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西南财经大学自考专业如下:劳动与社会保障、会计、统计、财税、金融、工商企业管理 、 经济学、 市场营销等,具体信息建议详询院校。








自考 1、可在重大、西南大官网上查询重庆大学继续教育学院或西南大学继续教育学院相关信息,拨打对应专业联系人电话咨询; 2、直接去学校找,如重大在重庆大学A区大校门旁有很多自考招生的展板,可根据展板上留下的联系方式直接去办公室咨询;注意,不要轻信他人带你缴费,以前有骗子冒充重大工作人员骗咨询自考学生的钱。

ps:自考的话其实哪个学校都差不太多,关键是在自己,“自”考嘛 考研 专科毕业两年后可以参加研究生入学考试,现在研究生录取率3:1




可报专业: 大专:会计,人力资源管理,工商企业管理,市场营销, 本科:会计学、金融学、工商管理、市场营销、现代企业管理、财务管理、人力资源管理 西南财经大学自考最好考的专业,是本科工商管理,大专工商管理,人力资源管理。会计和金融专业专业很好,只是考试难度也更大。 西南财经大学自考最热门的专业也是会计和工商管理自考时间: 统考,每年两次,4,10 月份,每次至多报4门考试。通常2次就可以完成统考。 校考,每年两次,6,12月份,大专一般一次可以报3-4门,本科一次可以报5-6门。通常2次就可以完成校考。 本科通常6门统考+10门左右的校考。大专通常6门统考+7门左右的校考。其他与校考。红色是统考科目。校考科目不需要复习。 .全国大学英语四、六级考试合格成绩可以转免《英语(二)》,或用该专业规定的3门加考课程免考《英语(二)》 2.全国计算机等级一级或者二级可以免考计算机应用基础。 报考需要资料:1身份证正反面 2两寸蓝底证件照 3自考报名表 4如果报本科可以提供大专毕业证,如果暂时不提供也没关系,本科申请毕业的时候提供即可。 特别说明:拿学位证需要考学位英语,学位英语一年只能考一次,不是英语二。






One, the effect that university of southwest finance and economics studies undergraduate course oneself?

Answer: Still have a few use, divide a respect to say:

One: If you learned well, can master a lot of knowledge more inside same time.

2: Calculate you to did not learn well, in the future officeholder of pass an entrance examination, one's deceased father grind, pass an entrance examination certificate of qualification of a few professions when can use.

2, of university of southwest finance and economics it is difficult to take an examination of undergraduate course oneself?

Difficult, the difficulty that takes an examination of oneself is the most difficult in adult education, basically be to take an exam to cannot hold mainly, review limits bigger, but should master only revise a method, passing is to do not have a problem. Revise a method from what take an examination of financial major:

1, examination paper of past years of the download on the net and exam outline, seek the solution on teaching material book. Because take an examination of examination questions oneself,come out from inside inscribing a library, often can take an examination of repeatedly, want to bear these titles only, general pass mark does not have a problem.

2, review according to outline, the key back that requirement knowledge is written down and masters comes down, can have good result.

3, when the exam, should answer substantival explanation when brief answering question, the content that always can remember wants a face to allow only, write go up.

4, the thematic range that takes an examination of oneself is wide, but difficulty is not great, the content that should remember so is more.

3, how much does university of southwest finance and economics take an examination of this science to expend oneself?

It is an unit one year, calculate on purchase data and cost of exam signing up, only branch can be done 200 yuan 150 yuan calm.

4, does university of southwest finance and economics take an examination of undergraduate course what to major there is oneself?

University of southwest finance and economics takes an examination of major to be as follows oneself: Sale of tax of labor and social security, accountant, statistic, wealth, finance, industrial and commercial business management, economics, market, school of ask of detailed of material information proposal.

5, it is good that university of southwest finance and economics takes an examination of undergraduate course oneself?

University of southwest finance and economics takes an examination of undergraduate course to be sponsorred exclusively oneself for institute of profession of Sichuan the Yangtse River, it is OK this year to see you from your problem an average specialized subject school does not have a problem.

Why you can choose not to read a specialized subject and choose college of southwest finance and economics take an examination of undergraduate course oneself I believe dispute Chang Mingzhi. Today the mark of the specialized subject is science department it is division of 180 a single cent or penny it is 200 minutes, complete Sichuan has 10 thousand much person to did not go up only specialized subject line, after going down a few years, can saying to develop with this trend is specialized subject graduate everywhere, can be imagined the specialized subject diploma in those days contains Troy socially. This society can say now is a world that relies on ability to have a meal, but diploma is a very significant a brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served its purpose-a stepping-stone to success, university of southwest finance and economics takes an examination of undergraduate course oneself is to no matter be to be in,belong to full-time above all society or all sorts of enterprises are mixed is to suffer like diploma of other undergraduate course those who approbate. If if you choose to read,additionally still one takes an examination of undergraduate course oneself namely must oneself are very academic, because take an examination of undergraduate course oneself,be to belong to wide enter severe go out. Do I give you the school? =155+2813+3738, those who what does not understand you yourself can ask, wish you can learn to be become somewhat.

6, does university of southwest finance and economics take an examination of an accountant what to subject study oneself?

University of southwest finance and economics takes an examination of major to have oneself the following: Accountant report calculates change computer message to run market sale (specialized subject) accounting finance is industrial and commercial business management economics (undergraduate course)

7, three-year institution of higher learning graduates, does southwest university have an adult to be taken an examination of oneself?

You have two kinds of idea this kind, it is to attend to be taken an examination of oneself, 2 it is the graduate student that checks these two schools.

Take an examination of oneself 1, can inquire on net of great, southwest magnifico Chongqing university continues to teach a college or southwest university continues to teach a college pertinent information, dial phone of corresponding and professional contact to seek advice; 2, go to the school searching directly, be like great there is a lot of to be exhibited from what take an examination of recruit students beside door of senior colonel of area of Chongqing university A board, but the basis is exhibited board on the connection way that leave goes the office seeking advice directly; Attention, not credulous other takes your capture to expend, cheater pretends to be major staff member to cheat the fund that refers to take an examination of a student oneself before.

Ps: Which school is actually poor if be being taken an examination of oneself not quite much, the key is in oneself, "From " one's deceased father one's deceased father grind graduate student matriculation can attend after the specialized subject graduates two years, the graduate student admits rate 3:1 now

8, does the adult take an examination of Shanghai finance and economics to learn from good examples greatly oneself?

Difficulty should learning seriously only if be being taken an examination of oneself is not very big, be afraid that oneself are not serious, do not hold to, I learn to be taken an examination of oneself namely, it is OK still that graduation card contains Troy

9, it is good that is university of southwest finance and economics taken an examination of after all oneself?

Can sign up for major: Three-year institution of higher learning: Accountant, manpower resource manages, industrial and commercial business management, market sale, undergraduate course: Accounting, finance learns, resource of sale of industrial and commercial management, market, modern business management, financial management, manpower manages university of southwest finance and economics to take an examination of the major that had better take an examination of oneself, it is undergraduate course industrial and commercial management, three-year institution of higher learning is industrial and commercial management, manpower resource manages. Accountant and financial major are professional and very good, just take an exam difficulty is greater also. University of southwest finance and economics takes an examination of the most popular major oneself also is accountant and industrial and commercial management take an examination of time oneself: All take an examination ofing, annual two, 4, october, sign up for 4 exams at most every time. Can finish all take an examination ofing 2 times normally. School take an examination ofing, annual two, 6, december, three-year institution of higher learning can sign up for 3-4 door commonly, undergraduate course can sign up for 5-6 door. Can finish school take an examination ofing 2 times normally. Normally 6 all take an examination of undergraduate course + 10 right-and-left school are taken an examination of. Normally 6 all take an examination of three-year institution of higher learning + 7 right-and-left school are taken an examination of. Other with school take an examination ofing. Red is course of all take an examination ofing. Course of school take an examination ofing does not need to review. . Countrywide university English 4, achievement of qualification of 6 class exam can turn avoid " English (2) " , or add with 3 when this major sets take an examination of course to avoid one's deceased father " English (2) " 2. Countrywide computer order and degree one class or 2 class lest take an examination of the computer,can use a base. Enter oneself for an examination need data: Certificate of two inches of 2 blue grounds takes side of 1 Id positive and negative 3 take an examination of an application form oneself 4 if sign up for undergraduate course to be able to provide evidence of graduation of three-year institution of higher learning, if be not offerred temporarily,also have nothing to do with, when undergraduate course applies for graduation, offer can. Do not explain especially: Take degree card to need to take an examination of degree English, degree English can be taken an examination of one year only, not be English 2.

10, does university of southwest finance and economics take an examination of graduation to bachelor is taken oneself?


University of southwest finance and economics, be located in Sichuan to save the Chengdu City, it is college of directly under of Ministry of Education, country " double top-ranking " build a college.

School administer brilliance, Liu Lin two campuses, cover an area of more than mus 2300; Set 28 institutes (center) wait for education unit, 41 undergraduate course are professional; Full-time student 24600 more than person, full-time teacher 1300 more than person; Have discipline of 4 nations emphasis, 5 postdoctoral flow stand, doctoral degree program of course of 9 one degree, master degree program of course of 6 one degree, master degree program of 19 professional degree.
