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确保您符合节目的报名要求,例如,您需要是一位 70 后或 80 后的年轻父母,或者准备成为准爸妈。此外,您的家庭类型可能需要符合当代中国典型或非典型家庭的特点,例如凤凰男孔雀女家庭、80 后辣妈潮爸、双胞胎家庭、重组家庭等。











1/ 3超级育儿师,是一档引进的育儿真人秀节目,致力于为中国亿万年轻父母以寓教于乐的方式打造实用、权威的育儿宝典。制作方一共推出了四季内容,受到不少观众的关注,不过之后为什么停播了呢?

2/ 3节目引争议,超级育儿师,节目的初衷是为了帮助普通家庭更好的育儿,但节目播出后一些育儿方式却引起不少争议,被质疑对待儿童太过冷漠,是不好的做法,受到不少育儿专家的批评。

3/ 3官方严控未成年参与真人秀,有一段时间亲子类真人秀特别火爆,各大电视台纷纷推出此类节目,未成年小孩小小年纪就被暴露在公众视野下,一举一动都被关注着,不仅容易被舆论裹挟,而且不利于孩子成长,是一种不好的现象,所以之后官方表示要严控未成年人参与真人秀,导致一大批亲子节目被停播。





















Super Yo the feeling after is Shi Qiutian watched?

" super Yo master " the TV program that is education of family of first gear attention, compere Qiu day is mixed with its professional knowledge kind manner, solved for the audience a lot of about Yo problem. After watching this program, I feel the value that the family teachs and complexity.

Above all, the Qiu Tian in the program shared a lot of problems that about the child the likelihood in growing process appears and the method that how solve these problems. These content to the parent it is very helpful, can help us understand the child's requirement better, increase the capacity that teachs the child. In the meantime, the educational concept of a few science and method still introduced in the program, if respect the child, guide type education to wait, these are the principles that we should follow in domestic education.

Next, the affinity of the Qiu Tian in the program and major spent me to leave deep impression. He shows the care to children and patience in the program, also can stand in the parent's angle at the same time, offer the proposal that has specific aim for them. This kind of balance let an audience feel educational warmth and power.

Finally, I think " super Yo master " the heavy visual range that whole to rising society teachs to the family spends this program have active sense. The family is the cradle that the child grows, good family teachs pair of children grow to have important sense with development. Adopt this program, can let more people know the value that teachs to the family, take educational issue of the child seriously more thereby.

Anyhow, " super Yo master " this program lets me benefit a lot, acquired not only a lot of about Yo knowledge and method, still let me value the value that the family teachs more. Hope this program can continue to travel energy, bring a help for more families.

How to sign up super Yo master?

Sign up attend " super Yo master " the flow of the program is as follows:

Ensure you accord with the requirement signing up of the program, for example, if,you need 70 hind or the 80 young father and mother after, perhaps prepare to become accurate pa Mom. In addition, your domestic type may need to accord with contemporary China model or be not the characteristic of typical family, for example front courtyard of the bride's side of phoenix male peacock, 80 hind hot Mom wet dad, twin family, recombine a family to wait.

Head for channel of CCTV finance and economics (CCTV-2) or the official website that 8 Lin make, examine about " super Yo master " the information signing up of the program. You may need to fill in on government-owned net a form signing up, offer situation of a few individual information, family and Yo the content such as the concept.

In process signing up, you may need to provide a few relevant proof data, for example Yo baby member or experience of the professional qualification certificate of Yo infant division, work proves to wait. If be done not have before you,groom relevantly and certificate, you can choose those who attend the orgnaization such as Jin Baobei to groom course, with increasing the chance of success signing up.

After submitting information signing up, await the examine and verify of program series. If examine and verify is passed, program series may contact you, understand your situation further and plan the link such as interview.

If you carried interview, you will be become " super Yo master " the candidate of the program. In program transcribe process, you with its organic meeting he awaits seed selection division attends all sorts of Yo together challenge and task, the Yo that reveals you ability and skill.

How to make an appointment super Yo master?

Make an appointment should shift to an earlier date for some time. If the Yo of gold division arrives very hard please then, should pass acquaintance introduction a little good place, need not wait for a long time. Now Yo the master is very professional, those who pass professional orgnaization groom ability is OK of mount guard. Nevertheless I should look for the sort of having of a lot of experience have a place a little became difficult, after all Chang Xi is short of such person dispute.

What is super Yo master?

" super Yo master " this archives put together art section purpose is born to appear necessary and commendable. It from 2016 head sow, it is the whole world the most successful close child the Chinese edition of Supernanny of true person excellent program. The Yo that program focusing can be faced with generally at the young household in Chinese city difficult problem, through inviting Yo the means that division comes to assist, will help contemporary and young father and mother solve educational difficult problem.

Can say, " super Yo master " it is an education guideline, although you are not the parent in the program, also can sit before the program, find the portraiture that accords with him family to teach the current situation.

Super Yo does division sign off reason?

1/ 3 super Yo master, it is the Yo that first gear introduces true person excellent program, the Yo that devotes oneself to the way that for China millions upon millions young father and mother teachs Yu Le with contain to make practical, authority jewel. Made square altogether roll out content of the four seasons, get the attention of many audiences, why to after passing, sign off?

2/ 3 program cites dispute, super Yo master, the original intention of the program is to help the Yo with average better household, but a few Yo after the program broadcasts means arouses many controversy however, be oppugned to treat children too super-cooling desert, it is bad practice, get many Yo the expert's criticism.

3/ 3 government is severe accuse minor participate in true person show, period of time kisses subclass true person show is particularly hot, each are big the TV station rolls out this kind of program in succession, discipline of minor child small off year is exposed to be below public eye shot, every act is being paid close attention to, be wrapped easily by public opinion not only nip, and go against the child to grow, it is a kind of bad phenomenon, so later the government expresses to want to father accuse minor to participate in true person show, bring about one large quantities of kissing child the program is signed off.

Super Yo does division broadcast time?

Super Yo division is the director of main actor CCTV such as You Lanhai is little piece, the broadcasting station such as centrally TV station broadcasted 2013.

Super Yo the meaning of division?

Can let a novice suckle pa wet nurse to understand a few Yo knowledge, yo skill, in certain Yo a few train of thought are found in bewilderment.

Super Yo does after every collect watchs the 2nd season, division feel?

Super Yo master the 2nd season every collect Yo division faces a problem, domestic problem children can give out corresponding plan, solve Yo problem.

Super Yo Shi Jirui ending?

" super Yo master " in Ji Rui of 14 years old of boys, depend on each other with mom as a child.

Ought be the age that go to school, but however everyday in indulge network game, do not eat to be not drunk even.

Face the child not obedient, mom advises in earnest to tell a truth: "Listen to mom to say two words, OK? OK??

Ji Rui disregards directly: "Need not. "Need not..

Cannot get the child's response, this mom is direct tear off reticle, critical path: "You are not reasonable, since call me mom, are you OK this appearance? Are you OK this appearance??

The eye is seeing the education of mom babble, ji Rui takes a sitting room from the room, walk along the balcony from the sitting room again.

And at this moment, mom did not stop to tell a truth as before.

By exasperate Ji Rui, lost communication appetite thoroughly, emphatically closed the door, ran into closet.

The truth that nowhere is not in mom, let him feel disgusted more and more, state mom exists commonly like nightmare even.

Super Yo why does division sign off?

Because this file program caused controversy and the regulation that violated children to must not attend true person show,be.

" super Yo master " the original intention of the program is to help the Yo with average better household, but a few Yo after the program broadcasts means arouses many controversy however, be oppugned to treat children too super-cooling desert, it is bad practice, get many Yo the expert's criticism.

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