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美食台酱油河虾做法? 美食台鱼肉面的做法?英文双语对照


美食台酱油河虾做法? 美食台鱼肉面的做法?英文双语对照



河虾 500克,葱、蒜、青红椒碎 适量,豆腐 半块


酱油 2勺,料酒 1勺,水 2勺,糖 半勺,盐 2克


















龙利鱼/巴沙鱼 1片鸡蛋清 一颗淀粉 1.5勺葱姜水 盐 番茄 1个番茄酱 1勺酱油 白醋 配菜 大虾 西兰花 


步骤 1


步骤 2


步骤 3


步骤 4


步骤 5


步骤 6


步骤 7


步骤 8



烙饼: 、 面粉 750克(8个) 、 水 2升 、 盐 适量 、 花生油 适量 、 炒饼: 、 烙饼 2张 、 圆白菜 半颗 、 鸡蛋 3个 、 蒜末 50克 、 葱末 30克 、 姜末 10克 、 老抽 适量 、 盐 5克









步骤 1,用油炒香葱花,姜末,放凉备用。

步骤 2,把所以材料混合均匀。

步骤 3,称肉馅40g一个。


步骤 4,水油面配料揉光滑,松弛25分钟。


步骤 5,水油面檊开,把油面放入,包起来,收口,再松弛15分钟。


步骤 6,把剂子擀开,包入馅料,收口即可。

步骤 7,包好的月饼大小一致,这样煎的时候成熟度也会一致。

步骤 8,锅烧热后调小火,放少许油,把收口的那面煎2分钟。



步骤 9,小火慢煎,直到煎熟即可。
















1. 小吃:台湾的小吃非常有名,如臭豆腐、鸡排、珍珠奶茶、肉圆等。这些小吃以口味独特、制作精细而闻名,是台城必尝的美食。

2. 水果:台湾盛产各种水果,如芒果、凤梨、火龙果等。这些水果新鲜多汁,口感鲜美,是夏季消暑的好选择。

3. 海鲜:台湾地处海岛,拥有丰富的海洋资源。在台城可以品尝到新鲜的海鲜,如虱目鱼、花枝丸、蚵仔煎等。

4. 夜市美食:台湾的夜市非常有名,夜市上有各种美食摊位,如大肠包小肠、生煎包、豪大大鸡排等。夜市是体验台湾文化和品尝当地美食的好去处。

5. 台菜:台湾菜以其独特的口味和丰富的菜品而闻名。你可以尝试一些台湾传统菜品,如三杯鸡、卤肉饭、滷肉饭等。









One, practice of shrimp of river of cate stage soy?

With makings

River shrimp 500 grams, green, garlic, Qing Gongjiao is broken right amount, bean curd half

Flavor juice:

Soy 2 spoon, cooking wine 1 spoon, water 2 spoon, candy half spoon, salt 2 grams

The measure that make

1, bean curd is cut even 4, green, garlic, Qing Gongjiao is mincing.

2, all flavorring juice is put mix in the bowl even, try salty or weak, adjust according to him taste again.

3, the heat in boiler is oily.

4, put bean curd piece decoct comes both sides is golden.

5, good decoct bean curd is filled piece put bowl end.

6, river shrimp cleans clean drop to do moisture.

7, wide oil is put to be burned in boiler, give water share into river shrimp blast.

8, pour the water oil in boiler next.

9, continue to heat up oil to pour river shrimp to fry to crisp in boiler.

10, the river shrimp with fry scamper good puts a bowl in.

11, boiler in break green, garlic, Qing Gongjiao put shrimp coping.

12, hot oil.

13, drench on 3 spoon heat up oil.

14, fall to flavor juice can.

2, the practice of noodle of cate stage fish?

With makings

Dragon benefit fish / Ba Sha fish an egg is clear a starch tomato of salt of water of ginger of 1.5 spoon green white vinegar of 1 spoon soy matchs a ketchup dish prawn on the west orchid


Measure 1

Cruelly oppress is cut paragraph, join an egg white, one spoon salt puts arrange machine. Add the green ginger water that get ready additionally two spoon.

Measure 2

I am a green ginger, add water, hit into mud directly, filtering juice is added in cruelly oppress.

Measure 3

Arrange machine makes mashed vegetable or fruit, when hitting, observe, hit piece colloid, energetically can. Probably dichotomy bell.

Measure 4

Add two spoon starch, again agitate is hit even. Load back up beautiful bag, small mouth is cut again before squeezing.

Measure 5

Water holds not boiling position, probably the appearance of 90 ℃ , the smallest fire, push piscine scale, about 10 seconds namely ripe.

Measure 6

Waved to be filled alone piece reserve. Q is played won't Tuo.

Measure 7

Flay of a tomato is hit into mud, mincing perhaps fry change. Oil is put inside boiler, add tomato, one spoon ketchup, fry a red oil, add water (the water of the boiling area that I add) . Salt, soy, white vinegar, candy (I was not put) flavor.

Measure 8

Shanglijia distributes food, prawn, on the west orchid, ripe put piscine face Shang Li, fill together piece.

3, the practice of cate stage sesame seed cake?

Flapjack: , flour 750 grams (8) , water 2 litres, salt peanut oil is right amount, right amount, fry cake: , flapjack 2 pieces, cabbage patch half, egg 3, garlic powder powder of 50 grams, onion 30 grams, Jiang Mo is 10 grams, old smoke right amount, salt 5 grams

4, stage of cate of practice of moon cake of Shanghai fresh pork?

With makings

Pork (fat 3: ? ? ) 1kg, saline 20g, cooking wine 60g, unripe smoke 20g, oyster sauce 30g, often smoke 40g, candy, 60g, white peppery 10g

Sesame oil 50g, green ginger is right amount

Water oily surface

In muscle flour 500g, lardy 200g, candy 50g, water 250g

Fat face

375g of low muscle flour, lardy 150g

Measure 1, fry sweet chopped green onion with oil, jiang Mo, put cool reserve.

Measure 2, so material mixes even.

Measure 3, call meat stuffing 40g.

Again energetically of beat of every meat stuffing, rub circle, put freezer again refrigerant finalize the design, do not need to freeze very hard, finalize the design go, compare easy bag so.

Measure 4, burden of water oily surface is kneaded smooth, flabby 25 minutes.

Fat face burden kneads a group.

Measure 5, of water oily surface leaves, put fat face, the bag rises, binding off, again flabby 15 minutes.

Flabby good dough roll leaves, furl again, the dose that cuts 40g again child.

Measure 6, the agent child roll leaves, the bag enters stuffing makings, binding off can.

Measure 7, the moon cake size that has included is consistent, such decoct when maturity also can agree.

Measure 8, small fire is moved after boiler burns heat, put a few oil, that decoct binding off 2 minutes.

Search an area again, add a few water, lid, hold small fire, decoct 5 minutes.

Search an area again, lid, hold small fire, again decoct 5 minutes.

Measure 9, small fire slow simmer in water, till decoct ripe can.

5, practice of flesh of a place of strategic importance of cate stage oily gluten?

Bubble of ginger, green, hot water is put 10 minutes in the bowl, meat stuffing adds salt, down agitate of a direction, add agitate of yellow rice or millet wine even, add oyster sauce, unripe smoke, white pepper mixes divide evenly, divide Cijiasheng energetically of ginger water agitate, gluten giving oil digs a hole, gluten flesh squash, a place of strategic importance enters meat stuffing, oil is put in boiler, the ginger that put onion is fried sweet, put oil gluten, salt, old smoke, water, conflagration is boiled break up mix, the medium baking temperature that build a shell boils 10 minutes, conflagration receives juice to scatter on chopped green onion can.

6, stage of cate of practice of the daily life of a family of mouth laugh steamed bread?

Raw material: Yeast of flour, An Qi, bubble is hit pink, white sugar, lardy.

Practice measure:

1. takes 750 grams flour, I like to use special tall strength flour or pink, prosperous and strong pink make steamed bread of steamed stuffed bun. Put yeasty, bubble to hit pink, lardy with white sugar.

2. little joins right amount Wen Shui, and after becoming dough, wake ten minutes. Knead smooth dough with fold law again. The dough muscle sex that has kneaded is very bouncy do not stick a hand.

3. is put into container to ferment to double big.

4. is pressed pressure not spring back, interior has beehive shape organization, knead exhaust.

5. breaks up 16. Take circle of a rub to become a circle with hand squash. Rotate to hold approach again additional both sides. Also can hold three-cornered in that way like candy triangle, see you like. Go 4 part with tiger's mouth-jaws of death among hold approach.

6. is put into bamboo or wooden utensil for steaming food to ferment to double big. 16 just evaporate two drawer.

18-20 of the evaporate after 7. water leaves minute.

After 8. involves fire again stew 5 minutes can.

7, is stage city cate recommended?

Stage city is the city that points to Taiwan, here has a lot of cate to be worth to recommend. It is the cate of a few cities below:

1.Fastfood: Of Taiwan fastfood and special famous, if tea with milk of platoon of strong-smelling preserved bean curd, chicken, pearl, flesh is round,wait. These are fastfood with taste distinctive, make careful and famed, it is the cate that stage city tastes surely.

2.Fruit: Taiwan teems with all sorts of fruits, wait like fruit of mango, pineapple, firedrake. These fruits are fresh and juicily, mouthfeel is delicious, it is the good choice of summertime disappear heat.

3.Seafood: Taiwan is located in island, have rich marine resource. In the stage the city can taste the seafood with fresh savor, decoct of young of bolus of fish of the eye that be like cootie, beautiful branch, Ke.

4.Night fair cate: The night fair of Taiwan is very famous, there are all sorts of cate stalls on night fair, if large intestine wraps small intestine, bag giving birth to decoct, a person of extraordinary powers greatly gallinaceous platoon. Night fair is to experience Taiwan culture is mixed sample the good place of local cate.

5.Stage dish: Taiwan dish is tasted with its distinctive taste and rich food and famed. You can try dish of tradition of a few Taiwan to taste, wait like meal of flesh of meal of flesh of 3 cups of chicken, bittern, .

The cate that above is a few cities is recommended, the hope is helpful to you!

8, near Changsha TV station cate?

South scene restaurant, smoke from kitchen chimneys is small fry ox flesh, downwind building

9, red cate of 7 a network of waterways?

Cate of building materials city a street, give birth to oyster, strings small

10, which stage is Xi'an cate cat?

Xi'an cate cat is Xi'an net red, in watermelon video, today's top headlines, today's top headlines extremely fast edition, can look.
