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西安汽车租赁公司? 西安汽车租赁公司营业执照怎么办?英文双语对照


西安汽车租赁公司? 西安汽车租赁公司营业执照怎么办?英文双语对照























根据《汽车租赁业管理暂行规定》的规定,经营汽车租赁必须具备以下技术经济条件: (一)配备汽车不少于20辆,且汽车车辆价值不少于200万元。租赁汽车应是新车或达到一级技术等级的在用车,并具有齐全有效的车辆行驶证件。 (二)须有不少于汽车车辆价值5%的流动资金。 (三)有固定的经营和办公场所,停车场面积不少于正常保有租赁汽车投影面积的1.5倍。 (四)有必要的经营机构和相应的管理人员,在经营管理、车辆技术、财务会计等岗位上应分别有一名具有初级及其以上职称的专业技术人员。 (五)具有法人资格。






1. 确定经营范围和资金需求:汽车租赁公司要确定自己经营的车型、服务范围和面向客户群体。同时,要确定所需的启动资金和经营资金,包括车辆购买或租赁成本、办公场地租金、员工工资等费用。

2. 寻找供应商和客户:汽车租赁公司需要寻找汽车供应商以获得车辆,并与客户建立联系以获得订单。可以通过广告宣传、口碑传播、线上平台等多种方式来吸引客户。

3. 建立管理系统和流程:汽车租赁公司需要建立管理系统和流程,包括车辆管理、客户管理、服务流程、租金计算等方面。同时还要建立金融和法律服务系统以确保业务的合法性和规范化。

4. 推广和营销:推出优惠活动、丰富用车场景、提高服务质量等方面均可提高汽车租赁公司的竞争力,提高知名度和客户转化率。

5. 建立品牌和形象:汽车租赁公司也需要建立品牌和形象,包括公司名称、标志、口号、店面装修等。一个高水平的品牌形象可以使客户更加信任和认同公司的服务。












4、有固定的经营和办公场所,停车场面积不少于正常保有租赁汽车投影面积的1.5倍; 5、有专业的人员。 注册汽车租赁公司准备材料: 1、公司名称在线核准 2、公司注册地址的房产证及房主身份证复印件(单位房产需在房产证复印件及房屋租赁合同上加盖产权单位的公章居民住宅房需要提供房产证原件给工商局进行核对)

3、全体股东身份证原件(如果注册资金是客户自己提供,只需要提供身份证复印件;如果法人是外地户口的需要提供暂住证原件) 4、全体股东出资比例(股东占公司股份的安排)





Does Xi'an car hire a firm?

Had better go the car of peach garden rents the market on the west, the car is much and new, price whole town is the cheapest (competition is intense)

Be in 2 annulus are mixed on the west south 2 annulus are handed in collect place, inside 2 annulus

Registered permanent residence of Id of the driver's license on the belt this, on preparation 1000 cash pledge are OK, price can discuss.

How does Xi'an car rent company business charter to do?

The business charter of the Xi'an car company that rent is offer application to industrial and commercial bureau, the business address that industrial and commercial bureau can send a person to be offerred according to you is on-the-spot reconnaissance, according to your enrollment capital and scope of operations send business charter.

Does Xi'an rent limited company introduction without care car all right?

Brief introduction: Xi'an rents limited company to held water on June 17, 2015 without care car all right, main scope of operations manages a project for the license: Vehicle maintenance and repair and maintain (the item that needs classics approval lawfully, sectional approval is rear related classics can develop management activity) etc.

Legal representative: Xu Lei establishs time: 2015-06-17 registers capital: 1 million RMB is industrial and commercial register name: 610140100021167 enterprises type: Finite liability company (the natural person invests or accuse) firm address: Temple of Dong Xincheng king of Xi'an city Feng is street Xi Sucun 35

How is Xi'an bus rented?

The proposal contacts local public transportation company

Hire car form:

1, rent a car temporarily: A long time, round-the-clock all but.

2, rent a car for a long time: Morning and evening is received send, receive early, mediumly, late send.

3, custom-built and public transportation: Enterprise, school, organization but him set is custom-built and public transportation the circuit place setting out, destination, time that send a car, full 30-35 person buys a ticket to be able to debut.

Favourable measure:

1, the unit is connected for a long time diligent rent a car, large group rents a car can look price of float of particular use case.

2, each are enterprise or business marriage of unit, school, hotel is celebrated, check-up center if with me the company is signed,use car agreement for a long time temporarily, can press favourable agreement price to carry out.

3, custom-built and public transportation: 15 kilometers fare is circuit length every person-time 5 yuan, every increase 5 kilometers fare increase 1 yuan, buy monthly ticket to be able to enjoy discount privilege.

How does the car rent a company to name?

2 elder brother removed look forward to these names: Source sincere, amount to how, in into, peaceful closes, rich 10 thousand, letter of acute of clique of a person of extraordinary powers, 10 thousand peace, Hong Hui, Xin, appropriate, suitable peaceful, justice peaceful, embellish brightness, road is suitable, triumphant how. If want to see name of company of more and Orphean original, can pass look forward to company of 2 elder brother gives a name the system is gotten, the operation is simple, very convenient.

How to open a car to hire a firm?

Basis " the car line of business that rent administers provisional regulation " regulation, management car rents must have requirement of economy of the following technology: (one) outfit a car not less than 20, and car vehicle value not less than 2 million yuan. The car that rent should be new car or reach order and degree of one class technology using a car, have all ready and effective car travel papers. (2) must have not less than car vehicle value the circulating fund of 5 % . (3) have fixed management and office place, parking lot area not less than retain normally the car that rent is 1.5 times of the area more umbriferous. (4) necessary management orgnaization and corresponding administrator, the part of one's job on post waits not to have one in technology of management, car, financial accounting the name is had primary the professional technology personnel that reachs its above title. (5) have corporate organization.

How to join in the car hires a firm?

Direct transfer ownership goes to the company that rent, , the cess Wu bureau that goes to company place, bring the card of your province card, driver's license, travel, contract that rent, the company that rent takes and so on of the certificate of the company, official seal.

Charge sees you combine Alexandrine amount, do not cross those who some of cess Wu bureau has minimum to trade the forehead, had better go to place revenue seeks advice below.

How is the car company that rent managed?

The car company that rent is a kind of company that provides a car to hire a service, it can rent car client in order to achieve earnings. It is the company of a car that rent below normally management measure:

1.Determine scope of operations and capital requirement: Limits of the model that the car company that rent should decide to he is managed, service and face client group. In the meantime, the starting capital that should need certainly and management capital, include car to buy or rent space of cost, office to hire wages of gold, employee to wait for charge.

2.Seek supplier and client: The car company that rent needs to seek car supplier in order to acquire vehicle, establish connection with the client in order to obtain order. Can pass a variety of means such as the platform on transmission of advertisement conduct propaganda, public praise, line to attract a client.

3.Build administrative system and flow: The car rents a company to need to build administrative system and flow, include the field such as computation of flow of registration of vehicles, client management, service, hire. Build finance and legal service system even at the same time in order to ensure the lawful sex of business and standardization.

4.Promotion and sale: Roll out the favourable activity, rich setting that use a car, competition ability that enhances the respect such as service quality to all can raise a car to hire a firm, rise famous spend and the client is changed rate.

5.Build brand and image: The car rents a company to also need to build brand and image, include company name, mark, catchword, storefront to decorate etc. The brand image of a Gao Shuiping can make a client more trustful serve with what agree with a company.

Anyhow, the car rents the management need of the company to consider the factor of many sided. Want to have good administrative group and flow not only, pay attention to implementation gain even, satisfy the client's requirement truly, ability gains competition ability in the market and come true but durative development.

Does the car hire a firm how operation?

Use concessionary management means.

Concessionary managing is a car the company that rent grants some Hou Xuan's person concessionary right of administration, make its join the service network of the company that rent, use the brand of the company that rent and label, undertake business run according to the uniform standard of the company that rent. The company that rent is right concessionary the management of management dot undertakes supervise and coaching. And collection is concessionary right of administration uses fee.

So the car leases company operation, need uses concessionary management means.

How to establish a car to hire a firm?

Answer: The car is rented belong to traffic to carry service industry, it need not deal with maintenance of safe, beardless yearly check, model to be able to change at will, and buy a car to command the advantage such as company cost with hiring a car to replace, make the car rents an industry rapid popularity rises, get enterprise and the favour that have boss of capital actual strength. The car is rented is to show the capital access the car parts from inside having right, lessor has property property, tenant has capital access, lessor and tenant sign the contract that rent, trade in order to exchange a kind of use benefit form.

Register a car to hire company condition:

1, have a car not less than 20, and car vehicle value not less than 2 million yuan;

2, had car should be new car or had used car be to reach order and degree of one class technology, have all ready and effective car travel papers;

3, the company is due circulating fund (of not less than car value 5% ) ;

4, have fixed management and office place, parking lot area not less than retain normally the car that rent is 1.5 times of the area more umbriferous; 5, the personnel that has major. Register a car to rent a company to prepare data: 1, company name is online approve 2, the house property card that the company registers an address and house-owner Id photocopy (unit house property needs to rent the house of house of official seal dweller that property right unit builds on the contract to need to offer original of house property card to undertake checking to industrial and commercial bureau in photocopy of house property card and building)

3, all partner Id original (if register fund,be him client is offerred, the need that needs to if legal person is nonlocal registered permanent residence,offer Id photocopy; only offers original of temporary residence permit) 4, all partner is contributive scale (the arrangement that partner holds company share)

5, company scope of operations (what does the company basically manage, some limits may involve conduction aptitude or license)

The scope of operations that applies for to register a car to hire a firm is referenced: The enterprise rents the main scope of operations of the company to include: Offer all sorts of brand cars to hire a service for personage of social all circles, motor vehicle maintenance and maintain, motor vehicle hairdressing, decorate reachs its things, the car serves chain, car component.

After handling business license, still need to deal with " road carries card " wait for relevant management aptitude.
