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罗德岛(Rhodes)太阳神巨像,是古代世界七大奇迹之一。这座巨像建在罗得市(希腊文:Ρόδος (πόλη),英语:city of Rhodes)港口的入口处,公元前282年完工。它是希腊太阳神赫利俄斯的青铜铸像,高约33米。巨像铸造完工后过了56年,毁于公元前226年的一次地震中。




奥林匹亚宙斯神像(The temple of Zeus at Olympia)位于希腊奥林匹亚城,是古希腊雕刻家菲迪亚斯的作品,大约建造于公元前457年。该神像是当时世上最大的室内雕像,原本是放在一座神殿内,然而这座神殿于公元5年被大火摧毁。宙斯神像虽因被运到君士坦丁堡而幸免于难,但最终亦难逃厄运,公元462年被大火烧毁。




摩索拉斯陵墓位于哈利卡纳素斯,由四名著名的雕刻家布赖亚斯(Bryaxis),莱奥哈雷斯(Leochares),帕士(Scopas),和提摩太(Timotheus)建造而成,每人负责陵墓的其中一边。 摩索拉斯陵墓在土耳其的西南方,底部建筑为长方形,面积是40米(120尺)乘30米(100尺),高45米(140尺),其中墩座墙高20米,柱高12米,金字塔高7米,最顶部的马车雕像高6米。建筑物被墩座墙围住,旁边以石像作装饰。顶部的雕像是四匹马拉着一架古代战车。此陵墓著名之处除了它的建筑外,还有那些雕塑。


Pyramid of Egypt introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband

Pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband is the biggest pyramid in Gu Ai and pyramid. The tower is 146.59 meters tall, because of year long efflorescent, top flakes 10 meters, now 136.5 meters tall, be equivalent to 40 edifices tall. Tower is become with load one's writing with fancy phrases of 2.3 million megalith, the stone that size differs hefts 1.5 tons to reach 160 tons, the gross weight of the tower is 6.84 million tons about, its dimensions is the biggest in many 70 pyramid that Egypt discovers up to now. It is almost the megalithic body of sincere, the person of gang rises these large block along the helix of pyramid interior passageway upgrade haul, chase a load one's writing with fancy phrases next and become, more than 100000 craftsman are common the human miracle that time of about 20 years just finishs, in those days when iron tower has not built Aifeier, pyramid of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad husband ever still was the top structure on the world.

A Er errorring cover this shrine

A Er errorring cover this shrine is errorring cover of Er of A of the goddess in Greek mythology this fane, one of 7 big miracles of world of row ancient time. Its style belongs to pillar building, it is one of Gu Xila's biggest shrine, the handkerchief that its dimensions exceeded Athens to defend a city stage farming fane, also be one of the earliest structures that use marble build completely.

Colossus of Baal of collect heart island

Collect heart island (Rhodes) Baal colossus, it is one of 7 big miracles of archaic world. This colossus builds in collect get town (Greek: Ρ ? δ ο ? (π ? λ η ) , english: City Of Rhodes) the entry point of haven, BC 282 years finishing. It is bronze casting of Heliesi resembles Greek Baal, make an appointment with 33 meters high. Colossus is cast finishing hind passed 56 years, destroy at BC in earthquake of 226 years.

The garden in Babylonian sky

One of 8 big miracles of archaic world

Abstruse Lin Pi inferior time this colossus

Abstruse Lin Pi inferior time this God (The Temple Of Zeus At Olympia) be located in Greek Ao Lin be equal to inferior city, it is ancient Greek sculptor Feidiyasi's work, build about at BC 457 years. This God is at that time the biggest on the world indoor and statuary, it is to be put inside a shrine originally, however this shrine is destroyed 5 years by conflagration at the Christian era. Time this God although because be carried to Junshitandingbao escape by the skin of one's teeth, but also escape hard finally adversity, the Christian era is destroyed 462 years by big baked wheaten cake.

Alexander beacon

Egypt Alexander beacon is one of world-renowned 8 big miracles, relics is on the law Ross island of edge of Egypt Alexander city, 135 meters tall, 29 meters taller than the beacon of highest Japanese yokohama harbor on the world. Egypt Alexander beacon builds Yutuole close 2 worlds period, by Gu Xila architect is alled alone the design finishs Sichatusi, destroy at big 1326 earthquake, egypt decides to rebuild after Alexander beacon.

Masuolasiji mausoleum

Mausoleum is located in Masuolasi haing benefit blocks Na Susi, write the sculptor cloth Lai Yasi of the name by 4 (Bryaxis) , laiaohaleisi (Leochares) , handkerchief person (Scopas) , and carry rub too (Timotheus) build and become, be in charge of mausoleum each among them at the same time. Mausoleum is in Masuolasi Osmanli is southwest square, bottom building is a rectangle, the area is 40 meters (120 feet) multiply 30 meters (100 feet) , 45 meters tall (140 feet) , among them mound the fence is 20 meters high, post is 12 meters high, pyramid is 7 meters tall, most the carriage carve image height of coping 6 meters. Building by mound the wall is surrounded, resemble decorating with stone on the side. Of coping statuary it is 4 horses pulling chariot of an ancient time. This mausoleum is in famously outside the building besides it, still have those sculpture.
