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西北大学在陕西西安,有三个校区:长安校区地址:西安市长安区郭杜教育科技产业园区学府大道1号 邮编:710127 太白校区地址:西安市太白北路229号 邮编:710069桃园校区地址:西安市高新四路15号 邮编:710075












行政管理、公共事业管理、劳动与社会保障、人力资源管理、档案学 、图书馆学、管理科学










动画(动画设计)、动画(数字媒体艺术)、视觉传达设计、环境设计、公共艺术 、美术学






















西工大属理科类大学,属于理科类的重点大学,在陕西仅次于交大 西大属于文科类大学,是文科类的重点大学,陕西排名第一 但在全国来看,西工大排名比西大前 但是不应该拿来比较,一个理一个文






One, what branch does the center of mental health education of the university belong to?

Belong to mental health Ministry of Education. It is the unit handling level that job of mental health education, education, psychology seeks advice from a collect to be an organic whole with scientific research, responsible the program that to entire school 5 campuses mental health teachs, organization, coordinate and carry out. Include: Mental health census, psychological evaluation, psychology seeks advice, psychotherapy, group mentality trains, psychology of generation of building ridgepole friend coachs, course of mental health guidance, mental health website, " the heart has about " newspaper, develop the activity of series campus culture of respect of concerned mental health, be like lecture of psychological special subject and forum, psychological film is exhibited sow, psychological salon, "Month of psychological culture activity " wait.

2, is graduate student of mental health of northwest Normal University to learn large?

Graduate student of mental health of northwest Normal University has learn large to also have only large.

3, is the center of mental health education of institute of arts and crafts located in hill?

Late on November 27, 2007 6: 30, association of mental health of institute of Shandong arts and crafts establishs congress to add up to office building to hold in my school put together, the student was in center of mental health education Wu Huanwen section chief and Mr. Li Cuihua to attend this second plenary meeting. section chief is right of this association hold water gave height the opinion, think of mental health association hold water to have important sense to promoting mental health of my school undergraduate the standard, ask association member admits in the round, below the premise that attachs most importance to in order to learn, develop oneself integrated ability. Road of university of quiet borough of mayor of Shandong province Jinan 1255

1000 Fosan campus: The area below all previous of city of Shandong province Jinan road of 1000 Buddha Shandong 23

4, is university of northwest aricultural science and technology amalgamative northwest university?

Yes, in spring tide of reform of system of national science and education, for advantage of science and education of agriculture of conformity poplar approach, via approval of the State Council, learn ministry of irrigation works of courtyard, the Chinese Academy of Sciences by college of former northwest agriculture, northwest forest institute of science of irrigation works of northwest of ministry of institute of water and soil conservation, irrigation works, Shaanxi saves agriculture the academy of sciences, Shaanxi saves forestry the academy of sciences, Shaanxi saves northwest of the Chinese Academy of Sciences the unit of 7 science and education such as plant institute is amalgamative establish for northwest university of aricultural science and technology. It is university of key of directly under of Ministry of Education now, country " 985 projects " and " 211 projects " the key builds a college.

5, why doesn't northwest university have hardship of fame northwest university to judge university of on 211 northwest?

Who tells you northwest to the university does not have fame? Yourself had not heard of, also do not know on behalf of others.

The person that has knowledge to domestic higher education a little knows Beijing University learns the position that is in China on the west. Northwest university is entered 211 it is solid return to the name

6, does northwest university introduce?

Northwest university is located at Shaanxi to visit Xi'an town, it is first country " world top-ranking course builds a college " , country " 211 projects " key construction college, Ministry of Education and Shaanxi province build a college in all. Fulfil to be carried out deep better " the executive opinion that the State Council reforms about deepening exam enrollment system " and " recruit students of college of good about continueing to do 2022 focal point is special the announcement that plans executive job " file spirit, the outstanding student that makes more comes from country and impoverished area can enjoy natural resources of high grade education, my school continued to pass a college 2022 special plan, recruit county of area of and other places of remote, former poverty, people (city of the class that contain a county) the following high school is assiduous the rural student with academic, good achievement.

7, is northwest university in that?

Beijing University learns to be installed in cc of short for Shaanxi Province on the west, have 3 campuses: Chang'an campus address: Highway of institution of higher learning of area of garden of industry of science and technology of Yo of Du Jiao of Guo of area of Xi'an city Chang'an a postcode: Address of 710127 too white campuses: Xi'an city is too white boreal road 229 postcodes: Address of campus of 710069 peach garden: Xi'an city is new and high 4 15 date postcodes: 710075

8, is northwest university professional?

89 undergraduate course are professional:

1, courtyard of northwest university literature

Education of international of Chinese character literature, Chinese, broadcasting television is sowed guide

2, college of northwest university history

History, world history

3, institute of bequest of northwest university culture

Archaeological, cultural relic protects technology, cultural relic and museology

4, northwest university economy runs an institute

Financial management, economy is sale of statistical, travel management, accounting, market, information management and information system, industrial and commercial project of economy of management, cameralistics, international and commerce, finance, finance learns, economics (base class) , economics (class of experiment of several manage economics)

5, courtyard of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of northwest university fair condominium

Management of management of administration, common cause, resource of labor and social security, manpower, archives learns, library science, management is scientific

6, institute of northwest university foreign language

English, Japanese, russian

7, courtyard of northwest university law (intellectual property institute)

Law, law (intellectual property)

8, institute of northwest university philosophy

Philosophy, work

9, northwest university news transmits an institute

News learns, network and new media, advertisement learns, broadcast with chair art

10, institute of northwest university art

Animation (animation is designed) , animation (digital media is artistic) , the vision communicates design, environment design, public art, art to learn

11, institute of northwest university maths

Maths of maths and applied maths, information and computational science, finance, application is statistical

12, institute of northwest university physics

Physics of photoelectricity information science and project, physics, material physics, application

13, northwest university chemistry and material science institute

Chemical, application chemistry, material chemistry, chemical biology

14, Beijing University learns geological department on the west

Geological (blame base) , resource perambulate project, geological project

15, northwest college town and environmental institute

Science of project of science of physical geography and resources environment, humanitarian geography and urban and rural program, geographical information, environment, environment, urban and rural program

16, institute of science of northwest university life

Science of biology technology, biology, traditional Chinese pharmacology, ecological

17, science of northwest university information and technical institute (software institute)

Science of information of science of project of net of couplet of project of science of science of information of project of computer science and technology, software, electronic information project, electron and technology, electron and technology, communication, content, microelectronics and project, electron and technology (collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school)

18, northwest university chemical college

Chemical industry of equipment of chemical project and craft, process and control project, biology project, pharmacy project, energy

19, science of northwest university food and engineering courtyard

Food science and project

20, northwest university college of medicine

Clinical medicine

9, northwest university and northwest industry university which good?

Labour belongs to science department greatly on the west kind university, belong to science department kind key university, be next to in Shaanxi hand in liberal art is belonged to greatly on the west greatly kind university, it is liberal art kind key university, shaanxi is ranked the first but it is in light of the whole nation, be versed in big rank is compared on the west on the west big before but should not take quite, a manage an article

10, the distinction of northwest industry university and northwest university?

The main distinction of both is in labour belongs to science department greatly on the west kind key university, northwest belongs to liberal art greatly kind key university.

Northwest industry university, abbreviation is versed in on the west big, be located in Shaanxi Xi'an, with aviation, spaceflight, nautical (3 boat) the much division sex that is characteristic, research university, be subordinate to belongs to industry and informatization ministry. "211 projects " , " 985 projects " college.

Northwest university, built 1902, denominate is Shaanxi university hall and hall of Beijing division university crash branch fill an office learns a house. Became northwest college 1912.

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