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育儿名言? 爱默生的育儿名言?英文双语对照


育儿名言? 爱默生的育儿名言?英文双语对照


1. 所有育儿经验都仅供参考,每个宝宝都是一个独立的个体,别人的育儿良方并不一定适合你的宝宝!

2. 成功教育的奥妙在于:先设立一个较低的目标,让孩子体验到成功的快乐,然后再追求更高一级的目标。

3. 不要整天将别人家的孩子挂在嘴上,那样会伤孩子的自尊心。 可以在合适的时候通过适当的方式让孩子了解到差距,并鼓励孩子,你也可以!


教育成功的秘密 ,在于尊重学生。——爱默生







您好,1. "孩子的心是最真实的,我们的任务就是用真心去呵护它。"

2. "给孩子一份快乐,就是给自己一份幸福。"

3. "孩子是上天赐予我们最美好的礼物,我们要用心去珍惜和呵护。"

4. "教育不是填鸭式的灌输,而是引导孩子自觉地去探索和成长。"

5. "家庭教育是孩子一生的底蕴,我们要做的不仅是传授知识,更是传递正能量。"

6. "孩子的成长不是一朝一夕的事,我们需要耐心和爱心去陪伴他们一路成长。"

7. "孩子的天性是好奇和求知,我们要给予他们足够的空间和资源去发掘和探索。"

8. "教育不是竞争,而是合作和共赢,我们要让孩子学会团队精神和合作意识。"

9. "孩子的成长需要父母的陪伴和关爱,我们要做到及时发现和解决问题,让孩子在健康快乐的环境中成长。"

10. "孩子是未来的希望和社会的栋梁,我们要教育他们热爱生命,热爱家庭,热爱祖国。"




1. "父母是孩子最好的老师和朋友。" - 蒙台梭利

2. "孩子们的童年就像一块未雕刻的石头,父母是雕刻家,塑造他们的未来。" - 罗伯特·英格索尔

3. "育儿并不是简单地满足孩子的物质需求,更重要的是满足他们的情感和心理需求。" - 伊莎贝尔·法瑞尔

4. "爱是培养孩子性格和自信心的基石。" - 尤金妮·洛克哈特

5. "亲子关系是建立在相互尊重和理解基础上的。" - 李子柒

6. "在孩子的成长过程中,培养他们的独立性和自主性非常重要。" - 爱因斯坦

7. "尊重孩子的个体差异,注重个性的发展,是培养孩子终身成长的基础。" - 弗洛伦斯·埃环

8. "父母的陪伴和关注是孩子成长中最重要的礼物。" - 潘笛

9. "通过鼓励和赞赏来建立孩子的自信心和积极性。" - 玛丽亚·蒙特梭利

10. "做好家庭教育,是为孩子树立一面明亮的大旗,引领他们生命的航程。" - 约翰·杜威

















  四、 一句温暖的话拉近两个人的距离,一种睿智的教育启迪两代人的心智。











Yo logion?

1.All Yo experience offers reference only, every darling is an independence is individual, the Yo of others the darling that effective prescription does not suit you certainly!

2.Does the secret of successful education depend on: ?

3.Do not hang the child of others home on the mouth all the day, can hurt the child's proper pride in that way. Can be in appropriate when let the child know difference through proper way, encourage the child, you are OK also!

The Yo of Emerson logion?

Teach successful secret, depend on respecting a student. -- Emerson

Yo intellectual logion name sentence?

1 weather variation takes a heart early.

2 get ill by the mouth should take care, notice darling dietetic hygiene.

3 environments should be careful filthily.

Two 4 habits want the intention, before having a thing, should wash his hands, do not want an edge to eat thing edge to play a toy.

Yo logion name sentence article table?

Hello, 1. The heart of " child is the truest, our job caresses it namely with sincerity. "

2." gives the child a pleasure, give oneself a happiness namely. "

3." child is God bestows our best gift, cherish and we should be caressed attentively. "

4." teachs not be force-feed duck type to engraft, guide the child to explore and grow self-consciously however. "

5." family teachs the details that is child lifetime, what we should do is to impart not only knowledge, it is to deliver more energy. "

6.Of " child the thing that growing is not in one day, we need patience and love to accompany them to grow all the way. "

7.The nature of " child is curiosity is mixed curious, we should give their enough space and resource to disentomb and be explored. "

8." education is not competition, cooperate however and win-win, we should let the child learn group spirit and cooperative consciousness. "

9.The company of the growing need parents of " child and care, we should be accomplished discover in time and solve a problem, let the child grow in the environment of healthy joy. "

10." child is the pillar of prospective hope and society, we should teach them to have deep love for life, have deep love for a family, have deep love for the motherland. "

About scenic Yo logion?

Give oneself child an arena that grow, let the ray that the child extends him credit

Yo expert celebrity logion?

1." parents is the child's best teacher and friend. "- benefit of unconscious stage shuttle

2.The childhood of " children resembles not carven stone, parents is sculptor, shape their future. "- Robert Ingersoll

3." Yo the corporeal demand that is not simple contented child, more important is the feeling that satisfies them and psychological demand. "- Fa Ruier of · of Er of Yi Sha shellfish

4." love is the cornerstone that develops child disposition and self-confident heart. "- Ni · Lock breaths out Eugene special

5." parentage is to build what go up in mutual respect and understanding foundation. "- plum seven

6." is in growing process of the child, the independent character that develops them and autonomy are very significant. "- Einstein

7." respects individual difference of the child, pay attention to the development of individual character, it is education the child is lifelong the foundation that grow. "- Florence Ai annulus

8.The company of " parents and attention are the child the mainest present in growing. "- Pan Di

9." builds self-confident heart of the child and enthusiasm through encourage and admiring. "- Maria Mengtesuo benefit

10." does good family education, it is to be the child to establish the old standard with bright one side, lead them the range of life. "- John Dewey

Yo jewel the first word?

The first word: Come slowly, he will cure you!

I and my home child get along in the process, no matter how get angry, no matter how want to lay a person, remember a word closely: Of one's own! Of one's own! Of one's own! Because all communication solve the premise of the problem,be to want calm.

Cannot help really of course with respect to deep breathing a few, below be pacified, be pacified is bad to close in the room to let his enrage disappear with respect to oneself chat with him again.

Did not keep back starting work also is, raise high, fall gently. I am bad-tempered, very urgent, the time that bears so is more! !

Ask for the ancients the logion about teaching children and grand children?

Out Chinese acting Liu has " · of book of Sichuan of · of annals of the Three Kingdoms first advocate pass " . Translation: Because be a lesser evildoing,do not work, because be an accident of minor be apt to,do not want with respect to care naught for.

2, black hair does not know to learn frequently early, hoary head square regret reads late.

3, 3 people go, have my division Yan surely.

Choose its be apt to person and from, its are not good at person and change. Of Confucius of out year period " · of the analects of confucius is narrated and " . Translation: A few people travel together, among them sure have the person that can become my teacher. I choose his good side to learn to him, the side that sees he is bad contrasts the defect that oneself correct oneself.

4, annals should put Gao Yuan. Out Chinese acting Zhu Geliang " Zhu Geliang gives birth to a book outside collect · commandment " . Translation: The person ought to cherish Gao Yuan's ambition.

5, gone yuan know all things sky, but Bei does not see a poetic name of China is the same as. Land of out the Southern Song Dynasty swims " show " . Translation: I know originally, after I am dead, everything terrestrial had nothing to do with me; But make me exclusively distressed, it is me fail what saw with one's own eyes sees the motherland is unified.

Yo of a word classical ana?

One, successful origin develops good habit as a child namely, inchoate education is in again benefit other people is fine breathed.

2, mental health is compared healthy more important, often be together with the child the mirth, game, study, psychology that makes the child forms health, thrive.

3, without perfect education, need to coach without perfect life Mr. ; , the parent needs guidance, the child needs to guide.

4, the distance that a warm word helps nearly two people, a kind of sagacious education edifies the intelligence of two acting people.

5, want to let the child become happy person, ask wisdom introduction.

6, if you are certain your child is born,be a talent, so you won't say to the child: "Your whats do not understand " . If you are certain your child is born,be angel, you won't say to the child: "If you are not obedient, I do not like you " .

7, remember giving the child everyday please " 3 " thing: An an a smile, hug, kiss! Because an a your smile, hug, kiss is the fountainhead of child happiness, happy child is self-confident.

8, arouse and the child's interest likes to come, do not choose to come with subjective judgement.

9, important is not the problem that discovered the child, want to discover the reason that causes these problem backside however, so, before wanting to correct the child, meditate first oneself err.

10, no matter all behavior of darling are: Mischievous and obedient, good it is with not good; in infant education, the highest state of love is the eyes that uses breathed smile and care.

Yo does the concept sum up a word to generalize?

Parental love and including is the child's greatest bottom energy of life!

Give the child termless love, love them originally appearance, love their crude character, do not bring to bear on with the excuse of love manacle, allow them to be explored freely inside regular limits, give oneself alive this true one side, release the energy of life!
