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1. 理论知识的掌握:了解儿童心理学的基本理论框架和核心概念,包括儿童发展阶段、社会情感发展、认知能力、性格特征等方面的知识。

2. 阅读原著与教材:阅读相关教材和经典著作,如《儿童心理学导论》、《儿童心理学案例分析》等,可以帮助深入理解儿童心理学的理论和实践。

3. 多做例题:通过解答儿童心理学的例题,加深对知识的理解和应用能力。可以参考专业考试教材或者线上试题资源。

4. 学习案例分析:通过分析典型案例,加强对儿童心理现象的观察和解释能力,培养对实际问题的应用能力。

5. 参加模拟考试:参加模拟考试可以让你熟悉考试形式,锻炼答题速度和应对考试压力的能力。可以寻找相关考试培训机构或者线上模考平台。

6. 形成学习小组:与志同道合的同学组成学习小组,共同学习讨论,相互督促、交流心得,可以更好地巩固和应用所学知识。















What is children psychology? What is children psychology?

1, the science that psychology points to to phenomenon of psychology of mankind of a research reachs his to affect the mental function below and behavior activity, the academic sex with outstanding give attention to two or morethings and application (carry out) quality.

Psychology includes fundamental psychology and applied psychology two big fields, its consider to involve a lot of fields such as habit of conscious, acknowledge, mood, thinking, character, behavior, human relation, human relations in society, also a lot of domains with daily life -- family, education, healthy, society produce correlation.

Psychology tries to be run with cerebrum on one hand will explain individual and main action and psychological function, in the meantime, psychology also tries to explain individual psychology function the part in social behavior and social motivation;

Additional, it returns as scientific as nerve, medicine, philosophy, biology, religion to learn to wait for course to concern, the physiology that discusses because of these course place or psychological action can affect individual intelligence. Actually, a lot of humanitarian with nature course is concerned with psychology, human psychology activity its itself lives with the mankind the environment is inseparable.

2, the science that psychology of the children before learning points to to research develops the rule from the children psychogenesis that is born to the front of enter a school. Lesson of a psychology of development of the children before learning is preschool education major important professional foundation theory, in the meantime, also be the science with a very strong practicality.

Since learner steps the fundamental course of preschool education domain, also have certain direct effect to carrying out worker, the children psychology development, blindness in shunning the job and the effect in raising education to work can guide to wait according to objective law in worker of children education of the help in practice.

Children psychology course?

Cheeper psychology, wait for a method through watching law, investigation law, experiment law, exam law, clinical way, the development of the common law that will study cheeper psychology develops and process of cheeper period psychology and individual character, coach cheeper health grows thereby.

Children psychology knowledge?

Children psychology is the science that studies children psychology develops, include the field such as acknowledge, affection, society and body development. The knowledge of children psychology conduces to the intention that understands children act, development and problem solving ability, the health that is them thereby grows provide guidance.

The father of children psychology?

Children psychology and the father with children psychological development are psychologist Pi Yajie. His main research task is: After children is born, how is understanding formed, how does intelligence develop, suffer what element to restrict, what is internal composition. Be known as the father of children psychology

Does children psychology teach a method?

1, urge a standard: Children has a kind of need to admit, the psychology that need encourages, they like to succeed, like to receive the self-identity of adult and praise. Accordingly, the parent is about to often encourage the child, the child is praised through be being encouraged to mix ceaselessly, the behavior ability of oneself gets affirmation, produce psychological raising of things to a higher level by affirmation.

2, rhetorical question law: The language is the tool of communication children heart, accordingly, when the parent and child talk, should explore, ask a question, ask in reply, such ability are helpful for increasing the analysis of children oneself and judgement capacity, develop creativity thinking.

3, give difficult problem way: Give bit of difficult problem to the child, let them know what calls difficulty, want to let its oneself solve, had seen world through harships only, experience failure and setback, ability produces experience and lesson.

4, taletelling law: Children loves to hear a story, the parent should take out time to tell a few health to the child up story, a good story can make the child undertakes mentally adjust, still can invigorate the child aspirant.

5, interest guiding law: The parent should discover its interest and hobby according to the child's temperament and disposition.

6, the opposite teachs a law: The parent uses opposite teaching material to allow child distinguish wrong and right, to the opposite thing in the life, the parent should give guide, make its increase analysis and judgement capacity, be helpful for its psychology precaution.

7, wide severe form is legal: Too wide to the child fathering too is incorrect, want to foster the child to have a healthy mentation and stronger psychological quality, need to father already religion want again good-tempered, already constituent discipline has the individual's interest again, what once the child made a fault,should criticize is a few more severe, point out its are endangered, want to offer care and care again.

Is children psychology books recommended?

Hello, it is psychological books recommends a few children below:

1. " the education of love " (author: Benefit of unconscious stage shuttle) : This book is one of masterpiece of benefit of unconscious stage shuttle, basically introduced the concept that pattern of profit of unconscious stage shuttle teachs and method, have very great help to understanding children psychology and education.

2. " children is psychological " (author: Davis) : This book is a classical children psychology schoolbook, content covers each aspects of children development, include acknowledge, affection, socialization to wait.

3. " why do we need play " (author: Peter Grey) : The importance that this book basically introduced children game and game send the action that postpone to children psychology, offerred the proposal of a few game and activity.

4. " parental psychology " (author: Pu Linsi of the · that amount to a gram holds in the palm) : This book basically introduced the effect that parents develops to children psychology, and the proper pride that how rears the child, self-confident heart and independent character.

5. " children angst disease: How to help the child overcome worry " (author: · takes an examination of Lawrence Pu Lan) : The account that this book basically introduced children angst disease, expression and remedial method, very helpful to having the parent of angst disease child.

Method of children psychology exam?

Children psychology takes an exam is to evaluate the understanding that develops to children psychology and applied capability. The proposal of method of a few exams is below:

1.The control of academic knowledge: Understand concept of the basic and academic frame of children psychology and core, include children to develop the knowledge of the respect such as feature of development of affection of level, society, cognitive ability, disposition.

2.Read origianl work and teaching material: Read relevant teaching material and classical book, be like " children psychology introduction " , " case analyses children psychology " etc, can help the theory that understands children psychology deep and practice.

3.Make example more: Through solving the example of children psychology, deepen the understanding to knowledge and applied ability. Teaching material of OK and referenced professional exam or resource of the examination questions on the line.

4.Learn case analysis: Through analysing typical case, enhance the observation of pair of children psychology phenomena and explanatory ability, develop the applied ability of pair of real problems.

5.Attend imitate exam: Attend imitate exam to be able to let you be familiar with exam form, exercise answering question speed and the ability that answer exam pressure. Can search relevant exam to groom orgnaization or line upper mould takes an examination of platform.

6.Form study group: Study a group with the classmate composition of have a common goal, joint study discusses, supervise and urge each other, communication result, can consolidate better and apply place to learn knowledge.

Remember, besides above method, forring reference amply to time, good time manages and revise a plan also is the key with successful exam. Good result is obtained in wishing you take an exam in children psychology!

How to teach oneself children psychology?

Common psychology----Physiology psychology----Development is psychological----Above children development psychology 4 kinds each kinds read a this two 3 books, two version see China and foreign countries. Take an examination of psychology to seek advice from division certificate oneself additionally, teach oneself certain medicine common sense.

Does the Great Master rank children psychology?

Pan beans, Ai Wei, plum merit, Zhu Zhixian, Mo Lei, Zhang Yaoxiang is waited a moment

Does children psychology develop a feature?

What children period points to is individual this level that has school age initial stage from the baby his age limits, differentiate normally to arrive 12 years old, this phase is life development change is bigger faster period.

The characteristic of a psychology of this period is:

㈠ , curiosity is strong, children is inherent and curious, feel fresh to be interested to all things all round, consider search after all. Accordingly, curiosity is exceedingly acuteness, what issue is possible insist on getting to the bottom of the matter, say even, some children can ravel a few toys careful coming looks, had better be a curiosity that can satisfy them, the problem of the inquiry that handles seriously gives out the answer.

㈡ , like to imitate, imitate the nature that is children, learn a few knowledge through imitating, grow to his have very important sense.

㈢ , mood is flabby, the mood wave motion of children is bigger, far not as good as adult is stable, get a bit result with respect to get dizzy with success, setback getting a point is brokenhearted abandon, also be very common.

㈣ , check power difference, children appeared when 3 years old two the show with first low-key, can be in a certain further end, and the action that be restrained of purpose and delays oneself. Hear parental word for snack for example, but as a whole, children is in before entering elementary school, still lack a kind of ability that overcomes difficulty and interference rejection capacity quite.

㈤ , thinking develops existence phase sex, see behavioral thinking give priority to every phase is 3 years old before, he is likely after 3 years old thinking in images got strengthening
