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龙水湖畔 巴岳山下

烟波动影 如诗如画

富道穷理 弘科通技

追赶太阳 点燃心中朝霞

智慧之岛 绽放芳华

青春之鹰 放飞潇洒

博学笃行 风云叱咤

激情燃烧 不负时代韶华

以梦为马 铿锵作答

匠心铸魂 德鸣天下

科技报国 前程远大

搏击长空 雄鹰展翅向天涯

智慧之岛 绽放芳华

青春之鹰 放飞潇洒

博学笃行 风云叱咤

激情燃烧 不负时代韶华

以梦为马 铿锵作答

匠心铸魂 德鸣天下

科技报国 前程远大

技能高强 逐梦泱泱我中华

以梦为马 铿锵作答

匠心铸魂 德鸣天下

科技报国 前程远大

技能高强 逐梦泱泱我中华
























1. 机械/电气类:

- 机械设计制造及其自动化:083501

- 汽车服务工程:083602

- 车辆工程技术:083603

- 数控技术:083605

- 电气工程及其自动化:085101

- 建筑电气工程:085103

2. 计算机类:

- 计算机科学与技术:085405

- 网络工程:085406

- 软件技术:085407

- 数字媒体技术:050201

3. 化工类:

- 化学工程与工艺:085201

- 物流管理:120203

4. 旅游类:

- 酒店管理:120401

- 旅游管理:120402







One, is institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology tuitional?

Tuitional: 8500 yuan / year, 10800 yuan / year; Accommodation cost: 6 worlds 1600 yuan / unripe / year. Specific each major rate is as follows, hope to be helped somewhat to everybody, if have,change, allow with learning school government latest news to be.

One, rate of college of profession of Chongqing science and technology

The institute is in charge of sectional rate strictly to carry out according to case of Chongqing market price. High post (specialized subject) administrative levels eductional systme all is 3 years

1, tuitional:

Tuition collects fees it is 8500 yuan / year, 10800 yuan / year

2, accommodation cost:

6 worlds are accommodation cost standard 1600 yuan / unripe / year

Explain: Institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology is university of run by the local people

Normally for, fair because have country or support of local finance funds,run an university, tuition is not very expensive commonly, common kind of major normally 4000-6000 yuan annual, artistic kind of major normally 8000-10000 yuan annual, fair nevertheless do an university to also have China and foreign countries the share such as collaboration is high collect fees professional, tuitional normally 2-3 10 thousand yuan arrive higher even one year ten; Because university of run by the local people needs to funds raised by oneself, tuitional and general more expensive, undergraduate course is normally professional 15000-20000 yuan annual, 8000-15000 of specialized subject major yuan annual, also have more than 20000 yuan one year.

2, does institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology have how old?

The school is older, its cover an area of an area to have many mus 800, school building area has 300 thousand to make the same score rice, the school is located in Chongqing city classics of double bridge of large ample area opens an area, it is government of people of classics Chongqing city approval is established, the full-time that national Ministry of Education puts on record is common colleges and universities.

3, song of school of college of profession of Chongqing science and technology?

" green eagle "

Below Ba Yueshan of dragon water lakefront

If the poem is picturesque,mist-covered water uses an image

Division of great of manage of rich path end understands ability

Pursuant sun ignites the alpenglow in the heart

The island of wisdom blossoms fragrant China

Green eagle is put fly cheesy

Zha of Chi of wind and cloud of erudite earnest travel

Passionate combustion does not lose times Shao Hua

Reply for Ma Kengqiang with the dream

The world of De Ming of craftsmanship casting fetch

Science and technology dedicates oneself to the service of his motherland future is ambitious

Strike vast sky lanneret is volant to skyline

The island of wisdom blossoms fragrant China

Green eagle is put fly cheesy

Zha of Chi of wind and cloud of erudite earnest travel

Passionate combustion does not lose times Shao Hua

Reply for Ma Kengqiang with the dream

The world of De Ming of craftsmanship casting fetch

Science and technology dedicates oneself to the service of his motherland future is ambitious

Skill excel in pursues a dream magnificent my China

Reply for Ma Kengqiang with the dream

The world of De Ming of craftsmanship casting fetch

Science and technology dedicates oneself to the service of his motherland future is ambitious

Skill excel in pursues a dream magnificent my China

Pursue a dream my China

4, example of school of college of profession of Chongqing science and technology?

Annals of thick heart, erudite, whetstone, earnest goes

Example of school of character 8 of travel of annals of thick heart, erudite, whetstone, earnest wait for 4 respects counterpoise to celebrate institute of science and technology from moral character, school work, spirit, practice the person put forward to make clear a requirement. Its paraphrase is as follows:

Thick heart: Great moral sentiment and ideal are gone after, school education, yo is factitious this; Heart wisdom body is beautiful, moral education is first. Out at " The Book of Changes " : "The day goes be good at, gentleman with constantly strive to become stronger; Relief female, gentleman holds thing with thick heart " .

Erudite: Knowledge is extensive, namely clement fundamental theory, solid ABC and adept basic technical ability; Unity and coherence in writing is compatible, 100 divisions hold accept concurrently, professional domain do a job with skill and ease, high quality, compound model, beauty of heart wisdom body develops in the round. Out at " The Book of Rites? Middle " : "Erudite, cross-question " and " the analects of confucius " : "Gentleman is erudite Yu Wen " .

Whetstone annals: Volition of go through the mill, ambition is concentrated, gritty, advance despite difficulties, it is difficult to greet and go up, requirement teachers and students pays attention to edify adamancy volition and humanitarian spirit. Out Yu Sushi " Chao Cuo talks " : "The person that Guzhi establishs an important matter, do not exceed the ability of the world only, yi Biyou's firm and indomitable annals " .

Earnest goes: Be practical and realistic, advocate get right on the job, duteous not change, persistent pursuit, earnestly practise what one advocates, knowledge thinks of differentiate Gui Zaidu to go, integration of theory with practice of requirement teachers and students, study sth in order to apply it. Out at " The Book of Rites? Middle " : "Shen Saizhi, prudential, earnest goes " .

5, time of military training of college of profession of Chongqing science and technology?

Military training has 14 days or so commonly, it is two weeks normally, general arrangement termed begins in September hind. Also a few schools value this business quite, can extend military training time, arrange the military training time that a month influences.

Military training undertakes in campus of college of profession of Chongqing science and technology, the school can integrate the unit that seeks military training, into be stationed in campus, await military training end, they can return army together in. Military training trains content to include daily: Arrange internal affairs, lull, stand at attention, number off, place footfall, quick march and halt, ran goes with parade step and halt, halt, army appearance, sing army song, call catchword, take square line etc. The method that alignment trains is normally: Explain first, drill after; Decompose first, hind coherent; First single act, hind element movement. Explain to be united in wedlock with demonstrative photograph, coach of ground of movement of one by one.

6, how does institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology sign up?

Means signing up: The Id on the belt, school admits the material expect school such as requisition to sign up.

Institute of Chongqing science and technology signed up 2022 time: September.

Address of institute of Chongqing science and technology: Town of college of area of dam of Chongqing sanded level ground east road 20

Phone of institute of Chongqing science and technology signing up, QQ: See on the right side of place of online customer service.

Institute of Chongqing science and technology (school of the following abbreviation) predecessor is the school of Chongqing iron and steel industry that established 1951 and schools of southwest oil industry. Two school are below the leader of former metallurgy ministry, former oil ministry and Chongqing city, experience respectively reach school of Chongqing science and technology from school of Chongqing iron and steel industry.

7, how does institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology go?

Different campus takes different vehicle.

Cent of institute of Chongqing science and technology is two campuses, it is double bridge campus, 2 it is campus of 10 thousand cities. Area of double bridge courtyard: Development of technology of economy of Chongqing double bridge day star highway 25 (the new student reports for duty reach read an address) . Area of courtyard of 10 thousand cities: 10 thousand state divisions of Chongqing city double bayou is street Long Anlu 368. Double bridge campus can take a bus only, 10 thousand cities can sit Gao Tie, turn next inside city public transportation can.

8, military training of college of profession of Chongqing science and technology a few days?

Institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology is annual new student enter a school should undertake the military affairs trains, every time 15 days.

9, code of major of institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology?

1.Mechanical / electric kind:

- mechanical design makes reach its automation: 083501

- the car serves a project: 083602

- car project technology: 083603

- numerical control technology: 083605

- electrician Cheng and its automation: 085101

- build electrician Cheng: 085103

2.The computer kind:

- computer science and technology: 085405

- network project: 085406

- software technology: 085407

- digital media technology: 050201

3.Chemical industry kind:

- chemical project and craft: 085201

- content sheds management: 120203

4.Travel kind:

- hotel management: 120401

- travel management: 120402

10, what does major of institute of profession of Chongqing science and technology have?

School of technology of profession of Chongqing science and technology is the important site that develops professional, its major setting is varied, the engineering course that has a tradition already is professional, also have major of burgeoning science and technology. The main major that school of technology of profession of science and technology introduces in detail below reachs its characteristic, and note and summary.

Above all, school of technology of profession of science and technology basically offerred 6 major such as science of mechanical engineering, electronic information project, computer and technology, economy management, foreign language, art and medium. Among them, machinist Cheng major is the characteristic major of the school, the fundamental theory that basically develops a student to master machinist Cheng domain and practice skill, can pursue mechanical design, make, the job such as quality control and manufacturing management. Major of electronic information project pays attention to the fundamental theory that develops field of communication of student control electron and practice skill, can be engaged in network of communication project, computer, electron measuring the job that waits for a domain. Computer science and technical major pay attention to education student to master computer base theory and practice skill, can pursue the job of the domain such as safety of software development, network, database management. The fundamental theory that economic management major pays attention to education student to master economic management field and practice skill, can pursue the job of the domain such as sale of business management, market, financial management. Foreign language major pays attention to the fundamental theory that develops language of student control foreign language and practice skill, can pursue the job of the domain such as education of interpreter, foreign language, international communication. The fundamental theory that art and medium major pay attention to education student to master art and medium domain and practice skill, can be engaged in advertisement design, media making, the work that performs the domain such as art.

Next, the student should notice the following when the choice is professional: It is the interest that wants him foundation and specialty choice major, avoid to follow suit blindly; 2 it is the obtain employment foreground that should understand major and development trend, make good profession program; 3 it is to want to choose to whether need minor according to oneself actual condition other major, widen intellectual face.

Finally, sum up, major of school of technology of profession of science and technology is varied, can satisfy the requirement of different student. When should the student notice above when the choice is professional, undertake choosing according to oneself actual condition. The professional setting of the school is perfected ceaselessly and update, believe future returns meeting emerge in large numbers to give more and outstanding major choose for the student.

上一篇:气质女装文案? 时尚贵妇气质诗句?英文双语对照