exceed () Kg. (A)1.0 cent

A(3 B(4 C(5

Work of 120. advertisement construction discovers accident hidden danger () . (B)1.0 cent

A(should admonish employee notices safety continues after construction B(should eliminate hidden danger in time again construction

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C(edge eliminates edge construction

121. defends the structural whole of baluster should firm, can bear any direction () N outside force. (A)

A(1000 B(2000 C(3000

Condition of line of sight of exercise of headroom of 122. advertisement establishment uses travel lamp illume below bad situation, the voltage of travel lamp should not exceed () V. (B)

A(24 B(36 C(220

123. is locked up oneself implement those who deserve to use is flexible slideway is () Mm. (C)

A(10 B(15 C(16

124. cut is short at () the short reinforcing steel bar of Mm must use forceps clip, forbidden and direct hold with handgrip. (B)

A(200 B(300 C(500

When 125. overhauls box of of all kinds distribution, switch box, must dump, demolish electric join and pensile () sign. (C)1.0 cent

A(warns caution of B(technology C(

126. is versed in in construction site wood operation area, carpentry raw material, finished product piles up the area undertakes construction work is belonged to () area of class get angry. (C)1.0 cent

2 B(of A(3 C(one

The nacelle hitch with commonly used 127. has put aside wear and annulus frame. Put aside wearing is as to () or the hang oneself from a beam of similar structure content is worn. (C)1.0 cent

Roofing of C(of passageway of A(metope B(

128.() is the commonnest accident in altitude exercise. (B)1.0 cent

A(falls B(C(getting an electric shock drops content

129. accuses oneself implement setting position () accord with product technology to ask. (A)1.0 cent

(Must B(need not C(is close to A

130. safe color is those who deliver safe information meaning () . (C)1.0 cent

A(shows color of B(instruction C(

131. distribution room comes structural principal part use bury the ground to lay, bury set deepness to be 0.7m. The below or so even store on cable is large () Mm is fine arenaceous, with red machine the brick extends protection completely above, backfill fine earth. (B)1.0 cent

A(55 B(50 C(60

Platform of 132. headroom work (car) be one kind the person, the service with tool or quick and handy article () the auxiliary unit that has operation. (A)

Platform of destination C(of A(altitude B(

When the safety before 133. works is checked, chatelaine () it is a whole. (C)1.0 cent

A(need not B(is likely C(must

134. must have been done in construction site face a margin, () defend. (C)1.0 cent

Mouth of a cave of C(of body of wall of A(housetop B(

135. attends to safe production is taught and groom, it is staff of every altitude work () . (A)1.0 cent

A(must B(need not C(is fixed

Rating of deviate of voltage of power source of 136. dynamoelectric nacelle is more than () can regular job. (A)1.0 cent

A(? 5% B(? 10% C(? 8%

When 137. conduit level is installed, due () gradient slope is in to sluicing, and conduit gradient is even. (A)1.0 cent

A(2 ‰ comes to ‰ of 5 ‰ B(2 ‰ of 4 ‰ C(4 comes 5 ‰

138. falls high datum plane is to pass a likelihood to fall of the lowest inside limits () . (C)1.0 cent

Horizontal of C(of solid of A(object B(

139. should be used in the circumstance that gets an electric shock easily () voltage. (A)1.0 cent

Any C(of A(normative B(are aleatoric

140. stock promotes the plant stopping a layer with due and intact machine, each contact should have clear () mark. (C)1.0 cent

Signal of C(of information of A(signal B(and floor

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141. dynamoelectric nacelle gets force component part wear away or rustily deepness amounts to original measure () % when, must discard as useless. (C)1.0 cent

A(5 B(7 C(10

142. overspeed lock is dynamoelectric altitude in exercise nacelle important () device. (C)1.0 cent

A(balances safety of B(obstruction C(to protect

143.() is this pair of unit safe production the right of working to table a proposal. (A)1.0 cent

C(of authority of know the inside story of B(of A(proposal authority is reasonable reject advantageous position

144. must want to defend by formulary setting baluster is mixed () net. (C)1.0 cent

C(of fiber of A(plastic B(is safe

145. is in the head dummy that adorns him basis answers before safety helmet will () move to proper place, had avoided to loosen or be tightened too. (B)1.0 cent

C(of band of cap of B(of A(cap line plays mental tape

146. basis hurts affection to classify edge rescue to the wounded edge, the principle of processing is after be being weighed first light, first delay hind is urgent, first close hind () . (C)1.0 cent

Right C(of A(left B(is far

147. is built when setting scaffold, must have done by the regulation () prop up and help a tie. (B)1.0 cent

A(corresponding B(temporarily C(is all

148. contacts cold water temperature to be equal to or under () ? exercise is incidental altitude falls. (C)1.0 cent

A(-1 B(-10 C(12

149. production management unit still should build system of safe production regulations and safety () regulations. (C)1.0 cent

A(produces operation of B(job C(

150. construction site ought to hold water with () the fire control safety that responsible and factitious group leader, departmental door attends heads a group, establish perfect fire control

) 1 minutes of systems. (C

A(uses project of C(of electric B(fire control

2, inscribe to the fault

When 1. uses crane condole thing, must bind close. Be mingled with of forbidden size content, non-standard have heavy operation. (Right) 1 minutes 2. The number that altitude works is more, cardinal number is large, although produce the odds of casualties lesser, the person time that its produce casualty accidents is more also. (Right) 1 minutes

3. foundation is the component that is located in a building, prop up whole structure, pass load to foundation. (Wrong) 1 minutes 4. The working rope that altitude works is fixed go up in the device that register a drop, lay along work area, drop implement install its to go up, atelier assumes human body and the long string that carry content weight. (Right) 1 minutes

5. has the problem that in counterpoising to work to this unit safe production, exists to raise criticism, impeach, charge from personnel of course of study. (Right) 1 minutes 6. Year full 16 one full year of life, and the personnel that does not exceed national law to decide emeritus age can be engaged in special type working. (Wrong) 1 minutes 7. Safe production is to should insist to be with the person this behavior. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Before 8. removes the plane outdoor, be being bound with the rope first is very good method. (Right) 1 minutes

9. is suspensory drop the system is to pass a hand to accuse to drop implement will sit along working rope board next moving or secure the working system that has operation in aleatoric height. (Right) 1 minutes

10. altitude can have operation after work staff wine. (Wrong) 1 minutes

When 11. force produces acceleration, cause the change of condition of movement of object getting power. (Right) 1 minutes

12. foot buckles the tool that is the ascend pole that by wood plastic perhaps material makes. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The region that 13. did not make a foundation handle or dangerous pick support the setting is not firm, can produce scaffold to tilt collapse, personnel falls the harm such as the accident. (Right) 1 minutes

It is OK that staff of work of 14. special type does not need technical safe skill to groom mount guard. (Wrong) 1 minutes 15. Demolish project project controller to be assumed lawfully demolish project safe production, civilized construction, environment to defend wait for responsibility. (Yes)

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1 minutes

16. altogethers the work staff that the wall outside attending cleans must reach level of culture of above of junior high school. (Right) 1 minutes 17. Altitude installation, safeguard, demolishing the accident with the commonnest exercise is altitude falls, the accident such as object blow, thunder. (Right) 1 minutes

18. should use safe tension in the circumstance that gets an electric shock easily. (Right) 1 minutes

19. should contact an object only rough surface, can produce static friction power. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Hypertensive incidence of a disease can increase as the growth of length of service. (Right) 1 minutes 20. In the crowd that undertakes altitude operation for a long time,

Belt of belt of spreader of single person of 21. seat type, condole, line belt, by the waist is local when having damaged, do not affect use. (Wrong) 1 minutes 22. When use safety belt, the part that should check safety belt is complete, nondestructive hurts; safety rope to whether exist, the phenomenon of scald. (Right) 1 minutes

23. works below transmission network of built on stilts OK and ceaseless report. (Wrong) 1 minutes

When 24. altitude works, lock up oneself implement in happen fall after the lock stops, but have the aid of makes clear behavioral ability to open artificially. (Right) 1 minutes 25. Circuit reachs join conductor by power source, bear composition of 3 primary shares. (Right) 1 minutes

26. discovers from personnel of course of study accident hidden trouble is other perhaps insecure element, finish the job first, report to concerned controller again. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Before 27. joins the canal has given fence look, the port of copper pipe must have seal a measure. (Right) 1 minutes

All 28. active force have counterforce at the same time certainly. (Right) 1 minutes

When 29. fireman and emergency treatment personnel did not arrive, trouble spot can be organized save oneself. (Right) 1 minutes 30. Insulation shoe is made by special type balata, use at human body and the boots that the ground is isolated from. (Right) 1 minutes 31. Monolayer industry workshop forms two parts by fittings, namely wall and door window. (Wrong) 1 minutes

32. is general and civil the building is mixed by foundation, wall or column, floor 6 much comprise window of layer, stair, housetop, door. (Right) 1 minutes

33. both hands controls safe device to force handlers to apply two hands to operate controller, it cannot provide protection to handlers. (Wrong) 1 minutes

When 34. construction unit is using new technology, new technology, new facility, new data, ought to undertake to work staff corresponding safe production education grooms. (Right) 1 minutes

What 35. disassembles is right draw bolt, connection reach disassemble appropriate keeps and must place with the tool, must not come loose at will put on operation platform. (Right) 1 minutes

36. discharge buckles type to drop implement it is at present headroom cleans course of study to use the most extensive fall implement, by a lock and a bearing pin composition that take whorl. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Cent of hidden danger of safety of spot of 37. altitude exercise falls for altitude, accident getting an electric shock and object hit 3 kinds big. (Right) 1 minutes 38. After air-conditioner installation ends, the working procedure that check leakage is done go. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Electric circuit moves toward 39. housing interior and the construction blueprint of electric equipment is graph of electric equipment construction. (Right) 1 minutes 40. When prolapse works continuously on, take reliable segregation step, need not fluctuate according to designation route. (Wrong) 1 minutes 41. Can receive from nacelle below the circumstance of power source of no-go setting construction inside altitude work area temporarily power source. (Wrong) 1 minutes 42. Safety helmet can do sth without authorization changes his costume or dress. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Lower part of area of work of altitude of 43. advertisement construction is passed to assure pedestrian and car safety, after caution indicates, the setting need not set safe and perambulatory staff. (Wrong) 1 minutes

44. safety belt and rope must use rope of wrap up of; of makings of polyamide fibber, polyvinyl alcohol fibber, silk set should use leather, small change, polyvinyl alcohol fibber or balata. (Right) 1 minutes

45. is in earthy and loose place digging pit, due avoid cave in measure, if add fender, maintain wood to wait. Forbid to stand in fender, maintain wood to upload to give earthy stone or lay the tool that pass ground. Must not be in base rest inside hole. (Right) 1 minutes

46. ladder is a kind of commonly used auxiliary uprise or the tool that work as uprise directly. (Right) 1 minutes 47. Condole takes whole to cross seat underside, seat suspensory in drop implement on, can fall in order to prevent staff of the work when seat ruptures. (Yes)

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1 minutes

48. housetop is formed twice partly by roofing layer and structural layer. (Right) 1 minutes

49. has the labor safety that asks unit of choose and employ persons assures a worker, right that avoids professional harm from personnel of course of study. (Right) 1 minutes 50. Safety belt is the protective equipment that precaution of staff of operation of finger height department falls, by belt, cord and metallic fittings composition. (Right) 1 minutes

51. static force is broken and multi-purpose use at shoulding not be blow up the structure of large volume concrete that the technology dismantles, the exploitation treatment that also can be used at stone material. (Right) 1 minutes

Blow of 52. precaution object should adorn safety helmet. (Right) 1 minutes

53. " precaution is given priority to " the happening that in asking to working, always should notice to prevent safe accident. (Right) 1 minutes 54. Restraining counterforce is action the force that will decide at the athletic condition of the other force of the object and object. (Right) 1 minutes 55. Encounter when having thunderstorm, rainstorm, 4 class and above strong wind, must not undertake altitude exercise is reached put the work that tighten a string. (Wrong) 1 minutes 56. The action line of edge exert oneself has shift, won't change the effect way of force. (Right) 1 minutes

57. person heals from the ground tall, produce scared psychology not easily. (Wrong) 1 minutes

58. safety is locked up oneself implement, it is altitude what ascend of work staff fluctuation uses is individual prevent fall things. (Right) 1 minutes 59. Personnel of the construction in altitude exercise should be put in the position that slides not easily to small tool, stock. (Wrong) 1 minutes 60. Demolish project Qing Dynasty to the car of earth of carry broken bits should close or be enclothed, when discrepancy spot due direct of person specially assigned for a task. (Right) 1 minutes 61. Fall to avoid personnel and stock in construction of advertisement of building top layer, should install defend net. (Right) 1 minutes 62. Mechanical equipment can cause collision, converging attack, cut, a variety of harms such as be involved in. (Right) 1 minutes 63. Spot of exercise of advertisement construction altitude, classics regular meeting produces all sorts of makings of deserted packing, thrum beyond, rubbish during construction, correct processing technique is to clear in time. (Right) 1 minutes

Cent of 64. safe protective equipment falls to prevent safe protective equipment, prevent protective equipment of security getting an electric shock and other and safe protective equipment 3 kinds big. (Right) 1 minutes

65. seat device is to carry lift up or let down with a rope belt and drop implement join. (Wrong) 1 minutes

66. safety belt presses use means, cent is the safety belt that surround lever, pensile safety belt and ascend safety belt 3 kinds. (Right) 1 minutes 67. Noise of altitude exercise spot is big or when the line of vision is not clear, need to provide necessary contact tool, person specially assigned for a task is in charge of contacting. (Right) 1 minutes

68. is below the circumstance that cannot come true to undertake keeping apart to dangerous area, can not use the safe device with adjustable part. (Wrong) 1 minutes

It is OK that 69. lash-up comes to help cent is precaution of safe production accident to come to help, save oneself, each other is saved and exterior come to help 4 kinds of means. (Right) 1 minutes

Condole of spreader of single person of 70. seat type is contained rupture, corrode, joint has a line, should the disuse on the horse, change in time. (Right) 1 minutes

71. safety belt can be hanged on the free end of pipe fitting. (Wrong) 1 minutes

72. altitude exercise should have put all one's card on the table, the tool is entered bag, forbidden throw thing. (Right) 1 minutes

73. is below the circumstance that cannot come true to undertake keeping apart to dangerous area, can not use the safe device with adjustable part. (Wrong) 1 minutes

When 74. uses dynamoelectric nacelle to undertake electric welding works, forbidden make return circuit of electric welding wiring with nacelle. (Right) 1 minutes 75. Fixed and safe guard can disassemble with any tools. (Wrong) 1 minutes

76. disables and dying is accident of common altitude exercise inductrial injury. (Right) 1 minutes

77. work staff need not be configured alone fall protection system. (Wrong) 1 minutes

78. builds construction graph to be able to modify a design by oneself. (Wrong) 1 minutes

79. safety belt is the protective equipment that precaution of staff of operation of finger height department falls, by belt, cord and metallic fittings composition. (Right) 1 minutes

Security personnel area must be taken when tower of the lever on 80. , can take area of security personnel condole when necessary. After lever tower reachs working place on, just can work. (Wrong)

1 minutes

81. produces management unit to must attend inductrial injury to be sure lawfully, for from insurance premium of pay of personnel of course of study. (Right) 1 minutes 82. Housetop is formed twice partly by roofing layer and structural layer. (Right) 1 minutes

Staff of work of 83. special type refuses, block up safe production superintends a branch to supervise an examination, reexamine perhaps adjourns reexamine does not grant to pass. (Right) 1 minutes

Before the condole since 84. , construction controller must arrange full-time personnel to check the spot to arrange a condition personally, work staff should check the spot that handles a project severally to arrange a condition seriously. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Can adorn again in 85. safe cap other cap. (Wrong) 1 minutes

86. basis national level, spreader of seat type single person is individual use have prevent fall function, along the building from above to below establishing a range does not have motivation mobily to carry person exercise appliance. (Right) 1 minutes

87. demolishs engineering construction area to should install horniness to close surround block reach marked caution to indicate, when the building be demolishinged that should face a market and the safe distance that make passageway way cannot satisfy a requirement, must adopt corresponding safety to keep apart measure. (Right) 1 minutes 88. Should contact the surface only usually coarse and research target is in its are apparently slip (or scroll) give sliding friction force and rolling friction power with respect to can easy judgement. (Right) 1 minutes

The movement that relies on compressor will realize the loop of 89. refrigeration agent. (Right) 1 minutes

90. safety defends shoe sole uses polyurethane material to note a model to shape commonly. (Right) 1 minutes

The 3 element of 91. force won't the effect of consequence. (Wrong) 1 minutes

92. is locked up oneself implement OK and optional installation, the reuse after unusual situation can be repaired by oneself discovers when using. (Wrong) 1 minutes 93. Construction unit should undertake checking regularly to safe protective equipment, discover rejected product should undertake in time changing. (Right) 1 minutes

Rope of application of 94. pattern plate and wooden bar slip inside hole. (Right) 1 minutes

95. condole takes whole to cross seat underside, seat suspensory in drop implement on, can fall in order to prevent staff of the work when seat ruptures. (Right) 1 minutes

96. " safety first " the requirement should put safety in the first place from beginning to end in the job. (Right) 1 minutes 97. When altitude exercise happening falls when, be in work staff suspension aerial safety belt, call fall pensile safety belt. (Right) 1 minutes

The base of 98. machinery and dynamical machine need not firm. (Wrong) 1 minutes

99. safe rope is the tether that the tutelar body above safety belt is not harmed. (Wrong) 1 minutes

100. drops implement discharge buckles type to drop implement, strong pattern drops implement, type of 8 words annulus drops implement, many board type drops implement wait for a variety of forms. (Right) 1 minutes

In the crowd that 101. is engaged in altitude for a long time working, hypertensive incidence of a disease can increase as the growth of length of service. (Right) 1 minutes 102. It is OK that staff of special type work does not need technical safe skill to groom mount guard. (Wrong) 1 minutes 103. The object is when analysis getting power, must distinguish whose action to who, confuse one thing with another of avoid by all means. (Right) 1 minutes 104. Prevent protective equipment of security getting an electric shock to basically have glue of lever of capacitance electroscope, insulation, insulation boots of mat, insulation, electric insulation glove, antistatic take etc. (Right) 1 minutes

Exercise of 105. electrified altitude must wear insulation to take, all force sb to submit. (Right) 1 minutes

The dangerous and harmful element that 106. altitude works and working environment concern are very big. (Right) 1 minutes

Graph of 107. building construction and structural construction graph can contrast look. (Right) 1 minutes

All sorts of components on 108. safety belt must not pull down arbitrarily. Change should notice to add a rope to cover when new rope. (Right) 1 minutes 109. Only construction work staff prohibits fighting noisely in construction site smoking, angle. (Wrong) 1 minutes 110. Cent of hidden danger of safety of altitude exercise spot falls for altitude, accident getting an electric shock and object hit 3 kinds big. (Right) 1 minutes 111. Tower type crane is removing operation in, the mechanical equipment that should design make choice of according to construction organization and hoisting plan undertake construction. (Right) 1 minutes

When altitude works, 112. forbids chuck article. (Right) 1 minutes

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113. year full 16 one full year of life, and the personnel that does not exceed national law to decide emeritus age can be engaged in special type working. (Wrong) 1 minutes 114. Force is the interaction between the object, have active force so, have counterforce at the same time certainly. (Right) 1 minutes 115. Discover from personnel of course of study accident hidden trouble is other perhaps insecure element, finish the job first, report to concerned controller again. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The lower part that construction of 116. altitude exercise orders but take into consideration the circumstances sets safety net. (Right) 1 minutes

117. makes bounce arises between the object, must produce extruding and produce deformation. (Right) 1 minutes

118. ladder is a kind of commonly used auxiliary uprise or the tool that work as uprise directly. (Right) 1 minutes 119. Strong pattern drops implement working principle is to use twine drop in strong pattern implement the attrition power that the working rope place on the axis produces comes to those who control work staff drop speed. (Right) 1 minutes

120. won't endanger the circumstance of life to fall in surroundings, can move wounded person casually. (Wrong) 1 minutes 121. Gravity is the force that makes the object arises as a result of earthly attraction. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The characteristic of 122. percussion drill is power lesser, carry convenient. (Right) 1 minutes

Is 123. prevented fall does safe protective equipment basically have: ?

Weather of blast of 6 class above, big mist does not get 124. open air undertakes ascend and impending altitude work. (Right) 1 minutes 125. Should contact an object only rough surface, can produce static friction power. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The material of 126. seat device is not restricted, but it is woodiness commonly, the surface is absoluteness. (Wrong) 1 minutes 127. The enterprise should develop good safety to groom educational action. (Right) 1 minutes

Before 128. works, answer to be undertaken checking to used tool, equipment by use person. Every quarter has comprehensive examination. (Wrong) 1 minutes

129. door basically is a disjunctive action. (Wrong) 1 minutes

When the condole since 130. , on equipment forbidden station person, but can put scattered the component part that did not hold container. (Wrong) 1 minutes 131. Unit of of all kinds to subterranean cop, construction should set apparent label on the ground. (Right) 1 minutes 132. Clamp of the electric welding when undertaking electric welding works in exercise of advertisement construction altitude can be built go up in nacelle frame or scaffold. (Wrong) 1 minutes

When 133. uses crane condole thing, must bind close. Be mingled with of forbidden size content, non-standard have heavy operation. (Right) 1 minutes 134. Unit of choose and employ persons ought to accord with the working environment of standard of national profession sanitation and wholesome requirement and condition for laborer creation, adopt measure to guarantee worker or professional sanitation is protected. (Right) 1 minutes

When 135. force produces acceleration, cause the change of condition of movement of object getting power. (Right) 1 minutes

Air conditioning is installed on wall of the heat preservation outside 136. the machine outdoor, of fixed tripod expand bolt must be lengthen model. (Right) 1 minutes 137. Winter weather is cold, drink can break up cold, right now uprise exercise won't affect safety. (Wrong) 1 minutes 138. The altitude of disparate industry works, the harm that gets likely is identical. (Right) 1 minutes

139. insulation shoe is made by special type balata, use at human body and the boots that the ground is isolated from. (Right) 1 minutes 140. The member that installation of equipment of basement, people's air defense must send the construction person that has experience undertakes construction, subterranean moisture or water should take moistureproof, waterproof step. (Right) 1 minutes

The roof boarding of 141. monolayer workshop cannot bear to the constant on roofing carries and carry alive. (Wrong) 1 minutes

142. foundation is the component that is located in a building, prop up whole structure, pass load to foundation. (Wrong) 1 minutes 143. When ascend perhaps removes operation, the tool such as spanner, wire-cutter must have managed, do not fall person. (Right) 1 minutes 144. Discharge buckles type to drop implement it is at present headroom cleans course of study to use the most extensive fall implement, by a lock and a bearing pin composition that take whorl. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The action line of 145. edge exert oneself has shift, won't change the effect way of force. (Right) 1 minutes

The personnel that 146. has elementary school and above literacy rate can declare special type exercise to groom textual research. (Wrong) 1 minutes 147. Safety defends shoe sole uses polyurethane material to note a model to shape commonly. (Right) 1 minutes 148. Large storage tank can use the means that removes artificially to undertake demolishing. (Wrong) 1 minutes

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Belt of belt of spreader of single person of 149. seat type, condole, line belt, by the waist is local when having damaged, do not affect use. (Wrong) 1 minutes 150. The operates personnel safety belt Ying Shuan on dynamoelectric nacelle is on rope of independent and safe insurance. (Right) 1 minutes 151. Demolish with explode combustibly, easily or what poisonous, harmful medium concerns is large when quiet place facility, establishment, answer to establish special safe safeguard strictly by spot environment. (Wrong) 1 minutes

152. is built set when demolishing scaffold, need not groom all can operate. (Wrong) 1 minutes

153. ascends asbestine tile, tile the light-duty material such as arris board works, should adopt measure to prevent fall. (Right) 1 minutes 154. The long string of use 3m above need not add bumper. (Wrong) 1 minutes

155. safe rope is join is locked up oneself implement with fall the rope of pensile safety, do not have the effect that absorbs blow energy. (Wrong) 1 minutes 156. Want an object to be near the earth only, no matter object and earth are contacted, get gravitational action. (Right) 1 minutes 157. Electric energy wants a course to generate electricity commonly to consumption from production, transmit electricity, distribution and with report 4 link. (Right) 1 minutes 158. "Precaution is given priority to " the happening that in asking to working, always should notice to prevent safe accident. (Right) 1 minutes 159. Enter spot operation area to must wear safety helmet. (Right) 1 minutes

When 160. machinery is demolished, unless bearing,should tear open first structure, demolish again bearing structure. (Right) 1 minutes 161. Altitude can have operation after work staff wine. (Wrong) 1 minutes

162. refrigeration agent is added not quite, refrigeration effect is met not ideal. (Right) 1 minutes

163. housetop is formed twice partly by roofing layer and structural layer. (Right) 1 minutes

164. seat device is to bear the weight of the device of work staff, by condole belt, belt of safe rope, by the waist and seat are comprised. (Wrong) 1 minutes 165. In altitude work work, equipment management department should expedite person specially assigned for a task to undertake custody. (Right) 1 minutes 166. The fundamental that interlinks device is to only safe device closes when closing, machine ability is rotational. (Right) 1 minutes 167. Have this pair of unit safe production from personnel of course of study the right of working to table a proposal. (Right) 1 minutes 168. The equipment that produce straight deliver a child normally and distributes electric energy calls device. (Right) 1 minutes

169. is locked up oneself implement OK and optional installation, the reuse after unusual situation can be repaired by oneself discovers when using. (Wrong) 1 minutes 170. Through falling the accident is analysed, the place such as the platform mouth that can know the accident is sent more, derrick mouth, investigate its matter all the behavior error of as exceeding as spirit nervous be caused by has very big concern. (Right) 1 minutes

171. gets an electric shock include all sorts of equipment, establishment get an electric shock, get an electric shock when electrical engineering exercise, be struck by lightning. (Right) 1 minutes 172. Produce management unit have the right that acquires safe production to guarantee a benefit lawfully from personnel of course of study. (Wrong) 1 minutes 173. Fixed and safe guard can disassemble with any tools. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Waist support of 174. safety belt takes width to should not be less than 30mm, length should not be less than 500mm, the one side that contacts a waist is due and limp, suck the sweat, material that breathe freely. (Wrong) 1 minutes

People is in 175. when nervous condition, as good as of the condition when neurological peace. (Wrong) 1 minutes

176. strong pattern drops implement working principle is to use twine drop in strong pattern implement the attrition power that the working rope place on the axis produces will control work staff drop speed. (Right) 1 minutes

Spot of 177. altitude exercise must custody of assign person specially assigned for a task, stand fast post. (Right) 1 minutes

The voltage of 178. daily bring into contact with has 220V and 380V. (Right) 1 minutes

Cushion of 179. insulation glue is made by special type balata, with the rubber slab that is isolated from rightly at strengthening a staff member. (Right) 1 minutes 180. Get an electric shock accidentally like somebody in exercise of advertisement construction altitude cannot instantly dump, rescue them reasonably is the method: ? ? of  of Meng of thorn of entangled of  of technetium of magnesian  drop is right) 1 minutes

The region that 181. did not make a foundation handle or dangerous pick support the setting is not firm, can produce scaffold to tilt collapse, personnel falls the harm such as the accident. (Right) 1 minutes

When 182. fireman and emergency treatment personnel did not arrive, trouble spot can be organized save oneself. (Right) 1 minutes 183. When encountering line of force having report to carry the special situation that hands in forked over or across on the head in telegraphic string staff, the staff member's head can exceed telegraph pole top. (Wrong) 1 minutes

184. structure is to point to in industrial structure, the framework that the component part place of all sorts of load action forms bearing. (Right) 1 minutes 185. The contact is met certainly between the object resilient. (Wrong) 1 minutes

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186. copper is conductor. (Right) 1 minutes

The safe education that 187. construction unit should make staff of good altitude work and relevant safe precaution work. (Right) 1 minutes 188. Safety helmet is one kind uses head of protective staff member, make the head avoids the label that bears outside force to pound harm. (Right) 1 minutes 189. Manufacturing management unit ought to be arranged use at deploying the labor protective equipment, funds that undertakes safe production grooms. (Right) 1 minutes

190. seat device is to carry lift up or let down with a rope belt and drop implement join. (Wrong) 1 minutes

By belt, cord and metallic fittings composition. (Right) 191. Safety belt is the protective equipment that precaution of staff of operation of finger height department falls,

1 minutes

When the emergency that 192. endangers person security directly from discovery of personnel of course of study, have no right to suspend operation. (Wrong) 1 minutes 193. Demolish keep in storage explodes combustibly, easily or the large store canister of poisonous, harmful medium should use machinery to add drop in temperature the cut method of measure is demolished. (Right) 1 minutes

In the crowd that 194. is engaged in altitude for a long time working, hypertensive incidence of a disease can increase as the growth of length of service. (Right) 1 minutes 195. Discover accident hidden trouble wants to be handled instantly, of own mishandle should appear in the newspaper in time. (Right) 1 minutes 196. Object movement condition is main the size with force, the direction of force is concerned. (Right) 1 minutes

Job of 197. power cut, power transmission must appoint person specially assigned for a task to be in charge of. The power cut when can collect viva voce or be being made an appointment with, power transmission. (Wrong) 1 minutes 198. Prevent fall does safe protective equipment basically have: ?

199. suffers in processing when the kinetic problem that restrains an object, tie (the other object that is restricted to be worth an object to move namely) of commonly used ideal just changed a model to simplify. (Right) 1 minutes

After 200. safety helmet receives water moisture, can put in radiator, on ingle roast to work. (Wrong) 1 minutes 201. When altitude works, fight noisely, sleep, ascend lever condition of fluctuation, bouncing be high up in the air need not safety belt is to violate compasses operation. (Right) 1 minutes

An object is in 202. surface of another coarse object the slip, roll that has opposite motion tendency, criterion the object gets sliding friction force, static friction force or rolling friction force. (Right) 1 minutes

203. object rotates to have nothing to do with accident of the arm of force. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Board face has spreader of single person of 204. seat type to be corroded badly, bug eat by moth or when Mo caustic, can of short duration does not change, take into consideration the circumstances is used. (Wrong) 1 minutes

205. study air conditioning is to look for a job that installs air conditioning to earn money originally. (Wrong) 1 minutes

206. can enjoy inductrial injury insurance and the right of the seek redress when because production is safe,the accident is damaged from personnel of course of study. (Right) 1 minutes 207. Pattern plate project should make sure when the pattern plate of colligation reinforcing steel bar, stucco, pattern plate that prop up work staff has reliable foothold, work area should secure setting safety preventive measure. (Right) 1 minutes

208. safe rope is the tether that the tutelar body above safety belt is not harmed. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Sewing thread of 209. safety belt should be used with weave the material that contains chemical reaction, color and knit the belt is not due distinction. (Wrong) 1 minutes 210. The foot buckles the tool that is the ascend pole that by wood plastic perhaps material makes. (Wrong) 1 minutes

211. construction unit should undertake checking regularly to safe protective equipment, discover rejected product should undertake in time changing. (Right) 1 minutes

All sorts of components on 212. safety belt must not pull down arbitrarily. Change should notice to add a rope to cover when new rope. (Right) type of annulus of 1 minutes of 213.8 words drops implement use aluminium alloy to cast commonly, deft and durable, the operation is convenient. (Right) 1 minutes 214. When altitude works, fight noisely, sleep, ascend lever condition of fluctuation, bouncing be high up in the air need not safety belt is to violate compasses operation. (Right) 1 minutes

Staff of work of 215. special type is to point to all is engaged in that what special type works from personnel of course of study. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The dangerous and harmful element that 216. altitude works and working environment concern are very big. (Right) 1 minutes

217. safe protective equipment, also call labor insurance things, it is to point to protective effect can have to the person of work staff in construction work process, make work staff spares or reduce all sorts of person harm or the articles for use that the profession endangers. (Right) 1 minutes

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218. door basically is a disjunctive action. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The personnel that 219. altitude works must use safety belt correctly (rope) , fast difference accuses oneself implement, lock up oneself implement, do not get empty grade. Safety belt (rope) must fasten is on firm tower material, not low hang use high. (Right) 1 minutes

220. does not work with the altitude of the industry, the harm that gets likely is identical. (Right) 1 minutes

Before altitude works, 221. should inspect material, implemental facility, must on the safe side. (Right) 1 minutes

A whole construction picture does not include 222. gentle of water and electricity is connected. (Wrong) 1 minutes

223. presses property and regular cent, the strength that mechanical middling sees has gravitational force (gravitational) , force of stretch force, attrition force, the obstruction of medium, electric field, Luoluncili. (Right) 1 minutes

224. occurrence danger is tasted slide, personnel can complete work first, withdraw again. (Wrong) 1 minutes

It is OK that staff of work of 225. special type does not need technical safe skill to groom mount guard. (Wrong) 1 minutes 226. Construction graph is the important basis when housing construction, also be the main technique file of business management likewise. (Right) 1 minutes

227. is locked up oneself implement the edge is flexible slideway, change and adjust what follow work staff position mobile, happen when falling, can lock up automatically instantly be in surely flexible on slideway. (Right) 1 minutes

228. and explode combustibly, easily or what poisonous, harmful medium concerns is large when quiet place facility, establishment is demolished, answer to establish special safe safeguard strictly by the programme of construction. (Right) 1 minutes

229. electric energy wants a course to generate electricity commonly to consumption from production, transmit electricity, distribution and with report 4 link. (Right) 1 minutes 230. Electrified altitude exercise must wear insulation to take, all force sb to submit. (Right) 1 minutes

Sewing thread of 231. safety belt should be used with weave the material that contains chemical reaction, color and knit the belt is not due distinction. (Wrong) 1 minutes 232. Safety belt and rope must use rope of wrap up of; of makings of polyamide fibber, polyvinyl alcohol fibber, silk set should use leather, small change, polyvinyl alcohol fibber or balata. (Right) 1 minutes

The power supply cord of 233. nacelle is due safeguard, fixed go up in equipment, prevent short circuit, open circuit. (Right) 1 minutes 234. Lock up oneself implement OK and optional installation, the reuse after unusual situation can be repaired by oneself discovers when using. (Wrong) 1 minutes 235. Safety belt is the protective equipment that precaution of staff of operation of finger height department falls, by belt, cord and metallic fittings composition. (Right) 1 minutes

When the emergency that 236. endangers person security directly from discovery of personnel of course of study, have no right to suspend operation. (Wrong) 1 minutes 237. Safety net is to be used prevent person, content to fall, or with will avoid, reduce fall the net that reachs an object to hit harm is provided, include safe plain net and safe set net. (Right) 1 minutes

238. promotion machine should use 20 mechanical lubricating oil, change regularly. (Right) 1 minutes

When 239. altitude works, mental element won't cause a harm to work staff. (Wrong) 1 minutes

240. discharge buckles type to drop implement it is at present headroom cleans course of study to use the most extensive fall implement, by a lock and a bearing pin composition that take whorl. (Wrong) 1 minutes

It is OK that 241. lash-up comes to help cent is precaution of safe production accident to come to help, save oneself, each other is saved and exterior come to help 4 kinds of means. (Right) 1 minutes

The most important way that 242. realizes safe development holds to namely " precaution is given priority to " basic guiding principle. (Right) 1 minutes 243. Seat device is to carry lift up or let down with a rope belt and drop implement join. (Wrong) 1 minutes

244. level brings complete cord namely the level secures safe rope. (Right) 1 minutes

Blow of 245. precaution object should adorn safety helmet. (Right) 1 minutes

246. safe rope is join is locked up oneself implement with fall the rope of pensile safety, do not have the effect that absorbs blow energy. (Wrong) 1 minutes 247. The object rotates to have nothing to do with accident of the arm of force. (Wrong) 1 minutes

248. demolishs a project to should deal with relevant formalities from personnel of course of study, undertake safety grooms, exam qualification is rear but mount guard works. (Right) 1 minutes

In 249. altitude exercise, prohibit violating compasses cast cast stock to hurt person incident to happen. (Right) 1 minutes

250. housetop is a building most the structure of upside. (Right) 1 minutes

251. " safety first " the requirement should put safety in the first place from beginning to end in the job. (Right) 1 minutes 252. These strength that mechanical middling sees have the metabolic law that its oneself inaccuracy decides. (Wrong) 1 minutes

253. applies working job personnel to prohibit fighting noisely in construction site smoking, angle only. (Wrong) 1 minutes

254. year full 16 one full year of life, and the personnel that does not exceed national law to decide emeritus age can be engaged in special type working. (Wrong) 1 minutes 255. Limits of exercise of nurse of person specially assigned for a task should be set to take strict precautions against stock to fall when advertisement stock uses crane swing person. (Right) 1 minutes 256. Stair is multilayer architectural is not facilities of important and perpendicular transportation. (Wrong) 1 minutes

257. is forbidden in nacelle of the fluctuation when equipment moves. (Right) 1 minutes

The characteristic of 258. report hammer is power big, but more cumbersome. (Right) 1 minutes

Nacelle of much station of work of altitude of 259. advertisement construction works at the same time, operate personnel: ?  in all cough of Zhuang evil spirit is fallen by ハ Nie entangled Bao body? is right) 1 minutes

260. compressor does not run, need changes. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The 3 element of 261. force won't the effect of consequence. (Wrong) 1 minutes

262. foundation is the component that is located in a building, prop up whole structure, pass load to foundation. (Wrong) 1 minutes 263. Door window does not belong to the component of palisade structure. (Wrong) 1 minutes

264. encounters weather of gale of 4 class above, prohibit undertaking removing operation. (Right) 1 minutes

265. construction unit is OK the basis devises plan formerly or blueprint is opposite large-scale exercise equipment (need disintegrate) undertake demolishing construction. (Wrong) 1 minutes

266. drops implement discharge buckles type to drop implement, strong pattern drops implement, type of 8 words annulus drops implement, many board type drops implement wait for a variety of forms. (Right) 1 minutes

When 267. encounters line of force having report to carry the special situation that hands in forked over or across on the head in telegraphic string staff, the staff member's head can exceed telegraph pole top. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Equipment of 268. basement, people's air defense installs construction, above of 2m of requirement of circuit built on stilts, floodlight bubble must have shield. (Right) 1 minutes

269. ascends asbestine tile, tile the light-duty material such as arris board works, should adopt measure to prevent fall. (Right) 1 minutes 270. The occupational disease that can understand yard to produce or may arise from personnel of course of study endangers an element. (Wrong) 1 minutes 271. Special type exercise is to point to accident of incidental personal casualty, right him handlers, other, and all round the operation that the safe likelihood of establishment causes great harm. (Right) 1 minutes

272. floor and layer are way of the standard in the building bearing component part. (Right) 1 minutes

273. wall or column are a building bearing fittings, it bears all sorts of load that transmit below housetop, floor, and along with is self-prossessed spread a base together. (Right) 1 minutes

The plane of the situation that 274. main specification drafts to build a building to be in and surroundings decorates a graph to call a building general layout. (Right) 1 minutes

275. safety belt presses use means, cent is the safety belt that surround lever, pensile safety belt and ascend safety belt 3 kinds. (Right) 1 minutes 276. Each plane decorates demonstrative housing, establish face and section plane form, structure the blueprint of departmental construction and tectonic detail drawing is called structural construction graph. (Right) 1 minutes

Staff of work of 277. special type refuses, block up safe production superintends a branch to supervise an examination, reexamine perhaps adjourns reexamine does not grant to pass. (Right) 1 minutes

278. is suspensory drop OK and optional fasten is hanging working rope of the system on place setting. (Wrong) 1 minutes

279. production management unit ought to be arranged use at deploying the labor protective equipment, funds that undertakes safe production grooms. (Right) 1 minutes

280. does job of tell sb one's real intentions of very safe technology and wiring pilot job, press demand of tell sb one's real intentions, have operation. (Wrong) 1 minutes 281. When fireman and emergency treatment personnel did not arrive, trouble spot can be organized save oneself. (Right) 1 minutes 282. Safety belt can be hanged on the free end of pipe fitting. (Wrong) 1 minutes

In 283. exercise, working rope termination should not loosen medicinal powder, do not use contact. (Right) 1 minutes

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284. wants an object to be near the earth only, no matter object and earth are contacted, get gravitational action. (Right) 1 minutes 285. Guardian can be not set when tearing open wiring. (Wrong) 1 minutes

286. secures safe guard is the fixed and safe plant that prevents to operate personnel to contact critical part. (Right) 1 minutes 287. The altitude of disparate industry works, the harm that gets likely is identical. (Right) 1 minutes

288. can enjoy inductrial injury insurance and the right of the seek redress when because production is safe,the accident is damaged from personnel of course of study. (Right) 1 minutes 289. Through falling the accident is analysed, the place such as the platform mouth that can know the accident is sent more, derrick mouth, investigate its matter all the behavior error of as exceeding as spirit nervous be caused by has very big concern. (Right) 1 minutes

All 290. active force have counterforce at the same time certainly. (Right) 1 minutes

291. air conditioning is slack it is one of breakdown with indoor common machine. (Right) 1 minutes

292. does not have altitude exercise card, had not sufferred the personnel that altitude exercise grooms, also can enter altitude operation. (Wrong) 1 minutes 293. Removing the distinction that removes with machinery artificially is to be demolished artificially should from go up to below, machinery is demolished should from below consummate, the section that chase a layer undertakes. (Wrong) 1 minutes

294. construction graph is the important basis when housing construction, also be the main technique file of business management likewise. (Right) 1 minutes

295. safety net is to be used prevent person, content to fall, or with will avoid, reduce fall the net that reachs an object to hit harm is provided, include safe plain net and safe set net. (Right) 1 minutes

The occupational disease protective equipment that unit of 296. choose and employ persons supplies for laborer individual must accord with the requirement; of occupational disease of prevention and cure not to accord with a requirement, must not use. (Right) 1 minutes

297. door window does not belong to the component of palisade structure. (Wrong) 1 minutes

298. wall or column are a building bearing fittings, it bears all sorts of load that transmit below housetop, floor, and along with is self-prossessed pass together

Foundation. (Right) 1 minutes

299. safety helmet is one kind uses head of protective staff member, make the head avoids the label that bears outside force to pound harm. (Right) 1 minutes 300. The personnel that has elementary school and above literacy rate can declare special type exercise to groom textual research. (Wrong) 1 minutes 301. The ahead that carries the equipment in the process in equipment and both sides are forbidden somebody, should pull smoothly move. (Right) 1 minutes 302. Altitude exercise cent reachs 35m above for 2~5m, 5~15m, 15~30m 4 section. (Wrong) 1 minutes 303. The plane of the situation that main specification drafts to build a building to be in and surroundings decorates a graph to call a building general layout. (Right) 1 minutes

304. " safety first " the requirement should put safety in the first place from beginning to end in the job. (Right) 1 minutes 305. Housetop is formed twice partly by roofing layer and structural layer. (Right) 1 minutes

306. enterprise should develop good safety to groom educational action. (Right) 1 minutes

307. altitude should notice the tiny segment of the safety precaution in exercise construction, should enter when use kit bag lays tool material bag from the hand. (Right) 1 minutes

308. work staff need not be configured alone fall protection system. (Wrong) 1 minutes

The many board type in 309. altitude exercise drops implement be wear the short columnar composition on frame with a few by frame of a metal. (Right) 310. Year full 16 one full year of life, and the personnel that does not exceed national law to decide emeritus age can be engaged in special type working. (Wrong) 1 minutes 311. When force produces acceleration, cause the change of condition of movement of object getting power. (Right) 1 minutes

These strength that 312. mechanical middling sees have the metabolic law that its oneself inaccuracy decides. (Wrong) 1 minutes 313. The window is having daylighting and ventilated effect. (Right) 1 minutes

314. altitude exercise should have put all one's card on the table, the tool is entered bag, forbidden throw thing. (Right) 1 minutes

The if want change seat,can use prize method after the truss in exercise of hoisting of 315. advertisement construction and advertisement structure are secured. (Wrong) 316. The most important way that realizes safe development holds to namely " precaution is given priority to " basic guiding principle. (Right) 1 minutes 317. Special type exercise is to point to accident of incidental personal casualty, right him handlers, other, and all round the operation that the safe likelihood of establishment causes great harm. (Right) 1 minutes

The member that 318. enters the everybody of construction site must wear safety helmet. (Right) 1 minutes

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319. project manager must bear overall lead responsibility to removing the safe production of the project. (Right) 1 minutes 320. Spreader of seat type single person is OK and unwell secure plant with spreader roofing. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Structure of nacelle swing advertisement is used in 321. advertisement construction longer, exceed the length of two nacelle, can be together two nacelle to rise to fall together together repeatedly. (Wrong) 1 minutes

322. is locked up oneself implement OK and optional installation, the reuse after unusual situation can be repaired by oneself discovers when using. (Wrong) 1 minutes 323. Below the situation that won't endanger life in surroundings, can move wounded person casually. (Wrong) 1 minutes 324. Strong pattern drops implement working principle is to use twine drop in strong pattern implement the attrition power that the working rope place on the axis produces comes to those who control work staff drop speed. (Right) 1 minutes

When the condole since 325. , on equipment forbidden station person, but can put scattered the component part that did not hold container. (Wrong) 1 minutes 326. Press property and regular cent, the strength that mechanical middling sees has gravitational force (gravitational) , force of stretch force, attrition force, the obstruction of medium, electric field, Luoluncili. (Right) 1 minutes

Noise of spot of 327. altitude exercise is big or when the line of vision is not clear, need to provide necessary contact tool, person specially assigned for a task is in charge of contacting. (Right) 328. Altitude installation, safeguard, demolishing the accident with the commonnest exercise is altitude falls, the accident such as object blow, thunder. (Right) 329. Demolishing region of danger zone of construction site danger, set cordon and relevant safe mark, should send person specially assigned for a task to superintend. (Right) 330. Discharge buckles type to drop implement it is at present headroom cleans course of study to use the most extensive fall implement, by a lock and a bearing pin composition that take whorl. (Wrong) 1 minutes

331. is knitted take discount join to use seam, can use rivet, gooey, heat to close wait for craft. (Wrong) 1 minutes 332. The level brings complete cord namely the level secures safe rope. (Right) 1 minutes

333. ladder lacks grade perhaps did not pull with cord in person handwriting ladder when the prison, can take into consideration the circumstances works. (Wrong) 1 minutes 334. Spreader of seat type single person the crackle with board face penetrable be patient of is traverse perhaps crackle. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Gross weight must not exceed 5kg. (Wrong) 1 minutes 335. On, light thing should hold kit bag when next lever inside,

336. is demolished with explode combustibly, easily or what poisonous, harmful medium concerns is large when quiet place facility, establishment, answer to establish special safe safeguard strictly by spot environment. (Wrong) 1 minutes

337. condole takes whole to cross seat underside, seat suspensory in drop implement on, can fall in order to prevent staff of the work when seat ruptures. (Yes)

338. discovers accident hidden trouble wants to be handled instantly, of own mishandle should appear in the newspaper in time. (Right) 1 minutes 339. Gravity is the force that makes the object gets as a result of earthly attraction. (Right) 1 minutes

The guardian that 340. air conditioning installs must not leave operation staff because of any reasons. (Wrong) 1 minutes

341. should contact an object only rough surface, can produce static friction power. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Term of service of 342. safety belt is 5~8 year. (Wrong) 1 minutes

343. ladder is the tool that the uprise that makes by the material such as makings of timber, bamboo, insulating material, aluminium alloy works. (Right) 1 minutes 344. Insulation shoe is made by special type balata, use at human body and the boots that the ground is isolated from. (Right) 1 minutes 345. When using the long string that exceeds 3m, can take into consideration the circumstances adds bumper, lock up oneself implement or catching device. (Wrong) 1 minutes 346. The safe insurance rope of dynamoelectric nacelle should firm fasten is on hitch. (Wrong) 1 minutes

347. person heals from the ground tall, produce scared psychology not easily. (Wrong) 1 minutes

348. mechanical equipment can cause collision, converging attack, cut, a variety of harms such as be involved in. (Right) 1 minutes 349. Building construction graph can modify a design by oneself. (Wrong) 1 minutes

Exercise of 350. electrified altitude must wear insulation to take, all force sb to submit. (Right) 1 minutes
