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二、 学会看逃生图上的重要标志:如:安全出口等。

三、 知道在火灾发生时不慌乱,应按熟悉的安全撤离路径有秩离开,提高自我保护能力,增强安全保护意识。

四、 知道生活中那些地方存在危险,不能独自去玩耍。

五、 引导幼儿在原有经验的基础上,了解雷电的危害性,防止雷电的基本伤害。

六、 让幼儿知道铅笔伤人的危害性,学会正确使用铅笔,知道铅笔不能咬、会造成


一 、 组织领导制度:


2、 校舍安全制度




请各位家长要做到 “四知道”:





教育孩子做到 “六不准”:





































How does nursery school safety teach safety of summary nursery school to teach summary to write?

① teacher has very strong safety to protect consciousness, strengthen responsibility heart, always put safe work in the first place, assure the safety of every cheeper.   

② eliminates a class in time inside insecure hidden trouble, check a classroom each corner, will dangerous article is put in cheeper to feel the place that be less than.   

③ often uses each segment in a day of life, have safe education to cheeper, consciousness of safety of education cheeper abecedarian and ego protect ability.

Does nursery school safety teach a target?

Raise cheeper ego to be on guard ability.

The 2 danger that can distinguish an object and safety. Do not contact danger to taste, do not go to dangerous place.

3 understand the method that plays large instrument and regulation, when fluctuation stair not crowded.

4 can communicate actively with the teacher. The body is not timely and active tell to grow up.

5 know basic transportation to bring overall common sense. Be like: Red light stops, green light goes. . .

Does nursery school safety teach content?

1, traffic safety teachs: Educational cheeper abides by traffic regulation, the red light when crossing a street stops green light to go and should walk along footpath.

2, the safe education that use phone: Educational cheeper does not play electric equipment, electrical wiring, electrical outlet, get an electric shock in case.

3, prevent drown safe education: Educational cheeper alone person goes natatorium or cannot swim to drown in case in the river.

Does nursery school safety teach catchword?

Safety first, precaution gives priority to a reason is the first pace that nursery school is child contact society, to safe problem, should take seriously more. The collective attention that the catchword of safety first can cause the parent and cheeper and take seriously, conduce to those who prevent safe accident happening. Additional, want to strengthen the safe education to cheeper, include traffic safety, fire to be on guard, prevent the respect such as abduct, natant safety, emphasize preventing, let consciousness of cheeper nurturance safety and good convention. In the meantime, the parent also should cooperate cheek by jowl with nursery school, build effective home to communicate a mechanism, the safety that pays close attention to cheeper jointly and health grow.

Does nursery school safety teach caption?

1, I do not use alexipharmic light switch, alexipharmic lamp works I am not entered.

2, safety is the greatest benefit, the accident is the biggest waste.

3, should safe, know safety of safety of safe, at every turn, everybody.

4, the star of the school now, the star of the society of tomorrow.

5, defend campus safety, build harmonious environment.

6, safe and orderly slippery slide, I wait on you not anxious.

7, enhance teachers and students to be on guard consciousness, build campus security environment.

8, leave action of uncivilized transportation safety, make from me.

9, dear child, the teacher is your best friend.

Does safety teach target nursery school?

 One, can abide by basic safe regulation and traffic regulation self-consciously

2, the society looks flee for one's life the important sign on the graph: Be like: Safe exit.

3, when knowing to happen in fire not flurried, answer to by familiar safe evacuation method order leaves, raise ego to protect ability, enhance safety to protect consciousness.

4, those local existence in knowing the life are dangerous, cannot go alone amuse oneself.

5, guide cheeper to be on the foundation of original experience, understand the harm sex of thunder, avoid the basic harm of thunder.

6, the harm sex that lets cheeper know pencil injures a person, the society uses pencil correctly, know pencil cannot be bitten, can cause

Does nursery school safety teach a mechanism?

One, the organization leads a system:

Establish the safety that heads with growing field to head a group, the safety administration that is in charge of nursery school in the round, conduct propaganda and the execution of concerned policy work, hold Area of Safe Operation to discuss regularly, study work of the safety inside garden, discover the problem is rectified and reform in time, put an end to the happening of any insecure accidents.

2, system of school building security

1, strengthen school building safety to check, specific controller insists to be checked every week, leader group insists every months to check, discover the problem wants seasonable report and appropriate processing.

Does nursery school safety teach article table?

The summer has come, drowning is the number one killer of children, prevent drown education already no time to delay. Grow for the child's health, we hope each parent cooperates actively, fulfil guardian obligation of the child. No matter you have many busy, always put safe education of the child to the first place please, do good safety to teach the job seriously. Hint concerned knowledge warmth as follows now:

Ask each parent to want to accomplish " 4 know " :

1. knows whereaboutldirection;

2. tells an associate;

When 3. knows to return;

4. knows content.

Educational child accomplishs " 6 forbid " :

1. not privately enters the water swim;

2. not do sth without authorization and other accompany swim;

Does nursery school safety teach common sense?

The child's curiosity is serious, a lot of moment do not know risk. To assure health of body and mind and safety, make the child grows smoothly. Answer to cooperate nursery school actively to have safe education to the child as the parent. The face introduces a few practice to the parent below:

1, educational child does not play with fire play report, let child understanding play with fire playing report is very dangerous.

2, on the windowsill balcony that teachs the child not to climb a building, let the child know those who go down to be able to drop easily. Look on TV when the child to a few preterhuman movements when, should inform the child in time this is to have what very firm assurance just can do below measure.

3, educational child does not want a pin, pushpin, paper clip, pignut, small plastic bead to wait put into and other places of auditive, nose square. Fall so easily tracheal, cause stifle.

4, the kitchen is insecure place to the child, crock of burner, hot pot, boiled water, knife waiting again is danger. Should teach the child to cannot play in the kitchen.

5, educational child does not play polybag, once cover,can cause on the head stifle. Because the child is below the situation with urgent situation, won't go up from the beginning get off polybag, if bag mouth taut more dangerous.

6, educational child does not play in driveway edge or angle, help the child learn to nod traffic knowledge conciously.

7, cannot go alone comfort station, by the bus, see a movie substandard gives an activity.

8, do not tell stranger the address in the home, telephone number.

9, when stranger forces to take away you, cry to help and run away at once greatly.

10, do not go devious by the empty house of empty buy and quiet shadow.

11, the gift of not acceptability stranger.

12, the request that does not promise stranger.

13, the home that cannot enter others alone.

14, meeting the animal such as the dog is breakneck, do not cause a dog to notice to yours, do not see it, leave slowly, do not run.

15, the target that atttacks to avoid to make an outlaw: (1) do not tell stranger home the circumstance in, (2) do not love and respect for his elder brother by report with stranger alone (3) go out oneself not only (4) do not go devious, dark place.

16, how to do when tegument person dogs alone when you? (1) goes toward person much place (2) sings or cry aloud, the attention that causes others (3) asks a police to help 17, fire is very terrible, in case produce fire how to do? (1) is hit 119 call the police (2) dump, shut gas (3) fire situation is lesser and OK wait for put out a fire with fire extinguisher (4) fire power is too great, abandon property escaping the spot, the knitwear such as usable also wet towel covers shut up, bazoo bows escape (5) informs neighbour flees for his life (6) cannot take elevator (catch fire on 7) body should lie on the ground to till fire destroys,roll about instantly 18, take a car to should notice: (Had sat not to play inside 1) car (2) does not reach head, hand outside the window (3) fluctuation car has order

Is safety of nursery school epidemic prevention taught?

1. decreases go out

The home is occupied as far as possible during epidemic situation, do not look after children go out. Do not go especially public with airtight space, wait like pleasure ground of bazaar, theater, children.

When must going out, do not take public traffic tool as far as possible, outer maintain distance of 1 meter of above as far as possible with other.

2. hand ministry is wholesome

Wash gimmick according to 7 paces, use flow water, soap or wash one's hands fluid washs his hands. Go out come back, anteprandial hind, after cough or sneeze, need washs his hands in time.

3. Adorn guaze mask

Go out to need to adorn correctly guaze mask (bazoo of complete block shut up is clingy the skin) . The hand cannot feel guaze mask outside, prevent alternate infection.

4. Food safety

Notice dietetic hygiene, go out the place that repast reachs to have wholesome safeguard normally, use fair chopsticks fair spoon, the dietetic hygiene with good nurturance is used to, take strict precautions against " get ill by the mouth " .

5. environment is disinfected

Daily a window is ventilated at least 3, every time at least 30 minutes, notice heat preservation at the same time.

The place that the tall frequency such as the door handle in the home, switch, desk and chair, faucet feels, use 500mg/l contain chloric disinfectant to wipe, wipe up of the clear water after staying 30 minutes can.

Tableware can use water boil 30 minutes to disinfect, water wants complete immersion dinner service.

The child's books, clothings can insolate 4 hours to undertake alexipharmic below the sun regularly, other toy can wipe disinfection with disinfectant
