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成都有几家银泰城? 成都银泰城几点关门?英文双语对照


成都有几家银泰城? 成都银泰城几点关门?英文双语对照



成都银泰城位于中国天府新区成都高新区核心,位于益州大道中段与天府四街交汇处,总建筑面积约50万方,是银泰集团在成都布局的第一座大型城市综合体。银泰城拥有大型购物中心、室外步行街、甲级写字楼、阿里巴巴西部基地等业态,涵盖了购物、休闲、餐饮、娱乐、办公等功能,为人们提供商务、生活24小时一站式服务。 [










2022年7月27日开业。店铺地址 成都银泰城购物中心L1层(植村秀专柜)。



不可以的! 但是实际我也在商场里看见过,主要还是看商场的管理!前段时候商场购物,撇开狗拉屎拉尿先不谈,狗凑到人的腿边又闻又舔就反感,如果咬伤他人,要是夏天穿短裤穿裙子,还要承受狂犬病的风险。对于已出现的违法现象,城管执法在哪里?

























One, a few Yin Taicheng does Chengdu have?

At present Chengdu has only.

City of Chengdu silver-colored peaceful is located in core of high new developed area of Chengdu of new developed area of Chinese weather government office, be located in middle of beneficial city highway and weather government office 4 streets are handed in collect place, total floor area makes an appointment with 500 thousand, it is silver-colored peaceful group synthesis of the first in Chengdu layout large city. Yin Taicheng has office building of the large shopping center, shopping mall outdoor, first class, Alibabaxibu the industry condition such as base, covered shop, the function such as recreational, meal, recreation, office, provide business affairs, life 24 hours for people one-stop service. Provide business affairs, life 24 hours for people one-stop service..

2, when does Chengdu Yin Taicheng close?

Answer: Zhou Yi comes Zhou Si and weekday 22: 00 close; Zhou Wuzhou 6 22: Close 30 minutes.

3, how to arrive Chengdu Yin Taicheng, the traffic situation of city of Chengdu silver-colored peaceful how?

Can by subway a line, to century city the station falls.

Also can sit public transportation 124, 236, to weather government office mouth of highway of city of 4 markets increase falls. Or 171, Hua Yang 4B, Hua Yang arrives 5 times 4 streets of weather government office east below the station, get off on foot probably 200 meters arrived, the traffic there need not worry about Yin Taicheng, the traffic south the city still develops quite, nevertheless Yin Taicheng still does not have practice at present, left September this year.

4, does Chengdu Yin Taicheng connect the subway?

Early of silver-colored peaceful city connects the subway ah, 2015 when it is OK that the subway delays a line to debut south a line to Yin Taicheng. If you want to arrive by subway Yin Taicheng's word, can take the subway a line to weather government office 3 streets stand or 5 markets station gives day seat of government station, next the pace is controlled 200 meters probably all right can arrive at Yin Taicheng. Hope my answer can help you thank.

5, is show of village of Yin Taicheng establish in Chengdu a few buildings?

In layer of shopping centers L1.

On July 27, 2022 practice. Layer of L1 of shopping centers of Yin Taicheng of shop address Chengdu (establish village beautiful shop) .

Hope my answer can be helped somewhat to you.

6, can Chengdu Yin Taicheng take a dog?

Not possible! But actual I also had seen in bazaar, still basically view the government of bazaar! Before paragraph moment bazaar shops, bypass dog shit pulls make water not to talk first, the leg edge to the person hears dog collect to be licked again again feel disgusted, if bite another person, if summer wears knickers to wear skirt, bear even hydrophobic risk. To the illegal phenomenon that already appeared, does city canal execute the law where?

Where is bazaar security personnel?

Walk on duty responsible?

The dog suffers from a problem to need serious processing, cogent the life health that maintains broad masses and safety.

7, where does petty gain jockey near Chengdu Yin Taicheng?

City street agency parking lot opens to the outside world on the west.

There still is parking lot of village of Wang Fu radical around, be apart from Yin Tai only many meters 200. Rate of parking lot of village of Wang Fu radical

Head for region of border area of week of 9 dragon lake to be able to choose 9 dragon to collect a park parking lot of parking lot of side of north of 9 dragon highway, path bay park (auroral road and crossing of annulus lake road) etc

8, what does Chengdu Yin Taicheng have delicious?

Just came back from Chengdu before two weeks.

1. yellow bean jelly and fresh water face are not delicious, can say be the first disappointment, do not suggest completely to eat. (on eating article different courtyard that very igneous inn)

2. boiler chief is OK still, of beef some more delicious! Also be eating Wen Shu on the side of the courtyard very fire very that inn of fire.

3. chicken claw is particularly special and delicious! Want to eat satisfy a craving of a few ability everyday in 4 days of Chengdu! Hare head does not have those who eat sweet piquancy late because of the comparison that went that day, patchy taste the five spices, the feeling is OK still. Know market of building of accurate Kui star " 2 are made smooth with a rake make chicken smooth with a rake "

4. chaffy dish. How to say, quite delicious, but in imagining delicious. Store of specific where home did not say the smell because of that inn actually very much the same, the price is very fortunately cheap, what nods settle on casually, two people are maintained dead also 300.

5. weighs a pound to recommend! Of street of Kui star building " Chengdu takes a settle or live in a strange place " ! ! ! Because of true refresh I am cognitive delicious not expensive! ! ! Flavour is the first in the plain course that I had taken! ! ! So that answer Beijing fast a month return bear in mind constantly the dish of his home! ! ! Absolutely Man Xing is recommended! Must go tasting! Specific dish is tasted recommend taste, because every dish is very delicious! (but person a lot of must discharge date ahead of schedule, make smooth with a rake with 2 make chicken smooth with a rake to be next to so can an edge such as the edge the claw that gnaw chicken! )

6. puts pink on the ice, 4 stars are recommended. Basically regard as the snacks that replies a public house everyday reconciles hot use. Some taste were tasted inside inn, basically do not have thunder, bit more informal. Inn name forgot, what the position takes a settle or live in a strange place in Chengdu of street of Kui star building is inclined on.

7. egg carbonadoes cake, become likewise a between-meal nibbles that hurry on with one's journey or replies a public house is very good, actually common for it is all sorts of stuffing makings on egg cake clip. Because flavour is about the same,do not have the commendation of specific inn, the inn that recommends on the net and the inn flavor of the uncle side the street are same. The word of taste likes by oneself completely, tasted basically besides what did not try the pickles that sounds a little strange, pretty good still! (forgot to take a picture again)

Summary: Chengdu is very small, just should ramble in city eating word can be tasted two days completely, believe everybody calculates actually saw so much recommend Chengdu to also be met with " came " state of mind tastes what those eating. The consumption because of Chengdu really not tall, also need not fear travelling expenses is insufficient, so although eat! Chengdu is a good place.

9, what do Chengdu Yin Taicheng and Yin Tai In99 have to distinguish?

Yin Taicheng and the distinction of silver-colored peaceful In99 depend on dimensions and fixed position differring. Yin Taicheng is a large shopping center, assembled numerous luxury and high-end brand, still have the state of of all kinds course of study such as meal, recreation at the same time, it is one of shopping places with the most welcome the Chengdu City. And Yin Tai In99 is mixed with light excessive brand fashionable tide brand is given priority to, and pay attention to consumptive demand of the youth more, fixed position is more relative civilian. In addition, the area of Yin Tai In99 and industry condition sort are opposite less, suit to shop and resolve basic life demand quickly.

10, which is what had better Yin Taicheng's cate eat?

Yin Taicheng, bluestone ox iron plate is burned.

Self-help form, after been choose according to different formula him level, chef spot is done; Beef, of bovine tongue and so on, still have seafood kind; Desert, self-help of beverage wine water. Had eaten, the sense is good still. Be worth to recommend.
