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1. 文昌 鸡:作为 海南 四 大名 菜之首, 文昌 鸡真的可以说是第一个不可错过的美食了

2.抱罗粉:抱罗粉是 海南 经典特色小吃



5.清补凉:这个小吃简直是热天里的救星! 海南 的气温还是比较炎热的,在这个时候来一碗清补凉,简直不要太爽











- 猪脚:1只

- 豆豉:适量

- 生姜:适量

- 蒜头:适量

- 干辣椒:适量

- 料酒:适量

- 生抽:适量

- 老抽:适量

- 盐:适量

- 糖:适量

- 鸡精:适量

- 葱花:适量


1. 将猪脚洗净,切块备用。

2. 锅中加水,放入猪脚块,煮沸后焯水去腥,捞出沥干备用。

3. 锅中放入适量的油,加入豆豉、葱姜蒜和干辣椒炒香。

4. 加入煮沸的猪脚块,炒匀后加入料酒、生抽、老抽翻炒均匀入味。

5. 倒入适量的水,水量不要过多,刚好盖过猪脚块即可,再加入适量的盐、糖和鸡精调味。

6. 将猪脚焖煮30-40分钟,火候要适中,直到猪脚肉变得酥软。

7. 最后,撒上葱花提香即可装盘。



One, cate of characteristic of Xi'an of Shanghai characteristic cate?

The crude fry in shallow oil of Shanghai is wrapped, the bag giving birth to decoct that once appeared countless times in drama of movie and TV has had history of hundreds of years, basically be fresh pork and leather aspic do stuffing at first, develop as the times, chicken and shelled fresh shrimps also abounded the content of crude fry in shallow oil. It is the white behead chicken that must raise next, in the idea of Shanghai native, what white behead chicken or small carry on promote is best, it is with 3 yellow chicken feed capable person, after been do cortical and golden, the flesh is qualitative white tender, tasting is unusual fat more, it is deadbeat of a lot of other places what taste surely is delicate. Small basket bag also is one of cate that make a person unforgettable, thin juice of small dragon wrapping is much, should go down glibly stays sweet.

Bag giving birth to decoct, white injection and small basket bag is 3 Shanghai's most famous cate.

The cate of Xi'an cannot be short of formula of 3 the Qin Dynasty: Cool skin, the flesh adds steamed bun, put peak soda water on the ice, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds, fried dumpling,

2, Wen Changzhong learns from good examples or is article prosperous school good?

A middle school of prosperous of Hainan province article is director of bureau of education of You Wenchang city make public do complete middle school, Hainan to visit complete middle school one class (armour) middle and primary school of province of school of characteristic of football of teenage campus of the school, whole nation, Hainan is taught.

School predecessor is to found the colourful article academy of classical learning 1804; Hind the small school such as Wei Wengao of all previous classics, Wen Changzhong school; 2011, hainan be awardinged visits one grade middle school.

And article prosperous school is government of people of You Wenchang city and Tsinghua university a when accessary middle school establishs jointly always make complete school 12 years.

2016, school first phase project begins to build; In September 2018, school complete recruit students; In Feburary 2019, the school 2 period the project begins to build.

Two schools are comparative, theory build school, article prosperous middle school is to compare, history of article prosperous middle school is longer far, and force of persons qualified to teach is more abundant, have rich teaching experience and outstanding student resource. Because school of opposite article prosperous is to build the school that establish, the age is younger, slant to learn at Wen Changzhong infirmly in the metropolis such as outstanding teacher and student resource.

How is the distance comparative? Get the development that each schools did not come to after looking

3, is article prosperous nuclear power plant in Wen Chang where?

Wen Chang does not have nuclear power plant. Hainan province has a nuclear power plant only at present, prosperous river county is saved in Hainan. Nuclear power plant of Hainan prosperous river, be located in Hainan to save end of sea of prosperous river county to press down a pond to promote a village, can hold construction group of electric machinery of 4 large nucleuses, always invest nearly 19 billion yuan of RMBs, mix by company of group of Chinese nucleus industry Chinese China can group company is collective and contributive construction.

Project of project of this nucleus cable will build group of two nucleuses electric machinery, among them an aircrew plans 2014 bottom and the net generates electricity. Nuclear power plant of Hainan prosperous river on April 25, 2010 start working is built, this is the investment on Hainan history the sources of energy of environmental protection of advanced, craft builds the biggest, technology project.

4, article prosperous sentence-making?

It is below a few use " Wen Chang " the example of sentence-making:

Wen Changge is place's well-known ancient building, attracted countless tourists to come round to look around.

Be in article prosperous city, you can taste the article prosperous chicken with delicate savor, experience cate culture of place.

Lancelet is local special local product, famed with its delicious flavour.

Traditional culture of Wen Chang gets the influence of Confucianism, inheritance a lot of outstanding culture are consuetudinary.

Be in Wen Chang's country, you can see a lot of old handicraft are tasted and folk art is performed.

Article prosperous city is the city with a long history, have a lot of histories vestigial with culture historic site.

Article prosperous chicken is place's famous rasorial breed, be loved with its good quality.

Wen Chang's scenery scenic spot the area includes a lot of famous tourist attractions, wait like Wen Changge, Confucian temple.

Article prosperous city is resort of a travel, travel sightseeing comes before attracting a large number of tourists every year.

Article prosperous city is mixed with its beautiful natural scene rich culture insides information and became famous scenic spot of a travel.

5, is Wen Changwei spent?

Wen Chang is located in Hainan island, be located in north latitude 20 ° of ~ of 19 ° 21' 01' , the east longitude 111 ° of ~ of 110 ° 28' between 03' , horn of the four boundaries of a piece of land or a construction site: Most the Hainan horn of the town before boreal horn is a shop (lily magnolia head) , it is the famous cape of channel of city of outstanding Yu Qiong; Most east horn is 7 continent a chain of islands, it is the archipelago in maritime space of the east of Weng Tian town; Most south horn attachs most importance to Xing Zhenqun first village; Most horn is pressed down for a fabled abode of immortals on the west east head village. East, southeast two sides is close to Nanhai, channel of city fining jade is in, mix western southwest ministry is ordinal with big talk, install He Qionghai surely 3 city (county) border on.

6, article prosperous cate?

1.Article prosperous chicken: First what regard Hainan as 4 names dish, article prosperous chicken can say really is the first cate that cannot miss

2. holds collect pink in the arms: Holding collect pink in the arms is Hainan classical characteristic is fastfood

3. coco meal: What no matter be the faint scent of coco or coco,suckle is full-bodied, coco meal nature also is cannot miss experienced surely

Pink of 4. mango bowel: This is tasted relative to the classical dish in front can saying is a new trial, all sorts of bowel white had had before, had not eaten fruity really

5. Qing Dynasty fills cool: This fastfood it is the emancipator in hot weather simply! The air temperature of Hainan is more burning hot still, come in this moment a bowl of Qing Dynasty fills cool, want scarcely too bright

7, does chicken of best and authentic Wen Chang rank Wen Chang?

The article prosperous chicken that I feel Wen Chang is the most authentic in civil Changtan Niu Zhentian grants a village, the birthplace of article prosperous chicken is over there, still have even if the earthy chicken that local farmer raises in home group, the flesh is tightened character solid, bouncy, and very Xian Tian.

8, want to know: ? Seek  to write swim does litter of lens of the of lineal descent that seek  seek bluff of  of  of vinegar of  foal Fu?

Article prosperous station can arrive directly, lunar bay is last station.

If did not mark wrong ticket price,case is 12, last bus was controlled at 5 o'clock.

9, Wen Changchang year air temperature?

Article prosperous city belongs to intertropical monsoon climate, summertime climate is fuggy and damp, but air temperature is not high, go to 35 degrees in 20 degrees commonly, winter air temperature goes to 20 degrees in 10 degrees between, winter is milder, suit migrant hibernate.

10, practice of foot of article prosperous pig?

Foot of article prosperous pig is dish of a classical another name for Guangdong Province, its distinctive practice makes entrance of pig foot flesh soft tender slippery, flavour is full-bodied sweet beauty. Practice of a kind of common foot of article prosperous pig is below:


- pig foot: 1

- fabaceous Chi: Right amount

- ginger: Right amount

- the head of garlic: Right amount

- dry chili: Right amount

- cooking wine: Right amount

- unripe smoke: Right amount

- often smoke: Right amount

- salt: Right amount

- candy: Right amount

- gallinaceous essence: Right amount

- chopped green onion: Right amount


1.pig foot abluent, stripping and slicing reserves.

2.Water is added in boiler, put pig foot piece, water of the scald after boil goes raw meat or fish, fish out drop is dry reserve.

3.Right amount oil is put in boiler, join garlic of ginger of fabaceous Chi, green and dry chili to fry sweet.

4.The pig foot that adds boil piece, after frying divide evenly, join cooking wine, unripe smoke, often smoke break up fry even tasty.

5.Enter right amount water, water quantity is not overmuch, just had built pig base piece can, the salt with right amount rejoin, candy and gallinaceous essence flavor.

6.Cook pig foot boil in a covered pot over a slow fire 30-40 minute, duration wants moderate, become soft till pig foot flesh.

7.Finally, scatter on chopped green onion is carried sweet can install dish.

Time of cooking of foot of article prosperous pig is longer, the stew that needs patience is boiled, flesh of foot letting a pig more tasty. According to individual taste, flavoring of OK and right amount increase and decrease, can join a few sweet hot condiment that oneself like, wait like Chinese prickly ash, add the administrative levels touch of mouthfeel.

上一篇:有氧健身操是什么? 有氧健身操的好处?英文双语对照