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4、 加入生姜片、葱结、花椒、黄酒、酱油、鸡清汤,清水各适量;







2、比较适合小狗:小乖、香香、美莎、依依、靓靓、小奇、MM、安安、小兜,臭臭,凶凶,笨笨,呆呆,傻傻,呼呼,虎虎,糊糊,咪咪,猫咪,豆豆,傻乎乎, 洛克,捷克,恺撒,道格,查理,威廉,维维安。

























One, encyclopedia of pet chelonian breed, it what pet chelonian raise is good to what pet chelonian raise?

Pet chelonian is more, see you like what kind of variety. Have Brazilian tortoise, red ear chelonian, yellow head chelonian, the many breed such as monetary chelonian. The appearance of every kinds of chelonian is different, some likes this to plant, some jubilation the sort of. You arrive above net of the world pet look, there are the introduction of all sorts of chelonians and feed knowledge above that

2, large pet chelonian?

Recommend China careless chelonian, still can raise Brazilian chelonian next, these tortoises are OK and grown, among them the rate that Brazilian chelonian grows is rapidder than careless chelonian.

3, pet chelonian rank?

One, monetary chelonian

Monetary chelonian is a kind of rarer tortoise, like to live in covert place to like commonly gregarious together and winter will be hibernant. Because feral monetary chelonian sells well lesser quite so for the amount. Have very high officinal value.

2, blaze chelonian

Blaze chelonian lives in the place such as lake, river, pond is the whole world one of chelonian of 10 big the most welcome pet. The breastplate of this kind of tortoise is yellow can place sometimes erubescent, the skin is the stripe that black goes to to have yellow and red olivaceously.

3, Burmese land chelonian

Burmese land chelonian distributings to wait for an area in Guangxi and Yunnan commonly is a kind of more welcome pet chelonian. But it is for the most part reach different area dispersedly next from what southeast Asia entrance comes over.

4, map chelonian

Map chelonian is the tortoise with a kind of more distinctive appearance. Have the environment of different breed and characteristics and perch. Include chelonian of yellow spot map and north to draft the tortoise of the many breed such as map chelonian and chelonian of heart city map among them.

5, egg chelonian

Egg chelonian is the chelonian of a kind of pet that compares popularity to raise now, because carry armour on the back to show,compare elliptically smooth, from above look to resemble downward greatly egg. The friends that so those like to raise pet chelonian with respect to entitle egg chelonian.

6, ground chelonian

Ground chelonian also is called maple leaf chelonian is a kind of appearance compares unique type of build or figure to compare small tortoise. Back has buff vertical grain glossily quite. The color of back is the sort of gold yellow and withered yellow.

4, pet chelonian breed?

One, Brazilian chelonian

Brazilian chelonian is chelonian of common a kind of pet, chelonian of red ear of formal name Brazil, another name is red ear chelonian, pretty bright and beautiful chelonian, mahjong chelonian, disposition is lively, chelonian of any more homebred than me a kind of fresh water are active, originate in American Mississippi formerly coastal reach central america area, our country 1987 introduce a fine variety, ever had a large number of breed aquatics, all can discover in the natural water system of each district.

2, map chelonian

Map chelonian is chelonian of common a kind of pet, distributing extensively to arrive at American Florida city Texas, save till Canadian Quebec north, the part such as appearance and slippery chelonian, bright and beautiful chelonian is similar, but map chelonian has a lot of unique features, have chelonian of map of chelonian of chelonian of unconscious face map, map blocking elder brother, Huang Ban, Mixixibi commonly chelonian of map chelonian, heart city map.

3, bright and beautiful chelonian

Bright and beautiful chelonian is chelonian of common a kind of pet, originate in North America formerly, in fact bright and beautiful chelonian also is to distributing chelonian of the widest water of the North American, happy perch in velocity of flow qualitative, hydrophyte abounds slow, silty bottom, in the water system such as the around river that has the place that bask in a back, laky, pond, marsh, have commonly western chelonian of bright and beautiful chelonian, bright and beautiful of the eastpart part two kinds.

4, yellow larynx drafts water chelonian

Yellow larynx drafts water chelonian is chelonian of common a kind of pet, chelonian of another namer stone, stone money chelonian, Huang Ban chelonian, originate in and other places of archipelago of ball of China, Vietnam, Japan, Liu formerly, have extremely tall view and admire value and scientific research value, notable is yellow larynx drafts water chelonian (be restricted only field is planted group) belong to a country 2 class protect an animal, privately is raised, catch, traffic yellow larynx to draft water chelonian to all attribute illegal action.

5, China careless chelonian

China careless chelonian is chelonian of common a kind of pet, chelonian of another namer tortoise, tortoise, Chinese ink, originate in China formerly, in fact China careless chelonian also is our country chelonian kind in distributing a the widest kind, very popular on the international market, what Japan, Philippine, Euramerican and other places is what its inspect lucky, prolong life is indicative.

6, alligator chelonian

Alligator chelonian is chelonian of common a kind of pet, chelonian of another namer crocodile, in fact alligator chelonian also is one of the world's greatest fresh water chelonian, basically have big alligator chelonian and small alligator tortoise two kinds big, chelonian of true alligator of formal name of big alligator chelonian, formal name of small alligator chelonian drafts alligator chelonian (have 4 subspecies,

5, it what chelonian pet chelonian chooses is good that what chelonian pet chelonian chooses?

China careless chelonian

Belong to our country native land species, disposition is docile, in the very much rich that raise chelonian advocate over there can see this chelonian follows careless gold, small carp mixes raised video, main with chelonian grain, dried shrimps is fed feed, but also can prey vivid content, just prey the process is far plant without other chelonian so fierce.

The price of China careless chelonian kisses likewise with Brazilian chelonian civilian, also be the breed that belongs to sturdy to be raised easily, suit to raise chelonian novice to enter pit very much.

6, does chelonian eat law encyclopedia?

Flesh of tortoise of braise in soy sauce

Material: Tortoise 500 grams, medlar 30 grams, walnut 35 grams, a few of gourmet powder, green Chinese onion, ginger, Chinese prickly ash, yellow rice or millet wine, rock candy, soy


1, grind walnut flesh broken end, medlar is abluent;

2, in putting the tortoise the basin, add hot water to make an appointment with 40 degrees to make its discharge make water, go splanchnic and head, sufficient, turtle shell, abluent, cut fleshy piece;

3, burn boiler heat, add vegetable oil, burn to 6 after becoming heat, put chelonian meat piece, break up repeatedly fry;

4, join ginger piece, clear soup of green knot, Chinese prickly ash, yellow rice or millet wine, soy, chicken, clear water each are right amount;

5, add broken end of flesh of rock candy, medlar, walnut again, leave with flourishing baked wheaten cake first, convert again small fire cook over a slow fire is stewed;

6, to chelonian flesh ripe sodden, with flavour of gourmet powder mix up, break up fry a few times, fill a bowl inside can.

7, does pet comment on an encyclopedia?

Dog dog is very clever feline cat is very nimble hare hare is very lovely

8, pet name encyclopedia?

1, eviler those who do: Stupid stupid, slow-witted slow-witted, spit spit, foolish foolish, for nothing, Ni of quite egg of beautiful flower, egg, strange, Ni, ah name of above of slow-witted, HOHO is OK also add small be like: Small stupid, small slow-witted, floret.

2, suit a doggie quite: Small good, sweet sweet, beautiful Sha, supple, beautiful beautiful, little strange, MM, An An, little bag, smelly, fierce, stupid, slow-witted, foolish, breathe out, tiger, burnt, mew, feline Mi, beans, foolish, lock, czech, kai is scattered, doug, charlie, williams, wei Weian.

3, more lovely pet: Sweets of golden gold, candy, every day, brilliant of bridge of luck of point of law law, point, supple, luck, bridge, Kui Kui, Bei Bei, brilliant, joyous joyous, jade-like stone jade-like stone, cloth of fruit of Ni Ni, fruit, cloth, Le Le, jelly.

9, famine pet encyclopedia?

The person that 1. condition follows

Dog box Chester- - Chester look spirit

Piscine box with a ha surprises- - " of sky of " of haing strange aquarium

Exceed lovely lava bug- - lava bug deciduous teeth

Murmur Mi- - the flower of murmur Mi

The person that 2. free follows

The pet that pet den makes:

Confuse your coati cat- - 1 blast steak (1 aleatoric fish + 1 branch + 2 bacca) + tail of 1 coati cat, handle call at rock burrow.

Confuse your gundog- - multi-layer steamed bread of 1 an eccentric person (flesh of 2 an eccentric person + filler of 2 blame branch) + 4 dogs tooth, handle call at rock burrow.

Confuse your steel sheep- - 1 avocado sauce (1 vivid mole + 1 cactus flesh + 2 branch, one of dark arrange) + cloth with soft nap of 1 steel wire, handle call at rock burrow.

Confuse your murmur Mi- - 1 Taffy (3 honey + egg of 1 blame flesh suckles filler) + 1 murmur Mi is mucous, handle call at rock burrow.

Confuse your dragon fly- - hot pepper of 1 boil in water for a while (1 aleatoric flesh + flesh of 1 blame an eccentric person + 2 vegetable) + egg of 1 freezing bug, handle call at rock burrow.

10, a few days does pet chelonian change water?

Specific a few days change water, need becomes aware according to actual condition calm, the volume that raises container, size of chelonian and amount, whether blowdown filters the system, these metropolises affect water quality situation. Some likelihoods need to change water everyday, some likelihoods change water a few days, some likelihoods do not need to change water.

Resemble this chelonian crock, half stone shows water, what basically raise also is big Brazilian chelonian and a beautiful chelonian, get used to ability strong, and also not be for appreciation, so I am left and right sides of a month changes water commonly.

If be aquarium dead water,raise, the frequency that change water is met a few taller, because of chelonian photograph appetite big, fecal much, water quality becomes very easily cloudy smell. What view and admire gender and chelonian to rise is good raise an environment, this needs us to change water frequently, maintain water quality clear and clean.

Just changed water

The following day, the surface with respect to a spoil, water is mixed a bit, before water Wen Gao when dirty faster, temperature is high, those who eat is much, metabolization is faster.

A 2-30CM controls receive a case, although raised 6 small chelonian only (2 beautiful chelonian and 4 careless chelonian) , but I am about two days every to change water, very not as cloudy as water system, and a bit small still smelly.

Specific change water, need basis is factual circumstance, have the word of flat roof, have cloudy problem not big, not big to the influence of chelonian.

Understanding more, more detailed view and admire fish, chelonian relevant content, the welcome pays close attention to aquatic animals small fish!
