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2、灵栖洞。位于浙江建德市西南35公里,它由灵泉、 清风、霭云三洞和灵栖石林组成。洞景面积达2万余平方米,三洞各具特色:灵泉洞以水见长,清风洞以风取胜,霭云洞以云雾称奇,灵栖石林以惟妙惟肖拟人状物的造型石景而引人入胜。灵栖石林面积有1万平方米。



5、新安江水电站。位于浙江省杭州市建德县原铜官镇附近,在钱塘江支流新安江上,距杭州市区170千米。新安江水电站是中国第一座自己勘测、设计、施工和制造设备的大型水电站,反映了 20 世纪 50 年代中国水电建设的水平。




9、悬空寺。中国古代工匠根据道家“不闻鸡鸣犬吠之声”的要求建设了悬空寺。其建筑特色可以概括为“奇、悬、巧”三个字。 远望悬空寺,像一副玲珑剔透的浮雕,镶嵌在万仞峭壁间,近看悬空寺,大有凌空欲飞之势。



1, big Ci Yan. Be located in build heart city south 24 kilometers place, it is a Buddhist culture and beautiful landscape the travel resort of perfect union, element has " Xi Xiaojiu of short for Zhejiang Province China " praise, with " Changjiang Delta is impending temple, long cereal brook, whole nation the first natural establish Buddha " and renown Wen Xia nears, be " Zhejiang saves a scenery scenic spot the area is outstanding tourist attraction " one of.

2, clever dwell hole. Be located in Zhejiang to build heart city southwest 35 kilometers, 3 holes and clever dwell stone forest form cloud of its You Lingquan, cool breeze, brume. Hole scene area amounts to 20 thousand more than square metre, 3 holes have distinguishing feature each: Clever spring hole with water be good at, cool breeze hole with wind get victory, brume cloud hole says to surprise with cloud and mist, clever alone is like Ling Qishi Lin Yiwei the modelling stone scene of personification account other people and fascinating. Area of clever dwell stone forest has 10 thousand square metre.

3, Fu Chunjiang hoists the sails 7 lis beauty spot. It is Fu Chunjiang- - Xin Anjiang- - scenery of level of state of 1000 islands lake scenic spot the main component of the area. It with " Qing Dynasty of Shan Qing, water, Shi You, place is quiet " for characteristic, it is rich Chun Jiangfeng's smooth elite. In May 2000, scene area is awarded by office of council of national make green by planting trees " countrywide green passageway sets an example paragraph " , have in tourism group " small 3 gorge " say.

4, new Xie Cun is located in Zhejiang to build cliff of heart southwest big kind to press down, be apart from scenery of big kind cliff scenic spot area 6 kilometers, be apart from villages of all arrowroot the Eight Diagrams 11 kilometers, can amount to the village by 330 nations line. 2000, it is approved to be groove guard of provincial history culture. Walk into new part of a historical period, you can discover, this is a history the Gu Cun with long, honest folkway, it is a times that is developed at full speed offers as a gift accidentally fallen history picture scroll, it is one place makes a haven of peace that modern stream of people connects.

5, Xin Anjiang hydroelectric station. Be located in Zhejiang to save Hangzhou city to build heart county near garrison post of former copper officer, in Qian Tangjiang affluent is installed newly on the river, be apart from Hangzhou urban district 170 kilometre. Xin Anjiang hydroelectric station is the first him survey of Chinese, design, construction and the large hydroelectric station of production equipment, reflected the level that water and electricity of 50 time China builds 20 centuries.

6, plum town is a chiliad that Zhejiang saves Hangzhou city to build the linchpin below heart city ancient town, it is seat of government of ancient severe state controls seat, be located in the eastpart part of Yu Jiande city. Area of this town district 154.9 square kilometre (2017) , population 42475 people (2017) , administer 13 administrative village, 5 community.

7, lover cereal (Guan Xia of Xin Anjiang copper) be located in city of Chinese first-class travel to build heart city inside Xin Anjiang town, culture of canyon of islands of lake of green jade of be in harmony, semi-tropical rain forest, karst, Qintong, love culture " a four-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme " at an organic whole, it is the subject that brings river forest park newly. Advocate scene area is main content with high depth of water of a hill, abrupt karst canyon, have the distinguishing feature of primitive, straightforward, open interest. Scene area gross area 2.5 square kilometer, was 2002 the scene area of new development.

8, 10 lis of lotus. Zhejiang province builds li of Xie Cun of town of De Daci cliff, cultivate lotus seed to already had the history of close chiliad. There already was account in the poem of the Southern Song Dynasty, qing Qianlong year be appointed to be articles of tribute, it is the countryside of the lotus seed with famed far and near.

9, impending temple. Basis of craftsman of Chinese ancient time Taoist school " the voice that does not hear crow yip " the requirement built impending temple. Its build characteristic to be able to be generalized for " strange, dangerous, artful " 3 words. Far look at impending temple, resemble the anaglyph of a pair of exquisitely carved, enchase between cliff of 10 thousand an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi, see impending temple nearly, have the power that be high up in the air is about to fly to greatly.

10, town leaving limit. Be located in Zhejiang to save Hangzhou city to build heart city mid, with Yang Cun the bridge presses down border on east, with the horse eye countryside lies between Jiang Xiangwang south, on the west as street as Xin Anjiang, foreign brook town of street, lotus borders, countryside of the bag below north and male pool town have a common boundary of Fu Wenxiang of He Chunan county. Be apart from build heart advocate Xin Anjiang of the city zone is street 12 kilometers.

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