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车型名称 : 蒙迪欧 2017款 EcoBoost 180 时尚型

厂商 : 长安福特

级别 : 中型车

发动机 : 1.5T L4

变速箱 : 6挡手自一体

长*宽*高(mm) : 4873×1852×1470

车身结构 : 三厢车

最高车速(km/h) : 200

官方0-100km/h加速(s) : 10.2

实测0-100km/h加速(s) : -

实测100-0km/h制动(m) : -

实测油耗(L/100km) : -

工信部综合油耗(L/100km) : 6.9

整车质保 : 三年或10万公里

车身长度(mm) : 4873

宽度(mm) : 1852

高度(mm) : 1470

轴距(mm) : 2850

前轮距(mm) : 1590

后轮距(mm) : 1587

最小离地间隙(mm) : 115

整备质量(kg) : 1561

车身结构 : 三厢车

车门数(个) : 4

座位数(个) : 5

油箱容积(L) : 62

行李厢容积(L) : 516

发动机型号 : GTDIQ4

排量(mL) : 1499

进气形式 : 涡轮增压

气缸排列形式 : 直列

气缸数(个) : 4

每缸气门数(个) : 4

压缩比 : 10

配气机构 : DOHC

缸径(mm) : -

行程(mm) : -

最大马力(Ps) : 181

最大功率(kW) : 133

最大功率转速(rpm) : 6000

最大扭矩(N·m) : 240

最大扭矩转速(rpm) : 1750-4500

发动机特有技术 : -

燃料形式 : 汽油

燃油标号 : 92号(原93号)

供油方式 : 直喷

缸盖材料 : 铝

缸体材料 : 铝

环保标准 : 国V

变速箱 : 6挡手自一体

挡位个数 : 6

变速箱类型 : 自动变速箱(AT)

驱动方式 : 前置前驱

前悬架类型 : 麦弗逊式独立悬挂

后悬架类型 : 多连杆式独立悬挂

助力类型 : 电动助力

车体结构 : 承载式

前制动器类型 : 通风盘式

后制动器类型 : 盘式

驻车制动类型 : 电子驻车

前轮胎规格 : 235/50 R17

后轮胎规格 : 235/50 R17

备胎规格 : 非全尺寸

主/副驾驶座安全气囊 : 主1 / 副1

前/后排侧气囊 : 前1 / 后-

前/后排头部气囊(气帘) : 前1 / 后1

膝部气囊 : 1

胎压监测装置 : 1

零胎压继续行驶 : -

安全带未系提示 : 1

儿童座椅接口 :

发动机电子防盗 : 1

车内中控锁 : 1

遥控钥匙 : 1

无钥匙启动系统 : 1

无钥匙进入系统 : 1

ABS防抱死 : 1

制动力分配(EBD/CBC等) : 1

刹车辅助(EBA/BAS/BA等) : 1

牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC等) : 1

车身稳定控制(ESC/ESP/DSC等) : ●

自动驻车/上坡辅助 :

陡坡缓降 : -

可变悬架 : -

空气悬架 : -

可变转向比 : -

前桥限滑差速器/差速锁 : -

中央差速器锁止功能 : -

后桥限滑差速器/差速锁 : -

电动天窗 : 1

全景天窗 : -

运动外观套件 : -

铝合金轮毂 : 1

电动吸合门 : -

真皮方向盘 : ●

方向盘调节 : 上下+前后

方向盘电动调节 : -

多功能方向盘 : ●

方向盘换挡 : ●

方向盘加热 : -

定速巡航 : ●

前/后驻车雷达 : 前- / 后●

倒车视频影像 : -

行车电脑显示屏 : ●

HUD抬头数字显示 : -

真皮/仿皮座椅 :

运动风格座椅 : -

座椅高低调节 : 1

腰部支撑调节 : 1

肩部支撑调节 : -

主/副驾驶座电动调节 : 主1 / 副1

第二排靠背角度调节 : -

第二排座椅移动 : -

后排座椅电动调节 : -

电动座椅记忆 : -

前/后排座椅加热 : 前- / 后-

前/后排座椅通风 : 前- / 后-

前/后排座椅按摩 : 前- / 后-

后排座椅放倒方式 : 比例放倒

第三排座椅 : -

前/后中央扶手 : 前●/后●

后排杯架 : 1

电动后备厢 : -

GPS导航系统 : -

定位互动服务 : -

中控台彩色大屏 : -

人机交互系统 :

内置硬盘 :

蓝牙/车载电话 : -

车载电视 : -

后排液晶屏 : -

外接音源接口(AUX/USB/iPod等) : 1

CD支持MP3/WMA : ●

多媒体系统 : 单碟CD

扬声器数量 : 8

氙气大灯 :

LED大灯 :

日间行车灯 : 1

自动头灯 : -

转向头灯(辅助灯) :

前雾灯 : -

大灯高度可调 : 1

大灯清洗装置 : -

车内氛围灯 : -

前/后电动车窗 : 前●/后●

车窗防夹手功能 : 1

防紫外线/隔热玻璃 : -

后视镜电动调节 : 1

后视镜加热 : ●

内/外后视镜自动防眩目 : 内1 / 外-

后视镜电动折叠 : 1

后视镜记忆 : -

后风挡遮阳帘 : -

后排侧遮阳帘 : -

后排侧隐私玻璃 : 1

遮阳板化妆镜 : 1

后雨刷 : -

感应雨刷 : 1

空调控制方式 : 自动●

后排独立空调 : -

后座出风口 : 1

温度分区控制 : 1

车内空气调节/花粉过滤 : 1

车载冰箱 : -

自动泊车入位 : -

发动机启停技术 : 1

并线辅助 : -

车道偏离预警系统 : -

主动刹车/主动安全系统 : -

整体主动转向系统 : -

夜视系统 : -

中控液晶屏分屏显示 : -

自适应巡航 : -

全景摄像头 : -


Model name: Vogue of 2017 EcoBoost 180 of Meng Di Europe

Manufacturer: Chang'an Ford

Level: Medium-sized car

Engine: 1.5T L4

Gear-box: 6 block a hand from an organic whole

Long * wide * is tall (Mm) : 1852 × of 4873 × 1470

Automobile body structure: 3 side car

Top speed (Km/h) : 200

Official 0-100km/h quickens (S) : 10.2

Actual measurement 0-100km/h quickens (S) : -

Apply the brake of actual measurement 100-0km/h (M) : -

Actual measurement oily bad news (L/100km) : -

Labour believes an integrated oil bad news (L/100km) : 6.9

Truckload protect character: 3 years or 100 thousand kilometer

Automobile body length (Mm) : 4873

Width (Mm) : 1852

Height (Mm) : 1470

Wheelbase (Mm) : 2850

Front-wheel drive is apart from (Mm) : 1590

Rear wheel is apart from (Mm) : 1587

The smallest road clearance (Mm) : 115

Quality of reorganize and outfit (Kg) : 1561

Automobile body structure: 3 side car

Door number () : 4

Seating () : 5

Gasoline tank cubage (L) : 62

Boot cubage (L) : 516

Launch type mark: GTDIQ4

The platoon measures (ML) : 1499

Take gas form: Turbine pressure boost

Air cylinder arranges a form: Straight line

Air cylinder number () : 4

Number of every crocks of valve () : 4

Compression ratio: 10

Compressed air distribution mechanism: DOHC

Cylinder diameter (Mm) : -

The journey (Mm) : -

The greatest horse power (Ps) : 181

Most high-power (KW) : 133

Most high-power rotate speed (Rpm) : 6000

The biggest torque (N · M) : 240

Rotate speed of the biggest torque (Rpm) : 1750-4500

Engine is peculiar technology: -

Fuel form: Benzine

Fuel grade: 92 (former 93)

Offer oily way: Straight gush

The crock builds material: Aluminous

Cylinder body material: Aluminous

Environmental protection standard: Country V

Gear-box: 6 block a hand from an organic whole

Block a number: 6

Gear-box type: Automatic gear-box (AT)

Drive means: Before buy van

Front suspension type: Independence of Mai Fuxun type is pensile

Rear overhang wears a type: Independence of type of much connecting rod is pensile

Help force kind: Dynamoelectric help strength

Bodywork structure: Bear the weight of type

Before brake type: Ventilated disk type

Hind brake type: Disk type

Be stationed in type of car apply the brake: The electron is stationed in a car

Norms of front-wheel drive embryo: 235/50 R17

Norms of rear wheel embryo: 235/50 R17

Spare wheel norms: Be not full measure

Advocate / gasbag of safety of deputy driver's seat: Advocate 1 / deputy 1

Before / gasbag of back row side: Before the - after 1 /

Before / gasbag of back row head (enrage shade) : Before after 1 / 1

Genu ministry gasbag: 1

The embryo controls monitoring and warning device: 1

0 embryoes press continue travel: -

Safety belt did not fasten clew: 1

Children seat interface:

Start machine electron guard against theft: 1

Inside the car in accuse a lock: 1

Remote control key: 1

Start a system without the key: 1

Enter a system without the key: 1

ABS prevents hold in the arms dead: 1

Make dynamical allocation (EBD/CBC) : 1

Brake assists (EBA/BAS/BA) : 1

Traction control (ASR/TCS/TRC) : 1

Automobile body stability controls (ESC/ESP/DSC) : ●

Be stationed in a car automatically / uphill and auxiliary:

Brow delay falls: -

Alterable suspension: -

Air suspension: -

Change direction changeably than: -

Front axle is restricted to slip poor fast implement / differ fast lock: -

Central difference fast implement the lock stops function: -

Rear is restricted to slip poor fast implement / differ fast lock: -

Dynamoelectric scuttle: 1

Panoramic scuttle: -

Athletic outward appearance covers: -

Aluminium alloy hub: 1

Dynamoelectric suck close the door: -

Dermal steering wheel: ●

Steering wheel adjustment: Up and down + around

Steering wheel is dynamoelectric adjust: -

Muti_function steering wheel: ●

Steering wheel shift gears: ●

Steering wheel heats: -

Decide fast cruise: ●

Before / hind the radar that be stationed in a car: Before - / hind ●

Back a car video is video: -

Computer of drive a vehicle displays screen: ●

HUD looks up the number shows: -

Dermal / copy skin seat:

Athletic style seat: -

Seat discretion adjusts: 1

The waist props up adjust: 1

Humeral ministry props up adjust: -

Advocate / deputy driver's seat is dynamoelectric adjust: Advocate 1 / deputy 1

Angle of the 2nd back of a chair adjusts: -

The 2nd seat is mobile: -

Back row seat is dynamoelectric adjust: -

Dynamoelectric seat remembers: -

Before / back row seat heats: Before - / hind -

Before / back row seat is ventilated: Before - / hind -

Before / back row seat massages: Before - / hind -

Back row seat lays pattern: Scale is laid

The 3rd seat: -

Before / hind central armrest: Before ● / hind ●

Back row cup wears: 1

Dynamoelectric and mothball compartment: -

GPS navigation system: -

Fixed position is interactive service: -

Stage color big screen dominates in: -

Interactive system:

Inside buy hard disk:

Blue tooth / the car holds a phone: -

The car carries TV: -

Screen of back row liquid crystal: -

Phonic source interface receives outside (AUX/USB/iPod wait) : 1

CD supports MP3/WMA: ●

Multimedia system: Odd dish CD

Loudhailer amount: 8

Xenon enrages headlight:

LED headlight:

Lamp of daytime drive a vehicle: 1

Automatic headlight: -

Turn to headlight (assist the lamp) :

Before fog lamp: -

Headlight height is adjustable: 1

Headlight filter cloth cleaning device: -

Lamp of the atmosphere inside the car: -

Before / hind electric car window: Before ● / hind ●

Car window prevents the function that place a hand: 1

Prevent ultraviolet ray / adiabatic glass: -

Rearview mirror is dynamoelectric adjust: 1

Rearview mirror heats: ●

Inside / outside rearview mirror prevents blindfold automatically: Inside the - outside 1 /

Rearview mirror is dynamoelectric fold: 1

Rearview mirror memory: -

Hind windscreen sunshade shade: -

Shade of sunshade of back row side: -

Glass of privacy of back row side: 1

Sunshade board makes up lens: 1

Rain brushs after: -

Inductive rain brushs: 1

Air conditioning controls fashion: Automatic ●

Air conditioning of back row independence: -

Backlash gives wind gap: 1

Temperature partition controls: 1

The air inside the car adjusts / pollen filters: 1

The car carries freezer: -

Automatic berth car enters: -

Engine opens stop a technology: 1

And the line is auxiliary: -

Driveway deviate early warning system: -

Active brake / active and safe system: -

Whole turns to a system actively: -

Night inspects a system: -

Liquid crystal screen accuses to divide screen to show in: -

Get used to cruise oneself: -

Panoramic photograph like the head: -

上一篇:东营渤海湾旅游景点? 沧州渤海湾旅游景点?英文双语对照