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在城市特有的风情建筑中,哥特式、古罗马式、巴罗克式古建筑比比皆是。在奥林匹克公园附近,耸立着一座22层的现代银灰色高楼,雄伟壮观,这便是德国宝马公司总部大厦。宝马总部大厦主体是由四个圆柱型塔楼组成,象征发动机的四个气缸。旁边有一座碗状建筑物,这是德国宝马博物馆,碗状建筑的屋顶是一个圆形平面,屋面上描着蓝白相间的BMW宝马圆形徽记,BMW是德文Bayerische Motoren Werke(巴伐利亚发动机厂)的缩写,蓝色象征天空,白色象征螺旋桨,从空中俯视,更加蔚为壮观。宝马总部大厦这一标志性建筑,形象地反映了德国宝马汽车公司的性质、实力和现代化科技水平,不失为一个具有震撼力的立体广告。宝马博物馆展厅设在这个独特的圆形建筑内,场地不很大,整个陈列展览充分利用环绕式的空间,按照不同年代和时期,展示出历年来所产的各类宝马汽车、宝马摩托车、轻骑和一些特殊用途的车辆样品,并运用现代声、光、电、多媒体等高科技手段及图片音像资料,提升产品展示的艺术空间,全面演绎了宝马汽车公司的成长与发展史,让人怦然心动。宝马公司始创于1916年,最初是以生产航空发动机创业的,创始人是卡尔·拉普和马克斯·弗里茨。1928年宝马公司开始生产轿车,在20世纪三四十年代,宝马的轿车和摩托车创造了一系列世界纪录。二战期间工厂遭到了严重的破坏,几乎被夷为平地,直到1946年重建。60年代初宝马的经营出现危机,幸运的是宝马推出的1500系列轿车使它在市场上获得巨大的成功,并从此奠定了宝马的发展方向。经历过岁月的风风雨雨,近年来,宝马像一台强劲而运转平稳的发动机,在世界汽车市场强手如林的竞争中脱颖而。总览不同年代不同车型的风貌,宝马车一般设计精巧,车身造型具有鲜明的特色,且极富艺术性;通过观看现场配置的音像片,会发现宝马汽车制造的自动化程度很高,驱动总成和车身均为机器人进行组接;宝马的产品以其动力性好、安全性高,具有跑车特色而著名,宝马跑车型轿车称为 “驾驶者之车”,显然是追求动感的中青年汽车迷的至爱。宝马汽车博物馆 目前宝马汽车博物馆正进行整修,从2004年4月19日到2007年年中关闭,不对外开放。宝马汽车博物馆临时搬至奥林匹克塔底处的奥林匹克公园处,1200平方米的地方将暂时作为宝马公司的展览会


It is to be in the culture center that Munich is city of German south Bavaria to hold concurrently head, it is the 3rd big city of Germany.

In the amorous feelings architecture with peculiar city, ancient construction of gothic, ancient Romanesque, Ba Luoke type cans be found everywhere. Around Olympic park, towering aloft a high-rise of 22 contemporary silver-colored gray, grand and grand, this is large building of headquarters of German BMW company. Main body of BMW headquarters large building is by 4 cylinder tower is comprised, resemble 4 air cylinder of confiscation motive. There is building of shape of a bowl on the side, this is German BMW museum, housetop of bowl shape architectural is plane of a circle, the draw on roofing is worn the badge of BMW BMW circle of blue white alternate with is written down, BMW is Bavaria of heart article Bayerische Motoren Werke(engine plant) abbreviate, blue is indicative sky, white is indicative airscrew, from the look down at in sky, more Weiwei is grand. Sex of this one mark builds BMW headquarters large building, figure ground reflected the property of German BMW Motor Corporation, actual strength and level of modern science and technology, can yet be regarded as has the stereo ad of shock force. BMW museum exhibition hall is set inside this distinctive rotunda, field is very not big, whole display an exhibition to make full use of surround the space of type, according to different years and period, ride the car sample with a few special purpose autocycle of the car of of all kinds BMW that shows a past years to produce, BMW, gently, apply the high-tech method such as contemporary sound, smooth, report, multimedia and picture news to resemble a data, promote a product the artistic space that reveal, deduced BMW Motor Corporation in the round grow with phylogeny, let a person become really interested. BMW company only then achieve 1916, do poineering work in order to produce aviation engine at first, father is Carl Lapu and mark Si Fulici. BMW company began to produce a car 1928, in 20 centuries 339 time, the car of BMW and autocycle created a series of world records. The factory sufferred serious destruction during World War II, almost by raze to the ground, rebuild till 1946. The management of the BMW at the beginning of 60 time appears the crisis, fortunately the 1500 series car that BMW rolls out makes it scores huge success in the market, established the development way of BMW from now on. Had experienced the wind storm rain of years, in recent years, BMW resembles an engine with driving and smooth movement, strong opponent of market of alive bound car if forest the Tuo Ying in competition and. Pandect does not differ with time the scene of the model, BMW car designs choiceness commonly, automobile body modelling has bright distinguishing feature, and extremely rich artistic quality; Through watching the phonic photo that the spot configures, the automation rate that can discover BMW car is made is very high, drive assembly and automobile body all undertake for the robot group receive; The product of BMW good with its motivation sex, security is high, have racing bike distinguishing feature and famous, BMW racing bike car is called " the car of the person that drive " , it is pursuit is moved apparently of feeling in young car confuses to love. At present BMW car museum is undertaking BMW car museum rebuild, arrive from April 19, 2004 shut in year 2007, do not open to the outside world. The Olympic park that BMW car museum moves to the end of Olympic tower to be in temporarily is in, the place of 1200 square metre will regard BMW as the exhibition of the company temporarily

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