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  镜头一转,来到桃源组织的研究室。主角已经把过去的记忆全部想起来了,随后又陷入了昏迷,主角在睡梦中听见龙可酱的求助,第二章完 主角醒来后,发现自己处在精灵世界。先调查左边的树枝,再调查右边的大树,最后回来调查左边的树枝,进入下一版图。




























There is whole strategy here:

Game at the beginning, see warden eagle dwell and flat ghost willow. After accipitral dwell goes, ghost willow is surrounded by an evil influence and disappeared, so he is to serve as dark naevus person to get renascence, the companions that moved toward him...

Camera lens turns, here is demon world. A demon guides person bundle the child of outfit by two demon angle. Is there two mices (at the back of demon? ) , they took out a trident, the demon in front is turned into flag. Two mice return the eldest child over there, listened to the old to sneer a few times only...

In this world, the place that 3 differ... (elliptically) and this is 5D ' the foundation of the story journey of S. (Feel sorry, I am Japanese hard hand)

Here is demon world, a mysterious girl (Long Ke) say: "Who comes... who will help me! "Who comes... who will help me!!

Camera lens turns, come to peach source cereal. A researcher, Diweien and leading role are in a lab. After a paragraph of gut passes, leading role came to a room, the researcher still gave leading role card group. Two passerby introduced a name to us respectively, and the cadre that here is peach source cereal.

After gut passes, leading role can move freely, had better keep a file first at this moment, because want duel later.

Duel begins, the card group of the first passerby is group of card of LP of a reply, the card group of one's own side is X of second for generations study dynamical card group.

After duel wins, diweien comes in and introduce to us autumn, still tell leading role to want to let them invade an assembly room to have a plan.

After getting ready, can speak with the Huang Mao NPC of lower part, enter town of new Tong Shi. Enter upper part map, speak with guard, farewell reachs a moment ago place, in right next horn find an associate, speak to it and enter turn case small play.

Enter an assembly room, take the door of right. Produce the plot of a play right now (namely the) of that paragraph of gut that lucky cup fights each other with You Xing mid-autumn. After gut passes, want with NPC duel. After the victory, antic group person walked.

Want to wear when leading role, ka Li made protagonist, send Lai Gonglong's cry from the assembly room subsequently. Enter an assembly room, screen appears on Gong Long, issue the LOGO of screen occurrence WCS2010, do this begin formally now on behalf of game?

Ride intensely after taking decisive struggle, you Xing gained a victory. Leading role sees You Xing 2 people, bitterly genuflect come down, be to think of the thing previously it seems that?

It is a paragraph of big gut. After gut passes, need leading role walks out of peach source organization, the training room that enters left undertakes training, defeat left female 3 times to be able to be passed 3 times with the male riddle with right respectively. After passing, two NPC tell leading role to there will be D annulus test tomorrow.

Return constituent cadre, enter Zun Fang, diweien seeks leading role at this moment, let he and autumn duel. After duel, gut tells us actually is leading role was defeated, still let leading role hit a wall, too pulled...

The following day, leave constituent this department, go downward all the time, switch pursues to the earth, can reach city of new Tong Shi what choose one side together then.

Enter right, with the organization of the doorway the member speaks, enter D annulus test, difficulty is not great, can pass easily. After passing D annulus to check, encounter in doorway and You Xing, you Xing made the name of leading role actually, leading role holds a head in the arms bitterly again, luo Yi of the You Xing that remembered contented team is dressed up actually, gram reachs ghost willow! Subsequently Diweien comes, leading role returns an organization.

Camera lens turns, it is the lab of begin, after a paragraph of big the plot of a play that sees do not understand passes, the first chapter is over.

After leading role awakes, him discovery wears contented group group to take, there is gram collect before, overcoming Luo Xiang is B.A.D here. Area, take guard again next and magnetic card gives leading role, let leading role steal calorie of set.

After preparation is over (remember change guard to take) , can in the gram the of a bit place side Luo Jiayou finds gram collect (investigate the bridge most inside, can get) of D turbine ala. With gram collect speaks, overcome (of Luo Qu accost? ) the guard before guard bureau door, and leading role is being taken the advantage of enter guard bureau to steal calorie of set at this moment.

Take guard bureau entrance, investigate door right insert groove, the door opened. Those who enter ground floor is right, run to beverage machine (first? ) hind, wait for guard to turn when the head, just control leading role to run over.

Enter calorie of group custodial library, investigate upper part the 4th case, can get leading role and gram collect card group, the person that have fun at can go to the 2nd right, be being written down can get gush glow bug and phlogistic jail charmer.

The person takes after stealing calorie of set, return gram collect home, produce the plot of a play. After gut passes, with the child decisive struggle that overcomes collect home doorway, the Keluohui after the victory gives the 7 stage property of bandits. D annulus should check again later.

Towards the left of Home Cong Keluo goes, go up again all the time, switch pursues to the earth, choose B.A.D. A that of division upper part, enter satellitic area, go right next, go downward again, in file You Xing sees near the dot, speak to it, begin to check D annulus, still do not have difficulty, 10DP gets after passing, d annulus increases to install an interface in menu.

Return satellitic division, go downward, produce the plot of a play, want with ghost willow duel. After duel, ghost willow can give leading role gene werewolf, still tell leading role to there will be contention fight tomorrow. (The life of gangdom began... )

Return gram collect home, speak to it, rest.

The following day, after preparation with gram collect speaks, enter contention battle! Go the leftest, investigate green arrowhead, a passerby ran, to it duel. (When everybody enters each, ask great investigation, because can a few star or DP appear, star is very useful in 2 weeks of eye. Star is very useful in 2 weeks of eye..

Enter the 2nd, go among when, produce the plot of a play, with the passerby duel that bullies ghost willow.

Enter three-layer, go right, see a child comes out, say oneself are BOSS, the plot of a play produces after overturning him.

After gut passes, enter that one map that overcomes Luo Jiasuo to be in, produce the plot of a play, the child that overcomes Luo Jia by abduct, with gram collect speaks, enter cycle racing mode, want to let leading role exceeded passerby to go only. Again gut, with passerby duel. The fellow of abduct child ran, the child came back. After returning gram collect home, the child sent a piece of card to give leading role (feel sorry, I forgot it calls what) .

Go satisfying line base, after gut passes, speak with the ghost willow before base door, enter contention battle again. (That what, b.A.D. Does the area have really so gangdom? Does the area have really so gangdom??

Enter ground floor, investigate most the old X machine of top right corner, a passerby was played come out, of torment. Torment hind enters the 2nd.

Enter the 2nd, leading role runs to be pushed () You Xing, former foe sets cave in trap already. You Xing ran, passerby came, of torment.

Walk out of the 2nd, BOSS came, it is the tactic of several persons taking turns in fighting one opponent to tire him out this, leading role need Koes twice BOSS, and LP restores cannot, midway can change SIDE, careful behavior went. The 2nd times then contention battle succeeded!

The following day, go satisfying line base. Just when go base when, see ghost willow, need and his duel, willow of the ghost after duel can give leading role aegis break. Gram collect home is returned later, with gram collect speaks, undertake duel, the Keluohui after duel gives leading role thunder to defeat. Ghost willow came, he tells leading role tomorrow is last contention battle! (Need not live the life of gangdom eventually)

Two children before the door come in, making a noise to be troubled by want and overcome Luo Jue to fight, gram collect for spare time, the decision comes TAG duel, introduced the regulation of TAG duel to leading role again next. The leading role after listening can speak with two children, enter TAG duel, (Word compose a quarrel overcomes BF of Luo Yi reinstate, OTK is bright really) the Keluohui after duel gives leading role calculator the person. With gram collect speaks, rest.

The following day, should have final contention fight eventually! (Leading role argot: Every day such duel, I already X used up a person to die... )

After entering, leading role sees Jackie is being besieged by 4 people, leading role him decision is done decide two, jackie is done again decide two (the friend that the advice uses gold, use here surely win gold can bring about one's own side to defeat) . Ladder goes upstairs after getting finished, enter the 2nd, the 2nd does not have gut without duel, enter three-layer. Need only in three-layer with two passerby duel, duel hind enters the 4th, the 4th still does not have gut without duel, it is to use those who collect a thing, after closing, be collected slowly again can. Enter the 5th, the hand that sees You Xing is being grasped closely closely by ghost willow, two people deep feeling is right inspect, everybody does not agree to let go, look they already duel eventually world look was defended, the ~(that scatter a flower is especially big by accident) just when BOSS wants to go finish when two people, leading role come out boldly (the) of good appearance, to it duel, this special regulation is 4000LP of one's own side, hostile 8000LP. Then ghost willow and You Xing came up, happy still ground and say to leading role: "It is satellitic division is asked for completely so bully! "It is satellitic division is asked for completely so bully!!

Several in the future, leading role and Jackie, You Xing is in the top layer of base, can mix they two duel, blame is mandatory. (After duel, jiekehui gives time capsule, you Xing can give screw hedgehog)

Walk out of base, discover ghost willow is teaching in tone small too (by accident) . Visit a base, produce the plot of a play, gram collect runs to ask ghost what willow is doing, ghost willow says he is keeping clear of remaining confederates, gram collect says unapt such, the other side is a dot only, ran next, subsequently Jackie and leading role also ran.

The following day, go to overcome Luo Jia, go right, see gram collect, chat with him. Gram collect tells leading role a fokelore about satellitic division, a man comes to satellitic division, he sees the islands on everyday, next his duel should build a bridge, come to join satellite division and city inside, at the beginning, everybody thinks this man is a fool, but the action of this man lets everybody feel this is not impossible, so everybody helps him, progress is very good. But one day, the guard inside city came, they prevent a man to build this bridge, that man is chased after to get have no way out by guard, there are two choices before him now, otherwise stays all one's life in the jail, otherwise becomes fokelore, the man chose to become fokelore, rush out on the bridge then. (G father's younger brother feel happy secretly: Did not think of elder brother has become fokelore ~ )

The small LOLI that overcomes Luo Jiaqian walks over to tell gram collect, ghost willow and guard are together, overcome Luo Qutong to know Jackie, and leading role informs You Xing to base.

After gut passes, still inquire for our old friend -- slip into, basically do not want ran to won't be discovered by guard. Remind, after entering three-layer, need enters different number the 2nd room, escape the line of sight of guard through the door in the room, run there You Xing later can. Leading role and You Xing enter the room that ghost willow is in together, see ghost willow has Koed guard in the ground. Everybody returns base later top layer, gram collect sees guard people gather in base doorway, ghost willow, gram collect and Jackie 3 people foregone, after You Xing and leading role go out, ground of shoulder heavy responsibilities says to leading role: "I want to surrender, want me to surrender with the honor of chieftain only, you won't be chased, after I am absent, you should guard everybody well, when should guarding a this market interconnected system to seductively dressed or made up more stumble, request you! " say to run out, if Zhu Jun has fun at to the gut later, can review 5D ' S54-55 word.

After gut passes, with gram collect speaks, rest. Does leading role hear (of ancient bewitching dragon? ) appeal, leading role told gram collect the content of the dream later, diweien appears right now, he hears leading role can join demon world, when after gram collect goes back, wash X with what wash X(or card edition, true apprentice resembling card) clean leading role memory, bring back peach source organization to study well. (Lead capacity right now ascertain)

Camera lens turns, come to the lab that peach source organizes. Leading role has thought the memory in the past entirely, was immersed in again subsequently insensible, leading role listens to those who see Long Ke sauce to appeal in sleep, the 2nd chapter is over after leading role awakes, him discovery lies demon world. Investigate left branch first, investigate the large tree of right again, come back to investigate left branch finally, enter below one territory.

Had collected two bastinado first, go the bridge of upper part, stop chute flow, go again most right, go inland (allow me please so call) , collect the bastinado before the door, go building the bridge then (namely the bridge) of sprinkler left, let chute flow finally, the gate left.

Enter demon town, see play the demon of one begin guides person child, the child gave leading role card group, catch cruel. After cruel, the child can give leading role weight of 10 thousand treasure, then need goes sauce of rescue Long Ke (I like a hero to save the United States most and overturned) , a tiny spot can be found in urban fountain. Go up all the time then, until see a mice, of cruel. Cruel hind can enter shrine.

Enter shrine, upper part can not go, be obliged so right. Go right, the rod or staff used for a specific purpose that gives with the child opens the door, see Long Ke sauce, a mice runs later, of cruel.

After a paragraph of big gut, go right, go looking for the lion. The enigma here did not explain, the individual becomes aware he plays is very interesting still. After crossing enigma, see the lion, the lion was plunged into by XXX foot, feel person of group of Long Ke sauce is hellion, long Ke sauce wants to let leading role and lion duel, and oneself take the advantage of this time to unplug that XXX, made reply is sober. Later a paragraph of big the plot of a play that sees do not understand, the 3rd chapter is over.

The 4th chapter:

Go out, reach the room that Ka Li is in, automatic gut. After gut passes, get " small piece of land surrounded by water the press release of sauce " , be informed Yuan Wangjie Ke Atelasi and smelt metal install director bureau Ge Dewen is satellitic division one's previous experience. (Actually G father's younger brother is the man in that fokelore)

Continue gut, wanted to slip into again now, what go investigating lower part first is statuary, bring passerby come over, oneself can run. To Zun Fang, when taking the first room, long Ke sauce is given out to leading role again appeal, after rescueing, you Xing runs, 3 people come a room, long Ke sauce said the thing of demon world to You Xing, next You Xing gave leading role card group and magnetic card again.

Continue to slip into, here should not press B key ran only, take leftmost room can. Need and two passerby undertake TAG duel later, after the victory, two passerby solved brainwashing. Later rescue Long Ya, to the map among, investigate the controller by elevator, go to. (Gut: Block Li sauce to be Koed by Weidien, dark mole person becomes to revive later)

Want to run again, diweien appears later, to it duel, after overturning him, diweien wants to Ko with bolide leading role, who knows to be reflexed by the magic wand of leading role, eat one's own bitter fruit. Enter right map, occurrence gut, autumn sauce and Misidi fight each other, the floor below elevator takes later.

Produce the plot of a play, dark the sauce blocking Li that change appears (big love) , overturn Diweien, too beautiful! Diweien falls down from upstairs later () of feeling of true happy event, autumn sauce cried actually (You Xing: Diweien I am not your fellow killed you cannot) .

Peach source organizes building collapse, jackie picks up Dekali's glasses in remains, after gut passes, leading role is numerous appear in miscellaneous He Jia, miscellaneous congratulate lets leading role should do legwork, go sending a thing to barkeeper, miscellaneous He Jia is returned later, gut hind and You Xing speak, enter rest.

In the late night, leading role was made a noise to wake, walk out of a room, see You Xingzheng is in with two passerby duel, in the room that he still says to a passerby runs into autumn sauce, let leading role save her.

Enter the room of autumn sauce, gut hind and NPC speak, of cruel. With passerby duel hind, autumn sauce because sadness and anguish are cruel went, need leading role defeats her, make her sober, later gut, still hold out fan person.

The following day, go to the front of the door, see You Xing is mixed autumn sauce (some crab still asked yesterday night does not have a thing, it is apparently had slept with the family) , the plant that autumn sauce can give 6 bits a group of things with common features unisonant strange animal. Narrow mist young lady tells everybody later, ge Dewen seniors office or officer to want to call together all dragon mole people to reach his home now, the 4th chapter is over.

Arrived Gedewen is magisterial, he and dragon mole of people introduction Gong Long and star civilian the history, the classmate that have fun at can see 5D's42 word. Gut hind and oxtail speak, can return B.A.D. Area.

Go overcoming Luo Jia above all, a paragraph of big the plot of a play that sees do not understand (gram collect suddenly turn hostile that paragraph very good laugh) hind, keluohui piles li of D leading role from reject annulus procrastinate come out, later with gram collect speaks, undertake riding taking decisive struggle to it, he can give leading role card of a piece of trap later (forgot a name, be being written down nevertheless is to let battle harm be the) of 0. Contented line base and You Xing are answered to speak later (pitiful gram collect, your passerby) , the ghost willow that turns dark mole into the person then appears, tell lead group the person, must want to be before dusk seal old MOMENT, otherwise the king of dark bound can appear destroy the world. After coming out from base, met with the everybody of dragon mole person, everybody says he saw dark mole person. Long Ke sauce and Long Yalai seek leading role, it is to let leading role save ancient bewitching dragon together so, with Long Ke sauce speaks, enter demon world.

Go north, the shrine that goes be being had been to before. Go this north, usage bastinado wants to ignite candlestick later, order is ordinal be: Below, right below, right on, medium, left on, left below (XD aunt offers) . Enter a gate then, produce the plot of a play, one is hit to come to an end with BOSS later, here has special regulation, every bout both sides should reduce LP 500 a little bit. After be being hit, ancient bewitching dragon is liberated, leave demon world at the same time.

Return real world, go right, see Long Yahe bareheaded is in duel, after gut, leading role and Long Ke sauce give battle to overturn him together. After overturning him, lower part of towards the left goes, see wave horse, should ride with him by duel, special regulation is: After letting wave horse call give ground ligature look, defeat him to just calculate defeat him truly (his call together such as proposal Zhu Jun gold leaves on wheeler, the Dedoubunai such as my became irritated... ) .

After defeating wave horse, enter wrong lower part, begin the race, intermediate meeting has ground ligature god to hold back leading role advancement, suggest everybody throws money in D on · annulus, do not have the word that change one's costume or dress, biff was hanged, buy shield, supercharger and change fast a bit taller D annulus, curved performance of this D cycle is even high nevertheless. Go up in road when, not avaricious, put attention in avoid trap to go up.

After the match ends, speak with You Xing, with ghost willow undertakes riding taking decisive struggle later, special regulation is: At the beginning when everybody is 0 hands card, every bout takes card. The card proposal of compensatory hand card is put more a few, get stuck after all little, get the better of rate is low also. (Can see You Xing and ghost willow hold the gut that be together in the arms later, the detail sees 5D's55 word please)

After defeating ghost willow, return original place, xiang Na goes. Can see black the sauce blocking Li that change, special regulation is: Round takes two pieces of card. Of card use up big, should notice to block group measure. A paragraph of big gut is after the victory (the detail sees 5D's59 word) please.

Towards the left falls later, see autumn with Misidi, overturn Diweien first (abhorrent red hair) , go overturning Misidi after gut (desire elder sister loves) greatly. Go north subsequently, enter old MOMENT in, add duel with Lu De, special regulation is: Must want win out inside 20 bouts.

After overturning him, dragon mole is numerous appear in Home Gedewen. Go up, with antic duel. Enter Wen Zhai of elder brother heart, father's younger brother of the G that perform explodes garment good fun (good a muscle male! ) , g father's younger brother should be overtaken in circuit later.

G father's younger brother is played together with You Xing after overtaking, special regulation is: 16000LP of G father's younger brother. World War II, ride with G father's younger brother by duel, without special regulation. The 3rd battle, as common as G father's younger brother duel, still do not have special regulation. Anyhow makes final fight this on unlike, not be to join battle, and the card group of G father's younger brother also is not the mainstream, can saying is a lot of easier.

Hit final and afterwar, can see 5D's69 word, g father's younger brother and he is old the scene that elder brother repents, ending is after looking, ending music is very Orphean still.

Was over
