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1. 提高中学生的思想政治素质,增强爱国主义情怀。

2. 培养学生运用马克思主义立场、观点、方法分析问题、解决问题的能力。

3. 提升中学生的公民道德素质,培养社会责任感和担当精神。

4. 提高中学生的实践能力,培养学生的创新精神和团队合作能力。







1. 专题讲座:邀请专家学者进行思想政治教育专题讲座,提高学生的思想政治素质。

2. 微电影大赛:以思想政治教育为主题,组织学生制作微电影,进行评选和展示。

3. 辩论赛:组织学生开展思想政治主题的辩论赛,提高学生的语言表达能力和思辨能力。

4. 社会实践:组织学生进行社会实践活动,如参观红色教育基地、关爱孤寡老人、环保活动等,增强学生的社会责任感和实践能力。

5. 演讲比赛:组织学生参加思想政治主题的演讲比赛,提高学生的口头表达能力和自信心。

6. 知识竞赛:组织学生参加思想政治知识竞赛,提高学生的思想政治素养和团队协作能力。


1. 制定活动方案:2023年3月底前完成

2. 宣传与报名:2023年4月底前完成

3. 专题讲座:2023年5-6月

4. 微电影大赛:2023年5-8月

5. 辩论赛:2023年9-10月

6. 社会实践:2023年11月

7. 演讲比赛:2023年12月

8. 知识竞赛:2023年12月

9. 总结与表彰:2024年1月


1. 各班级要高度重视,认真组织,确保活动取得实效。

2. 各活动项目要制定具体实施方案,明确责任,确保活动顺利进行。

3. 活动期间,要重视安全问题,确保学生的生命财产安全。

4. 活动期间,要及时总结经验,推广好经验、好做法,不断改进活动效果。


1. 专题讲座:场地租赁费、专家讲座费等,预计10000元。

2. 微电影大赛:奖品、证书等,预计2000元。

3. 辩论赛:奖品、证书等,预计3000元。

4. 社会实践:交通费、餐费、材料费等,预计10000元。

5. 演讲比赛:奖品、证书等,预计3000元。

6. 知识竞赛:奖品、证书等,预计3000元。

7. 总结表彰:奖品、证书等,预计2000元。





To increase thought politics quality of the high school student and practice capacity, make plan of the following activity:

One, mobile target

1.Improve thought politics quality of the high school student, enhance patriotism feelings.

2.Education student applies Marxism footing, viewpoint, method to analyse the problem, ability that solves a problem.

3.Promote citizen morality of the high school student quality, education society sense of responsibility and take on spirit.

4.Increase practice capacity of the high school student, develop innovation spirit of the student and group collaboration ability.

2, mobile time and place

Mobile time: In May 2023 - in December 2023

Mobile place: Auditorium of school classroom, school, community, enterprise

3, the activity enlists a boy or girl friend

Entire school high school student

4, mobile form and content

1.Special subject lecture: Invite expert scholar to undertake thought politics teachs special subject lecture, improve thought politics quality of the student.

2.Small film contest: With thought politics education gives priority to a problem, constituent student makes small movie, undertake choose and be revealinged.

3.Controversy contest: Histology gives birth to the debate that begins thought politics theme to surpass, the language expression capacity that increases a student and the ability that think of differentiate.

4.Social practice: Constituent student undertakes the society carries out an activity, if visit red to teach activity of old person of orphans and widows of base, care, environmental protection to wait, enhance social sense of responsibility of the student and practice ability.

5.Speech match: Histology gives birth to the speech game that plays thought politics theme, raise oral expression ability of the student and self-confident heart.

6.Intellectual contest: Constituent student enters race of thought politics knowledge, increase thought politics accomplishment of the student and group efforts capacity.

5, mobile flow

1.Make mobile plan: Finished before the bottom in March 2023

2.Conduct propaganda and sign up: Finished before the bottom in April 2023

3.Special subject lecture: 2023 5-6 month

4.Small film contest: 2023 5-8 month

5.Controversy contest: 2023 9-10 month

6.Social practice: In November 2023

7.Speech match: In December 2023

8.Intellectual contest: In December 2023

9.Summary and commend: In January 2024

6, mobile requirement and note

1.Each class wants to take seriously highly, serious organization, ensure the activity obtains actual effect.

2.Each activity project should make specific executive plan, make clear responsibility, ensure the activity goes on wheels.

3.During the activity, want to take safe problem seriously, ensure life property of the student is safe.

4.During the activity, want to sum up experience in time, extend good experience, good way, improve mobile result ceaselessly.

7, mobile budget

1.Special subject lecture: Field rents cost, expert lecture cost to wait, predict 10000 yuan.

2.Small film contest: Award, certificate, predict 2000 yuan.

3.Controversy contest: Award, certificate, predict 3000 yuan.

4.Social practice: Traffic expenses, food expenses, cost of raw materials, predict 10000 yuan.

5.Speech match: Award, certificate, predict 3000 yuan.

6.Intellectual contest: Award, certificate, predict 3000 yuan.

7.Summary commends: Award, certificate, predict 2000 yuan.

Add up to: 31000 yuan

8, mobile summary and feedback

After the activity ends, controller of each activity project should sum up mobile circumstance in time, the newspaper sends an activity achievement. Pass the assessment of pair of activity effects, sum up experience lesson, provide reference to will begin thought politics to teach the job better henceforth.

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