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5.长沙的糯米粽子,其味清香可口。里面加入 绿豆、红豆、莲仁、火腿肉等多种食材,口味任君挑选。


  1、海南兴隆没有美食,有特产。  2、香菇  兴隆香菇从80年代开始零星栽培,到二十世纪末(93年)开始大面积栽培。到2013年底,兴隆食用菌种植面积已达到0.88万亩,产量达到8.8万吨,创产值42500万元,香菇产业成为兴隆县农村经济的支柱产业。  3、板栗  兴隆板栗又称京东板栗,因地处北京东部而得名。兴隆板栗的历史悠久,早在《诗经》、《史记》中,就有“树之榛栗”和“燕秦千树栗,其人与万户侯”等的记载。  兴隆板栗有“铁杆庄稼”之称,具有较高的经济价值,是河北省出口农副产品中具有较大优势的土特产品之一。2011年,兴隆县板栗总产量60158吨,产量跃居全国县级第一。






































伊面又称伊府面,在台湾另称为意面,是一种油炸的鸡蛋面,为中国著名面食之一。相传清朝年间,曾任惠州知府及扬州太守等官的书法名家伊秉绶在位于宁化的家中宴客,厨师误将煮熟的鸡蛋面放入沸油锅,只好捞起后佐以高汤上桌。由于宾客吃过后赞不绝口,这道菜就流传了下来后来。 伊面原称伊府面,特色传统面食,面中上品,是一种油炸的鸡蛋面。伊面制作讲究色型好,体质松而不散,浮而不实,吃起来爽滑甘美。 伊面与现代的方便面有相似之处,所以又被喻为方便面的鼻祖。


One, strategy of cate of Changsha place characteristic?

The characteristic of 1. fire palace is fastfood, regard place as snack bar of famous hundred years old name, igneous palace attracted the tourist that name of a lot of admire comes round everyday, inside assemble the numerous characteristic of Changsha is fastfood cate, for example famous strong-smelling preserved bean curd, candy oily cake, steamed dumpling. Nonlocal tourist goes surely ~

The fastfood street with famous 2. -- slope child street. There is a lot of to provide the snack bar of characteristic each over, distinctive fried dumpling, hunan dish, still have congee, drink, local food shop.

3. is recommended south the strong-smelling preserved bean curd of the doorway, it is the most delicious in numerous strong-smelling preserved bean curd that the individual feels, look to also have appetite very much. Still have south the manual yoghurt of the doorway, pack particularly lovely, mouthfeel also is very pretty good oh ~ still has candy oily cake, of the craft that make and igneous palace different, it is the craft that make with scamper, taste mouthfeel is crisp sweet, particularly sweet.

4. still has Changsha famous fastfood, taste shrimp. Colour and lustre is very inviting, taste sweet crisp, the taste of different inn is differ, what some inn sell is particularly hot, the proposal goes authentic large cafeteria eats, have local taste distinguishing feature quite.

The zhongzi of polished glutinous rice of 5. Changsha, its flavour faint scent is goluptious. Flesh of gram, ormosia, lotus benevolence, ham is joined to wait for a variety of feeding inside material, taste holds the post of gentleman to choose.

2, is Hainan flourishing where characteristic cate is there?

1, Hainan is flourishing without cate, have special local product. 2, Xianggu mushroom is flourishing Xianggu mushroom begins from 80 time fragmentary help advance somebody's career, to 20 centuries end (93 years) begin large area to help advance somebody's career. To the end of 2013, flourishing edible bacterium cultivates an area to already achieved 8800 mus, crop achieves 88 thousand tons, achieve production value 425 million yuan, xianggu mushroom industry becomes flourishing county the pillar industry of rural economics. 3, flourishing Chinese chestnut calls Chinese chestnut Beijing again east Chinese chestnut, get a name because of be located in Beijing the eastpart part. The history of flourishing Chinese chestnut is long, be in early " The Book of Songs " , " history write down " in, have " Shu Zhizhen chestnut " and " swallow Qinqian cultivates chestnut, its person and 10 thousand Hou " the account that wait. Flourishing Chinese chestnut has " iron lever crops " say, have higher economic value, it is Heibei saves the local speciality that larger dominant position has in exit farming by-product to taste one of. 2011, total output of flourishing county Chinese chestnut 60158 tons, crop jumps class of county of house whole nation the first.

3, go Zhuo city travels, where characteristic cate is there?

1, write down moon cake dene

Zhuo state convention is fastfood, mouthfeel is sweet crisp, smell is sweet.

2, asinine flesh baked wheaten cake

Cate of Zhuo state convention, fragrance of mouthfeel crisp, flesh is beautiful.

3, stew crisp fish

Zhuo city characteristic is fastfood, flesh and blood is crisp sodden, fishiness is delicious.

4, sugarcoated haws on a stick

Zhuo state convention is fastfood, acid of mouthfeel crisp, flavour is sweet.

5, blast of anxious bake in a pan

Zhuo city characteristic is fastfood, outside Jiao Li tender, faint scent is dainty.

6, beef overspreads cake

Cate of Zhuo city characteristic, delicacy of mouthfeel interest path, flavour is sweet.

7, asinine flesh dumpling

Cate of Zhuo city characteristic, taste is little sweet, local color is distinctive.

8, bacon

Cate of Zhuo state convention, sweet crisp is soft, fat and not be bored with.

4, the account that keeps cate of characteristic of a place to love?

Answer, hubei, laky an abundant place! Catchment of Ba He of yellow ridge district, contain is worn what folk abounds is fastfood! Luo Tian draws near according to hill water, have reservoir mountain wide, bamboo shoot and manna of the Feng Chuntian that grind aunt are alimentary it is to emerge in endlessly more! Delicate and sweet!

Round wind depression Ze Huchi, teem with home the horse's hoof of 2/3! Big full skin is fragile! The horse's hoof that ate group phoenix (water chest nut) need not be afraid of gained flesh, eating Ren Xiangdong is on the west with pleasure! This perhaps is Huang Gang most the local characteristic cate that love!

5, does Jiangsu save Wu Jiang city to fill lustre town where to characteristic cate there is?

Dumpling of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab of dumpling of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab is Jiangsu tradition cate, bright, quiet period has enjoyed high reputation. Its characteristic is a skin thin be like paper, blow play defeat namely, the " that make absolutely strange " of beautiful " of " , configuration " , " having a way. The making raw material of dumpling of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab is very exquisite, stuffing is the ovary and digestive glands of the crab and crab flesh, soup is raw ingredient chicken broth, clever unsurpassed of energy of the technology that make,

6, the characteristic cate that which place the dish that kill a hog is?

The dish that kill a hog is northeast local characteristic cate.

The dish that kill a hog is a kind of when when northeast country is close to the end of the year every year to kill year of hog, eat dish that stew.

Kill pig dish gust: Fleshy tender boiling water is fresh, fat and not be bored with, slip again tender, appetizing satisfy a craving for delicious food.

Kill pig dish, it is a kind of when when northeast country is close to the end of the year every year to kill year of hog, eat dish that stew originally. Northeastern a lot of places offer the course that kill a hog all the year round, form northeast food one big characteristic. Pure " the dish that kill a hog " , it is the floorboard that tastes dish of group complex series by a variety of dish.

"The dish that kill a hog " in maintain primary local color while, its made a law had had improve, taste is rich, get on pig body almost all place make it dish. Flesh of pig bone, head, hand rips plain boiled pork of black pudding of the flesh, steaky pork, pig, pickled Chinese cabbage to still have " the lantern is hanged (complete set pig enters the water) " .

7, the place with what characteristic delicious cate does assist this world have?

Assist this world has the place with delicious cate of a lot of characteristic. Above all, assist in relief grilled fish is special distinctive cate, give priority to with grass carp, silver carp makings, flavour is delicious, eat more jump over go with rice. Next, the hemp of assist this world is hot ironing also is very distinctive cate, piquancy is dye-in-the-wood, mouthfeel is delicious, be numerous assist in relief person love most. In addition, assist face of in relief beef also is well known cate, noodle muscle tastily, beef is fresh and tender and goluptious, get of everybody love. As a whole, the characteristic cate of assist this world is very rich, no matter be local or tourist,can sample a lot of delicate cate.

8, cate of characteristic of Xi'an of Shanghai characteristic cate?

The crude fry in shallow oil of Shanghai is wrapped, the bag giving birth to decoct that once appeared countless times in drama of movie and TV has had history of hundreds of years, basically be fresh pork and leather aspic do stuffing at first, develop as the times, chicken and shelled fresh shrimps also abounded the content of crude fry in shallow oil. It is the white behead chicken that must raise next, in the idea of Shanghai native, what white behead chicken or small carry on promote is best, it is with 3 yellow chicken feed capable person, after been do cortical and golden, the flesh is qualitative white tender, tasting is unusual fat more, it is deadbeat of a lot of other places what taste surely is delicate. Small basket bag also is one of cate that make a person unforgettable, thin juice of small dragon wrapping is much, should go down glibly stays sweet.

Bag giving birth to decoct, white injection and small basket bag is 3 Shanghai's most famous cate.

The cate of Xi'an cannot be short of formula of 3 the Qin Dynasty: Cool skin, the flesh adds steamed bun, put peak soda water on the ice, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds, fried dumpling,

9, the characteristic cate that which place introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water is?

Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water is the characteristic cate that Henan saves, match deep-fried twisted dough sticks with introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, steamed stuffed bun, the steamed bread is particularly good.

10, the characteristic cate that which place Yi Fu face is?

Yi face calls Yi government office the face again, in Taiwan additional call meaning area, it is the egg face of a kind of deepfry, for one of Chinese famous cooked wheaten food. Between Qing Chaonian of according to legend, ceng Renhui city knows government office and Yangzhou viceregal customer of the dinner in the home that the v/arc be on the throne of Yi Bingshou of calligraphy a person of academic or artistic distinction that waits for an official turns at coulding there be, chef puts the egg face that thoroughly cook boil oily bowl by accident, the Zun Yigao after be forced to be scooped the desk on soup. Because visitors takes to be profuse in praise afterwards, this dish circulated come down later. Yi face calls Yi government office the face formerly, characteristic tradition cooked wheaten food, the top grade in the face, it is the egg face of a kind of deepfry. Yi face makes exquisite scene model good, the constitution loosens and do not come loose, float and disloyal, taste bright is slippery honey. Yi face and modern convenient surface have similar place, be gone to the lavatory by Yuwei again so the originator of the face.
