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9 rivers city teachs a net

Net of education of 9 rivers city is website of government of system of education of 9 rivers city, devote oneself to to be parent of extensive teaching staff, student and social all circles to provide high grade education resource kimono Wu. Teach the main component that informatization builds as 9 rivers city, net of education of 9 rivers city teachs resource through conformity, advance educational reform, promotion to teach quality, devote oneself to to make convenient and an all-around, diversity, efficient education serve platform.

Teach resource conformity, offer all-around support

9 rivers city teachs a net to teach resource through conformity, provided rich study and educational support for teaching staff and student parent. Achievement of scientific research of document of policy of information of of all kinds education, education, education, education was covered to groom on the website the content such as orgnaization information, satisfied the diversification requirement of different group. In the meantime, 9 rivers city teachs a net to urge educational informatization construction actively still, offerred online education platform, student the function such as system of integrated quality evaluation, the study that is a student and grow provided all-around support.

Push educational reform, stimulative education develops

9 rivers city teachs a net to push educational reform actively, the development infuse to teach a system new power. The each policy measure that bureau of education of 9 rivers city released on the website and development plan, those who promoted educational work is comprehensive fulfil. In the meantime, 9 rivers city taught a net to still hold forum of of all kinds education and seminar, the communication that drives educational experience and share, offerred main platform and opportunity to teach reform.

Promotion teachs quality, develop prospective person with ability

9 rivers city teachs a net to devote oneself to to promote education quality, education has innovation spirit and the prospective talented person that carry out ability. Educational quality is set to monitor on the website with evaluate a system, through the study to the student achievement and integrated quality undertake assessment, seasonable discovery problem, put forward to improve an opinion. In the meantime, 9 rivers city taught a net to still organize the educational activity of rich and colorful and event, offerred for the student reveal talent and the platform that increase capacity.

Thank you to read 9 rivers city to teach the introduction of the net, we will continue hard, offer Wu of better kimono of educational natural resources for you, promote 9 rivers city to teach the evolution of the career jointly!

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