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产业园建设细则? 建设产业园的目的?英文双语对照


产业园建设细则? 建设产业园的目的?英文双语对照




产业园区是指通过划定一定范围的土地,先行规划和建设配套设施, 以专供工业设施设置使用的地区。规划建设产业园最为重要的目的在于形成产业的集聚效应。·因此,产业园区的建设与发展首先应当回归其本质, 按产业园区的发展特点、内在规律和要求来建设和发展:促进由地理邻近性带来的产业群聚效应。



1. 拟定总体规划:明确建设的目标、用途等;

2. 调查与考察:了解土地权属、地形地貌状况等;

3. 编制方案:分析产业特点,制定有效的发展方案;

4. 预算编制:把握整个项目的规模,制定预算方案;

5. 进行施工:按方案和图纸施工;

6. 检测验收:按国家相关标准进行检测验收;

7. 移交使用:建成并经过验收后,由开发单位正式移交使用。








徐州国家高新区始建于1991年, 2012年8月19日被国务院批准为国家高新技术产业开发区。总体规划面积180平方公里,建筑面积50平方公里。












西湖创意谷、 之江文化创意园、 西湖数字娱乐产业园、 运河天地富臣天街创意园、 杭州创新创业新天地、 良渚创意产业园、 西溪文化创意园、 湘湖文化创意产业园、 下沙大学科技园、 白马湖生态创意城、 智新塘文化创意园、 杭州东方文化创意园







One, does industrial garden build detailed rules?

Industrial garden program is industrial garden comprehensive, the system develops long-termly and invest, the global sex such as operation management, long-term sex, fundamentality problem and route chart, program of industrial garden area is the blue print that garden division develops, its decide the industry plans the basic concept of go ahead of the rest, the requirement like the _ that the industry plans includes is suit with country or area photograph, 2 it is content of garden area program wants industry of base oneself upon and section.

2, the purpose that builds industrial garden?

Industrial garden area is to show it is certain to pass delimit the land of limits, go ahead of the rest plans and build establishment of form a complete set, set use zone with offerring industrial establishment only. The purpose with most main garden of industry of plan and construction depends on forming assemble effect of the industry. · because this, the construction of industrial garden area and development ought to return to its essence above all, the development characteristic that presses industrial garden area, underlying law and demand will build and develop: Promote the industry that brings by geographical and adjacent sex group get together effect.

3, is technological process of industrial garden construction whole?

The construction technological process of industrial garden is whole should include:

1.Protocol overall planning: The target that builds clearly, utility;

2.Investigation and make an on-the-spot investigation: Understanding land land ownership is belonged to, landform landforms state;

3.Work out plan: Analyse industrial characteristic, make effective development plan;

4.Budget making: Hold the dimensions of whole project, make budgetary plan;

5.Undertake construction: Press plan and blueprint construction;

6.Check exam closes: Undertake detecting checking and accept by national relative standard;

7.Turn over use: Build and after the course is checked and accept, by development the unit is turned over formally use.

4, does industrial garden build early days flow?

OK and general component is control of argumentation, program, process and ending 4 phase

The project engineers level, undertake certain survey and feasibility study;

Project program level: If establish project group, the plan that finish, resource and quality plan, the content that how assures executive plan undertakes planning, more apt management and run knowledge;

The project carries out control phase, according to project program, the content that engineers the project step by step turns into reality;

Project ending phase, till job of all deal with problems arising from an accident is finished,the project was finished according to executive plan;

5, does safe industry garden build setting?

Xuzhou state tall newly-added district only then built 1991, was approved to be a country by the State Council on August 19, 2012 development of estate of new and high technology. Overall planning area 180 square kilometer, floor area 50 square kilometer.

Safe industry is the main impetus that drive and props up Xuzhou high new developed area to be stridden to national tall newly-added district by provincial economy developing zone. In recent years, xuzhou high new developed area captures advantage of research and development of oneself security science and technology, safe equipment to produce advantage of assemble of advantage, safe enterprise, advance transition of strategy of industry of new and high region in the round. Cultivate safe industry those who serve as new and high area is strategical burgeoning industry. Xuzhou high new developed area carries the big banner that had safe industry gradually in home, got labour believes ministry of ministry, science and technology, bring watch university of mining industry of association of industry of coal of total bureau, China, China, medium the height of the national ministries and commissions such as coal division work and relevant unit is approbated and support. Chinese safe cereal is awarded national security by ministry of science and technology technology and base of property of equipment torch characteristic, be versed in believe ministry and country to install inspect total bureau to award first country safe estate demonstrative garden area.

6, how is Pc industry garden built?

Pc industry garden builds:

One, should be below local government leader, area of compositive industry garden heads a group, be in charge of the creed sex of garden area, policy sex waiting make the work.

2, below the leader that heads a group in garden area, establish garden area to be in charge of appoint meeting, garden area is in charge of appoint each job of area of specific and can responsible garden, include to make garden area whole program, fulfil development policy, establish division of departmental door, garden capital attraction and day-to-day management job.

3, garden area is in charge of appoint administrative office and industrial garden area should be installed to develop a company below the meeting, introduce the government sector that the spot handles official bussiness, establish civil office even at the same time.

4, the administrative function that the function that runs the office basically is interior of area of implementation industry garden, include resource of program, financial, internal labor power, network construction and public concern.

7, how to build division of garden of Yue Yang industry?

Breed strategical burgeoning industry. Accelerate industrial structural adjustment, drive transition to upgrade, promote an industry competition ability. According to " development has foundation, product to have the market, accord with trend of industrial technology gradual progress " principle, put advanced manufacturing industry in the first place that the industry grows, be bred energetically and develop petro-chemical, food to make, modern other people flows, medicine of high-end equipment, new material, new energy resources, biology, Information Industry those who be a delegate is strategical burgeoning industry, comprehensive compose builds Yue Yang modern industry new structure.

6, expand dominant industry. Science decides the industry locates, division of every industry garden is rigid according to " one advocate two special " directional layout industry. Build blame dominant industry to exit a mechanism, the enterprise of industry of dominant of progressively scanty Jie Fei. Conduct competition of amlposition of area of garden of whole town industry, drive industrial garden area to specialization, poor dissimilation, characteristic changes development. Rose 2020, the project that does not accord with direction of program of industry of garden area dominant prohibits field. Company of estate of garden area dominant, advocate proportion of revenue of business Wu income, real pay all achieves 70% above.

8, what name can garden of inwrought culture industry take? Garden of inwrought culture industry?

Cereal of west lake originality, heaven and earth of garden of garden of river culture originality, industry of entertainment of west lake number, canal innovation of garden of originality of Fuchen weather market, Hangzhou does poineering work new scope of operation, fine smalls piece of land surrounded by water originality industry garden, Xi Xiwen changes culture of lake of originality garden, Hunan

9, construction class culture?

Class culture should enhance the unitive quality of our class interior above all, can organize a few little game above all, enhance the companionate degree between our classmate and unitive rate, can enhance construction of our class culture.

10, division achieve industrial garden to build program?

It is to establish a goal clearly. Around achievement of science and technology move changes masterstroke, compose builds " fountainhead to furnish - change a service - the industry breeds move of achievement of " unifinication science and technology to change chain; 2 it is to have specific working target; 3 it is to have clear working job; 4 it is to have certain working funds and source; 5 it is to should have fixed field and staff member.

Main task is to enhance move of achievement of science and technology to change fountainhead to furnish. 2 it is to perfect move of achievement of science and technology to change a system; 3 it is to deepen move of achievement of science and technology to change open in coordination; 4 it is promotion service ability; 5 it is aggrandizement industry carries on; 6 it is innovation system mechanism

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