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羽叶楸介绍? 羽叶楸和圆盘豆哪种做实木地板更好些,懂的人帮帮忙?英文双语对照


羽叶楸介绍? 羽叶楸和圆盘豆哪种做实木地板更好些,懂的人帮帮忙?英文双语对照


羽叶楸,学名为Stereospermum colais,是紫葳科、羽叶楸属的一种落叶乔木,高度可以达到15-20米,甚至有时高达35米,其胸径范围为15-25厘米,有的甚至可以达到80厘米。羽叶楸的叶子形态独特,为1回羽状复叶,小叶有3-6对,形状为长椭圆形,顶端渐尖至尾状渐尖,基部呈阔楔形至圆形,全缘且无毛。它的圆锥花序顶生,长度可以达到20-40厘米,花序轴和花梗都被微柔毛覆盖,而苞片和小苞片则会早落。羽叶楸的果实为蒴果,形状细长,四棱柱形且微弯曲。种子为卵圆形,两端具有白色的膜质翅,连同翅膀的长度可以达到28毫米,宽度约为5毫米。它的花期在5-7月,而果期则在9-11月。羽叶楸的分布范围相当广泛,包括中国、越南、柬埔寨、老挝、泰国、马来西亚、缅甸、印度、斯里兰卡和印度尼西亚等地。它主要生长在海拔1100-1800米的热带丘陵和沟谷密林中。羽叶楸喜光,喜欢温暖湿润的气候,并且适应肥沃的土壤。羽叶楸的木材质量优良,是一种良好的硬材,其颜色从黄褐色到灰褐色不等。这种木材的径面具有美丽的花纹,材质硬重,木工性质优良,抗腐性强,因此非常适合作为建筑、家具及室内装饰的材料。除了实用价值外,羽叶楸的树姿非常优美,其花朵和叶子都具有观赏价值,因此它也非常适合在温暖的地区作为庭园树种植,可以作为庭荫树、园景树或行道树。总的来说,羽叶楸是一种既具有实用价值又具有观赏价值的树种。



很好 。

圆盘豆树种,属于上等实木地板材料, 心材呈金黄褐色至红褐色,主要分布于非洲地区, 其中以加纳出产的尤为珍贵。






















One, feather does foliaceous Chinese catalpa introduce?

Feather foliaceous Chinese catalpa, formal name is Stereospermum Colais, it is violet flourishing division, feather a kind of fallen leaves that foliaceous Chinese catalpa belongs to is arboreal, height can achieve 15-20 rice, be as high as 35 meters sometimes even, limits of its bosom diameter is 15-25 centimeter, some can achieve 80 centimeters even. Feather the leaf configuration of foliaceous Chinese catalpa is distinctive, it is a shape compound leaf 1 times, flocculus has 3-6 to be opposite, appearance is long elliptic, topmost gradually the top comes end account gradually pointed, base the ministry shows broad wedge to the circle, whole reason and without wool. Its panicle is very unripe, length can achieve 20-40 centimeter, inflorescence axis and peduncular be enclothed by small fluff, and luxuriant a He Xiaobao piece can fall early. Feather the fructification of foliaceous Chinese catalpa is capsule, appearance slightness, 4 prism form and small bend. The seed is egg circle, two end have velar qualitative wing of white, the length of along with wing can achieve 28 millimeter, width is 5 millimeter about. Its florescence is in 5-7 month, and fruit period is in 9-11 month. Feather the distributinging range of foliaceous Chinese catalpa is quite wide, include China, Vietnam, Kampuchea, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Burmese, India, sri lanka and Indonesian and other places. The tropics that it basically grows in altitude 1100-1800 rice is mixed upland in channel Gu Milin. Feather foliaceous Chinese catalpa is fond of light, like warm and wet climate, and get used to a fertile soil. Feather the lumber quality of foliaceous Chinese catalpa is good, it is a kind of nice strong capable person, its color from cinnamon differ to dust-colour. The diameter mask of this kind of lumber has beautiful figure, material is weighed forcedly character, carpentry quality is good, the sex that fight corrupt is strong, because this is very comfortable,collaboration is the material of building, furniture and interior decoration. Besides economic value, feather the tree appearance of foliaceous Chinese catalpa is very beautiful, its flower and leaf are had view and admire value, accordingly it also suits to serve as curtilage tree to cultivate in warm area very much, can regard Ting Yinshu, garden as Jing Shu or trade tree. As a whole, feather foliaceous Chinese catalpa is one kind has economic value to have the tree that views and admire value to plant again already.

2, feather foliaceous Chinese catalpa and disc beans make real wood floor board which kinds betterer, does the person that know do a good turn?

Disc of my home is this.

Very good.


Disc beans tree is planted, belong to classy fact wood flooring, duramen is shown golden and Brown to rufous, basically distributing at African area, produce with Ghana among them particularly precious.

Basically use the floor board that make.

3, defect of actor of floor of the wood that prick Chinese catalpa?

Advantage: Grain clarity, structural fine divide evenly, change not easily model. Defect: Hardness is insufficient, do not be able to bear or endure collision high temperature.

4, nature floor and distinction of entrance nature floor?

Is distinction: ?  of brilliant of  die young unoccupied place border of a unit of length of ひ of Zhan of garden of Tuo of excessive of persimmon of Shi of  of Dan of bad an ancient type of spoon of divide evenly of cane of Gua of  of apprentice of Qian of bad an ancient type of spoon of 4 cane divide evenly and  of  of Huang Qiao of  of lie  model > does Wei of an ancient type of spoon of  of  of die young grey lie brag is  of Gui of Zou dome correct treated?

5, is Chinese tulip tree palm shape leaf?

Chinese tulip tree is not palm shape leaf

Chinese tulip tree is Chinese tulip tree of lily magnolia family belong to a plant. Arboreal, be as high as 40 meters, pectoral diameter 1 meter of above, rod gray or dust-colour. Shape of foliaceous mandarin jacket, long 4-12 (18) centimeter, close base the ministry has 1 side lobe of a leave by the side of every, tip is provided 2 shallow crack, below cadaverous color, petiolar long 4-8 (- 16) centimeter.

Spend a cup of record, perianth piece 9, outside annulus 3 green, sepal shape, outward turn hangs down, inside two rounds 6, erect, petaline shape, form pouring egg, long 3-4 centimeter, green, have maize vertical streak. Aggregate fruit grows 7-9 centimeter, the nutlet that provides a wing grows about 6 millimeter, blunt or top is blunt pointed, provide seminal 1-2. Florescence in May, month of fruit period 9-10.

6, feather does leaf of He Yu of Xie Gan Lan crack Lan to distinguish?

Feather leaf of He Yu of Xie Gan Lan cracks Lan is two kinds of different plants, have the following distinction: 1. Division belong to different: Feather Xie Gan Lan belongs to water lily division (Nelumbonaceae) water lily is belonged to (Nelumbo) , and feather the leaf cracks Lan to belong to Chinese olive division (Oleaceae) the Lan that crack a leaf is belonged to (Picconia) . 2. Blade feature is different: Feather the lamina of Xie Gan Lan is circle or heart form, the brim summary wave shape, go up the surface is slick, next surfaces have hair. a lamina that the leaf cracks Lan it is a shape to be cracked greatly, the brim shows wave shape or shrinkage. 3. Flower feature is different: Feather the flower of Xie Gan Lan is bigger, normally orange or pink, by a lot of petaline composition, leaf is wide, submit wave form, send out aroma. a flower that the leaf cracks Lan is lesser, normally white or buff, by a few petaline composition, leaf is narrower, appearance is irregular. 4. Fructification feature is different: Feather the fructification of Xie Gan Lan is a circle or flat globose, the interior when maturity shows yellow or red, have many seeds. the fructification that cracks Lan is a leaf elliptic or globose, the exterior when maturity is black, have a seed only. As a whole, feather leaf of He Yu of Xie Gan Lan cracks Lan to be in division belong to, the distinction that the respect Dou Youming such as blade feature, flower feature and fructification feature shows.

7, Yu wood and floor of thorn Chinese catalpa which good?

The floor that prick Chinese catalpa is good, hardness of the floor that prick Chinese catalpa is taller, more wear-resisting

8, nature floor enlightenment?

Nature motherboard is famous brand product, quality has safeguard.

9, ply of nature aggrandizement floor?

The ply of nature aggrandizement floor is the size with 3 large millimeter commonly, because this floor is to standard measure goes producing the floor board that come out, it is 3 Bo rice so

10, is nature aggrandizement floor good?

The quality of nature aggrandizement floor is possible still

Nature aggrandizement floor is the better brand in aggrandizement floor, the floor of this brand is the product that passes national attestation, be the country avoids one of check products, if want,buy the word of aggrandizement floor so, I still recommend this brand quite, and of their home strong
