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  1. 制定并实施教育政策,指导和监督学校的教育教学工作;
  2. 培训和评估学校教师,提高教育教学质量;
  3. 协调学校资源,优化教育条件;
  4. 推进教育信息化建设,提升学校管理水平;
  5. 组织开展各类教育活动,丰富学生课外生活;
  6. 解决学生入学和升学问题,保障学生权益;
  7. 与相关部门合作,促进教育改革发展。



  • 注重学生全面发展,倡导素质教育;
  • 重视教师专业发展,提供教学支持和培训;
  • 推动校际合作,促进资源共享;
  • 积极引进和创新教育技术,推进教育信息化发展。






Lasting peace teachs the mission of the bureau and duty

The administrative office that bureau of education length peace is system of education of area length peace, be in charge of whole area the educational management of various and of all kinds school and servive routine. Its mission is to be area resident to provide fair, high grade education resource, promote the full-scale development that the school teachs.

Lasting peace teachs the main job of the bureau

Lasting peace teachs the main job of the bureau to include:

  1. Make and implement educational policy, guidance and the educational education of supervisory school work;
  2. Groom and evaluate school teacher, improve educational education quality;
  3. Coordinate school natural resources, optimize educational condition;
  4. Advance educational informatization construction, promote the school level of management;
  5. The organization develops activity of of all kinds education, rich student extracurricular lives;
  6. Solve student enter a school and problem of enter a higher school, ensure student rights and interests;
  7. Cooperate with relevant section, stimulative education reforms progress.

The characteristic of bureau of education length peace works

Bureau of education length peace pays attention to job of the following characteristic in educational management:

  • Pay attention to a student to develop in the round, advocate quality education;
  • Take pedagogic major seriously to develop, offer education supports and groom;
  • Promote school time cooperation, stimulative resource is shared;
  • Be introduced actively and achieve protestant Yo technology, advance educational informatization development.

Lasting peace teachs the achievement of the bureau and development program

Bureau of education length peace obtained the positive result of plentiful and substantial for years, educational enterprise develops ceaselessly expand. Future, bureau of education length peace will continue hard, strengthen science management, promotion education serves a level, stimulative education fairness and quality are balanced develop, make larger contribution to grow the educational enterprise of peaceful area.

Thank you read

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs the introduction of the bureau through coulding there be to growing, you have more thorough knowledge to our job. Bureau of education length peace will continue to be broad student and parent to provide resource of high grade education, devote oneself to to make better educational environment.

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